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Russia: Michael Jackson Assassinated By CIA

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:35 PM
In former threads there have already been interesting thoughts on the MJ conspiracy, but this is something apparently not mentioned so far:

While I know that Michael Jackson did not at all appear very healthy, I still don't understand why destiny chose for him to die right before his London concert tour and not earlier or later.

It seems to me a coincidence that he died exactly at this point in his life where he was ready for a comeback and just about to perform in London for the first time in years.

My first arguments for his assassination is based on the following article (more clues later on):

FSB sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that American pop icon Michael Jackson was “most assuredly” assassinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after an examination of data transmitted by a Russian Military’s Kosmos 2450 satellite show “conclusively” that immediately prior to the music stars death in Los Angeles an electromagnetic pulse consistent in pattern to EMR weapons looted from the former Soviet Union by the United States was employed at the “exact coordinates” of the rock stars home.

The article continues explaining his relationship with Jane Burgermeister as follows:

Both Michael Jackson and Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa have been long standing supporters of the fearless Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, who is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway, and as we can read: “Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.

She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.

You can find the full article HERE

What does Michael Jackson have to do with Jane Burgermeister? The article mentions the following:

To the reason behind the CIA needing to assassinate Michael Jackson, these reports continue, was an out of court settlement the pop icon signed with son of the king of Bahrain, Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, this past November in London, and which stated, in part, that in exchange for millions of dollars previously lent to Mr. Jackson by the Sheikh, Mr. Jackson would allow his sold-out United Kingdom concerts to be a “platform” for warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event.

So he was going to tell the world all about what he learned from Jane Burgermeister. That musn't have made some people happy, so so far we have found out from his autopsy the following:

And the star's hips, thighs and shoulders were also riddled with needle wounds...Coroner officials found the star had bruising on his knees and shins as well as a cut on his back.

Maybe the needle wounds were also from trying to revive him, but what about the bruising on his knees and shins? Was someone trying to stop him from performing, just in case he was revived?

You can find the autopsy news article on YAHOO

Please let me know your thoughts. It's still just a theory of course...

[edit on 30-6-2009 by MightyAl]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Even though people find it hard to believe that he was touched by a satellite ray, there is a lot of evidence online supporting the existence of this weapon.

You can read the following link at your own leisure (scroll down to read):

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Weapons: As Powerful as The Atom Bomb

[edit on 30-6-2009 by MightyAl]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:23 PM
If you understand German, the following video will give you a precise idea of what the article I quoted is about:

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 10:46 PM
You're not that John L. fellow we're not allowed to speak about around here, are you?
I recall he was blaming everything on those space based energy weapons in space too.

Why would the CIA need to take out someone like MJ to prevent some kind of "warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event." That's no secret. In fact, most of us already realize there are too many people on Earth ... and something needs to be done about it before there are even more mouths to feed.

Come on CIA, stop procrastinating, and crank up them energy beam weapon platforms in space, and lets get busy! ... err ah, wait, lets wait until winter up here in the northern hemisphere, I can imagine the stench would be unbearable doing this in the middle of summer around here.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:46 PM
I don't really like the tone of the article. It sounds overly pro-russian.

an electromagnetic pulse consistent in pattern to EMR weapons looted from the former Soviet Union by the United States

ok what?

Anyway, alot of overseas will say anything bad about the US just to sell some papers. Anti-us headlines seem to make money.
Anti-us headlines + michael jackson = more money.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 11:57 PM
What IS interesting though is how the corporate media fed on this in a frenzy...

Does anyone know of anything else important happening?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by JediK
What IS interesting though is how the corporate media fed on this in a frenzy...

Does anyone know of anything else important happening?


Cap and Trade? ... 99% of Americans will have no idea that it passed the house during MJ's death. Not that they would have cared anyways..

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:23 AM
Wow, this really is something odd! I wouldn't say that I come close to anything that would resemble believing it though. If I were in charge of a CIA orbital laser cannon that could ace a person from space, MJ would be pretty far down on the list of people to fry. Kim Jong-Il, the president of Iran and perhaps an emu to make some giant fried poultry would probably be better targets.

If the United States had actually made a Star Wars laser and pointed it at the planet, which would violate so many treaties that I don't think we'd ever be able to explain that one to the international community, it would also probably be visible from the earth through private telescopes, that thing has to be quite large. If it takes a full 747 to house and power one sort-of-superlaser here on earth, imagine what an orbital cannon would look like. I do have to admit though it sounds like it'd be really cool...

Also the idea that we stole the idea from the Soviets is laughable at best. The west always lead the way in lasers, and to the best of my knowledge, do still today. Sure there were things in the Cold War we stole from the communists, after all their chemical weapons really were top-notch. However, it's not like we really didn't accidentally give them a leg up more often than not. Anyone who knows what a Tupolev Tu-4 is can attest to that!

With a guy as eccentric and secretive as Mr. Jackson was, there are bound to be tons of things the public doesn't know about him, health it seems was a big one. I'm no musician, but I would also thing that the buildup to a comeback tour would be incredibly stressful, and that seems as logical a time as any for a bum ticker to go off.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
You're not that John L. fellow we're not allowed to speak about around here, are you?
I recall he was blaming everything on those space based energy weapons in space too.

Who is John L.? In fact, I'm a skeptic on HAARP's superpowers like most people. This is one case where I believe more in the statements on their own website than anywhere else.

While I have a hard time myself believing MJ was struck by a ray in the James Bond style, it could have been through a more realistic means, and maybe not even by the CIA, but someone else. After all, he had so many debts...

Nevertheless, I did always think he wouldn't live to be old the way he looked. He turned white, and then later on lost his nose...what next? How could his body cope with it?

Why would the CIA need to take out someone like MJ to prevent some kind of "warning the World of a soon to occur mass genocide event." That's no secret. In fact, most of us already realize there are too many people on Earth ... and something needs to be done about it before there are even more mouths to feed.

Yeah, something needs to be done about it, so who should we start with? Your house?
Anyway, do they really want 300 million Americans to know the truth about the swine flu? I think they want people to know as little as about 911. Many people know, but most people also don't know.

Come on CIA, stop procrastinating, and crank up them energy beam weapon platforms in space, and lets get busy! ... err ah, wait, lets wait until winter up here in the northern hemisphere, I can imagine the stench would be unbearable doing this in the middle of summer around here.

In that case let's start with the southern hemisphere, haven't they just entered winter?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Yes, they passed the Climate Bill while the world was mourning MJ and Farrah Fawcett.

According to the Infowars website people are so busy mourning that they don't notice that the Climate Bill has been passed.

Was I the only one who stopped listening to the news about MJ, and instead continued reading articles on the David Icke website, reading the general news and so on?

I think there are tons of people who realised that the Climate Bill has been passed, so I disagree that MJ and FF's deaths were handy for making the Climate Bill pass unnoticed.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:33 AM
if this is true then why dont they just use it on every person in the world that the government does not like? ie - Kim Jong Ill?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:34 AM
Sorcha Faal has been busy. This article has been written by Sorcha Faal. "She" is a known hoaxer.

Sorcha Faal... Internet Hoax Queen Courtesy of David Booth...

[edit on 1 Jul 2009 by Hellmutt]

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Anyway, I'm glad you were all able to give me a logical insight on this. Maybe they will use their beam for Alex Jones next...

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Hellmutt

Thank you for the information. Now I do feel like a fool for reading "her" article and posting it on ATS. I'm glad I never read any of "her" other articles.

I just happened to find a page on "her" website where "she" defends "herself" against accusations started by Jeff Rense in 2005, and going on until today.

Looking at the titles of "her" remaining articles, I find it hard to believe anything "she" writes. Thanks for letting me know, I won't visit that website again.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

He's untouchable
Why don't they strike down the ATSers for using ATS?

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy
Wow, this really is something odd! I wouldn't say that I come close to anything that would resemble believing it though. If I were in charge of a CIA orbital laser cannon that could ace a person from space, MJ would be pretty far down on the list of people to fry. Kim Jong-Il, the president of Iran and perhaps an emu to make some giant fried poultry would probably be better targets.

If the United States had actually made a Star Wars laser and pointed it at the planet, which would violate so many treaties that I don't think we'd ever be able to explain that one to the international community, it would also probably be visible from the earth through private telescopes, that thing has to be quite large. If it takes a full 747 to house and power one sort-of-superlaser here on earth, imagine what an orbital cannon would look like. I do have to admit though it sounds like it'd be really cool...

Also the idea that we stole the idea from the Soviets is laughable at best. The west always lead the way in lasers, and to the best of my knowledge, do still today. Sure there were things in the Cold War we stole from the communists, after all their chemical weapons really were top-notch. However, it's not like we really didn't accidentally give them a leg up more often than not. Anyone who knows what a Tupolev Tu-4 is can attest to that!

With a guy as eccentric and secretive as Mr. Jackson was, there are bound to be tons of things the public doesn't know about him, health it seems was a big one. I'm no musician, but I would also thing that the buildup to a comeback tour would be incredibly stressful, and that seems as logical a time as any for a bum ticker to go off.

No. You fail, sir. US makes money off of the oil that the president of Iran sells them(dirt cheap) and kim jong il? LOL you dont know enough about what really goes on to be wondering why CIA doesn't assassinate him. You should go back and read about how the north and south were affected during the korean war, and how the superpowers of the world influenced that.

Anyway, scroll up and read some smart people responses which are based on facts, and then spend your time typing your own fact independent thoughts on here.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:53 AM
Well I for one believe he was bumped off. He was going to announce info about the dodgy flu vaccine. They've been trying to shut him up and discredit him for years. Anyway , here is what Ashtar (of the Galactic Federation) has to say about the subject:

"Now we wish to comment upon the passing of the one who seemed to have passed before his time just as though he were on the verge of a brilliant program. This one called Michael. He was in contract, even though he had some influences of drugs and even though he had some handlers and was mistreated as a young boy and so on, he still new something. He knew a lot. He wasn’t entirely human. He came from a place of love. He knew that love was the answer. He did great things in the name of love. He gifted his talents to the world and gave continuously of himself to help others and while he himself wanted nothing more than to be Peter Pan and never to grow up, he did ultimately achieve adulthood and some freedom from the confinements of his family and he was very free in his artistic expression and in that he left a legacy. If you have any doubts about th at, find some of his videos and watch them. Feel the wonder of the love that he forgets as he does his artistic performances.

Now as we said, he was in contract. Everybody has some degree of knowing what happened to him to some degree or other, be it conscious or not. The world is coming together in that high vibrational expression of consciousness and he knows that he was loved and he knows that he is still loved and is love. He is indeed dancing and singing just on the other side. There will be grand reunions as you beloved beings on planet earth make your ascension. Some of you may choose to get with him and do some dancing in the higher realm.

He had some inkling that his days were numbered. Not the feeling that he had health challenges. Read the accounts of his rehearsals and you’ll know that he couldn’t possibly be feeling any inkling of immortality. He had an inkling that something was going to happen. He was not only going to give voice to his artistic expression, but some informational kind of broadcasting. And so, those who have the technical capabilities to send a pulse - a wave - they were congratulating themselves. They are not congratulating themselves anymore.

The ships you heard about have been seen, an indication not just to the world but to those who brought about the dying of his body, that they are known. This latest crime will be brought out and aired, along with other things they have done, Iraqis, Afghanistan and Africa – they have tortured and killed, and individual ones who stand out such as assassinations of leaders of this country and others. And so the ships over the ranch, the dwelling place, the home were simply an indication – everyone knows what happened there. And there are lies put forth. You can believe, the truth was he was in contract so Sekhmet and the protectors stepped aside to allow this particular event to take place so the world could celebrate his life, mourn his passing and most of all the truth of the l ove he represented, and the truth of what really happened. And it will come forth. So we have dwelt on this in honor of this one who gave so much in tradition of those who passed before him."


So he WAS bumped by a pulse wave weapon, and all will be revealed!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 05:20 AM
MJ's Death certificate has been released.....and guess what...cause of death is "deferred":

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:49 PM
I have found a site that linked michael jackson to the Sirius, The Dog Star and the Rainbow Bridge Connection, 2 WEEKS BEFORE the Moonwalker's death. Very interesting, his spiritual adviser, Jesse Jackson is also the founder of the Rainbow Coalition and is also a 33rd degree FM. The Rainbow Bridge in Connection with the Dog Star Sirius is a deep esoteric relationship known well in freemasonry. Googleit.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by S3r3n3]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:56 AM
Jane Burgermeister is now suing Sorcha Faal for this false article, so case closed

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