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Nevada Senator caught in affair...Really people you vote these guys in?

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:54 PM
So John Ensign is forced to admit his affair yesterday...
The Republican backers of Ensign all huddle together and pay off a whistle blower purchase him a house and give him 25k to shut up...This is what we put into office?
While we are footing the bills for failed banks and car makers our politicans are flying off out of the country to have affairs and cheating with staffers wifes...This our government?
I am so glad to be a Reformist...I hope you people keep right on voting these idiots into office cause you feeding my cause...One day we will see a political party rise and put people first instead of Trojan condoms and banks and etc..

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:55 PM
I just want to know why people even care about affairs? I surely don't care.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Ensign is considered a leading voice among social conservatives in the GOP. In 1998, as a House member running against Reid, he called on President Bill Clinton to resign after revelations about his affair with a White House intern. "He sent taxpayer-paid staff out to lie for him, and that is a misuse of office," Ensign said, adding that the president had "no credibility left."

But of course Ensign won't resign, because he is "committed to [his] service in the United States Senate."

To err is human. But the hypocrisy some of these people live by absolutely astounds me.

EDIT to fix my quote

[edit on 9-7-2009 by drwizardphd]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by tamusan
I just want to know why people even care about affairs? I surely don't care.

Yea, me either.

We should focus on policy rather than their personal lives.

I could care less who they are banging, how are they helping or hurting the public is what is important.

Didn't JFK have a fling with Marlyn Monroe? I say good for him, monogamy is overrated anyway.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by DirtyPete

yes but she was working for the cia, to spy on him.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by MR BOB
reply to post by DirtyPete

yes but she was working for the cia, to spy on him.


I like.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Who cares?

This is just going to turn into another republican bashing thread and for what?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:18 PM
to bash Republicans and their "Family Values" that's what for. People are already forgetting the mess Bush got us into and blaming Obama for it. I find that hilarious.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:18 PM
It's not the affair it's the fact that these people are who stand up and make rules for you and me to follow... Yet can lead second lives,Lie,Cheat and steal while they set the rules for us to be saddled with. This guy called out a fellow republican for cheating and he was doing it him self... I could careless if they wanna bang the whole staff... Just don't stand up and point fingers after you do it and set a rule for me to follow when you can follow it yourself.
These are the people you put in office cause I'm Reformist I want a new D.C. one that is built from the ground up. No more career politicians and 2 year term limits and NO lobbist period!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by damwel

Well then bash away if it makes you feel better about President Obama and the rest of the democrats. Do whatever you need to hang on to the Bush hate.

If he is doing a good job then I don't care if he is poking a goat. But unlike you I'm actually looking at what matters.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Didn't JFK have a fling with Marlyn Monroe? I say good for him, monogamy is overrated anyway.

A lot more than just Marlyn Monroe, actually.
Billy Clinton is pretty tame by comparison.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Infedelity is in human nature. It is merely instinct to take multiple "mates". I think it's just a weapon the Dems want to use to corrupt the US further

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by jd140
Who cares?

This is just going to turn into another republican bashing thread and for what?

It's not about bashing any party it's about how people are fooled into voting for ANY party who stands for one thing and then is guilty of casting law on everyone for the things they are doing them selves. This has nothing to do with him being a Republican...I mean it seems that party couldn't find it's a$$ from a hole in the ground cause they keep stepping in the same crap they sell. The Democrats are no better.
Bottom line
Republicans and Democrats have put you and I right where America is NOW. Be it in foreclosure with out a job lost love ones to war what ever...We are right here cause people can't not grow a set and stop voting these 2 train wrecks in office. They are the ONLY 2 that have been in charge they sit and point fingers back and forth across from each other..thats all they got! and people buy it hook line and sinker.
I posted this as a way to let people see what we are doing with our country. They whore it up with our tax money they kill people with our tax money they write laws that change people lives while they stand above the law.. If you can't see this your in bed with them and your a snake in the grass right beside them. I'm sick and tired of the finger pointing blaming the other party..and if we were in power this wouldn't happen..Wake up they are the same and the are enslaving you while you drive your kids to soccer practice and you do your yoga or what ever it is that keeps you from thinking about what is wrong with this picture.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by tsloan

I agree that reporting on affairs is a waste of time. Let people be people. Monogamy is not natural so lets just move on and screw whomever we are prepared to screw. Simple. Clean. Paying folks off like ensign has is a bi-product of the miserable Puritanical crap lingering due to Fox News and the right. Those hypocritical turds ought to just admit that their all a bunch of Luffa loving horn dogs ready to copulate at the drop of a hat. I'm sure Sean Hannity has already stepped up to share the realities of his world. America is often such a ridiculous spectacle. What's next?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Barney Frank (D) had a homosexual prostitution ring operating out of his DC apartment.

Ted Kennedy (D) drove off a bridge and killed Mary Jo Kopechne because he was blind drunk. He didn't report it till 10 hours later, btw.

They are both still firmly entrenched in DC politics.

Scummy behavior knows no party boundaries.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:47 PM
... I guess the " what happens in vegas, stays in vegas" .... motto doesn't work too well when you live in Nevada.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by jd140
reply to post by damwel

Well then bash away if it makes you feel better about President Obama and the rest of the democrats. Do whatever you need to hang on to the Bush hate.

If he is doing a good job then I don't care if he is poking a goat. But unlike you I'm actually looking at what matters.

I agree with Damwel, I think it is important to bash republicans who tout superior morality
and family values.Until they get off the high horse I will bash... however if you don't preach it then I could careless.

BTW I will not end my BUSH hate until I get a ten minute long fist fight with a Bush supporter, honestly and sadly, then I might feel better. But what would really make me feel good is seeing that Republicans learn from the mistakes they made in driving his agenda.

Hopefully Democrats can do the same...

Could go for a fist fight though

[edit on 11-7-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Barney Frank (D) had a homosexual prostitution ring operating out of his DC apartment.

Ted Kennedy (D) drove off a bridge and killed Mary Jo Kopechne because he was blind drunk. He didn't report it till 10 hours later, btw.

They are both still firmly entrenched in DC politics.

Scummy behavior knows no party boundaries.

I know Dick, Bush and Rummy still have their heads attached to their bodies...

And Obama is an Arab, non citizen, young girl looking, homosexual, fascist, socialist, Muslim, zionist, terrorist, black extremist...

I still love it!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by mental modulator

And Obama is an Arab, non citizen, young girl looking, homosexual, fascist, socialist, Muslim, zionist, terrorist, black extremist...

I don't think Obama is gay...but everything else sounds about right.

It seems like "touting moral superiority" and "family values" makes you a bigger target for extortionists? You don't even have to do anything wrong to be a target....look at Palin and the numerous ethics complaints which turned out to be bogus. If you happen to be a scumbag like Frank or have nothing to worry about.

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