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Are "white people", ie, Indo-Europeans, Semites, and Hamites aliens?

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posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 04:57 AM
When I travelled to Japan and Korea some years back and saw the people there. Damn. That's what you call white. When I went back, the "Whites" now look more pink than white.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Unregistered]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by JScytale

have to ask that where on earth did you get "egyptian" is the oldest written language ?

i mean we have documented civilisations dating back 50k-70k whom have left along the way carvings, recipes, cavepaintings, entire written stories before egyptians even mumbled amon ra or such....

a thing about racism , dont be to"blue eyed" and naive,
before long you migth say something very close to totaliarism.
everyone has a lineage from where they descent from, for some it differs much for others little , non the less we are not the same, different mating and social rituals, thous differenses makes up cultures who then make up civilisations ,denying the multitude of varieties of human lineage and the rituals that made what we know as now makes you a racist of humans in general.

its a paradox , yes but you cant force people to mix mate.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Donnie Darko
The idea of "eye for an eye" is a totally Western idea; indigenous cultures didn't think in those terms, at least for the most part; they might get revenge in anger, but never did they consider it an ideal as far as I know. Non-western cultures tend to have a more practical approach to justice.

"Code of Hammurabi"

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Sorry to have to burst your bubble, but "White Race" are not the same as the Semitic and Arab types of "indo european" that live amongst us. I am a true White Race person. The pigmentation of my skin is 100% white and is not transparent as you imagine it to be. When I, a true White Race person, go out into the sun light, my skin does not turn brown. My skin turns even more white, because the pigmentation in my skin is white, not brown. Those who turn brown in the sun light are by virtue of that fact not of the White Race, because they are the "Semitic Race" and are of Middle Eastern and African origin.

My hair is brown same as my eyes are brown. So that throws a spanner into the crap that you have written. Obviously you are a person of the Semitic Race who needs to get out into the sun light a bit more. Stop pretending to be the White Race when obviously you're of the Semitic Race.

The true White Race are a mere 1% of the world population and do not just reside in Northern Europe as such as your self imagine. We exist mostly in China, Japan and Korea. In deed the elements of the White Race that exist in Northern Europe arrived there from China in neolithic times as hordes of "Skythian" Gothic invasion from Mongolia. Genghis Khan was of the White Race and was having blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. A typical Swedish type. In deed just where did you think the Swedish originate from ? Outer space ? Be intelligent.

Semitic Race might have similar nose and face features to various elements of the White Race, but are certainly of Middle Eastern and African Negro stock. Thus the brown skin pigmentation.

I do think that we have to realise that the White Race are a mere 1% of the human species. In deed it is getting to be that unless White Race inter breed with White Race, then it is going to be that the White Race will become no longer existent. Often people might think themselves to be of the White Race, when in actual reality they are Semitic Race.

What really aggravates me is when in official documents we are asked to tick the boxes to indicate our race or and ethnicity ... etc ... only they never provide a box for my race. They seem to think that I belong to the "White Caucasian" category ? White Race are not of Caucasian origin. Semitic Race are of Caucasian origin. There is no such a thing as a "White Caucasian". Caucasians are always Semitic Race. The White Race are of Far Eastern origin. Ever heard of a place called MANCHURIA ? To resolve these problems now I am listed as being an indiginous North European.

There should be a law to prevent Semitic Race persons from continuing to masquarade as being White Race. It is very easy to prove who is what, simply by putting the person out into the sun light. Remember the true White Race never turn brown. The pigmentation in a White Race person is 100% white. So when I go out into the sun I turn even more white than I am already anyway. My skin is not transparent. My veins are not visible through my skin. So I do not understand why you believe White Race persons are transparent skin ?

I have no hate or prejudice against those who are of race other than my own. Even if you were of extraterrestrial alien origin I would still respect your existence. However, all too often I am looked at with hatred by persons of brown skin. Why ? Probably it is because they admire the beauty of my lily white complexion and are jealous as hell. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Being of the White Race is a blessing ? It might be a curse ? I suppose that people are what ever they are. Be thy self.

So that you can see what a real White Race person looks like, I here insert my mug shot. Do you still want to believe that I am from outer space ?


[edit on 7/8/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Where do you get 1% from? I'm curious now! Can you please state your sources.

posted on Aug, 7 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Where do you get 1% from? I'm curious now! Can you please state your sources.

You probably think that you're a White Race person, but you're definitely not. You're a Semitic Race person being a little confused. Is President George Bush a White Man ? No. When we put President George Bush into a photo shaking hands with a Negro from Alabama, and we can see that they have the same darkness of skin complexion. That makes you really wonder. Then a true White Race security guard steps into the rear of the picture and you see that the guard is a true White Race person. Then we start to ask questions about the Bush family. It turns out that the Bush family are of Middle Eastern origin. In fact I am surprised that you might not realise why George Bush and Tony Blair were so interested in fighting a war in Iraq ? It is because that IRAQ is their country of ancestral origin. They are not European in ancestry. Tony Blair is a Semitic Race person of Kuwait and George Bush is almost the same, but from Iraq. Both are Arabic. Semitic Race not the White Race. They both have skin equally as dark as most Negro. We have pictures to prove it.

So I repeat, the numbers of person who are of the true White Race, are actually far fewer than most realise. Just look around you. Figure it out for your self instead of relying apon others to figure it out for you. What colour are you when you have exposed yourself to the sun light ? Although I do not know you personally, nevertheless I would lay bets on the fact that you turn brown in the sun light, thus you are not the White Race person that you was imagining yourself to be. You're another one of the vaste numbers of "Caucasian" and thus Semitic Race actually.



Another misconception that the ignorant come out with is that they think that the White Race are "Albino". They think that we have transparant skin. Albino are not the White Race. Albino are the few in every country of the world who have no skin pigmentation what so ever, neither White nor Brown or Negro. Albino have blonde hair and pink eyes. Their skin is transparent. Thus perceived as pink. Albino are albino because of a genetic defect. Usually caused by incest.

Am I albino ? Obviously not. My eyes are brown. My hair is brown. My skin is white pigmentation. Not brown pigmentation. I am typical of the White Race. If my skin had brown pigmentation, such that I turned brown when exposed to sun light, then I would be a Semitic Race person, like as your self. A true White Race person is white such that when exposed to sun light we turn even more white.

One more interesting thing which I want you to know about. The Negro in their continent of Africa, obviously marry Negro with Negro, and yet dispite this nevertheless every so often these entirely Negro parent give birth to a true White Race offspring. However, sadly the tradition amongst these people is to exterminate such baby at birth, as if being a White Race child is a kind of disease ? Again I must emphasis that such White Race child are not "albino". Although obviously albino do exist occasionally.

You have to realise that by comparison to the ever increasing numbers of the population in developing countries, where the population are usually either Negro Race or Semitic Race, the few in the world who are true White Race are getting relatively fewer and fewer. I gave you a figure of 1% but to be honest it might even be fewer than that. The White Race is becoming extinct. Dare we say that there is a policy of genocide being waged against the White Race ?

[edit on 7/8/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 03:05 AM
Damn man, I don't know if you're making that up, but interesting.


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
The human journey is very interesting , every human alive today who does not come from Africa came from a single tribe who managed to leave the African continent. So the Chinese, Indians, Afghans, Westerners have all come from just one tribe who spread out throughout the world. 1 in 25 of us are descendants of Gehngis Kahn

[edit on 14-7-2009 by woodwardjnr]

This is false.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:07 AM
I can't believe the amount of people on this website that honestly believe the only difference between race is "skin color." And that there absolutely no difference between the races. The truth is only white people are actually STUPID enough to believe that, because they have been programmed by the NWO gang to mix themselves out of existence. Think about it. Its only white nations that are being flooded with non-white immigrants since the end of WW2. Moreover non-whites certainly don't believe race doesn't exist. In fact they laugh at us when we suggest such things! Anyway lets look at the different races (breeds) of dog. Does anyone dispute that an American pitbill is more aggressive and violent than a golden retriever? And if you raise a pitbull in a loving home he will suddenly be less prone to sudden unexpected violent behavior? C'mon. Its all based in genetics people. Its no coincidence that Europe looks like Europe and Africa looks like a hell hole. Its all based in the genes. And to those who say there is less than 0.2% less genetic variation in all humans, well humans also share 40% the same DNA with a banana and 80% with a grasshopper! So by my estimation that makes that "0.02%" a hell of a lot of difference! And to anyone who is not blinded by political correctness and takes an good hard, unbiased, honest look at the world knows its true. People who don't just aren't free thinkers. So many people are willing to used communist words like RACIST to shut down free speech on this issue. I think the OP might be on the right track. But his post is poorly written.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

Well, isn't this thread full of hogwash?

Also, there is ONE human race.

Besides that, this seems like a thread bordering on white supremacy.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:05 AM
Europeans were expansionists. They spread their people and their culture all over the world, so it shouldn't be a surprise to find their influence all over the globe. Europe and Spain, with the assistance of their naval skills, pretty much competed for colonization of the world. No, I don't think we're aliens.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:39 AM
its impossible to have an intelligent conversation about this without being branded a racist. its really sad. "everyone is the same and no one is better than anyone else at anything"

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by tonypazzohome
its impossible to have an intelligent conversation about this without being branded a racist. its really sad. "everyone is the same and no one is better than anyone else at anything"

Yes. Interesting that isn't it? I have found most people on this website are not interested in the objective truth, such as the undeniable, PROVEN (not to mention obvious) differences between the races. They have become subject to Marxist ideology and brainwashing without even knowing it. They seem blissfully unaware that white nations are the only ones being flooded with non-white immigrants. Why are the NWO gang trying to make a blended humanity? Not many people have asked themselves this question because they have fallen for the "one race the human race" tag line. Its the HUMAN RACES. Not the human race. Most people on here are just interested in their own theories of little green men

Check this video.
edit on 21-12-2010 by DTZ88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by DTZ88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2010 by DTZ88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by JScytale

"saying "im not a racist" and "i dont think one is superior to the other" doesnt change the fact that you are a racist, by definition, once you start categorizing people and saying ridiculous things like "native people tend to ___". sure, its not dangerous racism, but it is complete and utterly blatant racism to think along those lines."

This is ridiculous, I've created this account especially to correct your disinformation. A racist is someone who acts on racial differences in a discriminatory way. Your suggestion that we are all just supposed to pretend we don't see differences is massively ignorant and illogical.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by JScytale
oh yeah, the difference between a russian and a spaniard is so much bigger than the difference between an inuit, zulu and chinese man.

and saying "im not a racist" and "i dont think one is superior to the other" doesnt change the fact that you are a racist, by definition, once you start categorizing people and saying ridiculous things like "native people tend to ___". sure, its not dangerous racism, but it is complete and utterly blatant racism to think along those lines.

Definition quote 1. "The prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race"

Definition quote 2. "Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. ..."

So no, you are incorrect. Racism is a categorization of different traits in human beings specifically in the context of attempting to qualify a superiority or inferiority based upon those differences.

Simply noticing those differences (be they cultural or physical) is not racism.

However, I will agree that the cultural and physical differences between "non whites" and the differences between whites is just as significant as the differences between a someone from the U.K. and someone from Nigeria.

On a genetic level "race" does not exist. However, on a social level it (arguably) does. Folks is folks, and we notice the differences. Pretending like they aren't there and labeling someone racist because they do notice them is well... Bigoted.

Just to make sure there is no confusion....

"bigoted - 2 dictionary results
big·ot·ed   /ˈbɪgətɪd/ Show Spelled
[big-uh-tid] Show IPA

utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
Use bigoted in a Sentence
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1635–45; bigot + -ed3

—Related forms
big·ot·ed·ly, adverb
non·big·ot·ed, adjective
non·big·ot·ed·ly, adverb
un·big·ot·ed, adjective

See intolerant."
edit on 2-2-2011 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

There have been and are other homindae who have light skin, and some with varied hair colour.

Do the white skinned or red haired chimpanzees also come from another planet?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Donnie Darko
this is a quote from a white teacher

'"my history teacher told me all white people are aliens!?
Today my history teacher told the class that white people are all decendants of aliens. And that only brown skinned people were actually from earth. cuz all other planets that have humans on them only have one race, never two.
Additional Details
Yes this is serious, he told us all this stuff today about how we came to earth.
No he was not talking about illegal aliens or anything like that. He said the first white people were 20 feet tall and thats why there are so many storys of giants.''

this is not the 1st time i have heard something similiar. now lets dig into this the fact that whites ask this question and non whites ask this question shows that we have a conscious or atleast human. from my understanding there are two types of white people the mastors and the slaves. the slaves are human but are souless bodys who are used by the mastors stories like exorcisms and all the crap are refrences. to this zombies vampires gargoyles are different attributes that come along with being the white mastors of this planet.

the evidence is proof with in itself whites are all over televison they make sure they are the dominant race in society toys are white radio personalities are white authority figures and so fourth everything must be white. that seems alien to me if you are not intimidated by the brown peoples land you are stealing then why do you need to do these things? white people love to examine new information. but when you bring this subject up they run frum it and want nothing to do with it seems like a cover up. but not all whites are in on this the irish are indigenous to earth just as brown people are and they are considered white. the aryan race who claim to be german are the ones who are running white people as brainwashed slaves whose so purpose is to hold non whites down and force them to suffer oppresion.

these aryans are decendents of a giant race called nephilim they created many different white people inorder to run each different brown peoples civilization. if you ever had a chance to travel the world you will notice the entire planet is covered with brown people even chinese people are brown. the one thing you will see in common is that a white version of them are put in place to oppress them. many many white people know this thats why they say things like your crazy they wat you to stray away from this topic bcuz then you will begin to find the truth!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

It should be suspicious to you that when ever someone ask this question there is a boatlaod of neysayers lined up to boo you off stage but if this is the history of white people by bringing this information to the forefront is doing them justice whites are forced to adapt to this planet and manipulated so they can live on it....but heres the real deal folks the planet white people come from have been destroyed by the annunakl so the aryans where given 1st dibs in taking over earth planet terra the fantastic planet. earth was gobbled up by a black whole and brought into this solar system this is the virtual reality realm and earth is biological so she is slowly dying if whites knew this to be true meaning the slaves knew this they would stop obeying and become rebellious....bcuz white ppl are not evil there mastors are some of them are around us right now just like in the movie they live.......

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by JScytale
yeah regarding more defined nose... you ever met a quechua (inca)? an indian person? (the subcontinent) the only real distinguishing characteristic of white people is very low amounts of pigmentation. that's where the skin comes from. thats where non-brown eyes come from. that's where lighter hair colors come from. all of the above are VERY far from being genetic variety - you'd be surprised to learn the part of the world with the most genetic variety (by far) is east africa.

oh and "non-white" science did not categorize things the way "whites" did? science only survived the dark ages thanks to the arabs preserving and progressing it (guess where the concept of zero comes from), and china was *vastly* more advanced than europe was for the tremendous majority of human history.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by JScytale]

Arabs often being white?


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Unregistered
When I travelled to Japan and Korea some years back and saw the people there. Damn. That's what you call white. When I went back, the "Whites" now look more pink than white.

[edit on 7-8-2010 by Unregistered]

not too many blue eyed Koreans though

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