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Remote Viewing to be Twittered?

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posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 12:52 AM
A social experiment has been prepared to test the existence of remote viewing.

In the first scientific experiment to be conducted via the social messaging service, experts will investigate "remote viewing" - the psychic ability to identify distant locations. Members of the public will be asked to "tweet" their impressions of a randomly chosen spot in the UK visited by one of the researchers. Then they will vote for which of five photographs on a website shows where the visitor was standing.

The trial will be repeated with visually different locations four times.

If at the end of the experiment the votes correctly identify at least three targets, it will support the existence of extra-sensory perception.
Twitter's psychic experiment

The great news for believers and skeptics alike is that you can take part in the experiment too! Contact Richard Wiseman through his Twitter page HERE.

I look forward to the results. Gotta say I don't really go for the 'remote viewing' thing, but remain open to new evidence.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

i'm in

Looks like a laugh if anything, but hopefully we will be pleasantly suprised.

maybe the only time I actually use my twitter account.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz
I've signed up too, but I never use Twitter either
If it proves RV as real then I guess we'll find out without'll get in the newspapers and New Scientist. Cool!

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Cool I'll see if i can tune my psychic eye in to see you remote viewing!
Make sure you're clean and tidy and clothed
dont want to get any nasty suprises
nor do the 10 000 others that may tune in!

[edit on 1-6-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:23 AM
Cool, great find very interested. I have tried registering on twitter but it keeps coming up with a database issue! Anyone else had the same problem?

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Piranha

Hi piranha
Theyve been having issues, if you register through ats login and let asala know, you get 5000 points
c u on the psychic grapevine! lol

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Wait a moment really? Can anyone tell me the step to do this?

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Piranha

scroll to the top left where you see the forum this thread is in 'mysterious' then next to it, click on twitter and take it from there, when you have your account just u2u Asala

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:18 PM
I participated.

First, go to, and get yourself a name and a password (note: all the good words (in English) have apparently already been taken as names so don't be surprised if it takes awhile to find a suitable name.) Once there, do a search for "richardwisesman" When you find him, click on 'follow' icon that's under his window.

Then check your twitter account periodically. I've got him on follow (he's an interesting guy). You don't need a phone to twitter. You have to click on 'home' when you open your account so you can see all the tweets from the people you are following.

You can choose to watch or not watch people watching you. I got a few porn spammers and bizops sellers glomming onto me at first, but I simply don't follow them and they drop out of my list.

If you get stuck, U2U me and I'll try to help.

If you want to check and see that you've got a good connection, check for 'NASAbrk' -- breaking NASA news which usually update several times a day. 'LetheInVegas' twitters some absolutely fascinating stuff -- if you're an artist. There are a number of apps there; have yet to get Gcal working but I can update Facebook from Twitter.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 12:25 AM
Hiya Byrd

He's just posted Test Trial and Remote Viewing Methods.

These locations have been chosen to be maximally different from one another to make the judging as easy as possible (more about that later).

He should really be saying nothing at all if the results aren't to be skewed. A statement like that can only effect how the people taking part interpret what they claim to see. Reminds me of my lottery ticket number picking process. Ever tried to pick numbers randomly? The dumbass inside of us all insists, "Nah, that number isn't quite random enough. Pick another!"

That aside, the blog is interesting stuff. Results out next week.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 01:32 PM
I forgot all about this....the results were either disappointing or unsurprising depending on people's perspective. Just over a 1000 people took part and described themselves as believing in the paranormal or not believing in the paranormal...

When I analysed believers and sceptics separately, the results were the same, with no difference between the groups. So the study didn’t support the existence of remote viewing, and suggested that those who believe in the paranormal are good at finding illusory correspondences between their thoughts and a target .

Update: I have just looked at the data from those who claimed some kind of psychic ability, and had a high confidence in their choice of target. This sub-group of participants also scored zero out of four.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Curiosity raised its head I checked out the final results of the study. The guys published a paper in January 2011 and the findings are interesting, but offer no real evidence in favour of remote viewing...

In short, this study did not yield any evidence for remote viewing, but did show that the perceived correspondences between a participant’s thoughts and the target in uncontrolled remote viewing trials could be due to confirmation bias, and that individuals who believe in the paranormal are especially prone to this bias. The study also showed that Twitter can be used as a new form of research tool, and can be an effective way of recruiting and running participants. It seems that the nature of Twitter makes it especially well suited for studies that require an immediate response from a large number of participants, and that would benefit from giving participants
immediate feedback.

We look forward to other experimenters utilising
this tool in creative ways.
Source pdf

Remote viewing is something that teases my curiosity, but is still difficult to accept. For every person demonstrating some success at RV, there are many more making money like it's a New Age expression of a higher consciousness. Guys like Ingo Swann are held in high esteem and yet, to me, his accounts ring hollow.

Having read a few study papers, it does seem like there's some substance at the core of the concept. It isn't like mentally travelling through a virtual world as a ghost, instead it reads like a very subtle and hazy experience with images more allied to a waking dream.

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