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The "What are you eating?" food conspiracy

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:02 PM

I have just finished watching a show on BBC1 (in the UK) titled "What's really in our food?"

This show centered around the idea that we, in the UK (and I am sure in other Western countries) are being mislead (often intentionally) by food labeling as to what is in our consumable products.

A few examples ...
- Switching high class beef for an economy mince and labeling as a prestige meat.
- Putting water into chicken and using proteins (from other animals) to hold that water in.
- The use of labeling and marketing techniques to mask the crap that is in the product.

It all might made me think ... there are a number of shows like this in the UK. The BBC often run shows like this and celebrity chefs normally back this.
Constantly telling us that food companies are ripping us off, telling us that we are not eating what it says we are.

This affects our food, our pockets and our faiths!
Putting cheap ingredients into expensive products hikes our expenditure unnecessarily and using beef/pork protein to hold water in chicken seriously offends a number of faiths.

All in all these shows tell us of all the crap that we are eating, however, what they never do is provide a solution to us.

What could this solution be? After the nation sees these sorts of shows and are more often than not, disgusted, what is the solution? We, the people, scream out for better regulations of foods, meats, organic products. Regulations, regulations, regulations ...

Roll on ... Codex Alimentarius.

Typically TPTB make us want the change. We in effect usher in this NWO, this totalitarian society ...

Anyway, that is my theory on why they air these shows without providing solutions, they make us create the solution ...

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:08 PM
****Spoiler Alert****
Meat is filled with undesireable additives, and its a rotting corpse.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:20 PM
already knew they pump meat with water. nice to see it's defintly true.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:27 PM
I watched that show too, and I was disappointed.
Pretty much a watered down version of the Channel 4 "Dispatches" on the same subject that was on a while ago.

I was hoping for more on all the chemical crap they put into things, I know that meat is full of all kinds of crap.
Its impossible to buy good meat, I even feel sick eating it sometimes. Vegetarianism sounds more and more tempting every day, but then theres the whole pesticide thing and GM. Argh!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by selfisolated

Yeah they touched upon how a number of organic products (salads) are not actually organic due to what the salad is being washed in. A solution by a company named Citrox which has a very small amount of anti-freeze in it!


How can we avoid all of this crap?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:55 PM
Don't eat anything that's not food, it's that simple.

Most things in the supermarket are not food. They may have started out as food but once they're industrially processed, it's not food anymore. No less than if i crapped on a plate next to some potatoes and told you it was food.

Dairy is probably the worst, because it's a concentration of growth hormones as well as anything else that's in the animal. We're supposed to have milk when we're in early stages of development to provide the hormones necessary for PROPER development. That means we need the proper balance of hormones. Mother's milk. Drinking cow milk means your body is receiving chemical messages telling it to grow like a cow. And you all wonder why the horribly obese masses wander like cattle and don't care.

Meat, if it's real meat, is okay to a certain extent. It's my opinion that pork, being so similar to humans, is basically genetic cannibalism. It's like when cows eat cows, you get mad cows. That's simplifying it, but you should get the point.

I believe the religions forbade pork way back when, the message was sent down from whatever is the messenger (angels, aliens, consciousness awareness, whatever) And that it's excessive consumption by "unbelievers" has some basis in the psychology of our society. Believing families and communities would not eat pork, and would not have human compatible hormones in their systems affecting brain chemistry in any way. Societies of "heathens" may actually have an imbalance in brain chemistry due to improper diet, something similar to mad cow, mad human.

And there are a LOT of mad humans running around.

I don't know if there's ever been a study linking pork consumption to neuro-chemical imbalances, but i bet if there is /was one we'd see a correlation. Back in early human history, "God" found it an important enough point to mention that there my be a correlation. The simplified explanation why could be because it sticks it's nose in it's own crap, and therefor is unclean, but the real reason could be that its flesh is hormonally unclean.

I've never been healthier than when i was eating fish everyday. Raw and cooked. For a couple years i survived by gathering and spearfishing, and eating nothing that didn't come from trees or the ocean that day. Farm fish are usually not fed a wild diet and have the same kinds of problems that farm animals have in that respect. Wild fish from clean water is the best, and eating a variety of species in rotation means you won't overfish and also provides a range of nutritional benefits.

Chicken, anything you buy is probably chemically "enhanced" If you've got chickens in your backyard on pest control duty and you do all the preocessing, that's cool, chicken is tasty. But commercial chicken is some of the most processed meat.

What is one to do? Stop. Stop eating crap and there will be no market for it, Codex A falls on it's face cause nobody buys it, and everyone gets their brain chemicals back to a reasonable balance, enough to think and use common sense, and the world will be a better place.

Everywhere i look i see sick people, sick from chemical diets and exposure from everyday products. Kids with cancer, everybody lumbers around fat, dumb, and barely literate, with complete unawareness and resulting apathy. It's the food. Keep eating it and you're all doomed. Sorry to appear as a fearmonger, but seriously, stop eating what's not food, please, for the betterment of our species.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:01 PM
Basically what you can do as a consumer is buy quality, organic food.

The reason there is so much cheap, crappy food around is because people buy it.
I know this can be tough for a lot of people as it requires spending a significantly larger part of your budget on food and sadly some people don't really have this option.

But I'd argue that most people could make a huge difference by cutting back on the ready-made crap & junk food and cooking their own food.

And not eating meat does help.

Regardless of any moral, ethical or nutritional arguments you may have for or against vegetarianism, the simple facts is that meat products generally are a lot worse when it comes to additives, processing, harmful bacteria etc.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by george_gaz

It sucks! I knew this already, haven’t seen the BBC/UK programme though. It’s one of the reasons I quit eating meat daily.

My husband used to work for the (a.o.) chickenindustry. He told me 6 years ago that they let a new born baby-chicken grow to a fully adult chicken in about 2 months. Then when they chickens are put up the meat-line (they are still alive then) the poor animal gets stripped. Halfway down the line they inject the meat with water.

Chicken-leg anyone??

The best way to eat ‘good’ meat is feeding your own cow, goat, chickens, sheep with good food and let them slaughter when they are really grown up. That is, IF you still want to eat meat.

Buying food in a supermarket or let alone in a city, is not that easy. Proper healthy food is far more expensive and only possible for those who earn enough money, like ’the rich’.

In our household, we try to check out what we are buying but there are no guaranties if one buys it in a shop / supermarket.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Hi, good food fans !

To eat better, we buy directly from a farmer, and we live in a CITY !
HE COMEs to our houses, to deliver the food.

He has a web page called *Panier de vie* = Basket of life.
And he says:
Saviez-vous qu'un vehicule qui livre 60 paniers de fruits et legumes
bio fait moins de dommage a l'environnement que 60 partenaires qui
demarrent leurs vehicules pour aller chercher un panier de fruits
et legumes bio. (Pensez-y)... [ I removed the accents ].

It's time to eat here. No time to translate. . . B-)

Blue skies

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by george_gaz

The "organic" label should be considered more a suggestion than an authoritative statement. Each certifying authority has its own definition for "organic." Unless you live on sundry acres of rural land, you're not likely to be able to grow certifiable organic produce in your garden. If you live less than 2 miles from a golf course, then your garden is not organic.

If you can't grow your own food, then buy local, so that at least you can see with your own eyes who's growing your food.

One of my worst experiences shopping for organic food was going to Trader Joe's. It was so crowded and they sold pretty much nothing that I wanted. All that you could find on the shelves were mostly organic names-you-must-not-know substitutes for existing products. I understand that shoppers get intimidated and tend to gravitate towards food that seems familiar, but still, give other people a chance too. You can put the lipstick on peanut butter, but at the end of the day it's still peanut butter. And "organic cocoa" is like one of those things that food companies do for no reason than to mind-eff you.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by george_gaz

Elk, Deer and Moose all killed, processed and cooked by one and only.
veggies, fresh only, no canned
try to avoid most foods, not because i am worried but because who knows where it came from and what they did to it, (or didnt) before you got it..
People can knock hunting all they want.. oooohh pooor animal. .... everything we eat in life was alive at one time. Be it meat, veggies, or what ever...
at least i know where my meat came from.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Is it feasible to sustain yourself off roots and shoots for a month?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by depth om

Of course it is, but I wouldn't even be the first to volunteer for that.

I started a related thread in the psychology, philosophy and metaphysics forum: Why You Should Eat Less

Shoots and roots (from the wild) would be a very healthy raw food, given that the roots and shoots you are consuming are edible in the first place.

As soon as something is separated from its life, whether it's pulled up by the roots or slaughtered, it immediately begins losing its life energy and therefore its beneficial nutrition to us. As far as all the disgusting things they put in mass-produced food, I don't even want to go there..

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Ive been into food science for about a year and a half now. Ive managed to cut out all MSG and aspartame. Now my shopping is about 90% organic food.If you have never tried organic at least try organic milk.. the difference is quite an eye opener.

The only way to be sure of meat quality is to check the Protein content on the package. I wont eat anything with less than 20% protein , anything less is likely to contain extra connective tissue.

Just beware of Codex Alimentarius. Apparently its a UN program funded by the pharmaceutical companies, though i haven't done much checking up on it . They have no interest in keeping us all healthy. I hardly ever get sick , once a year max.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by VitalOverdose]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:32 PM
good thread

I have a hard and challenging time shopping as I only eat 'organic' veg/fruit and pretty much everything else I eat is also organic...Dont eat meat at all,. used to eat sea food, but stopped eating that as well..

I never get sick. .. have boundless energy..

I believe that we can survive with (little) meat our diet.. but when you are a meat-eater and the system bashes it in your head that you cant survive without bucketloads of it it... well , people believe it...

I have seen some pretty sick vegetarians too, believe me... but I am rather inclined to believe that their sickness is a result of something else..

I think we mass murder far to many animals to fill a 'need' that isnt really that much of a need at all...

People just have to educate themselves on everything they eat....I stand and read all the labels on (all) the packaging of everything I buy... Its just a 'given' these~days and I do it without even thinking... I have noticed a few others are starting to do this too ...

We cant do anything about the fact that we a fed 'crap' at extremely 'cheap' prices... when everything 'healthy' is too expensive.... what does that say?

You just have to take responsibility for 'yourself'... nobody else is going to do it and if everybody takes a stand eventually things will change.... slowly slowly... but change they will...

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER
****Spoiler Alert****
Meat is filled with undesireable[SIC] additives, and its a rotting corpse.

Please tell me exactly what additives were in the wild elk tenderloin that I cooked last night.

I shot the elk last season on a Alpine hunt in the Colorado back country, so don't try to cop some B.S. "commercially" bought elk jibber-jabber at me.

And by the way it was quite "live" when I shot it and I butchered it myself so I can assure you that it was not "rotting", zero maggots whatsoever. Ya see I have never been much on the consumption of rancid carrion.

It was really quite succulent, I cooked it to medium-rare perfection(mmmmm...blood) and served it with a Wild Blackberry Gastrique Sauce made from berries I picked yesterday afternoon here in Florida along with a saute' of organic summer squash and organic arugula salad with homegrown tomatoes and a Raspberry vinaigrette.

Tonight's fare shall be Steamed Clams along with fresh Baked Flounder caught today in the Gulf of Mexico, both served with a Lemon Garlic butter sauce accompanied by organic Brussels Sprouts and fresh shucked Sweet Corn just picked from my garden.

IMO there is nothing quite as pathetic as a self-righteous vegetarian feebly attempting to impose their boring-ass culinary fascism on others.

Feel free to consume "scat on a shingle" if it helps you sleep better at night, but leave the Grand Culinary Delights to gastronomers such as myself.

I have been a professional chef for 17yrs. and for the record, I did not travel to the South of France and learn from the "Masters" just to return to the States to sustain myself with a bland, meager existence consisting of "bean sprouts" and "tofu".

And for the record I am consistently in perfect health, physically 6ft.1, 180. Normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In fact, I have what can only be described as a "astounding" immune system.

My appendix burst last summer, and after waiting 2 weeks to see a doctor and getting a MRI to determine the problem, I was told that I had already healed myself 50%.

1 more MRI 2 weeks later determined that I was "FULLY SELF-HEALED" with no surgery or medical intervention whatsoever!

Back to the drawing board there "Grasshopper"

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Snisha

you need to share your recipes with me. I cook deer all the time. I too pick wild balckberries from our hunting club and cook up some yummy baked goods with them.
We never buy store bought fish, only eat the ones we catch. I do buy ckn and sometime pork when we run out of wild hog. We have a garden as well but I have to buy veggies sometimes. Soon we will have fresh eggs! you can buy as littel as 3 chicks from and the have tehm sexed for ya too. I wouldmuch rather eat things we catch or shoot or grow on our own espically with codex coming into effect soon.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Snisha

I knew Ted Nugent was on ATS. Seriously though that is definitely a healthy fuel. I mean, look at tigers, all they eat is fat, bone, sinew, hair, and meat for the most part and they are extremely powerful and intelligent creatures. You are what you eat and I think as long as you are using enough energy so you constantly rebuild yourself instead of add to yourself, you will be healthy. That is proportionate to the quality of consumables you have of course.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Snisha

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER
****Spoiler Alert****
Meat is filled with undesireable[SIC] additives, and its a rotting corpse.

Please tell me exactly what additives were in the wild elk tenderloin that I cooked last night.

I shot the elk last season on a Alpine hunt in the Colorado back country, so don't try to cop some B.S. "commercially" bought elk jibber-jabber at me.

And by the way it was quite "live" when I shot it and I butchered it myself so I can assure you that it was not "rotting", zero maggots whatsoever. Ya see I have never been much on the consumption of rancid carrion.

It was really quite succulent, I cooked it to medium-rare perfection(mmmmm...blood) and served it with a Wild Blackberry Gastrique Sauce made from berries I picked yesterday afternoon here in Florida along with a saute' of organic summer squash and organic arugula salad with homegrown tomatoes and a Raspberry vinaigrette.

Tonight's fare shall be Steamed Clams along with fresh Baked Flounder caught today in the Gulf of Mexico, both served with a Lemon Garlic butter sauce accompanied by organic Brussels Sprouts and fresh shucked Sweet Corn just picked from my garden.

IMO there is nothing quite as pathetic as a self-righteous vegetarian feebly attempting to impose their boring-ass culinary fascism on others.

Feel free to consume "scat on a shingle" if it helps you sleep better at night, but leave the Grand Culinary Delights to gastronomers such as myself.

I have been a professional chef for 17yrs. and for the record, I did not travel to the South of France and learn from the "Masters" just to return to the States to sustain myself with a bland, meager existence consisting of "bean sprouts" and "tofu".

And for the record I am consistently in perfect health, physically 6ft.1, 180. Normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In fact, I have what can only be described as a "astounding" immune system.

My appendix burst last summer, and after waiting 2 weeks to see a doctor and getting a MRI to determine the problem, I was told that I had already healed myself 50%.

1 more MRI 2 weeks later determined that I was "FULLY SELF-HEALED" with no surgery or medical intervention whatsoever!

Back to the drawing board there "Grasshopper"

take it personally more pls.
y u so mad?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER

take it personally more pls.
y u so mad?

Bro, just so you know, sometimes I can tend to "go off the deep end" so to speak, with a small percentage of vegetarians.

*edited to remove apology*

I responded to a comment of yours yesterday on a similar topic in a separate THREAD and I would not deny that parts of it also could be construed as being rather "caustic", but here is my reasoning.

I think that I can relate to certain aspects of the vegetarian point of view, in that the majority of "factory farmed" animals that are consumed by many live an awful existence that for the most part can only be described as an "UTTER ABOMINATION"!

I have truly been at times ashamed to be a human, when I found out many years ago what transpires in some slaughterhouses.

I suspect that what compels one to lash out strongly against the practice of many "meat eaters" is a genuine urge to speak out for and try to impart a higher degree of respect for the animals that are consumed by many people.

Ever since I was a young child, I have possessed what can only be described as a connection with and love for ALL animals but it actually goes farther than that.

I have come to recognize the inherent value in ALL LIFE be it PLANT or ANIMAL.

I actually believe that there are varying degrees of sentience to ALL living entities be they animals or plants.

As strange as it may sound to some, I actually talk to the plants in my garden and in my house and treat them with affection as I tend to them(just as I do the many animals in my life).

I am not embarrassed to say this in the least and believe it or not, most of my plants tend to be robust and healthy and I sense on some level, that they feel a connection with me!

Dogs, cats, horses, livestock, ferrets, African Grey Parrots, wolves, snakes and believe it or not even a 6ft. pet gator, have all been counted as buddies/pets of mine over the years and have consistently displayed unbelievably tame interactive tendencies with me.

I say all of that in the hope that I can(if possible) show some "hardcore" vegetarians that perhaps it is possible not to view ALL of those humans who happen to consume some animal protein as being insensitive monsters!

Anyway, I'll climb off of my soap-box now.

I hope that I have (at the very least) given some folks a reason to pause and consider the possibility that we should ALL BE THANKFUL FOR THE LIVING ENTITIES THAT GIVE UP THEIR LIVES SO THAT WE MAY SUSTAIN OUR OWN LIVES !

Peace Be Unto You ALL! and have a Great Evening!

*edited to remove apology*

[edit on 15-7-2009 by Snisha]

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