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Why do you believe in *Insert Religion Here*?

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:27 PM
I've seen quite a few threads asking atheist why they don't believe in a God.

Whilst on my many debates in public and with new neighbors trying to convert me consistently. I thought i'd bring this up to ATS.

1) What was the defining moment that made you believe in your religion? (Other then it was passed down through the family)

2) What makes you like this religion better then any of the other religions out there? (Hindu, Islam, Christianity etc.)

3) In the religion you have chosen, do you HONESTLY believe that what it preaches would allow you to go to 'your' heaven?

I'm not asking to debate, i'm looking for the mindset of a religious person. Hopefully I'll get those other then Christians.

Remember for question one, It's the Definite Moment, were you said to yourself, from here on Nothing will alter me from the decision i've made, or the decision to start believe in ( ) religion.

Look forward to it guys. I know how much you love three question threads.

P.S I'm not looking to debate or argue semantics, just pick up ideas off of people.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:34 PM
I see nothing posted yet, I probably should of put it in Ats, although it would of been moved back to BTS anyways.

Although I'm atheist so I cant very well comment on my own thread.:shk:

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:39 PM

[edit on 27-5-2009 by heyo]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by heyo

Might want to remove the drug reference if you could please...

So you were a believer in a God, but not sure which to follow till you heard a loud voice *put loud in myself* that said faith, and decided more or less that it should.

So for Christians this must of been great to add to there book, "Man searches and Find the truth." "If ye seek ye shall find". Type of thing.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
I've seen quite a few threads asking atheist why they don't believe in a God.

Whilst on my many debates in public and with new neighbors trying to convert me consistently. I thought i'd bring this up to ATS.

1) What was the defining moment that made you believe in your religion? (Other then it was passed down through the family)

I had a vision followed by a period of time where I gained many understandings. Pretty flexable on how those understandings are expressed, but not very flexible on the understandings themselves. I see in terms of A+B=C rather than 1+1=2. Can express A+B=C in many ways, many numbers, but the understanding stays the same.

2) What makes you like this religion better then any of the other religions out there? (Hindu, Islam, Christianity etc.)

I don't belong to a religion, I like Jesus but don't care too much for his fans. I find that Jesus has an understanding in his words well above that of any normal person. But I also like Buddha and a few others. IMO, where you find wisdom and understand you won't have to look very far to find god.

3) In the religion you have chosen, do you HONESTLY believe that what it preaches would allow you to go to 'your' heaven?

I'm not asking to debate, i'm looking for the mindset of a religious person. Hopefully I'll get those other then Christians.

Remember for question one, It's the Definite Moment, were you said to yourself, from here on Nothing will alter me from the decision i've made, or the decision to start believe in ( ) religion.

Look forward to it guys. I know how much you love three question threads.

P.S I'm not looking to debate or argue semantics, just pick up ideas off of people.

I don't care what any religion says or otherwise. I didn't learn what I know from any religion, but I see what I learned repeated in places and things I agree with.

Also doesn't matter to me if there is a heaven or if nothing happens after death. There is a difference between right and wrong either way. And I certainly don't believe the majority of people are going to hell.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by badmedia

Well I hope your religion doesn't believe I'm going to hell I give blood, I donate frequently to charity, when a customer is 10 bucks short on groceries I'll often help out, unless he's just buying beer. Hopefully that would let me in, otherwise thats close to confucism no?

I like how you said A+B=C, I never could think like that, I am a 1+1=2 type of guy, pure numbers are easier to memorize.

Thank you for your post.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 01:45 AM
1) None. Passed down to me. Never ran across another religion with as much insight into the truth. Of course I am biased as to what that truth is.
2) No creed or dogma I have to subscribe to. We are tasked with finding new light so we are not tied down to old ideas.
3) the Bible contains every bit of knowledge necessary to learn about salvation. The church has no power to save you. Proper understanding does not save you but you are responsible for having a thorough enough knowledge to be useful for sharing with others.
Worrying about our own salvation may be the one thing not allowed. Concern about other people's material needs and spiritual needs is required.
I knew the woman who was in charge of the Church's relief agency in Haiti and she was like "what me worry" when they rioted and destroyed everything except for her building.

[edit on 28-5-2009 by jmdewey60]

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

So you more or less are a pracitioner of the bible, but don't affiliate yourself with a certian demoniation, other then respect the bible, keep it holy, and better yourself with everyday..
Well sir that's very respectable, I was hoping to run across one of those.


posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Republican08
Sorry if I misled you.
I do belong to a denomination, if you want to label it such.
I did not bring up the name because I am not recruiting.
You need to go to your own church and turn it into this model, not dump your denomination and jump ship and get on-board with something that really does not need more members.
Fix the church nearest you! Do not join mine.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

I'd like to know your denomination if you would kindly.

I do not wish to join any denomination nonetheless religion, I'm fine where I lay peacefully. I just was curious of what made others tick and am intrigued by the answers in my serach of human mindsets and influences.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Republican08
reply to post by badmedia

Well I hope your religion doesn't believe I'm going to hell I give blood, I donate frequently to charity, when a customer is 10 bucks short on groceries I'll often help out, unless he's just buying beer. Hopefully that would let me in, otherwise thats close to confucism no?

I like how you said A+B=C, I never could think like that, I am a 1+1=2 type of guy, pure numbers are easier to memorize.

Thank you for your post.

I don't belong to any religion. I think Christianity is an anti-christ religion, does everything Jesus says not to.

You are already in hell. Welcome to the lie and the land of confusion.

[edit on 28-5-2009 by badmedia]

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Republican08

I am a Pagan and had an Out of Body Experience. That changed my views on the soul as I know we have one. What happens and where we go is still a mystery to me, and I have been reading up on what the ancients believed in. It is quite amazing how old spiritual belief is as they have found altars devoted to the Earth Goddess that are over 100,000 years old ("Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals" by Colin Wilson).

On another note, you claim to be an atheist but belong to a political party (according to your avatar) that is very pro Christian. What are your thoughts on the movement of the Party to a more conservative fundamentalist party?

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Republican08

On another note, you claim to be an atheist but belong to a political party (according to your avatar) that is very pro Christian. What are your thoughts on the movement of the Party to a more conservative fundamentalist party?

I highly doubt Doctor Who, is affiliated by any political party! Haha.

I understand my username, is was created before I got sick of all the BS, and I can't change it to another one, if only I could. I really am sick of Dems, Reps, Libs, Cons, I'm ok with one thing, and not with another, I have an opinion, and wish to connect myself to one party no mas.

posted on May, 28 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Republican08

Thank you for answering the question on the avatar. I know it cannot be changed, which is why I picked mine. I was a comic book fan back in the day (and still am to a lesser extent) and picked the name out of a hat of my favorites.

I am also more independent, although I have become more progressive on some issues. Religion is a sticky point with my siblings and mother, as they are either Catholic or Fundamentalists. Giving thanks to the Mother Goddess Isis is not a prayer they want to hear!

PS I have been a fan of Doctor Who when my PBS station used to show the Jon Pertwee half hours in the afternoon during the early 1970s before Tom Baker.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by kidflash2008

So, back to a more on topic theme.

I'm curious to know, you say you had an OBE, i'm familar of those, not personally but had a Christian Pastor talk to me of the dangers of them, he apparently did it a few times, and satan came trying to kill him, I was a bit skeptical....

So out of all the religions you picked Pagan, why that one. I'm very curious, what reading did you do, what websites, books, friends, led you to that decision. Good to have a non christian on here. I'm not any religion but just curious still, to what made people pick there certain one.

Your thoughts and words are greatly appreciated, along with anyone elses.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Republican08

My vision was technically an OBE I suppose. Only it was an instant change, I didn't see myself float away from my body or anything like that. It was like in less than a blink of an eye my consciousness was somewhere else completely.

I honestly thought I was going crazy after it happened. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced. I know when I'm imagining things in my head and such, but it was not at all like that. It was more vivid than a dream, but was somewhat like a dream in that I wasn't consciousness of all that is being shown. Meaning, it wasn't me making it happen or thinking of it.

Wasn't close to death or anything like that. Never been close to death or seriously injured etc. Came close to things that would have kill me though.

I think I'd be skeptical of what the Pastor said too. Although in my experience, I wasn't floating around or wondering around. I was in a specific place instantly, and it was like being in the matrix loading room basically. But I didn't have a body or anything physical at all that I could see, I was just there. Everything was white and didn't seem to have an end or anything.

However, it would be impossible for Satan to kill someone's consciousness/soul. I find it odd he would say that, because Jesus says this directly. And if someone is in an OBE, then it means they are only in conscious form and not in their body for it to be killed. If anything, I would guess the biggest danger would be getting manipulated.

So you can add me as being skeptical of what he said as well.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Suppose I should start by saying that my religion is a personal one. I believe there is "something" behind it all, but whether that something can be personified? I doubt it. More like a "force" for lack of a better term...although one could consider it some kind of divine architect.

1) What was the defining moment that made you believe in your religion? (Other then it was passed down through the family)

I was raised as a Southern Baptist, went to Sunday School, the whole bit. However, it was actually after learning about many other religions (exposed to them through travel), that I realized the absurdity of any one religion being correct (at least for me)... There was no defining moment, just a gradual realization that world religions were created by man to explain the unknown.

2) What makes you like this religion better then any of the other religions out there? (Hindu, Islam, Christianity etc.)

It's honest, and free of rituals and doghmas.... I simply believe in the golden rule that all of these are based on...treat others as you would wish to be treated.

3) In the religion you have chosen, do you HONESTLY believe that what it preaches would allow you to go to 'your' heaven?

I don't really believe in a heaven or a hell. Let's face it, if ANY religion is correct about such places, then a large part of the populace (by sheer logical reasoning) is doomed. I can't conceive that any of the current world religion deities would be party to this, therefore I must conclude that the idea of them is incorrect. See the move, "What Dreams May Come", and it's pretty much my idea of the afterlife... I was in total shock when I saw the film, as it is pretty much verbatim in line with my beliefs.

To all those wishing to go to a "heaven", if you're going to spend your whole life trying to get there, you should think about what such a place would be like... Seriously...really think about it. I'm not so sure I'm crazy about spending eons worshipping someone just for giving me some seconds on Earth....
(in fact, I'm pretty sure this would be my idea of a hell...)

[edit on 29-5-2009 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Republican08

Because it is the right one.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 01:50 PM
That's just it...if you believe any particular one is the "right" one, then by most religions' standards, you're dooming the rest of the population to damnation.

Hardly the act of a kind and loving diety or its followers.....

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Republican08

My OBE happened when I was on my way to the hospital. (I did the back checking to rule out drugs or pure oxygen. I also had dizzy spells so I know what those are.) I did not look to having the experience and thought I was dying.

As to how I became a Pagan, I started paying attention to nature and the Earth around me. I watched my dogs and cats and the way the behaved. I saw the bad things we were doing by throwing garbage in the creeks and treating our planet like a trash can. Many Christians say they don't care about this world as they are preparing for heaven, and I always thought that was flawed. I went to the libraries and book stores and went to the New Age section (they put all the non-Christian books in those sections as the Religion section is Christian only). I read about Wicca and other Pagan beliefs and learned more about the nature aspects of them. I believe the Earth (Gaea/Terra) is a living, thriving being, and should be treated with respect. The Earth gives us life, and that is a feminine outlook, so I identify her as an Earth Goddess. The other aspects of my beliefs and how I came to them could fill a book, but the Mother Earth Goddess aspect is the strongest to my belief system.
The OBE has reinforced my belief in a soul, and also the possibility of reincarnation or rebirth. That cycle of death and rebirth is how all the other living creatures of Earth exist, so why can't it be for us humans too?

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