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Witch Hunts and Foul Potions Heighten Fear of Leader in Gambia

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Witch Hunts and Foul Potions Heighten Fear of Leader in Gambia

To the accompaniment of drums, and directed by men in red tunics bedecked with mirrors and cowrie shells, dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Gambians were taken from their villages and driven by bus to secret locations. There they were forced to drink a foul-smelling concoction that made them hallucinate, gave them severe stomach pains, induced some to try digging a hole in a tiled floor, made others try climbing up a wall and in some cases killed them, according to the villagers themselves and Amnesty International.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 06:43 PM
Here's some more of the article:

JAMBUR, Gambia — "This tiny West African nation’s citizens have grown familiar with the unpredictable exploits of its absolute ruler, who insists on being called His Excellency President Professor Dr. Al-Haji Yahya Jammeh: his herbs-and-banana cure for AIDS, his threat to behead gays, his mandate that only he can drive through the giant arch commemorating his coup in the moldering capital, Banjul, and his ubiquitous grinning portrait posted along roadsides."...

"The president, it seems, had become concerned about witches in this country of mango trees, tropical scrub, dirt roads, innumerable police checkpoints and Atlantic coastline frequented by sun-seeking European tourists mostly unaware of the activities at nearby Mile 2 State Central Prison, where many opponents of the regime are taken. "

I just can't believe that this kind of stuff still happens. We think we all have problems....

Of course, I hope that the PTB don't read this and get any ideas... a joke. Sort of.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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