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Lautenberg To Introduce Bill To Criminalize 70% Of America Monday

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posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Everyone needs to watch this video! This guy explains exactly how the DHS watch list is going to be used to disarm the American Public. He explains how the new gun laws are the exact same as those implemented by Stalin and other communist dictators, how the NWO is behind the push to disarm us and many other aspects of the situation.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:03 PM
Okay watched it.

The guy does have his facts straight, i'll admit that!

His neck tattoo makes me cringe, because, well, OW!!!

It's hard to believe but, if it happened before it'll happen again. There's no reason why this couldn't happen.

People want whatever the current adminstration WILL is, they don't know really why he's doing all this, but they know it must be for their good, this is what the campaign said, so it must be true.

I don't own a gun, but I want one!

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Yeah, he doesn't look like it, but the guy has his facts straight. And the facts are just plain scary.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Guys, this rumor has been making the rounds for what, 15 years and it hasn't happened yet? Firearm, gun permit and ammo sales are a multimillion dollars business in America, it's not going anywhere.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
-- Thomas Jefferson

It's great that you can stay optimistic, but I prefer to err on the side of caution. Thanks for the reply.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Republican08

People want whatever the current adminstration WILL is, they don't know really why he's doing all this, but they know it must be for their good, this is what the campaign said, so it must be true.

Well said. It never ceases to amaze me how much faith people put in the government, even going so far as to willingly hand over their Constitutional Rights as long as they believe it's for their own good.


[edit on 26-6-2009 by TheAssociate]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Stick a Dale Dead Bugs trucker hat on him and stick a cigerrette in his mouth and he is a dead ringer for Dale Gribble from King of the Hill.

Even looks like he is in Dales basement.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by TheAssociate

Having had a relative who was under investigation at one point because a roommate stored unregistered weapons in their home without his knowledge (and who was murdered during the investigation), I support this bill. Fact, ALL firearms need to be registered, there are way too many people in this country who have NO damn business ever owning a weapon. Requiring a person who is willed a weapon to demonstrate eligibility is a good idea too. Some of you need to spend some time around emergency rooms, your local jail and the courts before you start muttering about "conspiracies to disarm the public" to facilitate some fictional genocide plan. What they are trying to do is keep Americans from killing each other which they have done in record numbers in the past few decades. I spend a lot of time around lower income black and mixed neighborhoods right now and it is sickening at how many people are packing guns at the local basketball game, forget about serious situations. If TSHTF you will probably see far more people shot by acquanitances in a panic or accidentally killing themselves than engaging in self defense.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by TheAssociate

Do me a favor TA, or anyone else for that matter.

Look at his myspace, but not anything he says, blah blah blah, look at the comments. Scroll down.

Notice most are youth, which are the future, see how much eagerness and love for a unknown person they have, black and white, male female. He's joined them together, yet maybe not for the good.

When I read the comments of "I feel safe knowing your the president". and so forth.

It's disgusting, always question your presidents motives, growing up I questioned the hell out of my parents motives, sure their parents but, i've only know them for what 7 years, so better make sure! HAHA. i'm not 7 btw just saying for example.

This man can do whatever he darn well pleases, and people will back him, all he needs is his PR, to make it sound really really nice!

It'll get done, i'm thinking he won't be ringing in a new age, just setting a big block for it.

Mar 24, 2009 11:45 PM
look I voted for you... you approved the 10.000 dollar drop in military enlistment bonus's.
You said you would support the troops!!!!!

That's my favorite quote out of all the I Loves you Obama quotes.

[edit on 26-6-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

I respect your right to your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. Trading liberty for safety is a slippery slope and we're already well on our way down it. The last thing we need is more government interference in our lives even if it does mean a little bit of temporary safety. (I paraphrased Benjamin Franklin in there somewhere, credit where credit is due).


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

I think (with respect to your opinion) what I am seeing is, classic, "I saw a black person rob a store, all black people are thieves". Type of thinking? No?

One incidence may of been bad but not all.

Guns only provide a way to kill someone, but by that logic, we would have to jail everyone, because even then teaspoons become dangerous, and we'd have to outlaw everything.

Death is tragic, but disarming the public from guns, or just the majority, will only increase the black market, and they'll still get guns. Just because a drug is illegal doesn't mean you can't get it easily.
Sad as that may be.

People will only find a way to kill other people.

I would honestly suggest that you look how (I believe) England's gun laws, and the insane crime rate, and unfair judicial system is, letting criminals go and victims arrested. This obviously doesn't work and is in no way good.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by jd140

He does kinda look like a tattooed Rusty Shackleford, doesn't he?

Oh well, I guess in some cases being blind would have it's advantages. One of the most wonderful parts of communicating via the internet (sans the webcam) is that it allows us to judge one's character by what he or she has to say, rather than how he or she looks. I'm sure there's plenty of insightful people here on ATS with intelligent things to say, whose thoughts might otherwise be discounted due to their appearance.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:46 PM
The way things are looking lately looks like We are going to need out guns for when the public dole runs out. I don't look forward to shooting someone but when and if someone thinks they can steal from me without the governments help they better think again. His supporters are total dumb asses and they are the same type of people that massacred 60 million russians when they went to communism. The lazy people look forward to the day that they can take everything we have worked so hard for because once again We owe it to them and we are the reason they can't get ahead. These people disgust me and I better get off this subject before I am flagged as a terrorist.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by TheAssociate

Actually, looking at alot of member photos, I'm not surprised at all, believe it or not, ATS isn't full of mel gibson look alikes!

I try my best not to judge anyone on their physical features, to keep an open mind, it's hard but in due time, it's a blessing to have acquired that skill.

MLK- Wished to be judge not on color but on knowledge (but better said by him)

I think we should judge by content of character (thats it!) instead of personal features. Although, i've been the first to comment that a person is fat..... HAHA. It's bad but i'm getting it whipped into shape.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Death is tragic, but disarming the public from guns, or just the majority, will only increase the black market

Another excellent point. Prohibition, be it of a substance, a type of weapon, or anything else, only leads to a black market for the item in question. Black markets invariably increase the crime rate. Taking guns away might provide some temporary safety, but in the long run it would only make things worse.


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by TheAssociate

To be honest, I haven't listened to it. My computer is in the family room and my wife is asleep on the couch. My dog has eaten the headphones.

I just thought the resembelance was striking. I mean, it looks as if he is in his basement, which is the same place Gribble spends all his time.

He could actually sue for character infringement.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Republican08

You are dead wrong. I lived for eight years in a working class black neighborhood, went to mixed schools and work regularly in lower income neighborhoods. Guns are HUGE in the hood and are one of the two primary reasons the crime and death rates are much higher there than other areas, the other being illegal drug sales. Why do you think the police will not go into many black neighborhoods? Sorry but I stand by my point, take guns out those neighborhoods and violent crimes will drastically drop if people cannot simply pop a cap in someone, something I would suggest to you happens in white suburbia too. An awful lot of black politicians and civic groups back that up, please name five who are lobbying for easier gun access. I await your answer.

Comparing England or any other Western European country to America's crime rate is moot, they do not have any where near the same numbers of reported murders, violent assaults or rapes. I agree with you the person behind the gun does the killing but it really seems to provide a motive to act first and think later.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:12 AM
ok...i havent watched the video...but i have a question for those of you out there who think that more "gun control" is needed as per some of the responses above

do you SERIOUSLY think that by instating more rules and laws controlling guns and making it harder for the INNOCENT to get them that criminals wont??? take guns away from the lawful and the lawless will STILL get matter what you do...period...end of story...over in the UK...guns are illegal to own...guess what...criminals still have them...hmmmmmmm...might wanna take a look at our neighbors across the sea for that one

i will watch the video in the morning (its 4am in vegas right now)...but gun control nuts really bother me with their sheer IGNORANCE on the gun think that making it HARDER for those of us who keep guns as a DEFENSE means, it will also take the guns out of the hands of criminals, or school children (ie: colombine, which was total BS to begin with because no one can look at THEMSELVES anymore...they blame EVERYTHING on everyone/thing else) or drug dealers, or homie thug gangster types...NO!!!!! it will just make it so people like me and many INNOCENT people out there can no longer "keep and bare arms" as per our 2nd ammendment right allows us to...and do you know why that ammendment was written??!!!! TO KEEP ARMS TO DEFEND AGAINST A MEGALOMANICAL AND OVERPOWERING GOVERNMENT THAT WE CURRENTLY HAVE TODAY!!! it also allows us to defend OURSELVES from those who may bring life threatening harm to our families and our persons

so please...before ANYONE wants to defend the government in making it harder for the LAWFUL to own guns...think about the fact that even if guns were banned and made illegal...CRIMINALS WOULD STILL HAVE THEM!!!

[edit on 27-6-2009 by dorkidori_s13]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by dorkidori_s13]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by dorkidori_s13]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
reply to post by Republican08
Comparing England or any other Western European country to America's crime rate is moot, they do not have any where near the same numbers of reported murders, violent assaults or rapes. I agree with you the person behind the gun does the killing but it really seems to provide a motive to act first and think later.

i suggest you make friends with an english person who actually watches their local news channels more mums side of the family is all english (including my mum)...i speak to my aunt, one of my best friends and my grandmother who are all from the UK every weekend (and who all reside there)...guess what...stabbings and killings are EASILY comparable (and are getting even worse currently) to the amount of killings that happen in the good ol US of OBAMA

[edit on 27-6-2009 by dorkidori_s13]

[edit on 27-6-2009 by dorkidori_s13]

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by dorkidori_s13

Excellent points, Dori. Regulations on the ability of the law-abiding to obtain guns only makes things worse. It simultaneously creates more violence through the creation of a black market and strips the lawful of their ability to defend themselves. What you end up with is a much more violent society and no means to defend yourself.


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