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Satanism Rampant In US Jewish Communities

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Dude it's totally cool...

I'm a Jew... I can totally resurrect you bro!

Okay... you will desire to eat brains... I don't have it just right yet....

But look on the bright side... Brains are just sort of Gray Matzoh Balls...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Your screwed Amigo. That will surely warp your brain and turn you into a Zombiecrat!!


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

LMAO, dont tell people on here that you are a Jew. They might start blaming their pathetic lives on you and gas you or something. You are a much calmer man than me. If I were Jewish I would go Bakersfield Chimp on some of these guys.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by mopusvindictus

If I were Jewish I would go Bakersfield Chimp on some of these guys.

Why? No one from the board insulted any Jews here.

The writer of the article may have, but I have not seen any hate speech coming from a fellow member?

Did I miss something?

[edit on 8-7-2009 by breakingdradles]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

Oh you haven't read some of my posts have you? Calm? Errrr I sort of FAIL hard from time to time...

As far as not telling anyone i'm a Jew...

Too Late lol

Honestly... the only reason I still come to ATS is the wonderful handful of open minded honest intellectuals who have something to say, there are a few nice minds in here...

Sometimes i'm so harsh on ninnies I'm not sure my true feelings for some are apparent, afraid I come off a bit... pompus and agitated and lol the fact that I named my self "The Vindictive Mope" and have an evil looking cat for an Avatar doesn't help...

But I'm a very nice guy actually and... I'm trying to stay very ZEN with some of this...

I blew it on MJ but it was so funny so I'm letting myself go on that one...

and yeah...

I kind of like the attacks sometimes... Funny

But working on a calmer more steady me...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Well credit due...

He did just say he was "Concerned" about the rise of Satanism among Jews...

Have to be fair here...

A Satanic Jew could be preeeeetty Dangerous

I'm not sure exactly what would happen if you tried to circumcise the Anti Christ at Birth...

Tidal Wave?


It Just hasn't been done before so there is no way we could know, things could get bad... very bad.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:26 PM
I am not commenting on the "meat" of this thread other then to say that my local paper reported today that a 2 year old girl who had been deceased for two years from Stamford CT was found in a New Jersey River. Apparently the little angel's remains were dug up and "...possibly used in a ritual." WOW what do these people think? Someday I hope and pray that Saint Michael will allow me the honor of using his sword.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

I'm not sure exactly what would happen if you tried to circumcise the Anti Christ at Birth...

Tidal Wave?


It Just hasn't been done before so there is no way we could know, things could get bad... very bad.

You crack me up Amigo!! One heck of a Bris!!


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Let's see, We can have HATE the Christian Posts!
Hate the Muslims Posts, but one word mention of Jews and it's WAR?
I dont understand?
We can also allow the mention of R.Catholic Priests and their OWN sins that will be brought to justice by God, but any mention of Jews and it's world war 111...
We are all human and hopefully we all have compassion for our fellow man.
Let God be the Judge of man's condition in his SOUl...
We should be Free to voice an opinion without attacks and judgements.
Isn't that what a Forum is for?

To me, Satanism is a form of Worship for SATAN.
If people wish to be a slave to Satan it is a choice and free will....Good luck to them.


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by helen670

Who declared a war?

32 Helens agree there isn't a war going on

(sorry kids in the hall reference)

Seriously... What war, i'm just poking fun because it's ridiculous

My Mother would never allow me to worship the Devil it would be double booking Shabbat I could never fit it all in anyway.

And how could I summon Satan... On Shabbat when I'm not even allowed to use the phone?

Oy Vey

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:06 PM
Jews are Gods chosen people. I'm Christian and know most Jews are not involved in Satanism.

Quit hating them for the turmoil in Russia in the 30's. It's crazy and a bad hoax. Jews dont run the world, nor are they coming after you.

Just another Anti- Semitism site.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:15 PM

What exactly is a Ritual murder?
It's a practise of Human sacrifice, one very such case was ''The 1912 Trial Of Ritual Murder'' ~THE MENDEL BEILIS~PURIM BLOOD SACRIFICE~


DEBACLE IN DAMASCUS - The 1840 Ritual Murder Case By Harrell Rhome, M.Div., Ph.D.

Can anyone care to explain what exactly is this 'Ritual murder' for?


posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:01 PM
The very concept of linking Judism and Satanism is not new. In fact it was the Nazis who expounded this egregious act of verbal violance. This is one of the quintessential beliefs which must be established in order to deprive a group of the right to life, hence establishing the pretext for a Holy Crusade as did the Nazis with Operation Reinhard.

"Don't rejoice in his defeat, you men.
For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again."

Bertolt Brecht, May 6th, 1945

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:12 PM
One of the things that Jews do that the Catholics do not... Is allow their ancient books to be distributed a bit more freely.

While under the Vatican, the library is closely guarded and books often are not allowed to be copied, what there is of Jewish History spanning perhaps 7,000 years is, the stuff gets around.

As I was raised, Purim and Sacrifice was taken in a sense of the word as to... make a sacrifice...

Giving GIFTS...

For me Purim was one of the only holidays I liked, The term Sacrifice around any modern Jew in NY and even for the Orthodox who are considered in NY to be the most religious of Jews this was about presents, dressing up in costumes, getting and giving candy... like Halloween but with nothing i'd ever have recognized

Of course I can understand that in ancient times... Sacrifice was LITERAL

Animal Sacrifice I have read of and, I can read Hebrew, Aramaic a bit as well... took 7 years of Hebrew school at a synagogue every day after public school...

I have always been a book buff and bit of a Historian and I have read some very old Hebrew tombs...

I can Honestly say I have never come across anything that talked of HUMAN Sacrifice of any kind in place of Animal... and again these were the most religious, The Jews the Talmud is based on ancient Babylon stuff of Jews...

Now i'll be fair...

I don't actually doubt that

There is lots of ancient Babylonia that came with us and in The Talmud

Is it possible that there is truth to some of this....

Sure... Human sacrifice in those times maybe

Is it possible that some old books given the Jews penchant for copying old books endlessly word by word existed until the previous century


Is it possible that some Jews took it Literally and Sat around and performed these rituals


But LOL... That's NOT Jews.. In General

And your showing cases from a century or more ago... and hardly a few...

It would seem I suppose awfully similar to what modern Satanists are doing today

The RARE out of their mind ones who actually ACT on this superstitious ancient nonsense...

I'll say this...

Whatever happened back then... This stuff has been erased pretty thoroughly because I have a cousin who runs a congregation in Israel and... I have never seen the words in a single book either in NY or In Israel...

It's hard to say what can arise out of... reading old texts when mentally ill lol

The Jews have pretty strict laws regarding who should and should not read and at what ages even the most benevolent of stuff...

And ill be honest for sake of education and sanity

The cases could be real


they could just be anti Jew propaganda...

But i'll bet for sure that older versions of certain tombs mentioned Ritual Human Sacrifice...

Like most of the world religions once did... not defending, just saying it exactly as your link says it... all religions did.

It would be ludicrous to say Jews still practice this...

If Jews would want to shut down that kind of info... well people think enough crazy things usually for lack of even known a Jew

I don't go to Thanksgiving dinner and mention the slaughter of the Indians and the small pox

I wouldn't go to Europe and talk about the Huns drinking Blood from human skulls and things of that nature...

Or to Mexico on Cinco De Mayo and mention someone pulling the heart from a chest of a virgin every week for a few centuries

It kind of would make people feel bad... on a holiday

But to be fair... there could be truth to this a century ago... heck it could happen tomorrow, it doesn't mean "Jews" practice it... any more than Satan worship is a part of Christianity.

Mentioning these things, thinking evil thoughts creates Evil...

Thanks to your post here... and that site

NOW... thousands of more people know about this ritual, even if it was never human which I can see no way to determine from 150 + years ago if this stuff happened or not... some nutty characters might want to try this on Purim...

Just like some Catholics and Christians do play with Devil worship and we occasionally get things that happen

Because they know about it... it's out there...

So sure, as the site says Jew money would want to hush it, G-d forbid some Jewish kid with problems gets his hands on this idea today... 2 or 3 tabloid articles because of one or two people could lead to a slaughter...

Jews don't quite have the land area and numbers of the Christians you know... One kid pulls something like this and it's a fee for all on jews...

But hide anything

No way lol

Even among the ultra Ultra orthodox, if there is copies of this sort of thing preserved they are hidden and exceptionally rare... if after the holocaust any Jew would actually be stupid enough to Leave around even a single copy of something of this nature... maybe I kind of doubt it though

But no

Purim Today for what I can assure is 99.9% of Jews... wont say 100% there are freaky INDIVIDUALS out there... just 100% honesty

Purim is Halloween and Easter... it's a fun holiday a story of a King and things and...blah blah...

(most Jewish stories are kind of downers if you ask me)

But no one I ever knew sacrifices so much as a pigeon... it's become a gift giving thing in the modern world and for a long, long time... Centuries and Centuries


Some guy practiced a Human Sacrifice from a Thousands of years old tradition on that day... Or even just interpreted an Animal sacrifice that way he should hang like anyone else... be it 1840 or 2040

So a serious answer for a serious topic... This might have happened, it very well could have existed in older books although I have never seen it and Jews do not practice sacrifice today even among the most Orthodox I have known...

and again, if any ONE does... hang em, individually... I assure you the rest of us wont protest

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by breakingdradles

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by mopusvindictus

If I were Jewish I would go Bakersfield Chimp on some of these guys.

Why? No one from the board insulted any Jews here.

The writer of the article may have, but I have not seen any hate speech coming from a fellow member?

Did I miss something?

[edit on 8-7-2009 by breakingdradles]

Wow, you are so incredibly clueless. So calling an entire group of people demon worshipers (a classic anti-semitic tactic from years past) is not insulting?

Here are some websites for you to visit so that you may become learned and you may overcome head in buttocks syndrome.

Caricatures from German News Papers in 1930's

Page from book concerning propaganda

Jew-Hatred in Contemporary Norwegian Caricatures

Read, learn THEN speak.

[edit on 8-7-2009 by finemanm]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Did you know that Alexander Hamilton was a gay-jew-zionist-satanist and singlehandedly overtook the will of the other founding fathers (who were powerless against his gay-jew-zionist-satanist powers) to set up a central bank, here in America.
I'm not saying I dislike gays or jews, only gay-jew-zionist-satanists. That's all...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by grapesofraft

A common mistake that alot seem to make. Jews are not a race of people...It is a religious preference. The article cannot be racists as it is not about a race of people.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

Look at my post that you replied too. Where did I call the Jews a race?

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Mr. Toodles

You are slightly mistaken.

You are correct in that observing the caveats of the Jewish religion is for the most part a choice; however, being Jewish (whether or not religious) is not a choice.

A person who is born in a Jewish family is Jewish regardless of what faith he or she actually practices.

During WWII and the years preceding, Hitler and the Nazis identified "Jews" as a race. That was the most recent codification of the view that Jews are a distinct people.

Genetically speaking, most Jews share common ancestry. So in a scientific point of view, Jews are pretty genetically homogenous as a result of limited inter-faith/race/cultural marriage over the millennia. Most Jews marry and mate with other Jews, and there arn't that many Jews in the world to begin with.

So the reason you are wrong is that if you were born Jewish, even if you are a practicing catholic, protestant, muslim, buddist, etc... when the Gestapo comes for you, you are a Jew.

I hope that was informative.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by breakingdradles

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by mopusvindictus

If I were Jewish I would go Bakersfield Chimp on some of these guys.

Why? No one from the board insulted any Jews here.

The writer of the article may have, but I have not seen any hate speech coming from a fellow member?

Did I miss something?

[edit on 8-7-2009 by breakingdradles]

Oh cmon now do you really think I am a fool? We both know you cant have hate speech on here or they would ban you from the site. So you guys find all these sneaky ways to perpetuate your moronic myths and just skirt the T&C. Actually, I respect the skirting, but not the content.

In all honesty you are one of the worst on here. There has hardly been an antijew thread on here you havent participated in. Even your name BreakingDradles is just some sneaky way of saying you want to harm Jews, so dont act innocent.

Just be honest, do you like MOST jews or not? Do you think MOST Jewish people are evil and the world would be better off without them?

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