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Is disinfo?

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posted on Jun, 15 2009 @ 04:42 AM
Just pointing out the obvious here,

Has anyone looked at the recent news or threads that have been postsed on ATS, if someone was clicking through this site reading the UFO section or the Skunk Works area, i am almost certairn they would say the same thing. A bunch of paranoid crack pots who have nothing better to do than post rubbish on a forum.

So before we declare an official witch hunt i do think that we should first find and eradicate the aliens or reptilians living on this site and then move onto the c.i.a. or f.b.i. agents combing and interacting with members trying to find suspected new age terrorists. Obviously all of the above fall under the jurisdiction of the N.S.A. so i am safe and have nothing to worry about. :-)

If for some reason people feel that pravda is full of false information and should be banned, then i guess no vote could work democratically with the means of flagging, simply because i could manage to bring active users numbering at just over 1000 without really breaking a sweat. Now wouldn't that alter your voting system since you only number in the hundred's.

What i am pointing out is that although you may agree or disagree, it is healthy to keep an open EYE and MIND on things that you feel cannot be allowed to continue. You will find similar examples in the heart of your own community.


Has anyone expressed an opinion about a particular store or store owner or neighbor in or in a close proximity to his home. You see, its a fundamental aspect of human nature that when we feel threatened or in this case deceived that we retaliate with what ever means are at our disposal. Instead of asking the poster why he chose to quote that particular site or which ever, you are in fact performing what apparently this site has as its motto. "deny ignorance"

You might find that perhaps the poster has not been exposed to your level of exposure and instead of throwing him or her to the lions you could actually be doing a far greater service to what your cause is or would like it to be defined as. You could begin a DIALOGUE, this may sound new or out of the ordinary, but you might find that you too might learn something from his exposure. After all, dialogue is what brought man out from the caves and begun hunting in co-operation to achieve far more volume of food for each persons tribal members.

In closing, its very easy to ridicule a member or a post thats quoted from a site that in your eyes seem BS and to other seems LEGIT, the difficult part is to try and justify why you think that site is BS or why is it LEGIT.

Mental Note :

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Believing is easier than thinking. Hence so many more believers than thinkers.~ Bruce Calvert

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