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"CNN Protest and Boycott" for derogatory Tax Day Tea Party comments

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posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:14 PM
I just received this in an email and thought I would share it. I'm in the process of trying to find this on their website, but am having no luck as of yet. Once I find it I will post up a link. The only thing I have removed from the email is the name, number and email addresses of the organizers since I don't know if they want it posted up or not.

Looks like people finally got organized enough to respond to CNN's childish attacks from the last Tea Parties.

CNN Protest and Boycott

June 2, 2009
Multiple City Protest of Media Bias by CNN the Cable News Network

Atlanta, GA - Tea Party Patriots has teamed up with concerned citizens in Atlanta and Chicago to hold a protest of CNN on Friday June 5, 2009 at CNN Headquarters in Atlanta and the CNN Chicago Bureau. The protest will begin at 10:00am EDT in Atlanta and 12:00 noon CDT in Chicago. Atlanta will also be holding a second day of protest at CNN on Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 12:00 noon.

CNN poked fun at and demeaned the Tea Party Patriots Protesters around the country on April 15th. The interviewing techniques of reporters covering the Chicago Tea Party were unprofessional at best. The repeated use of sexual innuendo and other offensive language primarily centered around an alternate meaning of the word "teabagging" were insulting, rude, and lacked the decorum expected of a professional news organization.

Content like this is not family friendly. As parents, we are outraged that your network incorporated these sexual innuendos and other offensive language into your news content as if they didn't matter. We do not want our children, or family members, to hear these types of discussions, debates or news coverage in our homes. While CNN has the right to report the news in whatever biased way they choose, Americans have the right to choose not to spend money with companies that sponsor this sort of offensive broadcasting.

"CNN has, for many years, been slanted towards far left partisanship in its presentation of what it considers news. This is no surprise to most of us. But, what IS surprising is the level of hate displayed in CNN's blatantly biased 'reporting' of the Tea Party Movement. We're here to identify some possible reasons for CNN's hate speech towards the Tea Party Movement, and we intend to contact CNN sponsors to share our disgust with such an attack," said Eric Odom, founder of American Liberty Alliance, grassroots activist, and Chicago resident.

The purpose of the protest is to inform citizens of the blatantly biased and offensive reporting of CNN, and to ask citizens to boycott CNN sponsors, specifically targeting those sponsors accepting TARP/Bailout funds. Citizen activists will also send petitions to local mayors and officials who allow CNN "news" to be displayed in municipal airports and other taxpayer funded property.

"Grassroots activists do not intend to sit idly by and watch CNN treat the tea party movement and the activists that are involved in this movement with no respect," said Denise Cattoni, Illinois State Coordinator for Tea Party Patriots, grassroots activist, and a Lisle, Illinois resident.

Details of the Atlanta CNN Protest Event:
WHO: Grassroots Activists From Around the Country
WHERE: CNN Headquarters, One CNN Center, Atlanta
WHEN: Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:00am - 2:00pm EDT and Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 12:00pm - 3:00 pm EDT.

Details of the Chicago CNN Protest Event:
WHO: Grassroots Activists From Around the Country
WHERE: CNN Chicago Bureau, Tribune Building, 435 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago
WHEN: Friday, June 5, 2009 at 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT.

Edit: Found it on Freedom Fighter

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Jenna]

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Jenna]

Mod Note: External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on Thu Jun 4 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Way to go guys.

Although, I agree with the tea-partyers that our tax dollars are being wasted, I don't agree with their general philosophy.

I do, however, find it encouraging that conservatives realize that it's not unpatriotic to protest and that if you do, the media is going to try to marginalize you.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by milesp]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Jenna

So, with all the crys regarding the mainstream media and the "powers to be" you folks decide to pick CNN, for its broadcasting of the tea parties, ignoring that the issue was "the mainstream media" to start with.

Taking out one new source bias and ignoring the other news bias because it favours your movement, this is some how going to end the bias of the "mainstream media" Jenna? Why dont you boycott fox, MSNBC, CNBC while your at it. Right now it just looks to be like its favour over one bias from the other.

Your either opposed to the "mainstream media" or for it, there shouldnt be any exceptions to the truth.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

So did you read my post? At all?

They are protesting CNN because of all the "teabagging" comments made by their reporters as well as the unprofessional way they did their "reporting". It's a specific complaint so they are protesting a specific company.

What do you expect people to do? Complain about one company but protest a different one?

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Jenna

Looks like people finally got organized enough to respond to CNN's childish attacks from the last Tea Parties.

CNN Protest and Boycott

June 2, 2009
Multiple City Protest of Media Bias by CNN the Cable News Network

The purpose of the protest is to inform citizens of the blatantly biased and offensive reporting of CNN, and to ask citizens to boycott CNN sponsors, specifically targeting those sponsors accepting TARP/Bailout funds. Citizen activists will also send petitions to local mayors and officials who allow CNN "news" to be displayed in municipal airports and other taxpayer funded property.

It's about time. They needed to mobilize waaaaaay back when the campaign was still in full swing. I had finally emailed their only common sense personality that was left; Lou Dobbs.

I wrote that I had watched CNN since it's inception back in 1980(?) and their campaign coverage had become so disgusting to me that I was only going to tune in CNN to find out who their sponsors were so that my family and I would know who to boycott from now on...

When I found out that Bank Of America had taken TARP funds (having banked with Bank Of America for the last 20 years) it took me about 2 weeks to decide to close 3-4 accounts.

Granted, I'm not rich and making them a load of money, however, I was loyal and had encouraged countless others over 20 years to open BoA accounts (and I really hate banks to begin with

Long way to get to this but, what took y'all so long?

I sincerely hope that they have CNN removed from the airports et al. Our local Pharmacy displays a ceiling-hung TV in the waiting room that plays CNN. I just laugh and ignore it. HEAR THAT CNN?; YOU FUGGIN CREEPS.
CNN and BoA... Both traitorous. Worthy of despise; they've earned it.

Good luck with the protests, they are both too far away for me to attend.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

They're too far away for me to attend them either. I'm just glad to see that the momentum is still there and that people aren't just going to forget about everything now that the Tax Day Tea Parties are behind us.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 08:09 AM
well, after finding out who generated the "protest", and partially funded it, is it a wonder that there seems to be only republicans and conservatives at these things? and curious how they didn't start when paulson and bush scared the hell of of everybody of a impending collapse in the fall of 08, if the government didn't pony up 700 tea party then? the reason this does not work anymore is because the conservatives have used it time and time again and is simply looked at as being childish.

and it's amazing that not one word comes from the republicans about Obama going after corporations that skip out on their taxes owed to the US. funny how that conversation is never heard at these "protests"

[edit on 5-6-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Do tell. Who generated and funded the protests? I'd love to see some actual proof, not assumptions or unfounded claims, actual proof, that the tea parties were anything more than the bi-partisan, citizen planned protests that they actually were.

Spring 2009 was a pretty quick turn-around to have the protests planned and held from Fall 2008. Have you ever tried to organize anything on the scale that the tea parties were? That does take a bit of time.

It amuses me to no end that when everyone finally gets fed up enough with what the government has been doing to actually do something about it, people can't accept that some people just have a higher BS tolerance than others. It took people being affected by the situation for them to stand up and say enough is enough. And now that they have, all I hear is complaints that it took them so long.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

This is a specific issue we're talking about here, not bad MSM practices in general. The reporter from CNN deserves to be spotlighted for her unpatriotic and biased attitude toward the protestors. Whether or not she agreed with their agenda, she should be aware of and supportive of their First Amendment right to assemble and seek redress.

MSNBC should also be targeted, imo, since they flagrantly used the term teabagging in a salacious way.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Originally posted by jimmyx
and it's amazing that not one word comes from the republicans about Obama going after corporations that skip out on their taxes owed to the US. funny how that conversation is never heard at these "protests"
[edit on 5-6-2009 by jimmyx]

This should not surprise you, for several reasons.

First, corps such as Microsoft are taking advantage of tax loopholes. They are breaking no laws.

Second, Republicans are for lower taxes in general, so the fact that they do not support Obama's attempts to milk every drop from the wealthy should be no surprise.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:00 AM
Give me a break. It was the one reporter that CNN broadcasted even though it made them look bad. To me it is a waste of time and I can smell the forces behind it just as I can smell the forces behind the ridiculous and ironic Tea Parties of 2009.

posted on Jun, 6 2009 @ 10:48 AM
The tea party protests were a limited success, numbers-wise. Had there been some 'PTB' organization behind them, the turnout would have been much higher.

The libs just could not stand the idea of a protest held against their Messiah, is all.

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