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The Advanced Technologies of Space Travellers

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posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 02:33 PM
If you had the technology to travel vast distances through space, that would mean that you are technologically more advanced than a civilization that cannot.

Therefore this means that you have other advanced technologies that tie into such space travel.

Including but not limited to:

  • military
  • engineering
  • research
  • medicine
  • biology
  • genetics
  • and other science fields
  • etc...

If you wanted to monitor a less advanced planet, you could simply bio-engineer some local flora/fauna to do the monitoring for you.

The sky is the limit when it comes to messing with less advanced planets.

How can we know if the visitors are messing with or monitoring us? In short, we cannot. Except for being able to see the visitors crafts in our atmosphere and in space, we are blind to whatever they are doing.

Why are we so fascinating to them? Is it us they are interested in? Are we some sort of project? Perhaps they are here to get genetic samples of other life on earth?
As far as we know, they haven't invaded; although that is up for debate as many people in power seem to be from out of this world.

Are we just a petri-dish to them?

Who knows?

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:05 PM
Its abit like sea monkeys really.

I remember when i was a kid, you'd make them, and then watch them, and they dont do much.

Thats abit like "them" and us.

And people ask why dont they interfer with us?
Well if you could teach your sea monkeys how to make boats (I would say cars, but they're underwater) would you?


Just my 2



posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:08 PM
Very interesting.

I have such a small brain....I can't fathom the ability to travel vast distances (K lightyears) even at lightspeed....instead, I rationalize the existence of other beings by considering them time travelers.

If I can blink out of this time and into a different one, I needn't travel any distance at all. All I need is some good math. (I'm boned)

I liken it to morbid curiosity and the nascar attraction. Things going real fast, there is bound to be a, nice wreck.

If I could go back to Pearl Harbor and watch it unfold, I would. I think a lot of our visitors can be likened to 'time tourism.' (New Phrase I claim it (oops, that dang Stephen Hawking beat me to it!))

It would be great to be a fly on the wall at a historic time in the lifespan of a species. I think we have been at that point for quite some time and 'ourselves' from the future are coming back to check out what all the fuss was.

While they're here, they may as well get some new genetic material and peek in a few windows.

I think they are hear to witness the drama unfold. A promising race, unable to work together, collapsing in on itself. A new phase in evolution.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 03:16 PM
There is always a lot of talk about UFO's being US as "time travelers" from the future. But if a simple mix up, like stepping on a butterfly could potentially and catastrophically change future events, why would WE come back in time to just "sight see" and "check out what all the fuss was about" when it could potentially prevent "US" in the future from ever being born with just the slightest wrong move??

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by JacobNH
And people ask why dont they interfer with us?
Well if you could teach your sea monkeys how to make boats (I would say cars, but they're underwater) would you?


why not? i would. thats like saying why teach your dog tricks?

[edit on 8-6-2009 by Aceofclubs]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
There is always a lot of talk about UFO's being US as "time travelers" from the future. But if a simple mix up, like stepping on a butterfly could potentially and catastrophically change future events, why would WE come back in time to just "sight see" and "check out what all the fuss was about" when it could potentially prevent "US" in the future from ever being born with just the slightest wrong move??

There are plenty of nuances and "rules" regarding time travel which are infinitely up for debate, much to the joy of sci-fi writers the world over.

I would like to subscribe to the idea that the future (or an individual's future/present) couldn't be sporadically changed by benign or otherwise activities... That either the universe would magically 'make up for it' somewhere along the line, or that universes would split...

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Interesting speculation there. I think evolution of technology goes hand in hand, meaning you really don't jump to far ahead in one field (ie;space travel) without being pretty even in something else (ie:medicine). Evolution has a way of balancing itself out. For example look at the development of X-Rays before the Atom Bomb, the development of a much stronger understanding of quantum physics and electromagnetism before things like radar, cell phones, PC's, etc. That is one reason I am in favor of a 'prime directive' type rule if there are advanced species (maybe we will be 'them' one day) so that a lesser civilization does not get its hands on something before they were ready.Can you imagine what would have happened if the Roman Empire or medieval Catholic Church got its' hands on a nuclear bomb back then!!?? I'll take a gander- WE WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW...

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by warrenb

Are we just a petri-dish to them?

Who knows?

First off S & F...

Second I don't know, but I have some guesses.

I think they found a backwater planet called Earth that is at that very crucial point in it's development where it can go either way.

Either towards cooperation and advancement in the human condition to grow up and join the rest of the galaxy as a respectable member.


We destroy the planet and ourselves in an orgy of resource grabbing greed and racial hatred for our fellow man.

Either way I say we're a galactic anthropological study of an early civilization to them. Maybe it fascinates them as we may remind them of a point in their own development.

[edit on 8-6-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

We destroy the planet and ourselves in an orgy of resource grabbing greed and racial hatred for our fellow man.

I choose that one!!

Good theory though, highly possible.

posted on Jun, 8 2009 @ 08:58 PM
It is difficult to imagine what types of technologies a species that advanced might have.

Consider this in the realm of psychology. Humans, with our current technological array, are vastly different than we were 200 years ago. Biologically we are the same, but culturally we are changed to the Nth degree. This cultural change provides us with a completely different mindset, and therefore motivations and thought processes.

In our current state we are only capable of so much, however, because we refuse to believe in the possibilities associated with something grander. Consider the UFO many people refuse to believe in it to the degree that real investigations are done? It is too far out of our "consensus reality" and therefore uncomfortable for many.

What we refer to is a species that obviously is completely disillusioned in such a way, making them capable for far more than we can possibly dream given our current state.

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