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calling all obama believers! tell me why he's doing the right things

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:06 PM
I didn't vote for obama. I was dubious about his lack of experience and his chicago political background, but all my friends assured me he would make a great president and change everything for the better.

Well he's changing everything. nationalizing industries, spending money as fast as they can print it, borrowing money at a frantic rate, creating a climate toward business that seems downright hostile, appointing unaccountable czars, pushing cap and trade which is described as the largest tax increase in history, pushing through health care reform that's pretty short on details. that's a lot. and for someone (me) who was doubtful about him from the beginning, frankly i'm scared. everything seems to be collapsing. but you believed in him from the beginning. many of you still do.

i'm inviting you--begging you--to tell me why you think it's all going to turn out fine. how all his machinations behind closed doors, his control of the press, all that stuff is just what we need.

i'm not talking about the political parties here but about obama's leadership. please tell me why you love what he's doing for our country.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:20 PM
very interesting question S&F for you because I am interested to see what kind of filth or tiny changes that were good things the Obama maniacs can come up with.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Personally Speaking, He's told us time and time again, that everything is going to be okay, he is the leader of the country so, I respect his obviously well planned out words, he wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.

Unemployment seems to have been healing itself, since he was elected.

He has become closer to countries we have had high tensions with for decades.

He motivates the american people to help him get to were the country needs to be.

He broke racial barriers (which I don't think are their, but others do so it's respectable) by being the first 1/2 Black 1/2 White President.

And last but not least, I never have to worry about paying for my gas or mortgage now because big O got dat # covered.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Actually unemployment has gone up 1.9% since January, which is more than all of 2006 and 2007 combined. Source

The only country we have gotten "closer" to that we weren't close with in the past is Russia and that is thanks in part to their current president, Dmitry Medvedev, who is a more "liberal" Russian if you would say.

When you say motivate, do you mean forced community service?

And your last part just makes me laugh altogether!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by CTMoney

The cut is still there but Obama, is like a ancient mystic, it's getting better, it just doesn't look like it.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Wow. It's fascinating to see all the Obama supporters jumping on this golden opportunity!

Yeah. That's right.

The guy really is a turd.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by dooper

Um....ahem.. cough cough. cough cough!!!

Did you not get the memo??

Exnay on the Adbay BamaOAy Uffstay. Or however pig latin is!

Remember, one bad thing you say abou tthe prez, and your a cough cough terrorist cough cough.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:47 PM
too bad the 60 democrat senators and however many house members aren't on ATS. they could tell me. I am sincere in this quest. I want to know how things are moving towards the ..... whatever it is that will allow me to afford to exist. at the moment that is becoming extremely difficult bordering on impossible. obama was supposed to be all about the little people. the non-rich. the unions are doing well because you have to be union to get one of those shovel ready jobs but tough luck for the rest of us.

what's the vision that obama is bringing into manifestation? how will it affect my neighborhood?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Good for you! you've come up with one: new definitions for moldy old words like terrorist.

except that one doesn't refer to terrorists unless they are domestic. otherwise they are just our beloved brothers who appear to misunderstand us because of old style politics.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Republican08


Yep! They're pounding on the door now!

That really is a change I can believe in. I didn't think the whole thing would go down the toilet!

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:52 PM
I think the OP is a little confused about the facts on nationalization and business.

Aside from that, I have no idea what Obama is doing. Cap and Trade sounds like a horrible idea. They tried something similar in GB, and all it ended up doing was give windfall profits to the big businesses that received the carbon credits.

As far as czars go, they only regulate the businesses that we (the US Gov) own. So they're not going to have any say on how any business is run -- except GM, until it's sold to Fiat.

I think cap and trade is probably a good example of something he did wrong.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by earlywatcher
too bad the 60 democrat senators and however many house members aren't on ATS. they could tell me. I am sincere in this quest. I want to know how things are moving towards the ..... whatever it is that will allow me to afford to exist. at the moment that is becoming extremely difficult bordering on impossible. obama was supposed to be all about the little people. the non-rich. the unions are doing well because you have to be union to get one of those shovel ready jobs but tough luck for the rest of us.

what's the vision that obama is bringing into manifestation? how will it affect my neighborhood?

Workers organizing against their owners is bad for business. Start your own business if you don't like it (I guess).

On the other hand, would the world really be such a bad and terrible place if workers owned the factories they work in? I think it would be a much, much better place. But who the hell knows how to make a system like that work.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:16 PM
There is the difference between those who voted for Obama and those who "believe" in him...

Those who "believe" in him (and "believed" in any other USA president) are those same dweebs who believe that Capitalism is the best thing since sliced bread just because they were programed since birth by Corporate propaganda machine to believe so.

I usually do not vote, because voting in two party system is sort of fake, well, less fake then in one party system (and we all know what those systems are) but, nevertheless , lol ...

But, oh, man, when I saw Palin I HAD to do something, I decided to participate in this puny lil' game we like to call "democracy", and YES, I voted for Obama just to divert her from the office.

As someone who opposes extreme religious views (and hers were certainly there), I believe that was perfectly legitimate cause, last thing people in this country need is even more programming

Yep, I voted for Obama just to ruin it for Republicans and I do not feel guilty at all, I believe that they DID deserve it (just when I thought they cannot come up with someone who is worse than Bush, lol, voilà: they did it again, hehe).

Do I believe that I somehow "messed up" course of history and contributed to the fall of our country ?

NO, absolutely not ...

Fall is inevitable, our economic system definitely SUCKS, no US president or government can avoid that (well, they can slow it down by printing more US$), they are all merely well paid puppets of that very system and they will do anything in attempt to perpetuate it

And, hey, guess what, Ron Paul SUCKS TOO, cuz he is not electable

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Kaytagg

On the other hand, would the world really be such a bad and terrible place if workers owned the factories they work in? I think it would be a much, much better place. But who the hell knows how to make a system like that work.

that's kind of what small businesses are. many work full time in the business and hire some others to help out. i agree with you that worker owned businesses would be fantastic. unions were originally useful but have become so powerful that they are a force unto themselves and i think they are destroying some industries. you can tell I'm not a union worker. union members are very enthusiastic about unions. it's all perspective.

thanks for posting. you've mentioned some positive things. i appreciate it.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by 5thElement

some good points here! i think bush and palin were the big factors in getting obama elected, though mccain didn't help. i suspect whatever democrat who ran would have won because of the bush hatred. i had many people tell me pre-election that palin really made it clear. personally i don't think palin would have been a worse vice-president than biden, but it's all hypothetical. there was a strong argument that mccain would certainly die early in his term and palin would be president, and that terrified people

to me, non obama supporter, i don't see that he is doing a better job than palin might have done because he is making his lack of experience clear. he is so naive about believing other governments will want to trust him because of his personality. i don't understand how michelle, scary woman who hated white america has become beloved first lady. weird to me.

do you think capitalism is a worse way to do things than socialism? what do you think would be a good way to do things? how is obama doing in regard to that way of life?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:17 PM
first i think obama is a puppet .....just like bush before him

i don't think he is doing or can do the right things even if he had the power or the will.

I would not want the president's job no matter what.....same goes for the VP or any of his staff.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by earlywatcher
do you think capitalism is a worse way to do things than socialism? what do you think would be a good way to do things? how is obama doing in regard to that way of life?

Lol, I use to live in "pure" socialism (Yugoslavian flavor of it) and as much as it was fun it wasn't that excellent either...

I believe that answer is somewhere in between, working class should not be on their toes all the time, but, also, they should not be overly relaxed as well.

Obama is not as bad as some portray him.

Average, I would say.

He is basically doing (like all others before him) what he is told by the very "experts" of our Capitalistic system which many so furiously believe in, support with all of their heart and would gladly die for...

The only way Capitalism can resurrect itself and prolong it's own existance till it's out of all possible ideas and replaced with something better is by introducing some socialist ideas and reducing pressure on a working class.

I think that good ol' "American Dream" is not enough of motivation anymore, free health care would certainly be a good idea, one less thing hard working Americans would have to worry about

And, YES, we have more then enough money, well, if we stopped policing half of the damn world that is

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 01:02 AM
I'm a little disappointed in responses so far. I expected to hear about all the new jobs and opportunities opening up around the country. why so quiet?

has anybody noticed any transparency that I've missed?

i think it's good that more things are in the public budget rather than being hidden.

how do you all feel about house and senate voting on bills without actually reading them first? trusting that they are what they should be. like that 1200 page cap and trade with 300 pages added a few hours before the house vote. do you see that as a good thing that the legislative branch is in such sync?

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:30 AM
I don't think there's a whole lot of people who are thrilled with Obama's performance so far.

The right wing is convinced that he's trying to overthrow capitalism and the left wing is convinced that he's spending our future propping it up. The only people who really seem to like him are the people who vote every four years and expect the president to fix everything.

Personally, I'm not that impressed with him for a lot of reasons.

1. He's giving OUR money to the people who caused the financial crisis instead of the people who are feeling the effects of it.

2. He's not taking meaningful steps to end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, neither is he taking steps to dismantle the military-industrial complex.

3. Cap and trade is a joke. We need a new manhattan project for clean and abundant energy and not stupid taxes for polluting corporations to find loopholes in.

4. His healthcare plan is a cave-in to the megabucks of the health insurance and drug companies. The people of this country would support a single payer system, but the people in DC have refused to even put the option on the table.

5. He hasn't repealed the patriot act or taken any action to restore civil liberties to Americans that we're snatched in the aftermath of 9/11. He's starting to close gitmo, but the system of 'black site' prisons where people are stripped of fundamental legal and human rights remains.

6. He has reneged on his promise of having no lobbyists in his administration.

I could go on, but those are the main reasons off the top of my head.

I voted for him to vote against the republican ticket which I though would be worse. I don't really know if that's the case now, but I would agree with 5thElement that having a religious nutball like Palin in the white house would be counterproductive.

I should have voted for Nader or Ron Paul. Come to think of it, that would be a hell of a ticket if they could work out some philosophical differences...

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by earlywatcher

speaking of the cap-and-tax bill, a final copy of the bill wasnt even present on the house floor when it was passed (the 300 extra page part)! Ha good thing they all got that pay raise at the beginning of the year. the time of armed revolution is rapidly approaching my brothers. the second american revolution is not too far off...

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