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posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Gerald Celente tells of what horrors could come if Cap and Traitor comes into law. Many of you know how outspoken he is about what he thinks is coming our way.

He calls it OBAMAGEDDON and he rails hard against Obama's policies which are continuing to destroy the wealth of this country.

[edit on 1-7-2009 by David9176]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Many more people than OBAMA are to blame. Certainly all the people that bought into his revolutionary social marketing campaign also hold the weight.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Deus est mortuus

Many more people than OBAMA are to blame.

No doubt about that and I agree 100 percent. His policies are making things far worse and he the hidden tax on cap and trade goes completely against the motto he campaigned on...NO tax increases for those making less than 250,000 a year.

He lied....plain and simple.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Well it seems as if its almost settled. No matter what happens total chaos is going to reign. Great!

I really still don't see any rationale into sending the country into total chaos. I mean I can see the reasoning behind it to have the people come from the shadows into power, but we will be nothing but an empty shell of a country by that point.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
Well it seems as if its almost settled. No matter what happens total chaos is going to reign. Great!

I really still don't see any rationale into sending the country into total chaos. I mean I can see the reasoning behind it to have the people come from the shadows into power, but we will be nothing but an empty shell of a country by that point.

People hoped that Obama, because he is so smart would have great ideas to help us all.

There are limitations to intelligence, like there are limitations to beauty. Wasn't all this stuff covered in the Bible?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Maybe I'm wrong on this one, and maybe its a bit off topic...but if someone gets elected on promises, then completely ignores those promises, doesn't that prove that they lied to the American people?

If that's the case then they won the election improperly and should be at least impeached, and at most hung for treason against the United States (which IS the people).

I think for far too long we have allowed these ass holes to skate by. It's high time we took up for ourselves and held people to their word again.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Chains we can believe in!

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by son of total newbie

I haven't ever read the bible, but from what I understand this all sounds like a bunch of prophecies coming true.

I don't know I'm not scared I do know that much. Whatever happens happens, until then I'll do my best to educate people to the coming chaos.



Yea, we definitely need a recall amendment, to where if the congress won't do its job the people have a peaceful mechanism to do so.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:38 AM
Just llike Bush got blamed for everything in his time, now it is Obama's turn.

Obama is now the head of the snake we call the U.S. government, but unlike Bush, Obama has the full support of the media behind him.

Obamageddon is a very fitting term of what is coming.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Deus est mortuus
Many more people than OBAMA are to blame. Certainly all the people that bought into his revolutionary social marketing campaign also hold the weight.

He's a spokesman for the people he serves.. he is therefore the source to which we shout our disdain towards his policies.

Call it.. two sided representative democracy. We elect him to represent us, the PTB use him as a representative to the actual government.. the President himself is not nearly intelligent enough to come up with half the crap the White House does, let alone have the time to do everything that is done.. but the most important things that need to be said, are handed to him and he says it.

Blaming Obama, by all accounts, it blaming everyone behind him.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 02:42 AM
well this doesn't surprise me at all.

It's just your friendly right wing conservative doing what they do best:


It's what they did in the white house, and it's what the do to try and get back in the White House, to the point of excess, which is what American's in general do best.

F'n hell man, if people don't seriously get a grip we will be the death of ourselves. People who think Obama is the anti-christ blah blah blah we have to stop him...for one, we, the PEOPLE, are ultimately in control. If you want to know who the 'anti-christ' is, as V said, you need only look in a mirror. Being obssesively fearful, hateful, angry, is truly an embodiment of negativity (evil, and whatever else you want to try to categorize it as).

Which brings me to... Bush was MUCH crazier and his chronies MUCH scarier. Yes, Obama is a politician bringing about pretty hefty changes, but do you think this country is ok the way it is/was. FLIP NO. Oh, and we have essentially lived in a 'democratic' oligarchy for ages, so stop complaining about them or go ahead and try to assemble a group that can actually do something about it (good luck with that). We 'the people' have allowed ourselves to be put into this position because of intense apathy, greed, and self loathing (to a degree that is mostly sub-concious). Truly a pathetic generation. Who knew the once amazing 'flower children' could end up as the pieces of total crap as they are...honestly. All the talk about 'for our children'...yea...did real great for us. Our generation is essentially, for lack of a better word, TOTALLY FVKED. So id like to be the first to say, thanks, a lot. To those of you that actually recognize this too, but were not a part of the atrocity that is our "wiser" aged peoples, i salute you with all my heart.

another little thing:
...less than just a number of months into the new presidency, people are going bat # CRAZY! It's almost like some kind of subtle, internal voice of insanity in these people. At least people maintained some dignity and rationality with Bush's reign. I would not disagree with the recent comment i heard about our current bipartisanship "it's more like this: most democrats are the new republicans, some moderate republicans are manageable, and the rest of them are just crazy." Unfortunately...most people can't recognize how insane their thought processes are until it's too late.

I did recently read that mental hospitals and clinics are going to be shutting down in mass numbers...maybe the true wave of destruction is MASS INSANITY, and many of you are already experiencing this...

that wouldn't be too cool would it.

irrational hysteria!
it's a test.


addendum: im an independent, so don't even attempt to pin some kind of commie, liberal crap on me. im a free thinker, not a closed minded nut job or a sissy and spineless snake.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 02:43 AM
Cuban Missile Crisis.

Korean Missile Crisis.

Connect the dots.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by THX-1138
Cuban Missile Crisis.

Korean Missile Crisis.

Connect the dots.
was it Biden the one who said to the effect that Obama would be tested like kennedy?

Theres a storm brewing the likes this country has never seen..

I have a feeling that what ever may happen,the public will surpass the gov putting us back on track..

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by Ex Plures-Unus

You're right.

I mean..

This is the way it's always been, I suppose it will always be this way.

I think I will just shut up, roll over, close my eyes, plug my ears and pretend everything is fine then.

Never mind that it's not an Obama issue. Never mind that this is a continuation of destruction since the turn of the last century. God forbid we get off our lazy asses and demand a return to Constitutional Law. God forbid we demand responsibility, accountability. And damnit, God forbid we seek true change.

As you say.. political corruption is and always will be the norm.. so I will take your advice, let them roll over my belief in Constitutional Law, and allow the Oligarchy to continue undeterred.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Deus est mortuus

Many more people than OBAMA are to blame.

No doubt about that and I agree 100 percent. His policies are making things far worse and he the hidden tax on cap and trade goes completely against the motto he campaigned on...NO tax increases for those making less than 250,000 a year.

He lied....plain and simple.

Obama can suck a horse weiner.
He fails miserably.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by Ex Plures-Unus

It's not a matter of political viewpoint; right-wing or left-wing America's still being run into the ground. I'd still like to see his birth certificate. But, as we've seen, the Constitution no longer has any meaning.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by Totakeke]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by David9176

Obama was doing relatively well, considering what mess he inherited, but around February 20, he fell out of favor:

The US government sued Swiss banking giant, UBS AG, in an attempt to reveal the identities of over 52,000 American customers who have been defaulting on tax payment by hiding their money in the bank’s accounts.

The Justice Department lawsuit filed in a federal court in Miami claimed that the UBS bank held secret accounts of 32,940 US customers containing cash and 20,877 accounts with securities. The American holders of these accounts failed to report and thus evaded US tax on income earned from their bank deposits. The court ruling also disclosed that the secret accounts held in the Swiss bank held almost $14.8 billion in assets during the middle of the present decade.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 06:22 AM
Well my conservative friends, once again I take issue with one thing...
Much of conservative doctrine in essence also provides great power to corporate position.
So provided all of you had it your way, the "producers" would be provided more power and less restriction under the guise of FREEDOM and free market rational. As we can clearly see if "They" can do it and get away with it, it will be done. This combination is not a winner either.

There is a clear example with healthcare, the conservative position is to fight for the ACTUAL interests of HMO and mega insurers... This fight is executed with lingo and concepts related to working hard... in essence the right frames the debate, focuses on one line of thought and work very hard to keep us enslaved by keeping the PTB in the dominate position. Boil it down and your fight is keep $5 aspirin alive and well...

Many of you cite tyranny and some form of enslavement, yet when it comes to many issues, the right takes the side of preserving
a strong corporate influence on our livelihoods and our GOVERNMENT. What is very funny to me is that we just got done paying 200% increase in gasoline, a completely criminal
scheme. In this case, the conservative wing blocked all inquiries and investigation cold ( I can dig up the bill and the vote). So I will remind you that is a case where our federal government tried to go to bat for your wallet. Why funny? It seems as though when private entities screw you, you could careless. They taint the rule of law and use your government against you, but you keep their wallets fat and are doing that work here.

All the "ruining my country" talk is fair, but you are focusing on one of two culprits.
Government and Private free reign. I hope one day some of you will remember who initially ruined this country, companies that do what mega companies do. The garnering of influence over the government, laws and enforcement. The initial wound was
government action which allowed for the creation of faulty a criminal capital shell game. The American people were the prey, the government followed suit and reacted by rewarding, instead of hanging.

I will remind you that the legal framework for the initial looting was written and molded by three conservatives.The catalyst to this firestorm was born of the idea, "let the producers produce". This is exactly what one could extract from the ideas behind GLB act, give the BANKERS space, LET the financiers create products that make them money. The opposite liberal action would have been to limit corporate range of motion in favor of the consumer. Saying socialism 117 times is of great aid for the companies that seek to take your wages by writing the rules that allow them to take even more.

In the simplest of terms Cap and Trade is a way for the government to gain control of
various sectors. Outwardly the intent is to have leverage, once again in simplest terms.

I will tell you one of the many consequences of opposition is protecting corporate interests who will suffer much more than you under this. It will greatly lesson the control the PTB has in some cases, however it will also help other PTB undoubtedly.

Once again a paradox,because ultimately the con (anti) position will ensure the free reign and power of the same ol string master. Much like the financial deregulation in 1999 you will, by default, take the side of the very entities that have infiltrated our government and use it against us. BIG OIL,BIG AUTO, BIG ENERGY...

I think more often than not thru zeal, many of you believe in things that effectively erode your own freedom. The people who take the largest majority of your money every month are allowed to make their own rules, laws and rewards. They have you working to run their various machines via the bills you pay. AMAZINGLY these "machines" are designed to take as much from you as possible... and YOU ensure they retain that power, by saying socialist and being their own little agent foot soldier.


they will sell more gas if C&T flounders...

they will continue to under produce in efficiency (in oder to sell more gas)

make you pay for the cancer emissions produce

In practice you are fighting for the man in order to save em MONEY because this is big business's concern.

So maybe one of you can reflect on that... you can't have freedom when you fight to protect the thing that taints your advocate.

I will remind you, big money rules our government and your practices ensure that will never change. YOU fight for the one who control your mortal enemy, the federal government... AS YOU ALL RECOGNIZE SOMONE CONTROLS THE GOVERNMENT....

AND IT JUST SO HAPPEN YOU USUALLY PROTECT THE PUPPETEERS POWER because it is at the core of your ideology.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by mental modulator
Well my conservative friends, once again I take issue with one thing...
Much of conservative doctrine in essence also provides great power to corporate position.

Is that why GE was a massive contributor to Obama? That climate bill was just one big thank you to GE. I guess that is why the media owned by GE gets thrills down its leg for Obama.

And that ain't the only thing....

Dems are getting the lions share of lobbying. Obama is obviously bailing out his wall street friends as much as his union buddies.

So let us please stop this "democrats are for the little guy" lie because it is getting a little old and probably one of the easiest things to research on.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by wutone

Originally posted by mental modulator
Well my conservative friends, once again I take issue with one thing...
Much of conservative doctrine in essence also provides great power to corporate position.

Is that why GE was a massive contributor to Obama? That climate bill was just one big thank you to GE. I guess that is why the media owned by GE gets thrills down its leg for Obama.

And that ain't the only thing....

Dems are getting the lions share of lobbying. Obama is obviously bailing out his wall street friends as much as his union buddies.

So let us please stop this "democrats are for the little guy" lie because it is getting a little old and probably one of the easiest things to research on.

I am not talking about individuals....

I am talking about ideology and beliefs.

And I was not talking about democrats per say either, I'm talking about trickle down and pro corporate stance that goes hand in hand with conservative belief in practice.
Why else do I hear "why should I pay for some lazy persons ( )....

I could start an anti corporate thread today and guess who would come to that thread and call my a socialist, anti american.... Or how about when class warfare is brought up? HMMMMMM I tend to see the same people go to bat for the rich and powerful.

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