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What would you say if I told you there was aliens on the dark side of the moon?

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posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:15 AM
I dont believe in Alienes I believe al is bull#! Part of the NWO, Oh come on, I havnt seen proof, show me? I think all is bull leaked out bit by bit to make us believe in them.

Oh alot of people say yeh there are aliens, there's Aliens at area 51, and or other sites and uderground facilaties, yeh rite so what happened, the Aliens came down knew about us and thought yeh lets go and meet the President he runs the world? lmfao, I think if aliens existed they would visit the House of Rothschild first lol, they are the ones in power!

Home on, show me proof they exist? I am not religious, although I wouldnt be able to justify God putting Dinosaurs here to eat us up on the planet if I was religious but I was at one point, its besides the point though!

Aliens, do not exist, if they did and we were visited then dont you think we would know, it would be like a invasion whats the chance aliens send one ship to eg the whitehouse, or communicate with americans of all people, I think it would be cool living in a place like "Total Recall" living with aliens, lol having ships flying between the galaxy.

Aliens dont exist, if there was another form of life, its not physical more spiritual! No physical aliens are in existence, if they were we would know by now.

Like there going to jsut visit americans and not other countries and that no other country thought it was our rite to know and told us!

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:21 AM
the evidence that earth has been visited by atleast one alien race is extensive and persuasive in detail. All we can do is examine the evidence and learn as much as we can about them.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Sorry if its deviating found skull in mars russian website pravda have a look please

give me some stars if u like it

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:36 AM
I believe that theres definitely something on the Moon. Who knows what, but the dudes at Pegasus have clearly demonstrated that there is something there imo.


posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Chovy
If I told you there were aliens on the dark side of the moon, how would you react? Would you call me crazy or think about it and say maybe your right? I have the feeling most of you would call me crazy, but there is alot we still dont know about the moon.

We simply just can't rule out the possibility of aliens.

I said:

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Nassim Haramein

Are you really the Nassim Haramein, the scientist?

Why is all dark on the moon?

Hope you are this guy, I like his way of thinking.


posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by MERIJAAN
I dont believe in Alienes I believe al is bull#! Part of the NWO, Oh come on, I havnt seen proof, show me? I think all is bull leaked out bit by bit to make us believe in them.

Oh alot of people say yeh there are aliens, there's Aliens at area 51, and or other sites and uderground facilaties, yeh rite so what happened, the Aliens came down knew about us and thought yeh lets go and meet the President he runs the world? lmfao, I think if aliens existed they would visit the House of Rothschild first lol, they are the ones in power!

Home on, show me proof they exist? I am not religious, although I wouldnt be able to justify God putting Dinosaurs here to eat us up on the planet if I was religious but I was at one point, its besides the point though!

Aliens, do not exist, if they did and we were visited then dont you think we would know, it would be like a invasion whats the chance aliens send one ship to eg the whitehouse, or communicate with americans of all people, I think it would be cool living in a place like "Total Recall" living with aliens, lol having ships flying between the galaxy.

Aliens dont exist, if there was another form of life, its not physical more spiritual! No physical aliens are in existence, if they were we would know by now.

Like there going to jsut visit americans and not other countries and that no other country thought it was our rite to know and told us!

wow... what a logical thinking...i think you are right... you just open my eyes...

i guest we are the most advance race in the universe well the only one...
and for sure the universe revolve around the earth...lmaol

we never went to an other planet with other people living on it does it mean we dont exist...

think of it a little deeper before posting stupid comment

and for the alien only visiting the american its not true there is evidence that say they visite other contry

and even if they visite just the u.s..... think of it this way if we would find a planet with people on it who we would contact the poor ass and premitive nation or the most powerfull.....

Just my opinion...


posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Chovy

id say..."you got some proof to go w/ that statement"...easy as that

Good Day

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:18 AM
I wouldn't be surprised to be honest. I've gotten to that stage now where I believe that anything may be possible.

There is alot of BS out there regarding the moon but I will entertain all ideas until I actually get to walk on the far side of the moon myself

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Chovy
If I told you there were aliens on the dark side of the moon, how would you react? Would you call me crazy or think about it and say maybe your right? I have the feeling most of you would call me crazy, but there is alot we still dont know about the moon.

We simply just can't rule out the possibility of aliens.

I know its true, and others as well, from first hand experience. Dont care how many think telling about what has happened is crazy or not. But yeah, agreed, they're there, and have quite a base of operation from the moon, along with a large nursery for hybrids as well. Its not just one race that uses this either.
Nazis and human militia where there as well, dont know truly how well that was or is tolerated. Because these guys arent really allies.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by debz325
I would say that is really scary and I would say that I am thankful that the goverment lies about it.There is so much evil to be concerned about without alien invasion.Also I think some things should stay mysterious.

So you'd rather be ignorant instead of knowing the truth? Thats baiscally what you said.

I personally think theres a LOT more to the moon and mars than what we're being told. I think the big guys in control of the world know of alien civilzations very near to us and keep them away from the public eye out of fear of how we will react wen it's out of the bag...

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Due to the fact that the U.S., Russia, India, China, the Europeans (ESA), and Japan have all photographed the far side (it's not the dark side) of the Moon and have not reported aliens, I would say they don't exist...

...unless you think the whole world is behind a conspiracy to hide moon-aliens from the people -- but then I would ask you for evidence of this vast global conspiracy.

[edit on 6/9/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by MERIJAAN
I dont believe in Alienes I believe al is bull#! Part of the NWO, Oh come on, I havnt seen proof, show me? I think all is bull leaked out bit by bit to make us believe in them.

Oh alot of people say yeh there are aliens, there's Aliens at area 51, and or other sites and uderground facilaties, yeh rite so what happened, the Aliens came down knew about us and thought yeh lets go and meet the President he runs the world? lmfao, I think if aliens existed they would visit the House of Rothschild first lol, they are the ones in power!

Home on, show me proof they exist? I am not religious, although I wouldnt be able to justify God putting Dinosaurs here to eat us up on the planet if I was religious but I was at one point, its besides the point though!

Aliens, do not exist, if they did and we were visited then dont you think we would know, it would be like a invasion whats the chance aliens send one ship to eg the whitehouse, or communicate with americans of all people, I think it would be cool living in a place like "Total Recall" living with aliens, lol having ships flying between the galaxy.

Aliens dont exist, if there was another form of life, its not physical more spiritual! No physical aliens are in existence, if they were we would know by now.

Like there going to jsut visit americans and not other countries and that no other country thought it was our rite to know and told us!

So just because you didnt witness Hitler executing the jews himself means that it must all be made up? A conspiracy by the jews huh??? If you dont want to believe in it, you wont find any truth to it at all as you'll just dismiss every bit of truth as false evidence. If you dig a little bit into the subject, there is no doubt about an alien presence on earth, on the moon, mars and all around us... It's you who have been decieved your entire life and cant come to grasp's witht he truth.

"If there were aliens, we'de know by now? We do know... You need to open your eyes and see...

Your thought logic reminds me of my sister who thought since she was goign to a "resort" in mexico meant that she was protected from drug cartel kidnappings and the swine flu becuase americans wouldnt go to resorts if they were dangerous! Pull your head out of your a$$ and open your eyes....

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by ls1cameric

that is right absence of evidence is not evidence of absence...

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by mystiq

Originally posted by Chovy
If I told you there were aliens on the dark side of the moon, how would you react? Would you call me crazy or think about it and say maybe your right? I have the feeling most of you would call me crazy, but there is alot we still dont know about the moon.

We simply just can't rule out the possibility of aliens.

I know its true, and others as well, from first hand experience. Dont care how many think telling about what has happened is crazy or not. But yeah, agreed, they're there, and have quite a base of operation from the moon, along with a large nursery for hybrids as well. Its not just one race that uses this either.
Nazis and human militia where there as well, dont know truly how well that was or is tolerated. Because these guys arent really allies.

How can you be so sure? Enlighten me love for my eyes to be open

Good Day

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Nazis and human militia where there as well, dont know truly how well that was or is tolerated.

NAZIs? and 'human' militia? So, the NAZIs aren't human?(well...based on WWII evidence, I suppose that could be considered a given...)

Just confusing, is all.

Please don't take this wrongly, but with that statement should come a reason for 'knowing'. Here's what I am having trouble with: Any WWII-era NAZI would be in his 80s, by now. IF they had children, then I suppose those would be 'neo-NAZIs'.

here's a question: IF children were, say, born ON the Moon, they would differ slightly in appearance, correct? Because of the lower gravity?

And, they would likely be unable to ever visit the 'home' world. And, I would hope that the vile dogma of Naziism would never be tolerated again, especially not on the Moon! A rather strategic place, from a Military standpoint, dontcha think?

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by hey1212
I would say why do they not sit on the sunny side of the moon and get a tan?

How can they be smarter than us if they haven't even realised that the other side is bright!

Dumb Aliens

They're on the dark side because that way we can't see all the illegal things they do!
If they were on the bright side everybody would see them.

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 02:06 PM
Reply to post by Chovy

I'd say the very notion is proposterous.
where's your evidence?
But on the other threads that cover this and provide ample evidence to go with their theories, I say it is a possibility.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Chovy

They're on the dark side because that way we can't see all the illegal things they do!
If they were on the bright side everybody would see them.

Chovy, have you been paying attention? There is no such thing as a permanent 'dark side' of the Moon. None. Zilch. Nada.

The Moon has an axis of rotation. EVERY celestial body in our Solar system rotatesw about some sort of axis (well....comets? Not sure, but...) in terms of major, observable planets and associated moons the statement is correct.

BUT....just for kicks and giggles, think about this: IF they are on the far side, then they can't see all of the illegal things that we do!!! Works both ways!

(Or, does it???? ~cue scary music~)

posted on Jun, 9 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but the moon rotates in such a way that one side of it NEVER faces earth. this is the side I refer too as the dark side (not related to star wars)

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