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There Is A War Coming...

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posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:35 AM

War Is Coming!

In the not too distant future there will be a war coming, not between one country to another, but between "The People" and their "Freedom".

We are talking much bigger than what has been happening within the last few hundred years and it is going to go global!

This thread was created to get people talking about the possible causes, effects and possible outcomes of "The War On Freedom".

[edit on 31-5-2009 by The Shade]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:39 AM
Thank you for that. Now tell us all something we don't know and don't talk about every day all day in infinite number of ways.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 05:51 AM
Your only as free as you want to be.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:11 AM
Nice music on your link Shade. But the war between people and their freedom has been going on for thousands of centuries. The real war is between lethargy and action.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Hazelnut

Im talking much bigger than what has been going on within the last few hundred years!

Damn one line rule

[edit on 31-5-2009 by The Shade]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:19 AM
I know this, it has been brewing. I would like to avoid it by changing stubborn people but here it is. laid out. There are i believe foreign agents who were raised domesticly and brainwashed over there lives to hate, they were indoctrinated. They are the ones who mass brainwash and manipulate vicariously for the main foreign underminers. These groups are over time using both law and religion to skew reality for society. making one group feel that they have the right to decide for others, who are not like them. Now I understand that murderers and rapists and thieves are bad news. But the rest of the people are merely unharmful nuances of life on earth. Religions have taught that a God justifies one to act upon assumption, and thats where we get the same template overlapping from the secular to the religious due the error in thinking by religious, they are sinners too. And alot of them see it this way, but many still see it in a different way, they think that they are Gods angels..and oppress, kill or belittle in the name of a self rightious dellusion. This is similar to politics, socialists or neo-nazis might feel this same zeal against what they term sin.

In prophecy of the Bible, aka the good book. It speaks of after armageddon the meek shall inherit the earth. Those who are human, truly will suffer needlessly for too long, because you the generations clashing for no reason other than self created selfishness. There is only planned genocide by official sources because they are rogue infiltrators who destroy the future for human kind, due to selfish stubbron ignorant greed.

Im trying to stop this. By offering a new view for the stubborn, of any religion or creed. Who have hated, druggies or people with odd psycholoical behaviors unlike your "moral" "clean" existence. Which i doubt is true, frankly since no human is ever clean anytime. You are what you hate.
too bad aint it.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:19 AM
In the past we fought for power. In the future we will fight for survival, resources and the way we want every one to live. We will fight for the right to have a class of elites that can tell everyone how to live.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:23 AM
The country is completely medicated via the food supply. No one save a handful are ready to wage war.

Now drink sodas, eat fast food and watch American Idol.. they're READY!

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:25 AM
Is this just an Earthy war do you think? Or do fallen angels/aliens get involved? I take it this war is to be different from the many wars we have seen throughout history already. Is it to be a spiritual war maybe (not to be confused with a religious war). Wars have been fought over religion since the beggining of time, but a spiritual war of great size has yet to be seen. This is why I ask if fallen angels and aliens are to be involved.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:27 AM
There's no war coming, in 2000 bush stole an election, with the help of diebold, kathy harris and jeb, the people did nothing.
Bush/cheney destroyed america and people did nothing.
About 2-3yrs ago we where all discussing how the ptb were changing the constitution to let a non-national become president, I like many thought this was to pave the way for arnold terminator, we were wrong.
2009 barack HUSSEIN (how many christians would name their son this?) obama, a kenyan muslim became president and guess what with a combination of white guilt and black exuberance the people did nothing.
The time for war has past my friend, the jackboot is planted firmly on all our faces now and the people STILL do nothing.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I think if it gets too out of hand "ET's" could get involved (If they exist).

One liner

[edit on 31-5-2009 by The Shade]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:29 AM
Yep im sure the war will start if the arm chair rebels get up off the more than ample behinds and get envolved.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by The Shade

DUDE the shade. seriously! What is this thread about? You wrote a minimal topic about nothing special that we all here already talk about quite often... Now add some definition to this thread already!



How do you suggest folks fight? Because I have no Ideas how to stop an Airstrike.

And I know all about magnetic guns(RALE GUNS there cool )

Please The Shade what is this thread about?

Just the vauge war that IS coming and what it will be fought over?

Come on man have higher standards. Give us some specifics to what you were trying to express.


Say something of substance SHEESH!

If I wanted to read BTS stuff I would chill in BTS more often.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by titorite]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by titorite

This thread was made to get people talking, and I am warning people what is going to happen within the next few years! I think people are aware in their gut what is coming...

You yourself say you talk about this frequently... How much do you really know about the "War"

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by The Shade

OMG I so would like to see this thread close and I would like to see someone adopt member The shade...I would volunteer but I am not up to it...

If you look at my screen name you will note I have Titor in it... Use the search function and look up Titor.

Also for more views about this "war" type that into the search bar too.

Because unless your this timelines version of Titor....

I don't really care anymore.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by titorite

You have got to be the most stubborn person I have met on ATS! I know who John Titor is...

If you don't care why are you still here?

Lets not go off topic!

Use your imagination if you have any left...

[edit on 31-5-2009 by The Shade]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Nice topic but I am unsure how you can know there is definitely a war coming, I mean you say it like you have knowledge of something. It's a pretty bold statement. As has previously been stated though, we are already in that war only our side is very small (those who are aware). I'd love to know why you think the people will rise up and fight.

Like Badfuture says, we as a group of people will not fight. We cannot pull together, we have previously done nothing in the face of thinjgs which threaten our freedon...... AND to add to this.... there are currently people starving, there are currently people stealing our rights, there are currently people in the UK stealing from the tax payer, we are all paying too much tax, we are forced to conform..... All this is going on now and we are still doing absolutely jack all, haha, what a great race.

Sorry sir but I beg to differ. You, I and others on here yearn for a revolution but as I have said in countless threads before... it isn't going to happen.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by The Shade

Ok you made me care again The Shade.

You ask that we not get off topic.


A war... a war of words?

Which people?


What kind of freedoms?

The freedom to a reasonable bail?

See I do have imagination.

But you... You want to get people talking about wars but you offer no specifics past it involving people and their freedoms.

DUDE I dont know what nation your from but here in the American Federal Empire the constitution is dead. The citizens are subjects. The elections are shows and we all here at ATS KNOW THIS ALREADY!

SO please ..Contribute to the betterment of ATS by posting things of more substance.

HERE click this LINK and follow it to the ATS handbook.

It will tell you all about this web community whats cool and whats not. Why our motto is to DENY IGNORANCE and why we dislike Hoaxers and much much more.

I'm just saying when you say OOOOOOOO "theres a war coming".. that doesn't start any kind of constructive conversation that just invites this kind of conversation. The kind of conversation they like to toss around on GLP (YUCK)

Try harder man.

And avoid the one liners.

I got faith in ya The Shade.

I now you can contribute better stuff.. I hope you do so soon.

Fight the power and all that jazz

[edit on 31-5-2009 by titorite]


Now there you go The Shade. Nice editing on your opening post. Now you have a more defined subject to peak peoples interests and keep them focused.

Good job!

Now the cause of the war on freedom is that those with lots of power crave more power. And they can only feel more powerful by controlling others.

The effects will be rebellion, indignation, fighting and wars. All things the powerful use to further their own agendas.

The outcome of all this stupidity amongst the powerful elite will be death on a massive scale. Hopefully some of it there own for causing it all in the first place.

Bilderberger, rothschild, rockafella, Every Jekel islander every boheman grover they all need to be the first in line for their depopulation programs.

Nuff said!

[edit on 31-5-2009 by titorite]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by The Shade
reply to post by Mr Green

I think if it gets too out of hand "ET's" could get involved (If they exist).

One liner

[edit on 31-5-2009 by The Shade]

This whole war is caused by the fallen and the ETs. Humans originally were pure and spiritual great light beings of peace, it is BECAUSE of these fallen aliens this war may happen.

You need to provide more regarding your OP it is a little sparse. I can not work out your understanding of this subject from such a small OP. Can you elaborate on your thoughts and what you are basing this OP on.

You cant just say a War is coming. You need to say why you think this, what you base this on, who/what is your source if you have one. even your own thoughts on it would help. You cant just say your not saying anything just to get others to talk, we need your thoughts to TALK about and at the moment Im sorry I dont really know what your thoughts are.

I find it odd that you say aliens may get involved but then you question their existance?? Does this mean you arnt even sure this war exists. This thread need more come on tell us more.

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:49 AM
I know this type of response is pretty common, but still:

As long as religion, greed, ideology, inequality and negligence exist, there will always be war. That's how it's been in the past and likely how it will be in the future.

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