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What was the purpose of the Matrix movie?

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posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 02:43 AM
The rabbit is hopping across the meadow as the Sun goes down across the horizon.
As the sun is sinking lower and lower, the rabbit chases it down into the Earth.
This is why the rabbit is burrowing down into the Earth.
It is chasing the Sun.

The Matrix movie was released on March 31, 1999.
That date corresponds to the 14th of Nisan, 5759 on the Hebrew Calendar.
It is the Eve Of Passover and the Fast Of The First Born.

(Why do the Jewish people have a different count of the years? Look into it. Follow the rabbit.)

5759 - 1999 = 3760 years difference

BUT, Morpheus informs Neo that the year is not 1999, but estimated to be closer to 2199.

Follow this now... take 2199 YOUR TIME and subtract 3760 years. That is 2199 down to 0, and then 1561 further into the BC time period which would put you at the start of The New Kingdom in Egypt which is estimated to be the zenith of Egyptian power. It was all downhill after that. The Egyptians were (be)spoiled of their inheritance, wealth and power. They are nothing now. They can't even remember their own history.

The Matrix date is a reference to the time of the New Kingdom in Egypt, the time when the Jews were coming into great power via finance, politics and administration.

The authors of the movie are warning you.
Or teasing you and rubbing it in your face.
Or both.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 02:50 AM
The matrix was a story for the most part written to entertain us, although it does base itself on virtual reality theory which comes across clearly in the movies context.

The authors themselves may have been on to something more then just a movie in delivering that message as in many ways, our reality is a holographic simulation and that evidence is becoming more and more apparent to physicists and scientists abroad.

I liked the matrix, I believe reality is a simulation and we are experiencing only an aspect of a much larger and grander reality system where this reality is a sub-set within a much more complex and organized system.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 02:51 AM
The point of the Matrix movie franchise was to entertain people and make money. Occam's Razor!


posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:18 AM

1138 (from your name)

Minus 666 (that popular number)

= 472

470 million is how much the Matrix made worldwide

Divide 472 by pi (3.14) and you get 150.31

Move the decimal to the left and $15 is about what I paid for popcorn and my ticket back in 1999 and I was born on the 31st.

Oh, and the Matrix entertained the hell out of me!

[edit on 5/6/2009 by whiskeypoet]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:29 AM
The main point of the matrix movies was,that a writer with a great imagination, needed money,wrote a script.

So on and so forth.

Then I bought all the matrix movies together just before Christmas.
They were on sale.

Oh... and so was the Lord Of the Ring Trilogy.
Don't crunch the numbers on those movies yet,
I haven't seen them and I want to be surprised.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:38 AM
I liked the Matrix but having been familiar with a lot of conspiracies , It just seemed like Zionist propoganda to me.

All the same, I enjoyed it at the time.
And it's hard to believe that it's already 10 years old.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by Flighty]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by THX-1138

Hi THX, speaking from experience ( I did actually work on the making of this movie); it was simply meant to be an entertaining film for the thinking person!
Using concepts that were 'modern' (the idea of super-computers etc), to create a scenario that made the audience wonder "is this possible"; was the making of the enigma- hence the question asked in your thread.
I wouldn't bother trying to read too much between the lines; it is entertainment, if only for the more intellegent sci-fi audience.
Other than that, I had a wonderful time working on this movie; it was one of the best jobs I've worked on- I'd be happy to elaborate on anything within my experience that ATSers may like to know.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

I have one question. Have you ever dreamt something, and one day later it came true? Like Déjà vu, but you remember dreaming it?

Please to tell if so.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

Yeah O.K . sarcasm! Whatever you like! The Matrix was filmed in Sydney Australia; and I happened to work for Ray Brown; Key Grip on this movie.
I was involved in many location shoots around the Sydney Cbd, and also studios at Zetland and Alexandria.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

I wasn't being sarcastic. I was genuinely interested in what you know about precognitive dreaming. I thought maybe you had some information or experience with the subject. No sarcasm. Just a question.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by THX-1138

Hi THX, speaking from experience ( I did actually work on the making of this movie); it was simply meant to be an entertaining film for the thinking person!
Using concepts that were 'modern' (the idea of super-computers etc), to create a scenario that made the audience wonder "is this possible"; was the making of the enigma- hence the question asked in your thread.
I wouldn't bother trying to read too much between the lines; it is entertainment, if only for the more intellegent sci-fi audience.
Other than that, I had a wonderful time working on this movie; it was one of the best jobs I've worked on- I'd be happy to elaborate on anything within my experience that ATSers may like to know.

ORLY? Well that post may get you quite a number of responses lol.

So were you involved with only the first Matrix, or all three? How involved was your work... what all did you do?

(Oh, and if it's not too much to ask... could you please send Keanu and the Rayment twins my way? Yes please?)

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

My apologies, my wrong assumption you were speaking of my work on the movie!
Pre-cognitive dreaming: I've had a lot of experience with that, I've had many De javu experiences; although I'm left clueless as to the meaning behind them.
Sometimes I dont actually get the pre-cognition till years later.
I'm not really sure its suppose to be anything all that profound.
What I know, is that it indeed demonstrates the ability to recognise future events, there is a subconcious link; however I do think our connection to this link (consciously is arbitrary).
Such is the nature of divination in comparison. The more one divines, the less accurate they are: the connection may be strong at times ( then the diviner is accurate), but this is only fleeting. And such is the link to the subjective human consciousness.
I know a few professionally respected psychics, one of my friends is a very well known tarot reader, whom has even had clients come all the way from N.Z for her readings. Even she is not accurate all the time.
I have read at Psychic fairs, for freinds and family, professionally and not; I can honestly say that I believe in the moto: Divine short, Enchant Long.
Pre cognitive dreaming is a precursor to abilites that can sometimes out with the use of divination methods; but, the less used, the more reliably accurate.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

My apologies, my wrong assumption you were speaking of my work on the movie!

Sure, we could talk about it, but my study right now is precognitive dreaming. Something that you have provided great personal insight into.
I love the matrix, it rocked. We have the archtype neo who is very much like a certain part of ourselves that everyone of us has, but seems to forget so often.

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
Pre-cognitive dreaming: I've had a lot of experience with that, I've had many De javu experiences; although I'm left clueless as to the meaning behind them.

Would you like to know the meaning of them?

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
Sometimes I dont actually get the pre-cognition till years later.
I'm not really sure its suppose to be anything all that profound.
What I know, is that it indeed demonstrates the ability to recognise future events, there is a subconcious link; however I do think our connection to this link (consciously is arbitrary).

The struggle is the same for all of us, when it comes to the PSI uncertainty principle. This reality system is engineered in such away that the PUP commits us to a subjective hold on the data stream of reality.

When a precognitive event occurs, it presents us a crossroad where one route is belief, the other is truth. In your next precognitive dream event, focus on the truth crossroad as mentioned here, it might help

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
Such is the nature of divination in comparison. The more one divines, the less accurate they are: the connection may be strong at times ( then the diviner is accurate), but this is only fleeting. And such is the link to the subjective human consciousness.

Well, you are part of the same reality as everyone else. Reality as it relates to human consciousness can contain all the truth we ever need to realize. These awakened moments of knowing, can often come with an amazing oneness with reality at many respected levels.

You might notice a connection between a dreamer and a dream. The dreamer is who you really are, and the dream is what you are creating.

The reality of the dreamer, is far more advanced then the reality of a human who forgets the dreamer.

Neo is a great anthropomorphised version of the dreamer.

Originally posted by KRISKALI777

I know a few professionally respected psychics, one of my friends is a very well known tarot reader, whom has even had clients come all the way from N.Z for her readings. Even she is not accurate all the time.
I have read at Psychic fairs, for freinds and family, professionally and not; I can honestly say that I believe in the moto: Divine short, Enchant Long.
Pre cognitive dreaming is a precursor to abilites that can sometimes out with the use of divination methods; but, the less used, the more reliably accurate.

It's not a broadly covered topic, but there is ample research endeavors by science to study precognition, but the subjective nature gives weight to the PSI uncertainty principle.

I have had enough precognitive dreams to see the bridge between the dream and this reality. I have done lucid precognitive dreaming which is a level slightly higher then just a non-lucid precognitive dream.

If you have ever had a lucid dream, you can probably give weight to the power of such a lucid experience.

When you get like me, it's all about the dream and the dreamer... reality becomes just a part of it, but not the total equation. There are bigger aspects of ones self to identify with and understand.

Dreams and reality have consciousness in common. They have something in common. People are starting to wake up to that knowledge.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Let's stay focused on the topic please.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:27 AM
The whole point of these stories is that they recreate certain ancient archetypes. As do our lives.

The best example is how George Lucas used Joseph Campbell's Hero With A Thousand Faces whole creating Star Wars.

He literally and consciously drew upon ancient archetypes when creating his movies. And Star Wars is probably the biggest modern epic.

Same goes with Matrix, they recycle old myths and therefore they have certain similarities with any mythology you can find. And our lives recycle these same archetypes as well, so there are similarities with the real world as well.

And by now Matrix is a modern mythology in itself, and will be recycled... Do you see what I mean? The same archetypes come back eternally.

Think about this: The Hero with a Thousand Faces

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 09:33 AM
Actually, I'd say the Matrix has multiple purposes.

For some, it's a philosophical marvel that proposes and asks many deep philosophical questions, or presents deep philosophical scenario's. Something not easily done. In it's essence, it is a battle of philosophical ideas that reveals many deeper truths about our society today.

And for others, they don't notice or get these philosophical things, so it's just a sci-fi story with cool effects that brings in tons of money. The deeper meanings are pretty much hidden from these people.

Sure the philosophical ideas were nothing new. But they renewed interest in the topics and to present so many in a single movie is an accomplishment in itself. Getting people to ask such deep questions in this day and age is no small feat, and a breathe of fresh air compared to most of the movies on TV.

[edit on 5-6-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

That's happened to me multiple times in my life. Sometimes it happens years later. During high school I had a dream about what my first day of college was. Well 3 years later I found myself walking into the room I had dreamt of with the desks chairs and projector just like I remembered them. The most important part that triggered my memory of the dream was the light. In all of the instances this has happened it's always been the light.

I never saw anyone else post about something like that happening to them on here I just thought I was a bit touched.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 10:30 AM
The purpose was the exact same as any other big-budget hollywood flick; To make money first and foremost and secondly to entertain the dumbed down masses.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Well, personally - I thought it better than watching another pointless comedy showcasing and glorifying a superficial side of the human experience.

Options. It's a good thing.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 10:39 AM
Lifetime Gross Total (3): $592,370,339

That's the real purpose of the movie. As noted above, Occam's Razor.

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