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The Second American Revolution Has Begun! Then What?

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posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by dooper

Yes we should.

As dooper has pointed out, following the path of least resistance is certain death; the hardest terrain in approach to your objective is safest. Haste in travel can get you very dead – always be aware of your surroundings. If possible take the high ground always keeping the crest of the ridge and tree cover above your head with foliage concealment between you and possible observers on paths below.

ANYTHING out of place or the ordinary, STOP, observe and listen; never move until you are certain of your surroundings; observe every step while scanning left to right watching with your peripheral vision for hints of movement.

Travel with one man forward and one behind just enough to keep the main body of your group in sight. Stop and duck at a prearranged signal such as a metallic ‘click’. Resume travel only when a prearranged ‘all clear’ signal is given. IF trouble should start, have certain members of your group assigned to fan out to the right and left while keeping the main body of the group in sight. KNOW YOUR ASSIGNMENTS BY ROTE.

Never cross an open field nor over a barren hill, always travel with concealment, as possible. Traveling during rain through the woods will help keep you hidden from thermal and inferred sights.

When you stop to rest during your travel post a rotating guard, always pick up and bury any trash and refuge, leave no broken branches or other sign of your passing and NEVER light a fire or cigarette at night; if you can be seen, you can and mostly will be killed; security, security, security; no unnecessary talking, movement or activity.

REMEMBER, prepositioned supplies at rally points on your path. These supplies must be broken up so if one catch is lost, the others can be still utilized. THINK!

[edit on 6/29/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 10:24 PM
If you have a "meeting engagement," everyone should have at least done a bit of discussing and practicing as to how to disengage while presenting an offensive defense.

The front one or two fold back (depending on terrain) ten to fifteen meters behind the second tier, who as they pass, put up a good volume of fire.

As their magazine is empty, they fold back to the rear of those now in place, and your front keeps folding back. It will be wider or include more layers, depending on your numbers. Think about it and cover this before you head out.

With practice, you will work together like fingers on a hand.

If time and terrain permits, holes dug in an anticipated line of approach, covered carefully with straw/reeds and then topped with dirt or leaves to match can be dug. Inside the hold, sharpened sticks dipped in human waste, angled in toward the center of the hole will certainly sound a warning if one falls in.

Cover as you leave the position - no use hurting innocents or children by accident.

As you travel, if you see tall grasses with seeds atop, gather them as you pass. Scatter these seeds near your bivouac position and birds will come to feed. Anyone approaches, the birds will take wing, and you have your warning.

When terrain permits - always - ALWAYS travel with flankers. One only must study the Legions of Varus, or the Battle of LZ Albany for validation. (you would think that our own military would have learned something from those examples - but hell no.)

Attack where there is no defense. Defend where there is no attack. Sounds crazy, but this has dual meanings.

The most obvious meanings first. Don't fall for a feint. Everyone covers their own sector, and only moves or shifts on command. That which the enemy fails to defend is likely where your point attack will succeed.

The other meaning is how you work over your own plans. Do so from the enemy's standpoint. Try to find how you would attack yourself, and then make adjustments. One cannot defend all. To defend everything is to defend nothing. Use terrain, geographic features, streams, cliffs, treelines, and vegetation to enhance your defense.

For survival, that which is intuitive is counterproductive. That which is counterintuitive is productive. Linear is to be anticipated. Rapid, lateral and diagonal movement must become intuitive.

That which is counterintuitive is to win. Live. Survive. Combat intuition must be counterintuitive in substance. Counter-intuition must be learned. Counter-intuition must be practiced and learned until counterintuition becomes intuitive.

By careful movement and planning, you can detect, assess, anticipate, and adjust - a constant loop of activity.

Never rely solely on defense. The sword is more important than the shield as the shield will eventually splinter or defend the wrong side of a killing thrust. Skill and counterintuitive intuition are more important than either.

The attacker always maintains the initiative. A constantly mobile, moving group is harder to pin down. Never, ever when on the move, spend two meals in the same location.

Anything worth killing is worth killing twice. Dead is good. Deader is better.

In combat, anytime you aren't shooting, you should be reloading and finding something else to shoot. The faster you kill, the less shot you get.

If your shooting stance is really good, you're not moving fast enough, you've misjudged the critical nature of your situation, you're about to be flanked, your cover is insufficient, or you've already killed it. Move!

To survive, you have to be ruthless.

Be most ruthless with yourself first and always, reviewing your plans, practicing your arts and skills. Regardless of your plan, training, execution, or fatigue, there's always something left undone, one more thing to do.

Every time you get that addressed, look around. There's ALWAYS something else to do.

The most capable, decisive weapon in any arsenal is the mind. It's sitting right on top of your shoulders - USE IT!

Take no counsel of your fears. The emphasis is on COUNCIL of your fears. There will always be uncertainties; there will always be fears, but one cannot turn from his goals because of uncertainties and unknown variables.

Hesitation is ruin. Hesitation is cowardice. Cowardice is another word for prey. Prey is another word for dead.

Samuel Johnson said, "Courage is the greatest of all virtues. Because if you haven't any courage, you may not have the opportunity to use any of the others."

Win with abilities and thinking. Not numbers. You never, ever do the enemy a small injury.

Prepare for meeting your enemy. Every second. Every moment. Every day.

A surprise - anticipated - is never a surprise.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your planning is piss-poor and your execution positively sucks.

There are no rules. Not in survival.

Never engage unless certain of winning. You pick the time, the place, the numbers, and the point of attack. To man a wall, a window, a trench, a roof, one must be exposed to something. Prepare and plan for that something.

Some fights are unwinnable. Don't even try it. Wait until you have the advantage. An elephant can be consumed by ants. One bite at a time.

"Given the same amount of intelligence, timidity will do a thousand times more damage than timidity." Clausewitz.

"The more comfort the less courage there is." Suvarov.

"Those things which your enemy perceives you to hold valuable, and in turn threaten to either harm or withhold, must be eliminated that you may destroy your enemies in turn without hesitation. Family, finance, peace, and even the comfort of habit are weaknesses your enemy can leverage against you to your defeat. Use his weaknesses to his defeat." Michael Riggs

Never be afraid to evacuate a planned, prepared position. This is why multiple caches must be made, why multiple escape routes must be planned, and why one must never hesitate when it comes time to go.

There will be a tomorrow.

You lose contact with your foe, look behind you.

Never fight to the enemy's strengths. You don't swordfight Zorro, footrace with the Flash, nor bicycle race against Lance Armstrong. You shoot Zorro at a distance, engage the Flash on glazed ice, and line up against Lance on a Harley.

If you can beat a man in his mind before you actually engage, instilling serious doubts and fears in his mind, then he is already half-beaten when you engage him. If he wants to engage at all.

If you find your attack is going exceedingly well, you probably just blundered into an ambush.

Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

If you are left with only one solution - it's always the stupid one.

Will add more as time goes on if anyone wants.

There can't be any prisoners. Prisoners will kill you.

Anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:31 PM
Wow this thread took an odd turn! I would be a bit concerned you guys, you are skirting rather close to some quite illegal content here in my opinion. Remember, anti-government violence is still considered terrorism right, we are still currently under the rule of law, and the person you talk to may well be looking to do something rather rash.

Just thought I'd offer that, best of luck all!

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Giving lessons and wisdom for combat and survival situations is NOT the same as threatening the Government. In fact these two are sharing their wisdom from experience in fighting for this Country and for the Government.

I suggest you keep such insidious allegations and accusations to yourself.

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Giving lessons and wisdom for combat and survival situations is NOT the same as threatening the Government. In fact these two are sharing their wisdom from experience in fighting for this Country and for the Government.

I suggest you keep such insidious allegations and accusations to yourself.

I never said it was anything illegal yet, just very close to the line. I'm just saying perhaps open forums on the internet with strangers is not the best place to be speaking about tactics to be used against governments. That sort of thing can land you in trouble and for good reason. We are at war in this country you know, and loose lips can still sink ships so to speak.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Who said they are to be used against the Government? I have seen several warning of Foreign troops, not to mention in an economic collapse there are any number of potential enemies including gangs, looters, etc.

Again sharing combat knowledge and wisdom is not even close to walking a line of terrorism.

They are speaking of combat survival skills and apparently you have not the wisdom to learn because of your fear of the Government. It is precisely that attitude that will be the enslavement and/or death of many people.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Who said they are to be used against the Government? I have seen several warning of Foreign troops, not to mention in an economic collapse there are any number of potential enemies including gangs, looters, etc.

Again sharing combat knowledge and wisdom is not even close to walking a line of terrorism.

They are speaking of combat survival skills and apparently you have not the wisdom to learn because of your fear of the Government. It is precisely that attitude that will be the enslavement and/or death of many people.

Look at what you just wrote there, see that's called a contradiction. Yes, there has been advocacy against the government on this very thread, that federal organizations are whom you will be fighting. On top of this, it's still terrorism to kill allied troops!

I mean you guys are quite free to write whatever you like on here, within the rules of the site of course, but think absolutely anyone can read this stuff. The second it goes from talk to action, that's very bad, very illegal and very morally disgusting.

I mean the fact that you people seem to want combat is absolutely counter to what I believe, and what I've heard every single military man I've ever known believes, about how soldiers should think of war. It's legal though, and I'd defend it, because it's your free speech. What happens if some nutter finds this and decides to act on it now? That would be quite bad for you boys if they name you as inspiration.

That's all I've really got to say on it, so I'll leave you to it, but I'm just saying use some common sense here people!

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

I think it was clearly written about foreign troops being on our soil under the paint of the UN. As to your argument of said troops being allies, well you have a different perspective than myself of how to define them if they are going to be enforcing any type of martial law on American Citizens. Martial Law by itself is completely unconstitutional and highly illegal. Having foreign troops do it is nothing less than treason of the highest order and anyone in the Government who give such orders should immediately removed from office and arrested as by law.

That being said again, if you feel that sharing any type of knowledge be it survival techniques and combat wisdom is anything close to terrorism perhaps you are already lost then and my discussions with you should end there because of the pointlessness.

Your argument as to what if someone acts upon their knowledge and does something with it then they might as well not print any Tom Clancy books or Survival books or anything else of that nature of a few posts on an Internet Message Board could be construed as inciting someone to go on some type of killing spree.

Following your logic you may as well not give fat people forks less they continue to eat unhealthy food, and we should all stop driving less there continues to be car accidents fatalities.

Otherwise get a grip and take responsibility for yourself, do yourself a favor indulge in some wisdom, make some preparations, and hope and/or pray you never have to use it but be grateful in case you have to.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:21 AM
A violent revolution will not solve anything. Thousands will die. If not millions.

Due to the fact that this armed revolution would consist of a minority of Americans, they would be easily disposed of. By disposed of, I mean killed or imprisoned.

The government would then implement martial law. Police and military checkpoints would be established throughout your country. Surveillance would be magnified.

Those involved in this violent revolution would be classified as terrorists, and the majority of American citizens would be in agreement with that assessment.

Change will only come when the majority of Americans feel that it is necessary.

It will more than likely be accomplished through peaceful methods.

Your desire for bloodshed will make matters in your country worse.

Your desire for bloodshed will ensure that your country is plunged in to a state of chaos.

Your desire for bloodshed will ensure that an actual police state is instated.

Your desire for bloodshed will truly erode your freedoms and hasten the destruction of the U.S. constitution that you all hold so dear.

When the majority of American have had enough of the current political climate, you will not need violence to restore your nation to its former glory.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by astrij

Thank you for your wonderful views and idealism. Now that you have shared views that are quite irrelevant to the discussion may I suggest you go and read this thread?

No one here is advocating nor wants a violent revolution but again thanks for your irrelevant post.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by astrij
A violent revolution will not solve anything. Thousands will die. If not millions.

Due to the fact that this armed revolution would consist of a minority of Americans, they would be easily disposed of. By disposed of, I mean killed or imprisoned.

The government would then implement martial law. Police and military checkpoints would be established throughout your country. Surveillance would be magnified.

Those involved in this violent revolution would be classified as terrorists, and the majority of American citizens would be in agreement with that assessment.

Change will only come when the majority of Americans feel that it is necessary.

It will more than likely be accomplished through peaceful methods.

Your desire for bloodshed will make matters in your country worse.

Your desire for bloodshed will ensure that your country is plunged in to a state of chaos.

Your desire for bloodshed will ensure that an actual police state is instated.

Your desire for bloodshed will truly erode your freedoms and hasten the destruction of the U.S. constitution that you all hold so dear.

When the majority of American have had enough of the current political climate, you will not need violence to restore your nation to its former glory.

I can't agree more violence only begets more violence. Armed struggle should always only be a last resort, and only when all others are completely worn out.

Since most of you that are in on this NWO revolution bit seem to also be Christians, here's how it's laid out in your own God-inspired book:

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Matt, 5:9

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
reply to post by astrij

Thank you for your wonderful views and idealism. Now that you have shared views that are quite irrelevant to the discussion may I suggest you go and read this thread?

No one here is advocating nor wants a violent revolution but again thanks for your irrelevant post.

You are correct. I consider myself an idealist. Though, in this instance, when speaking about an armed revolution, I think that my stance is based wholly on reality

No disrespect mean to SGTChas, but the majority of his threads, and there are quite a few of them regarding this subject, seem to advocate violence as a means of solving the political crisis that Americans currently face.

I was only attempting to offer an opposing point of view. That point of view being that a revolution based on violent ideology, will only create more problems than many here believe it will solve.

You and others on this forum are certainly free to feel otherwise, however.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by astrij

I suggest paying a little more detail as SGTChas has said on numerous occasions he advocates nothing more than self defense if and when necessary.

I am 100 percent sure I can speak for Chas and nearly everyone here that all we want is merely to be left alone and live in peace as afforded to us by the constitution.

What is being discussed here is an obvious erosion of our constitution and violations of the law that is being perpetrated by our very Government in such a way that when compared to every similar case in history it leads to nothing less than tyranny and oppression of the people which defies the very founding and existence of our country in the first place.

When put in such a context, the necessity for self-defense becomes a relevant and pertinent discussion while every means possible to avoid such a scenario and bring the Government back in line with the people is tried and exhausted.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

Jimmy, I am going to try and make this as plain and simple as I can.

Accusations of terrorism against the United States and it's people is not at all to be taken lightly even if you say they are 'walking a fine line.' I find the context in which you justify your accusations not only to be an obvious deviation from logic and reason but truly offensive given the people you have chosen to direct such insinuations at.

I personally know Chas, Dooper, and several others in this thread have sacrificed more than you can even begin to imagine or comprehend for the very Country which you accuse them of inciting violence against under the direction of the very Government which you also accuse them of inciting violence against.

If anyone has earned the right to a clear and objective perspective, they have. Until you are willing to lay down on the line what they have for people like you and me I suggest you listen to people like them quite intently unless you would like to find yourself living in Hitler's wet dream as seen by your inclination to label your fellow citizen a terrorist so easily.

This could not be said any more plainly, NO ONE is advocating violence nor does anyone want it. Now if you could keep your very insulting insinuations to yourself and let those of us who are interested in being prepared for a scenario we all want avoided that would be much appreciated.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

It's interesting to me Anonymous Avatar, why you feel you have to respond to everything written against the militant anti-NWO crowd.

I don't pretend that I can speak for anyone but myself here, and I will say that this is my stance on the issue of the militants here:

I am not yet convinced on the NWO.

I believe in the rule of law and government as general principals.

I believe that you and the people you speak for do advocate violence, while hiding behind literalisms to mask your arguments when called upon it.

I believe that soldiers should be the last to ever want war, or combat of any kind for that matter.

I believe that foreign soldiers are still human beings and not monsters sent to destroy our nation.

I believe that acting against these foreign soldiers would probably still land you in jail for a very long time or dead.

I believe that's a just response as well.

I believe in the United Nations as a force for good in this world, abet a very cumbersome and inefficient one.

I believe we will someday, peacefully choose to unite as a one-world global community of people under a democratic government of some kind.

I believe that day is very far off.

I believe in peaceful revolution, and that it has served the United States quite well in social issues.

I believe that love will actually win over hate in the end.

I believe the United States of America is not a totalitarian, fascist, communist, socialist or plutocratic nation.

I believe that you are a fringe group.

I believe that frustrates you to no end as you do not understand how anyone seeing the same information you do, does not come to the same conclusion.

I believe the majority of people, even those in the elite of whatever influence they are in, are good people and do what they believe to be right.

I do believe you think you are doing the right thing, with all of your heart.

I simply don't think you are.

This is what I believe regarding the issues here in this thread. Please feel free to disagree with me, but know that I have read all of it, and researched the so-called "NWO" quite extensively. I actively choose to disagree with you based upon my own logical and rational conclusions, not because of any dearth of knowledge or understanding on my part.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

I have no qualms with what ever you choose to believe, I do however have a problem with you and our Government labeling anyone who does not agree with your beliefs a terrorist.

Stop that and we can have an intelligent discussion and debate and I would be quite happy to address every single one of your beliefs.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Anonymous Avatar]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy
Wow this thread took an odd turn! I would be a bit concerned you guys, you are skirting rather close to some quite illegal content here in my opinion. Remember, anti-government violence is still considered terrorism right, we are still currently under the rule of law, and the person you talk to may well be looking to do something rather rash.

Just thought I'd offer that, best of luck all!

Knowledge is NEVER illegal. Application of that knowledge resides with the applicator.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

I never said it was anything illegal yet, just very close to the line. I'm just saying perhaps open forums on the internet with strangers is not the best place to be speaking about tactics to be used against governments. That sort of thing can land you in trouble and for good reason. We are at war in this country you know, and loose lips can still sink ships so to speak.

Looks like general survival tips to me, to be used against a general enemy, not specifically a government.

Governments have big 'splodey things, and lasers, and those awesome goggle thingys, and toy airplanes with missiles and eyes that see in funny wavelengths and stuff.

Now I can see how this stuff could work against gangstas, and those pesky militias and stuff.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:53 AM

I understand wholeheartedly why Americans are growing angry. People are losing their homes, and their jobs while international bankers are handed trillions of dollars. These alleged bailouts did nothing whatsoever to stimulate the US economy. It is truly disgusting. I certainly emphasize with those that are angry.

I still remain steadfast on my position that violence will not solve the current problems that America faces.

I will also reiterate that when enough Americans become fed up, violence will not be needed to bring about the positive change that you seek.

Much the same as the million man march through DC, if millions of Americans marched in to Washington demanding change, I'd imagine that the US government would be forced to oblige. If they refused, they would be turfed out on their behinds faster than you could say God Bless America.

On that note, I would like to offer my apologies for not taking the time to read the original post of this thread. However, I have read a fair amount of topics regarding the subject of revolution that seem to revolve around the advocacy of violence.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

Look at what you just wrote there, see that's called a contradiction. Yes, there has been advocacy against the government on this very thread, that federal organizations are whom you will be fighting. On top of this, it's still terrorism to kill allied troops!

I mean you guys are quite free to write whatever you like on here, within the rules of the site of course, but think absolutely anyone can read this stuff. The second it goes from talk to action, that's very bad, very illegal and very morally disgusting.

I mean the fact that you people seem to want combat is absolutely counter to what I believe, and what I've heard every single military man I've ever known believes, about how soldiers should think of war. It's legal though, and I'd defend it, because it's your free speech. What happens if some nutter finds this and decides to act on it now? That would be quite bad for you boys if they name you as inspiration.

That's all I've really got to say on it, so I'll leave you to it, but I'm just saying use some common sense here people!

There's a difference between saying " Do this, this, and this, and DO IT RIGHT NOW!" and saying "If you were to get caught in this situation, THIS might be a good thing to do if you want to come out the other side of it alive."

Of course, if my dear old dad hadn't had this very sort of talk with me starting at an early age, I wouldn't be around to annoy you right now, I'd be fertilizing some of the loveliest daisies you ever saw.

There are just times when a man gets caught up in things not of his own making, that he'd prefer to be able to tell his grandchildren about.

These sorts of pointers facilitate that. These fellows may be saving lives, and here you are complaining about it.

For shame.

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