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How do We Define the Human Hearted?

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posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 12:05 PM
The way you define the Human Hearted is by Their Ethics. There are many on this planet, here Now, that are entrapped in a System involving a scarcity paradigm, wherein a corrupter of Ethics exists. For many Human Hearted the little ethics, the supporting base of Ethics, have been degraded. You know... The little daily things you do for money (directly or indirectly), whether it's doing that job you love to come home from and forget for a while, with a current of dread of doing it again tomorrow running behind the coast into relaxation, or the receiving of money "under the radar." For many, the connection to Ethics has weakened, as reasons for choosing actions ranging in degree, from minor infraction to total disregard for Ethics, are constructed in protection of that source of sustanence.

At this Time in Our planet's entire History, and for the first time, We are at a point where We can choose Our course planetwide. We have the power, via Robotics, to cast off slavery. You know, that week-at-a-time series of blips most (I presume) of us dread, and yet find a challenge in, as we do it, to maintain sanity - for money. And make choices that lack ethics, and thereby, Ethics.

We are now connected, as the Human Race... This is why the interweb is so much a threat (Rocky made no bones about this in a documented session. I have to make the deduction that there IS a "Them" (who would it be that would see the interweb as a threat, after all?) "They" would be the Lizard Hearted.) We, as a connected whole, are emergent. That is to say, what We do with what We have will result in the Now that defines our Race.

What We, as the representative beings, the Individuals of Sentience, choose to do at this time on this planet of Ours will determine how we will be seen whether there are aliens here now, or whether we encounter them in some future (and I assess that they are very much among us Now). And what We are, as Now develops, is likely to affect how they deal with Us.

Since We are connected, as the Human organism upon this planet, and it is the individual choices of behavior that dictate the representative manifestation of the whole, emergent leadership must occur if awareness and willingness are high enough.

And since it's very clear if one examines the data, that this planet has enough for all of us ten times over (Australia has enough land mass to give us each a quarter acre - every Individual of Sentience here Now - and still have a chunk of change left over; all of our fleshly mass would would fit in one side canyon of the Grand Canyon with plenty of space to spare) We have plenty available on this Pearl of Humanity, this System-crippled place that enslaves Us. And thus, the spread of the concept of "running out of resources" is likely much like global warming and carbon footprints, to accomplish the sucking of wealth from a duped populace, maintaining the status quo path.

We Now may choose to make decisions. These discisions, though affecting Our global presence in this Universe, can be made Individually. And if We have knowledge of the fact that We can change things, and choose according to that goal, the emergent behavior will be towards that goal.

With Our nervous system, the interweb, that brings Us together, We can make choices together. And as such, We have control of how We manifest in the dimension of Time. With this connected state We can examine what We have Ethically - IF We have the awareness of the concept of abundance and what its benefits are.

The optimal way for these ideas to spread, of course, would be if the Media toadies were to open wide on the concepts and facts. It is more difficult, at the moment, to accomplish this willingness than one might hope, but this is not insurmountable. If we spread the ideas, within a Code of Ethics, We could accomplish both the (abhorred!) Service to Self, freeing us from slavery and worry for the things that sustain Us, allowing us Each to follow our bliss AND the (glorified) Service to Others, bringing nourishment and love to those Now "less fortunate."

This solution, of bringing the knowledge and willingness to the point of tipping manifestation, would tip towards a double solution which satisfies other concepts as well. It is an act of Forgiveness. For We would not spend energy on unloving behavior towards those who now enslave Us. Our associations will be seldom and only by mutual choice. Or even amiable over all. That depends on the choices of the Individuals what will emerge over all.

What are the ingredient, other than the spread of an abundence paradigm, that would speed things along? If those who have the power to choose the sharing of information do so. Many may feel they're bound by their word, but given the state of things and where they're seemingly headed, I contend that the agreement is nullified. The goals are not as stated.

This outflow of information, were it to occur, would provide a good set of data regarding all the resources We have in terms of tech, energy availability, willingness, and innovation. What we would also see is the "Good Samaritan" effect emerge. People would take care of people in the interim, seeing the reality achievable.

A Code of Ethics, based on the three Laws - No hurting/killing of another; No damaging/stealing of others' property; No deceit in transactions made - should be chosen. This would go a long way to wards defining expectations of each Individual of Sentience. Beyond these three Laws, all other legislation revolves around the scarcity paradigm, in one way or another.

An optimal addition would be the ability to document one's acknowledgment transactions with others, based in informed willingness. Under the third Law, Informed Willingness is directly implied. I introduced the idea of the Personal Witness in my book, and if this was invented and made available, open source programmed and secure, the Datacube was how I envisioned this. But what emerges may be very different. This would eliminate surveilance in favor of witness.

Still, all programmed works, it would be optimal to agree on, should be open source programmed. Accepting a closed source - or hidden - program is at the user's, the Individual of Sentience's, choice. But understanding that things other than the stated purpose and goal of the program may be undermining behind the secret veil is likely to deter most from accepting such programs.

We should also choose to define Ourselves by our character. When one deals with people it's all about the acknowledgment of the other's existence. A measure of character is in how one chooses one's behavior in acknowledging another's existence. Are the behaviors Ethical? This is the yardstick by which We would best choose to judge others by. One of Ethics stands on principles based in the three Laws.

We would do well to acknowledge the absolute right of an Individual of Sentience over their own body. Though some think that in abundance, humans will overrun this planet, in countries where women have such control, the population growth is dramatically reducing, and in some places falling into the negative. Thus controlling our population is likely to become a matter of encouraging those who want children to have them, as opposed to the fearful thought that We would become too heavy a burden on our Pearl of Humanity, Our Earth. Thus is it an important point to stress.

We could choose to spend the trillions being sapped from Us to "bail out" Them to instead have public works towards a robotics development program, open source programmed, to eliminate the need to have human slaves. And then, the money spent will fall into disuse, as the abundance pours forth.

And We could spread the word of a website to propose solutions, offer resources, discuss options, and suggest actions. Herald it widely, and with the information and goals defined. In the beginning, some would have to put forth the effort to create this forum, but if the vision is clear, leaders will emerge. The start will be chaotic and very little will be observable in term s of results, but this will be a matter of months as the emergence of leaders takes place. Faster and faster, as more and more spark their expectations with the flame of the vision.

So who are the Human Hearted? That remains to be seen. How many are willing to move towards Ethical goals?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 08:19 AM
Its no wonder you don't have responses. You are talking from such a high place of insight!.

At the same time it's simple and clear that you are giving a valid, "answer" to the situation that would benefit all, "concerned"..

The wisdom you are sharing is obviously beyond those looking on. The view here is from the point of insight that has compiled history and discovered the way to progress rather than repeat the same failures..

Your insight into the area of which you are speaking is something that most of us under the, "program", can not understand. The simplicity of what you are trying to communicate is what we might consider to be common sense if we were not so blinded..

It's cause and effect!! Simple as that! If you plant good things, that's what you harvest.. I read your book which clarified many aspects of what you said..

I believe you are right and that if the things you mention occurred, there would be much contribution from those participating that would fill all other aspects making your, "proposal" fully applicable..

You are speaking from such a highly insightful position within your talents that it seems good people can't be very clear about what you are saying..

In your book you pretty much bring people, "up to speed", but your thread reminded me of what a guy said to me on one of my threads; "Could you bring your communication down to a fifth grade level?".

I believe people would be inspired by your, "design" with more of an idea about the initiation of it. I believe it's possible that it's a coming thing regardless, and that it might be easier than we were thinking.

Thank you.


posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Thank you for your response! I will say that the "catalyst" would best be an announcement of a website dedicated to bringing together the resources - both human and material - that we have and building abundance out of it.


And in the MSM all around. That way the peoplke who care, will both contribute as well as alter their behavior towards that goal. A tipping point must be reached in numbers enough to affect the whole. And an introduction to the precepts and principles of abundance would go a long way towards initiating the end result.

Since it is service to self, a great many would be willing to work in that direction. Sionce it also is service to others, those who would choose to help their fellows would be motivated.

It's a win-win situation for all but those who define themselves by their position "above" others - really a small number planetwide. And those would not lose standard of livi9ng - just their position "above."

Does any of this clarify the concepts and the path?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Well-It helps. I believe the website would be a very good movement!

I would love to see the things people might contribute in whatever form. That might help to develop a more immediate and effective application of what you are saying..

I would like to add that the bible pretty much confirms what you are saying.. God did not want the Israeli nation to have a king because man is suppose to rule the Earth and not one another.

To me, that proves that what you are saying is how it is suppose to be.. They kept bugging Him for a king, [That was a mistake] so he gave them one.

Not that the bible hasn't been grossly distorted in an effort to dis-empower/control the race.

I must say also that the, "position above" thing would be irrelevant because the standard of living would be greatly increased for them as well.. It would quite literally be raised far beyond the point that they can presently fathom.

One more question for you. How about starting an online MSN group? Have a board and a place for ideas that might help the assembly of the movement you are talking about? I don't know.

There lots of ways to get free sites available. How can you start simple; and progress from there? I have noticed you have been pretty tire-less about your attempts!! Like someone might wish to help here.

Thank you.


[edit on 19-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:25 AM
Actually, there are sites now that are trying to bring ideas and action to the Universe. Starting another one without widespread media coverage is just another minor effort bubbling in the soup of emergence which will die off or stratify without widespread knowledge of it and its goals.

As for Biblical connections... You may be right, It does make sense. From my perspective, it is more a matter of Us solving Our problems Ourselves - as has been suggested by many who lay claim to communication with ETs.

Whether there are ETs or not, either way, we are in charge of our destiny. And it would behoove Us to move in directions that pull Us out of the current System and into solutions.

Thank you again for your input. It is greatly appreciated.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Your name makes me feel like your saying a humble thing like Amater as me, to who ever is reading.. Like an encouraging word.. Though you obviously said she was a princess or something?

Anyway; then one point of focus is obviously figuring out a way to achieve the coverage. That is a task with the present, "situation".

I also agree that it is our task to do all we can do; and like you said its according to everybodys', "bliss" which would obviously be their natural interests/abilitys/talents..

The God/Egyptian/ET, oh and inventor, ""stuff" is my bliss; and He has been inter-reactive with me.. Of which I am humbly thankful.. Your task seems difficult..

On a personal note my movements concerning the things you speak of is naturally greatly dependent upon the stratagys one might have to employ.. For example:

I have successfully multiplied speed and power simultaneously through mechanical means; meaning you could literally power the entire Earth with one, "micro-motor", through a large assembly of the, "super lever". Yup.

I am involved in a pretty high fight. They blackballed me because I wouldn't get on, "the team". I recently decided to go back to work on the lever because it has been difficult to perfect it; though one design, [out of thousands] has worked. The fact that I have succeeded puts me ahead of the scientists that say it can't be done.

It has been difficult to get it working consistently. It's not that one, "stops working", its just the next seemingly similar/identical one many times doesn't. It is a vector problem.

I believe I have narrowed it down to where the one I am getting ready to build will give me the, "consistently successful" design. Yes I believe I might be able to calculate the proper application of the vector of force; but I'm not taking any chances. It's designed to try a variety of vectors.

Again; every-one could have free power. You could pedal a heavy anything; be it an ocean liner, with ease.. The world would be free of the electric, gas, and oil companies.

My original purpose of the design was to give the power to flap huge wings which are the equivalent of long levers. It would also be very healthy if you increased the resistance as you became stronger.

My issue here is once it's accomplished, do I just give it to everybody? Do I sell it to the government? Do I try to go into business? My desire is that everyone has it; however I am feeling, "cautious". It has been one of the most challenging parts of my lifes' work.

How do you feel about the matter?

Thank you.


[edit on 20-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Had to add one:

Personally; I might consider something like having earned the, "value" of the device while there is a monetary system; with the, "intent" of giving it freely if a, "tipping point" mighT occur.

A demonstration of the device might be 2 dragsters beside one another; one with a man/woman gingerly pedaling, [and winning; MSM worthy]; while the other is giving the massive high tech engine all its got.

Yup. I have made working models; and like I said:

"My issue here is that, "if" it's accomplished, ]I'll let ATS know one way or an other; the goal being, by the end of next month..[, do I just give it to everybody? Do I sell it to the government? Do I try to go into business? My desire is that everyone has it; however I am feeling, "cautious". It has been one of the most challenging parts of my lifes' work; to turn tthe bigger wheel with morE force coming from the center too!!

How do you feel about the matter?

Thank you.


[edit on 20-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by noconsequence
reply to post by Amaterasu

Your name makes me feel like your saying a humble thing like Amater as me, to who ever is reading.. Like an encouraging word.. Though you obviously said she was a princess or something?

Amaterasu is the Shinto Sun Goddess, who left the world with expectation of returning... She is Advocate and Goddess.

Anyway; then one point of focus is obviously figuring out a way to achieve the coverage. That is a task with the present, "situation".

Agreed. I have tried, contacting ColbertNation (since Stephen Colbert is in my book...), but I was basically argued with and ignored.

I also agree that it is our task to do all we can do; and like you said its according to everybodys', "bliss" which would obviously be their natural interests/abilitys/talents..

Unfettered creativity by Humans would be an awesome sight, I believe. What we could accomplish if we did not have to slave, had our time to ourselves, did not have to compete with money interests, and had access to what our creative endeavors required.

The God/Egyptian/ET, oh and inventor, ""stuff" is my bliss; and He has been inter-reactive with me.. Of which I am humbly thankful.. Your task seems difficult..

It is. [smile] But I have been given it and have accepted that this is my role here.

My issue here is once it's accomplished, do I just give it to everybody? Do I sell it to the government? Do I try to go into business? My desire is that everyone has it; however I am feeling, "cautious". It has been one of the most challenging parts of my lifes' work.

How do you feel about the matter?

Thank you.


Since you ask me, if it were me, I'd give it to everybody (like the Joe Cell). If you sell it to the will disappear into Black Ops, and will NOT be available to everyone. You might try to go into business, but many is a free energy inventor that has been harassed and even killed to suppress such knowledge.

I would do some youtube footage showing its composition, construction and function. I would show it working. I would give every bit of information I could possibly give, so as to ensure its dissemination.

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Who did the argument come from with Colbert Nation? Was it Stephen?

I feel strongly about your efforts and believe that you are on point, in that I believe your vision is pretty much the way things are suppose to be..

If my super lever works, it would be an honor to assist you in your endeavors by freely giving people unlimited energy which is key to the kick-start.. I state below what I see as, the "necessary" course of action concerning it.. I would like your response concerning it..

Regardless of my enthusiasm, I wouldn't hold my breath on its' success. Like I said it has been a challenge I have been working on since 83/84.

I'm not using the best equipment to build it; and do not expect access to the equipment before July, when also I intend to purchase the last of the materials needed with my limited income..

If it works, I will do the youtube presentation according to what might be my best choice of movement.. They will not choose to repress the knowledge by means of my death; yet.

I have my strategy in mind. It would have to be patented, otherwise anybody could patent it, then, "sit on it"; and then I could do nothing with it at all. My strategy does coincide with what I previously mentioned:

[Personally; I might consider something like having earned the, "value" of the device while there is a monetary system; with the, "intent" of giving it freely if a, "tipping point" mighT occur.]

However in doing it, I have decided to fully disclose the design after patented or refused.. People wishing to manufacture it for profit while there is a monetary system will have to deal with me. Individuals will be able to make it themselves freely..

If any-one wishes to manufacture and give it freely, or at cost, they will be free to do sew; if we have an agreement.. There might be kits, generators, etc. offered. Out of the money I personally might make I could do things that might help..

That is what I am thinking. You know what? It surprises me that your responses here are limited to me. Sad. I believe your goal is viable, and proper..

I'm getting ahead of myself too, because there is a good chance my lever wont work. Like I'm just saying: [If it works, I intend to move in agreement with the vision you demonstrate to the best of my abibily..] _javascript:icon('

Thank you.

No consequencE..

[edit on 21-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by noconsequence
reply to post by Amaterasu

Who did the argument come from with Colbert Nation? Was it Stephen?

No, it was a board mod by the moniker of "Eris." I highly suspect that Stephen is aware of my existence, but have had no direct contact with him (that I know of).

I feel strongly about your efforts and believe that you are on point, in that I believe your vision is pretty much the way things are suppose to be..

Thank you. I appreciate that. Too many are unable to shift paradigm, asking things like, "What about mowing lawns? What about making movies?" To which I explain that robots can mow lawns and that there are plenty of people whose bliss is making movies and we would have no shortage of them.

It's nice when I find ones who can grasp the paradigm.

If my super lever works, it would be an honor to assist you in your endeavors by freely giving people unlimited energy which is key to the kick-start.. I state below what I see as, the "necessary" course of action concerning it.. I would like your response concerning it..

Agreed! Free energy (which we are taught is impossible by the PTB) is a key aspect to bringing an ecological, slavery-free abundance. I would be honored to have your assistence in the efforts to bring this planet to abundance and love.

Regardless of my enthusiasm, I wouldn't hold my breath on its' success. Like I said it has been a challenge I have been working on since 83/84.

Well, I hope that you meet with success. I know it's possible - I have a friend who is also working on the free energy issue, and have done what I could to finance his efforts. Now, of course, I am out of money now. Quite destitute. I, for one, will believe that you will succeed. [smile]

I'm not using the best equipment to build it; and do not expect access to the equipment before July, when also I intend to purchase the last of the materials needed with my limited income..

I believe it will happen. The world is ready, and one must come forward with the tech.

If it works, I will do the youtube presentation according to what might be my best choice of movement.. They will not choose to repress the knowledge by means of my death; yet.

I do know that They would like to suppress all the efforts to extract energy from the plenum, but more and more will succeed, and They cannot stop them all. One way or another, it will come out. Still, They try, and have killed in their efforts. May you escape that. A youtube presentation would go a long way to assist in keeping you safe.

I have my strategy in mind. It would have to be patented, otherwise anybody could patent it, then, "sit on it"; and then I could do nothing with it at all. My strategy does coincide with what I previously mentioned:

You may have issues with a patent... They have set it up to deny any "perpetual motion" creations... Of course, it isn't "perpetual motion." It's overunity. But if you have a working model, you may still get somewhere, but then, a patent application would set off efforts to suppress.

[Personally; I might consider something like having earned the, "value" of the device while there is a monetary system; with the, "intent" of giving it freely if a, "tipping point" mighT occur.]

I understand the desire to make money in this scarcity paradigm. I thought about trying to publish my book for that purpose, but it occurred to me that such efforts would slow the dissemination - and it is getting too close to the end. The paradigm needs to be introduced now.

And so, though I am living on $568 a month via public assistance (unable to find work for over three years!), I offer it freely.

However in doing it, I have decided to fully disclose the design after patented or refused.. People wishing to manufacture it for profit while there is a monetary system will have to deal with me. Individuals will be able to make it themselves freely..

I do wish you luck, and send all positive energy I can in your direction. Any information offered to all is a good thing.

If any-one wishes to manufacture and give it freely, or at cost, they will be free to do sew; if we have an agreement.. There might be kits, generators, etc. offered. Out of the money I personally might make I could do things that might help..

Having seen how few even believe it's possible to draw the energy of the plenum, I know that it is difficult at best to gain financial support. I was willing back when I had money, and spent all my savings in that effort. But I am sure that any resources you acquire will be appropriately spent.

That is what I am thinking. You know what? It surprises me that your responses here are limited to me. Sad. I believe your goal is viable, and proper..

It is sad that so few can pull themselves out of the scarcity paradigm - or have anything to say about the concept. I agree. But we do what we can, and - like horses that can be led to water - I cannot make them drink (think?).

I'm getting ahead of myself too, because there is a good chance my lever wont work. Like I'm just saying: [If it works, I intend to move in agreement with the vision you demonstrate to the best of my abibily..] _javascript:icon('

I cannot tell you how much that heartens me. I appreciate it so very much.

Thank you.

My humble pleasure. And thank you, as well.

P.S. Sorry my responses are long in coming. I have had issues connecting my computer to the web, so these replies happen when I can accomplish that.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Ok . I have never heard of:

I have all-ways thought along these lines.. I'm seeing the money go right before my eyes; I know it's coming.. I am taking the whole of the, "situation" very seriously..

I contacted them to find out what kind of resources they might have in order to implement mechanically generated free energy in the form of power and transportation. You might know how to talk to them too.

The words, "mechanically generated free energy" are a lot bigger than one might think.. If some-one comes up with successful design they will have unlimited free energy.. Like I said; "I have done it; with difficulty.."

I firmly believe others have perfected the design to produce an immense amount of force using only one device; while I have to use several consecutive super levers, of my design if I might get it working, to get the same force.

To be truthful; I have been shown by, "them/government types" that they have it.. Uh; in other words they used it right in front of me. [Cogneto.] The mechanism was very powerful.. They're just not being, "abundant" with it.

They did not show me by what means they did it. They only let me see enough to know that it was mechanical..

My design that worked would give me over 1,000,000 pounds of output where I only input 100 pounds, if I had the ability to make, "each" one work with around 90 super-levers. [ With the output going as fast as the input!! haha ] You could fit it under the hood of a car.

Any way just thought I would mention the site. What do you think about it? Not much hope for possible coordination; buy you never know..


Thank you.


posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by noconsequence

I have been aware of the zeitgeist movement since the film Zeitgeist came out, and of The Venus Project since Zeitgeist: Addendum introduced me to it.

In fact, it was the data from The Venus Project that planted the seed that grew into my book. I contemplated what it would look like if we had a resource based economy and not a monetary one. I looked at what we could do in abundance with efficient distribution.

I added the level of tech we have (with Black Ops included as per Gary McKinnon and others who have reported energy from the plenum, antigrav and aliens), and the connectivity of the interweb, and saw a solution on this planet for all the issues created by scarcity regulated by money.

That you have direct knowledge of Their holding in re energy from the plenum is merely one additional stone holding up the truth of the statements of McKinnon and the others. But it is a more solid stone than some, as you are here now to make the claim. I thank you for that.

And, in fact, I am on the Zeitgeist forum and have linked my book there.

posted on Jun, 24 2009 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

How have you been Amaterasu?

I'm unfamiliar with so much of the things you are talking about; in that I had no idea there were groups with these things in mind!

Because I do not even know what to look for; could you provide me a list of the groups you have already found in the order of their size/effectiveness; best first? I would very much like to study their strategies; find out what they have in mind..

Thank you.

No consequencE..

[edit on 24-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by noconsequence

Really, all I know about is the zeitgeist movement and the Venus Project. I have not seen any other groups that grasp what we can do with what we have now. And even the Venus Project doesn't seem to fully grasp the enormity of it - though they get close.

In truth, the best thing is to happen is to spread the word.

I am doing all I can and hope that all who read my book are giving the link to others, printing a few copies and giving them away, anything to spread the word.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and observations. I appreciate them immensely.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:31 PM
You know, there is somewhat of a breakthrough in the "free energy" field right?

Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy

Physicists & Hobbyists alike should probably want to read this article.

Small, very small baby steps into the future.

Hi A. Great read this thread. The lack of responses is probably because everyone is dumbfounded...


posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Truth4hire

I intend to further examine your free energy reference.. Though I do not think that it goes along with my particular insights/talents. I may need a, "for dummies" version of it myself..

I agree with you on the dumbfounded thing. I've been having to, "wiki" a lot here! lol

Amaterasu is obviously extremely gifted; and her subject matter is worthy of application.. The book Amaterasu wrote really puts the things she is trying to get across into a more clear, "human" perspective..

Like I said; God didn't want Israel to have a king because we are suppose to be ruling the Earth, and not each other..

Thank you.

No consequencE..

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Truth4hire
You know, there is somewhat of a breakthrough in the "free energy" field right?

I do know that a number of inventors have had success, but that they have been bought out, threatened, and killed in an effort to suppress the knowledge...

Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy

Physicists & Hobbyists alike should probably want to read this article.

Although I have knowledge of inventions, this is awesome to have in a scientific abstract form. It's more an explanation of what the inventors discovered without their full understanding of the physics involved. Thank you so much for this link! Though I am a squiggly illiterate (basic algebra and geometry is the limit of my math), the paper seems to be written plainly enough that one can work around the squigglies and grasp their meaning.

Small, very small baby steps into the future.

According to Gary McKinnon, the British man who hacked computers at NASA, FBI, NSA and CIA (I think those were the ones he got into), energy from the plenum is a done deal in Black Ops. It is kept hidden because we, humanity, would be fully free with that energy available on a personal basis.

But anything we can bring to the public on this side of the Black Cuttain is good. The energy will come forth.

Hi A. Great read this thread. The lack of responses is probably because everyone is dumbfounded...

LOL! Could very well be. Many have no idea what changes a resource economy would bring to their lives, leaving them with an undefined fear when they confront my ideas, and also, they can't pull out of the scarcity paradigm we have been enmeshed in these thousands of years.

But slowly, slowly, we will awaken to the extreme advantages for all. Hopefully, not TOO slowly. [smile]

Thanks for your input.


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