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AUTEC... The underwater Area 51

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Tracor Marine was tasked by Chesapeake Division Naval Engineering Command to perform a dive survey of an area off Site 7 AUTEC, Andros, Island, Bahamas. This survey was requested by Naval Underwater Systems Command (NUSC) newport, R.I. The purpose of this survey was to locate and plot a route for a new acoustic cable to be laid from Seaward to the Dolphin and from the Dolphin to the beach off High Point Cay. At present, a cable exists from the Dolphin to the beach (36 quad cable). The new cable will be at least 40 feet from the old cable to prevent cross talk between cables. During hurricane David, the old cable was pushed to the north. NUSC requested the following information be obtained during the dive survey, bottom types, depths, exact location of proposed cable route and obstructions, possibility of a cable burial, and possibilities of termination at Dolphin

DTIC Accession Number : ADA168652
Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

There ya go...

Wow... Nice post.... That does raise some questions... But there still is alot of other things that "supposed" witnessed are describing about the place. IE, the USO sighting, the military psyic's tesimonial, the statement from the gentalman that stated what was going on and was told he can't talk about his sources... You can never be sure... an internet document can be faked as easy as an interview... I understan this.... I guess the next question would be where did you get that text and how reliable is it?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by jblue1978 I guess the next question would be where did you get that text and how reliable is it?

Well I could link you to the pdf files but the site is secured and those links wreak havok with the thread and generally are not accessable from outside the USA

The text above is public domain from here

Reliable? Well since you don't believe the government... I guess you would consider them faked

But if that is the way you go about it.. you will never find any answers

PS You have a U2U

[edit on 10-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 02:13 PM
I had heard something about AUTEC back in 2000 when I was in the Marines. A guy stationed with me said he was down there for about 2wks guarding some nukes. I don't remember him saying anything was wierd about the place or that anything was out of the ordinary. But who knows he may not have been in those areas.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by jblue1978 I guess the next question would be where did you get that text and how reliable is it?

Well I could link you to the pdf files but the site is secured and those links wreak havok with the thread and generally are not accessable from outside the USA

The text above is public domain from here

Reliable? Well since you don't believe the government... I guess you would consider them faked

But if that is the way you go about it.. you will never find any answers

PS You have a U2U

[edit on 10-6-2009 by zorgon]

I agree.... You do have to sort through what you would think is the truth... I do, however, speak for almost everyone on this site when I say it's not like the gov has been all forthcoming with the truth.... Seems to me they have gone out of their way to keep us as far away from the truth... and if a simple person like myself can think of something like an article or a website to throw people off, I think some of the top thinkers on these projects can do even better..... lol... But I will look further, it's a great find...

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by jblue1978

sounds like that program about the bermuda triangle the underwater facility that was used for time travel and wormhole's and alternate history...

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:13 PM
I have a question that maybe someone can find the answer to...

Some time ago I watched a movie in Toronto... it was about an Alien base in the Bermuda triangle that was inside a large underwater pyramid. It was a Canadian production, filmed in Canada.

One identifying scene was a UFO that crashed into the Montreal Trust tower and did a 911 number to the top of the building.

I do not have the title... I believe somewhere around 1972...

It was in the theaters so must have been recorded somewhere, but I don't ave a lot of movie sources at my disposal.

If anyone knows this film I would appreciate getting a title.

I posted that here because the film was about exactly what we are discussing here, though no mention of AUTEC was in the film to my recollection

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by expat2368
The real Navy undersea base is off the coast of Brazil. It is constructed of several nuclear submarine pressure hulls and contains a nuclear reactor for power. It is so large that a Navy nuclear sub can come in underneath it and dock. It has been there for many years and U.S. Navy personnel work there alongside with Alien creatures.

It is so interesting to me that so many people are so skeptical of the presence of UFOs and Aliens on Earth. There is so much evidence that has accumulated over the past thousands of years that the truth of it is absolutely inescapable.

Fact is governments are unwilling to admit it because they are scared of the effect on the population. So what we have is lies, lies, and more lies out of our government. I am sick of the lies. I am sick of the secrecy. It is time for full disclosure.

Hmmm...this base is not off the North-East coast of Brazil is it?

Perhaps (and i'm only saying perhaps)..some science experiment or other from this 'base', may have had something to do with the Air France Jet that came down just off the North-East coast of Brazil recently?

Just a thought..

You know, i used to think they keep it all highly secret because of the old 'The people would run shrieking and wailing in the streets' chestnut, but i'm not so sure anymore.

This planet has gone through two world wars, that left hundreds of millions of people stone cold dead all over the world.

We have had numerous regional wars, again millions dead.

We have had to endure nearly 50 years of the cold war, all sides living under the constant daily threat of nuclear annihilation.

We may have to deal with ever deadly viruses, bacteria and other biological threats.

We could be whacked by an asteroid at any moment...either an ELE or severe regression possible.

The way i see it, dead = dead. Whether that comes about from a nuke, virus, war or alien related has nothing to do with it, if it's going to kill you and yours. Yet, we didn't see mass panic in the streets at the threat of German bombers and so on...yet these killed just as dead as anything else, so why would we suddenly panic? I don't buy it anymore...

It has to be financial and power based reasoning. If the discoveries include a new supremely efficient power system, then it's going to upset a LOT of powerful people, who don't much like getting upset...with all they stand to lose, as they see it.

Since we're all pretty much in economic meltdown as it is around the world, now would seem like as good a time as any to announce the truth, full disclosure - warts 'n' all. We already have economic collapse, what's the difference if the markets start to hiccup and fart a bit more if this is made public?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by jblue1978 I do, however, speak for almost everyone on this site when I say it's not like the gov has been all forthcoming with the truth....

No you don't speak for 'almost everyone'
You will find many here work at the places we snoop around in

and if a simple person like myself can think of something like an article or a website to throw people off, I think some of the top thinkers on these projects can do even better.....

They don't need to. There are enough nut cases in the field that keep the confusion going and muddle the truth so much no one has a clue

One thing though in everything there are three levels of information

1) For public consumption
2) For Scientists and serious researchers
3) For National Security

Most people only care about their own daily life and where to get the next beer from... but if you are a serious seeker of truth, then you have to work hard and follow the trails. You will then find much information that is as we say 'hidden in plain sight" The problem is that you have to know the right question to ask and the right place to ask it

At some point you have to accept some info as true... and you do that by cross reference or actually contacting someone, but few in forums do that, let alone follow a link you give (pet peeve)

it's a great find...

Great finds R us

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Could this be the movie your thinking's called Starship Invasions it's from 1977

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by jblue1978
[moreVery good post thanks for the video link!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by behindtopazeyes
reply to post by zorgon

Could this be the movie your thinking's called Starship Invasions it's from 1977

Now that was quick
I had 'invasion' but used UFO which give the old British series with the purple haired chicks

Thanks That is the one with Robert Vaugn doing a Pierre Berton interview

Fantastic Now to get a good copy and snag some clips

The pyramid opening to take in a saucer...


AH that was it The Galactic League of Races maintains the Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle and Earth is protected by the Galactic Treaty...

Starship Invasions (Project Genocide) - Part 1 of 9

Yup Sci Fi and a campy film to be sure... BUT someone did some homework

I don't believe in Coincidence

Its funny though... when I watched this 30 years ago it was just a fun movie, though we did look up to see the tower was still there...

But now that I listened to the descriptions...

911 style crash into a tower...
Bad Guy Captain Ramses from Orion
Good Guys from Zeta Reculi and they build the Pyramids with anti gravity tech...
Galactic League of Races protecting Earth
Aliens that are descendants of an early civilization on Earth
The Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle in the trench

This movie has it all

And now it comes full circle and once again I am at a deep undersea base in the triangle

sigh.... Nostalgia at its finest

[edit on 11-6-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:51 AM

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Not the Navy though I was a part of another part of the 'service' though did attend commercial diving school and others.

Unusual background, that's for sure.
Like to keep it interesting.
I plan to expose something extraordinary next year!
A personal project in a very special place; 3 years in the making.
A special place unknown to the world.
ATS folk, my favorite, will eat this up.
Stay tuned!

[edit on 11-6-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 06:04 AM
Been searching the Internet, inspired by this thread but there is not much information to be found about the area other than tourist-sites. Some of you will be aware of the indiginineous tribes of the island having been entirely wiped out and most of their artifacts having been found not on land but under water. Some will also know about this:

Has an ancient Harbour, perhaps from Atlantis, been found at Andros Island?

[edit on 11-6-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by zorgon


Your picture of the pyramid with the red orb ... is that lifted straight from the movie?

On the first page somebody mentioned a diver who, around that area in which we are speaking, found a pyramid with a red gem inside.

It would be interesting to find more on this diver so we could see whether the movie got the idea from the diver or the diver from the movie ... too much of a coincidence to ignore?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

That is interesting. I hadn't seen that information before...thanks for posting.

Related to that, i have often wondered if perhaps the Ice Age didn't come to an end because of the removal of a large mass of land in the Atlantic that allowed the Gulf Stream Current to begin warming the northern latitudes?

Or perhaps it was caused by the sudden introduction of massive amounts of water into the ocean basin, creating an instability in the crust of that area?

For some reason i can't help but feel that the two are related somehow.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

My understanding is that both are more or less what happened, result of a previous axis tilt of the earth. I dont want to go off-topic here but someday I want to post on all of this.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by spikey

I havent checked this thread in a couple of days and found your thread spikey.


I'd be interested to know exactly why you think ET's and UFOlogy is nonsense?

I dont think that they are UFO's at all...I think they are FO's. I believe they have been identified quite well.
Hence I dont get all excited over them.

Sorry to put some reality into your need to support your religion and or emotions. I am not such a drama queen over this topic.

The reason I know what AUTEC does down there is that I have worked on All the 688 Class Submarines built here as well as the Virginia Class boats. I know what they do, what goes on, when they leave here on sea trials.

NASA Langley Research Center is right up the road from me ...a couple of miles. Lots of Moon Rocks to be found in this area. One needn't go far to find them. the way...this...

If they each had a fleet comprised entirely of exotic, highly advanced technology that is kept tightly secret, don't you think the people would want to know exactly how the military intended to protect us, when they appear not to own any hardware, that we are familiar with?

Do not make the mistake in believing the military is here to protect us per se. It is not so. They protect someone or something..but not the public.
The military owns lots of hardware with which the public is not familiar.
And most of the public knows more about some "nonsense " on the television than any thinking process would ever enlighten them.
Is that not what the very word means..


A- without


Without thinking-Amuse or Amusement.
Something given to prevent thinking.

The military is not here to protect you or me. If one is able to muse past ones emotions one can think it through.


[edit on 11-6-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 12:03 PM
im not too sure on this one. I meen it seems to me that those guys on the history channel will believe anything. Also ive listened to radio programmes with Jim Marrs and he and a team did a documentary on an alien entity ghost in the area 51 area. Now that programme was never aired and there was never an explanation as to why it wasnt aired. Even Jim Marrs has no explanation as to why it wasnt aired. But because they had so much great footage of the ghost alien and recordings etc it wasnt aired. So i dont look to much into these programmes, i reckon they could be there just to throw us off.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Very interesting, although I think the guy in the yellow saying he flew through the future is BSing. He just didn't seem all there tbh and 600 hours air time is not actually that much he's clearly only a small time pilot as a hobby.

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