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Tesla: The Forgotten Mysteries

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Great to see so many people interested. Im going to expand on this thread in the coming days by including what many people seem to be even more interested in:

-Tesla's involvement with the Tunguska experiments.
-Tesla's involvement with the NAZI's, the US Govt. and UFO technology.
-His envisaged world power grid system.
-The Philadelphia experiment.

And probably more, if anyone is willing to help me out please send a U2U my way, cheers. I agree, it is very sad to see someone who had been so beneficial to our everyday lives go unrecognized. Oh well, thats the world we live in.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Manawydan

Good pick on the theory.
Who would want to know more about gravity the von Braun.
And the rocket society in New Mexico was co founded by Peter Van Dresser.
Some how a 7' conical coil wooden frame was discarded by and
taken back from a salvage yard by Los Alamos.
This indicated the presence of Tesla technology in New Mexico.
If Tesla found anything about gravity it must have been on electrical
terms. Thus not much help for rocket but for Foo or saucer scientists.

The ether theory is perhaps real enough to explain why many things
that must be distanced from us.

The library at Los Alamos had denied all requests for Tesla material.
With Von Braun's arrival in America he perhaps found the Tesla
papers and brought them the New Mexico.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 06:24 PM
The key thing is the Tesla was the real thing. The real "Scientist", the real "Physicist", the real genius. He as too valuable to kill but needed to be controlled and the public misdirected, which they where with Einstein and the mad scientist image in film and cartoons.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 06:40 PM
If memory serves me, many of his more 'interesting' experiments revolved around his fascination with resonance (mechanical and eventually EM).

One story I read long ago that has always stuck with me is when he lived in NY he had developed a handheld 'resonator' of sorts. One night he visited a commercial building construction site and applied the resonator. The building supposedly began shaking to such a degree that he thought the whole thing would come down on top of him, so he stopped.

The results of this ad hoc experiment impressed him so much that from there on out he included the study of resonance and harmonics in just about every experiment he did. It is the backbone of many, perhaps most, of his inventions. I believe his fascination with resonance was the real source of his inspiration and genious... his MO.

There are so many intriguing things about him. A true enigma. I'm glad to see that his spirit still lives on, if not in our minds and hearts, but in the inspiration and wonder that his life has brought to us all, whether young, old, or in between.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Millions

Not sure that I agree with it all (especially the beam touching him which then made him aware of the past, present and future - that sounds like bad sci-fi. What - could the beam communicate directly with his brain?!? But I digress.....)

It has been suggested that Tesla (and some other great minds I should add) had a form of epilepsy which in some way allowed for periods of great insight.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:27 PM
It is sad irony though that Tesla, as many other great historical figures, inventors, discoverers, and other genius types, whos contributions are so extraordinary and ground breaking that centuries later, their technologies, devices, creations, etc... are still in use today, yet as grand as these individuals were in their lives, so many have died in despair; penniless.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:35 PM
Tesla seems to me like he was a spiritually advanced individual as well as being an an extremely hard-working genius. He advocated vegetarianism early on and when his benefactor George Westinghouse fell upon hard times Tesla tore up his contract and GAVE him his rights to his patent. Later on when Tesla found himself in dire straits, the Westinghouse family turned their backs on him. So sad.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 08:33 PM
I remember as a child hearing about Nikola Tesla. Sadly the only information on him at our library was a simplified book that portrayed him as a madman and an entry in the Encyclopedia. Sure I'll flag this and read what you have to say about him.

Thanks OP!

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:06 PM
I met a guy recently who's daughter was named Tesla.

I was thinking this guy was real cool, then he tells me he named her after the rock band. He didn't even have a clue as to who Tesla was.

I was saddened.

Although, I can say the band was my first introduction to Tesla's work. I had never heard of him in '88 when they came out.

Hopefully. someday his ideas will come to fruition. I won't be holding my breath until it happens, but one can hope.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:43 PM
The only time I tried to convey the great works of Tesla to another person they turned to me and said "Wasn't he the loon that tried to electrify the atmosphere?"

Ahh, so ignorant.

Great thread by the way

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by heffo7
The only time I tried to convey the great works of Tesla to another person they turned to me and said "Wasn't he the loon that tried to electrify the atmosphere?"

Ahh, so ignorant.

Great thread by the way

Yep, this energy that can be drawn from the atmosphere is now labeled 'new' science. I really cant wait to do a write up on the his envisaged World Power Grid.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by agent0range
Its really sad that one of the greatest minds in our history is forgotten and not ever talked about in school. That's what happens when the gov. Need you to be silent about what you no. And act as if he never existed. If the world new about his inventions the would be a much b better place. It seems to me evil triumphs over good?

The only time I ever remember hearing about Nikola Tesla was in a video game (TR4 if you're curious). After reading the OP, I never knew Tesla had done so much! It makes me wonder if they talk about his findings at schools outside the US.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:59 PM
I cannot read this thread at this time, BUt i Plan to devote my entire day t0ommorow to it, hahaha
Tesla was NOT a business man, he was an Idealist. had he shown 0.0025 % worth of greed he would NOT have died nearly impoverished.
A certian Greed was produced from the HAVE_SOMES prospering on his ideas that resulted in a few of the conglomerates we see today.

Before we grab a pitch fork and go buring said companies down, let us give respect to the smoke detectors and fire sprinkles resting so benevolently above us, Or, even the piece of copper embedded in the walls the keep the shower from melting our face.

Tesla Is first on my list of the group of five people to dine with during my first night in heaven,

[edit on 10-7-2009 by drsmooth23]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by leira7

Originally posted by agent0range
Its really sad that one of the greatest minds in our history is forgotten and not ever talked about in school. That's what happens when the gov. Need you to be silent about what you no. And act as if he never existed. If the world new about his inventions the would be a much b better place. It seems to me evil triumphs over good?

The only time I ever remember hearing about Nikola Tesla was in a video game (TR4 if you're curious). After reading the OP, I never knew Tesla had done so much! It makes me wonder if they talk about his findings at schools outside the US.

I would highly doubt it as he isnt listed in any educational textbooks, but there is a unit of measurement named after him as another member has previously mentioned. And unless your teacher/lecturer takes it upon him/herself to teach you, its almost certain that you wont study or hear about what Tesla has done.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by drsmooth23

Mine aswell.

I forgot to mention that it is said that when Tesla proposed his method of zero-point free energy via a grid network around the world, Morgan famously stated: 'How would we meter it?'

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Great thread S&F.

There is a good documentary about Nikola Tesla called...
Nikola Tesla - The Genius Who Lit The World

There are plenty of ways to download it if your familiar with torrents.

Also here is a link to a file I uploaded with about 8 pdf's on Tesla, including one called FBI files on Nikola Tesla...Enjoy


posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Thanks for the thread and all of the insight.
I find anything about Tesla fascinating.

Starred and flagged.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by stealthsurfer

Thank you so much for that!!!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by serbsta

Thank you so much for that!!!

No, Thank you for starting this thread. I have always been interested in Nikola Tesla ever since I use to listen to the band "Tesla" back in the day, and they were interviewed once and stated that they chose to name their band after Nikola Tesla. I think everyone needs to learn from him, he might have been a threat to TPTB, but the man was a genius, and his work needs to be studied and implemented further.


posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by selfisolated

Tesla [T] is the SI unit for magnetic field.

Don't think anyone answered you.

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