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Alien/human hybrids. Do skeletons provide proof?

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posted on May, 22 2009 @ 11:56 AM
Recently I have begun to think more and more that alien hybrids are actually amongst us. I often find myself thinking some people I pass in the street may actually be hybrids. One recent case of this happened whilst on a river walk several weeks ago. This rather odd looking man was walking towards us, he walked all wrong, like his coordination was off, almost like a robot. His clothes just were not right, they did not match in the slightest. He wore a cap and had a dog. As he got closer he put his thumb up and said hello in a very odd voice . The way he said hello was in the" he" as a high tone and the "llo" as a lower tone. People just dont normally speak like that , they say hello in one tone. His eyes were dark and his skin almost looked like plastic. He had three large freckles on each cheek in the same place. I thought him rather odd and so glanced back at him, he was doing the same. My husband looked at his watch to look away from the man, it had stopped so I looked at my watch, it was 5.11. His watch we later found had stopped at 11.11 and 7 seconds. The day had stopped on 12. So it read 11.11.12. very odd especially as mine said it was 5.11 when this odd person passed by.

Now I dont know if he was a hybrid but the whole meeting was just strange, he was strange and the clocks reading those times was odd too. 11.11.12 is that a 2012 message? Who knows maybe its all a coincidence...but my watch reading 5.11 as he paseed by???

Many people feel they have passed an alien or hybrid in the street, something about the person just doesnt seem right.

Has anyone else felt this? Does anyone else feel they may have walked by one of these hybrids and just got an odd feeling from them?

Many skeletons have been found that could possibly be hybrids that have actually died on Earth.

Many skulls and skeletons have been found including the famous star child skull.

Many strangely "deformed" hominoid skulls have been discovered in Mexico and Peru. One of them, the Starchild skull found in Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing.
Thirteen crystal skulls of apparently ancient origin have been found in parts of Mexico, Central America and South America, comprising one of the most fascinating subjects of 20th Century archaeology

So if as I believe they do walk amongst us, is this proof? Are these skeletons enough to prove aliens and hybrids are here? The skulls in this like dont look human at all.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 12:58 PM
There are indeed hybrids on Earth, and have been so for a very long time in History.

However, your experience, seem more like an experience with an Android, I must say.
Unfortunately, there is really no point in speculating about it though, as it is impossible to ponder out what he could have been- or not been, and not any least because he after all could have been an "ordinary" Man, although yet a bit unordinary.

Regarding proof, there are 'proof' all over the World, really. One example of the many proofs, are the ancient legends found in several places in the World, speaking about super-beings that came down from the Heavens in "chariots" and mated with Man.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:20 PM
While the deformed skulls in south america are VERY interesting. Many (not all) of the skulls have no evidence of binding which is the process some people used to get that shapped head. The crystal skulls have been IMO the biggest ongoing hoax in history. I have not heard anything about starchild in a while so im not sure if the jurry is still out on that or not.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:50 PM
I know a little something about this subject and to be honest...
I doubt there is anything to these so called alien skulls.

In the old days, before colonization, the people of the Americas all up and down practiced rituals of all different kinds. One such ritual was cradle boarding, and in more intense cases the use of specific cradle boards to shape skulls only. The reason I say more intense is that cradle boarding is usually a term used just for the use of a cradle board and an infant as shown below...

In more intense cases you have the boards directly affixed to a humans skull compressing down. I have been to Mexico many times with Mayan and Aztec people and when they talk about the skulls they are all unanimous that it is because of the cradleboards.
You can read about the practice a little here...and here...

BTW: Cradleboarding still happens today. In fact, a friend of mine has just paid for one to be made for her new baby.

P.s. This is hydrocephaly...

[edit on 22-5-2009 by bloodline]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by bloodline
I know a little something about this subject and to be honest...
I doubt there is anything to these so called alien skulls.

In the old days, before colonization, the people of the Americas all up and down practiced rituals of all different kinds. One such ritual was cradle boarding, and in more intense cases the use of specific cradle boards to shape skulls only. The reason I say more intense is that cradle boarding is usually a term used just for the use of a cradle board and an infant as shown below...

In more intense cases you have the boards directly affixed to a humans skull compressing down. I have been to Mexico many times with Mayan and Aztec people and when they talk about the skulls they are all unanimous that it is because of the cradleboards.
You can read about the practice a little here...and here...

BTW: Cradleboarding still happens today. In fact, a friend of mine has just paid for one to be made for her new baby.

P.s. Lloyd Pie, the 'owner' of 'starchild' skull is a well known hack.

Problem is, that the mentioned method do not increase the skullmass, which has been the case with the elongated skulls. The given examples of practises that are somewhow meant to elongate the skull, such as cradleboarding or binding, also makes the skull more narrow in proportion. These skulls, however, have been found to not be be results by such practises, as the skullmass is even and proportional.

When some of these pictures (the first two) were posted on CompuServe more than year ago, the majority of people assumed that they represented an example of binding of the head, well known to be in fashion in ancient Nubia, Egypt and other cultures. The problem with this theory is that the inside of the cranium of the mentioned skulls, although elongated and with a back sloping, flattened forehead, have the same capacity as normal human skulls; the only difference is the shape achieved by frontal and side deformations. They are actually more similar to the first type of skull (premodern) with the rounded back, than the cone-head type. The cone-shaped types of skull are not found amongst the usual skull-binding samples.


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:22 PM

These skulls, however, have been found to not be be results by such practises, as the skullmass is even and proportional.

Have been found by whom? Most of the research I've seen on this supports the skull binding ritual explanation. Are there any sites (not biased towards proving the Starchild bit), that report objective examination of the skulls by scientists?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:39 PM
That's an interesting story you have there. It might just be a prototype robot. Or a mentally ill person. Who knows for sure? As for Alien/Human hybrid? No, i dont think it would work. Wouldn't the alien and the person have to have the same amount of XY chromosomes? Or would they have to but a geniticly engineered alien fetis into the womb of a human woman?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 02:50 PM
Hmm this has given me an idea.
The next random person i walk past that acts in an odd manor, i will engage in conversation.
Make idle chit chat, like have you got the time, or nice dog

I can see how they react to more full on behaviour.

In your case, Mr.Green, I think im more in favour of a robot style android thing.
So if i tried to talk to one, i could well, have a strange conversation, and ruin some aliens walk down the river with there new toy, or i could just end up speaking to a random person who thinks im rather strange.



posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by bloodline

In the old days, before colonization, the people of the Americas all up and down practiced rituals of all different kinds. One such ritual was cradle boarding, and in more intense cases the use of specific cradle boards to shape skulls only.

I must admit Ive never heard of this practise before. Would that really make a human skull develop to the large amount these skulls have though?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by AntiConspirator
That's an interesting story you have there. It might just be a prototype robot. Or a mentally ill person. Who knows for sure? As for Alien/Human hybrid? No, i dont think it would work. Wouldn't the alien and the person have to have the same amount of XY chromosomes? Or would they have to but a geniticly engineered alien fetis into the womb of a human woman?

Yes he was very odd to say the least. I did think he may have been just an ill person but his face didnt look ill as such it just didnt look right at all. His eyes were dark and although he tryed to smile when he said hello it didnt reach his eyes. Many strangers say hello on walks but not many put their thumb up do they! It was the whole clock thing that made me think there had to be more to him than just an odd mental patient. he really did look like he had no idea how to dress , his clothes all clashed and they definatly didnt fit him properly. You know the guy in Men in Black, the one at the start of the film who took over the farmers body , the cockroach alien, he walked like him, like he was struggling with the whole body thing.

I do think you may be right in that he may have not been a hybrid at all and was some sort of droid or robot.

As for the genetics of a hybrid Im sure its possible with the correct knowledge. I think this hasnt happened over night, I think they have been trying to create hybrids for many years. I guess some do look human but you just know there is something about them that isnt right and then you will have the reptilian or grey looking hybrids that would not fit into our world very easily.

Its just I seem to pass people more than ever now and something just seems different about them. Its hard because you cant look too much or then they will think you odd!!!

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yes. It all depends on how far you go with it.

A Dolicocephalic skull can become brachiocephalic easily with the right pressure from infancy. The skull is easily shaped. It's very maliable from infancy.

The proof that it can be done to the extent you see in the skulls is the skulls themselves which are undoubtedly human skulls.

As for the starchild, mutation is common in all life forms and a skull mutation is no different or interesting than any other mutation. Some people have six fingers as is the case with former MLB pitcher Antonio Alfonseca.

Some people have what we would consider strange shaped skulls...
If you were to find this man's head in a thousand years... You may think his head shape is proof of aliens, but DNA evidence would tell you it's human, and you would be wrong to link it with proof of extraterrestrials and human hybridization.

(p.s. Just noting: that site with the man with the strange shaped skull in pakistan is pretty bunk. There is no proof that his head is that way because of incest. Seems like a smear attempt.)

[edit on 22-5-2009 by bloodline]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild
There are indeed hybrids on Earth, and have been so for a very long time in History.

Regarding proof, there are 'proof' all over the World, really. One example of the many proofs, are the ancient legends found in several places in the World, speaking about super-beings that came down from the Heavens in "chariots" and mated with Man.

So if these hybrids are here amongst us (which I agree with you on) where is all the skeletal proof? The web site I linked to in the OP said the public is only shown about 3% of these skeletons that are found so where are all the rest? Do we only get to see those that the public find? Are these from hybrids that died unexpectedly so couldnt be found and hidden from us? What does actually happen to the bodies of these hybrids.

You give legends as proof of Heavenly beings mating with man, but is their any proof to back these early legends up?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by bloodline

Some people have what we would consider strange shaped skulls...
If you were to find this man's head in a thousand years... You may think his head shape is proof of aliens, but DNA evidence would tell you it's human, and you would be wrong to link it with proof of extraterrestrials and human hybridization.

wow thats wierd. No doubt if his skull was found in a few years we would take it to be of an alien. Im sure thats just a genetic rare syndrome he has but I see your point of how genetic mutations many years later could look like alien skulls.

They tried to do DNA analysis on the star child skull but it wouldnt bind to male DNA primers. Now does this show it didnt bind to the human male primers because its father wasn't male or does it just show the test didnt work. The star childs DNA bound to female DNA primers so this shows its mother was human.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Recently I have begun to think more and more that alien hybrids are actually amongst us. I often find myself thinking some people I pass in the street may actually be hybrids. One recent case of this happened whilst on a river walk several weeks ago. This rather odd looking man was walking towards us, he walked all wrong, like his coordination was off, almost like a robot. His clothes just were not right, they did not match in the slightest. He wore a cap and had a dog. As he got closer he put his thumb up and said hello in a very odd voice . The way he said hello was in the" he" as a high tone and the "llo" as a lower tone. People just dont normally speak like that , they say hello in one tone. His eyes were dark and his skin almost looked like plastic. He had three large freckles on each cheek in the same place. I thought him rather odd and so glanced back at him, he was doing the same. My husband looked at his watch to look away from the man, it had stopped so I looked at my watch, it was 5.11. His watch we later found had stopped at 11.11 and 7 seconds. The day had stopped on 12. So it read 11.11.12. very odd especially as mine said it was 5.11 when this odd person passed by.

Now I dont know if he was a hybrid but the whole meeting was just strange, he was strange and the clocks reading those times was odd too. 11.11.12 is that a 2012 message? Who knows maybe its all a coincidence...but my watch reading 5.11 as he paseed by???

Many people feel they have passed an alien or hybrid in the street, something about the person just doesnt seem right.

Has anyone else felt this? Does anyone else feel they may have walked by one of these hybrids and just got an odd feeling from them?

autowrench: Yes, I do. Not too long ago, i think I told this story in another thread. Anyway, I was at our local Walmart, waiting for the wife and her friend. I was in the handicap spot nearest to the front door, not the main one. I was watching for, you know, girls, and this guy came out. He looked like a teenager, sorta, he had this red cap on with the bill to the side, not all the way, but enough to cover his face from one side completely. He had on a vest, or coat with no sleeves, and his hands hung down to his knees. He kept raising them, but the would fall again. He walked real funny, like his knees were supposed to bend backwards, not like ours do. As he approached me, a clear voice in my head said, "look at that, that is a grey alien." I looked up, and sure enough, he had big black eyes and no hair that I could see. He walked on through some cars behind me, and I didn't see him again. Then a brand new Oldsmobile pulled up to the door, and sat there running. The windows are tinted a dark color, and I couldn't see in, even though they were but 25 feet away. A guy got out, and stood there, while the car drove off. The man chained smoked, and carefully watched the people walking away, paying no attention to anyone else for about 10 minutes or so. then the car drove up again, the man got in, and they drove all around the parking lot once before going away. this freaked me out, and it got worse when I read your post. I had always imagined that alien hybrids live among us, heck, I may be one myself, but grey walking around? I would say it is just a matter of time before we all know the truth.

Many skeletons have been found that could possibly be hybrids that have actually died on Earth.

Many skulls and skeletons have been found including the famous star child skull.

Many strangely "deformed" hominoid skulls have been discovered in Mexico and Peru. One of them, the Starchild skull found in Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing.
Thirteen crystal skulls of apparently ancient origin have been found in parts of Mexico, Central America and South America, comprising one of the most fascinating subjects of 20th Century archaeology

So if as I believe they do walk amongst us, is this proof? Are these skeletons enough to prove aliens and hybrids are here? The skulls in this like dont look human at all.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by autowrench]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by autowrench

this guy came out. He looked like a teenager, sorta, he had this red cap on with the bill to the side, not all the way, but enough to cover his face from one side completely. He had on a vest, or coat with no sleeves, and his hands hung down to his knees. He kept raising them, but the would fall again. He walked real funny, like his knees were supposed to bend backwards, not like ours do. As he approached me, a clear voice in my head said, "look at that, that is a grey alien." I looked up, and sure enough, he had big black eyes and no hair that I could see.

yes its experiences exactly like this that Im sure must happen more and more. maybe people just dont see these things as they are busy rushing around with their lives, you were sat waiting so you had time to study this guy.

He does sound odd , the way you describe him walking makes sense, the guy I saw just couldnt walk properly either. I wonder if they are in some sort of body that they think will blend in when really it doesnt at all.

I saw a guy at the gym once, he had no hair and his head really did look like the shape of a grey but with a human body. I was drawn to look at him and his eyes were very dark. he looked back and I too heard a voice saying hes a grey. Thing is with these voices it could be us just being paranoid, but this guy really was staring and had very dark eyes. I never saw him walk he was sat down. Ive never seen him again either.

Recently Ive really started to pay attention to incidents like this, I try to really step out of the"normality" of the situation and try to really see whats going on. what I mean is I really slow my mind down and try to observe exactly what is going on, a bit like you did with that guy you saw. You took the time to watch the whole scenario unfold. Its also good to clear your mind and listen for any instincts you get given like the voice that said look up hes a Grey.

I dont think they are doing a very good job at blending in though, that guy sounds like he really stood out! Thanks for your interesting post.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Many strangely "deformed" hominoid skulls have been discovered in Mexico and Peru. One of them, the Starchild skull found in Mexico, is currently the subject of scientific scrutiny and DNA testing.
Thirteen crystal skulls of apparently ancient origin have been found in parts of Mexico, Central America and South America, comprising one of the most fascinating subjects of 20th Century archaeology

The so-called Star-Child is only a mystery to Lloyd Pye. Most anthropologists and doctors who have researched the skull believe it is not alien, but a human suffering from craniostenosis, a condition where the sutures of the skull close too early in infancy, causing abnormal brain and skull development.

[edit on 23-5-2009 by DoomsdayRex]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Back in autumn 2008 I started a thread about this woman I had seen, the only person I would actually consider to be a human/Grey hybrid.

But I have to tell you, a while ago I think Japanese got in my subway and there was this woman who was so strange. A strange yet appealing beauty. I did not think she was anything but human, but very weird indeed. The possible hybrid was also Asian looking.

Maybe these Greys are from the future, Asians from I don't know how far in the future.

I don't think the Starchild skull is alien in any way, just a very sick child.

Talking about dark eyes, yesterday I watched NBCB (I think that is how it is called, about the millions loss of British Airways. There was this man with STRANGE eyes, no white to be seen! He was also blinking all the time he spoke, but when he didn't speak he didn't blink all the time.

posted on May, 25 2009 @ 02:54 PM
I was at my local cinema about a year ago and at the end of the flick I was stood in the arcade area and this guy was sat.
This guy was weird every movement he made was staggered robotic.
His face had a lifeless expression and his repetative movements had a electronic programmed function.He seemed to be looking for the stronger signal to pick up from somewhere else.
He was wired differently to others. Anyway he didnt bother me with whatever he was doing, live and let live thats what I say..
I suppose Bio robotic androids are another way of getting involvment with human society.Why have direct contact when you can send in technology
and see how the humans interact. Its less dangerous.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Taxi4Time
This guy was weird every movement he made was staggered robotic.
His face had a lifeless expression and his repetative movements had a electronic programmed function.He seemed to be looking for the stronger signal to pick up from somewhere else.
He was wired differently to others. Anyway he didnt bother me with whatever he was doing, live and let live thats what I say..
I suppose Bio robotic androids are another way of getting involvment with human society.Why have direct contact when you can send in technology
and see how the humans interact. Its less dangerous.

Thanks for another sighting of what does seem to be a robotic contact much similar to mine. Yours seems to have gone wrong slightly or maybe it had lost its signal. Sounds very much like he was trying to tune in to some signal or recieve some sort of down load/up grade or instructions maybe.

This has got me thinking that this may be why we dont seem to have very many hybrid skeletons. Maybe they just arnt live as such, maybe what is among us is more robotic/droid like. It is easier maybe to send a programmable robot in to interact rather than a live hybrid, mind you there are dangers with both.

I had thought the hybrid programme was well under way and had been perfected, but maybe it hasnt and these robots have been sent in instead.

There is another explanation to your cinema robot, maybe this man had a nervous system disease and had lost brain to motor functions control? Did you see him walk around at all? Did he speak to anyone or seem to be with anyone else?

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 06:13 PM
I have met some interesting and strange people in my lifetime. Some people I have met just knew me, although I did not know them. At my old job, a customer came in all the time talking to me.

An older man and very wise he was. I have kept in contact with him. I still do not know everything about him but that he said he worked in the I.T. Business, and was an Information Technology company that worked inside the Twin Tower, World Trade Center for a long time, he said he had left the day before or after the 9/11 incident. Weird, but he hasn't went any further than that. I just wonder who he really worked for.

He is an older white man, his first name is the same as mine. He had named some weird company he had worked for but I don't remember the name now maybe it will hit me later. Anyways he looks like a normal being but there is just something about him that makes me think he is more than what he has told me.

Everywhere I go I watch and pay people attention to see what they are doing, wearing, and what they may be carrying inside their clothes, look at their features see how much they weigh, and study them. Humans are interesting specimens. Sometimes I feel like I am not human that I am something totally different but I can't figure out what it is.

When I am out and about around lots of people I pay more attention to them and my surrounding than most people think, I just try to pretend I am not to see what's around me. And I swear I see many other hybrids.

Sometimes I have a big ego against humans always thinking they are stupid but why? Haha, I guess I just see to many negative things as well as the many mistakes humans make.

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