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The human species is a virus and should be wiped out

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Humans are a virus and deserved to be wiped out

Let me just start by saying i know this statement is very strong and a sweeping generalization but i think it has an element of truth to it.

What is the definition of a virus?

VIRUS: infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts

If you believe that the earth is a living organism (The host), then it is logical to assume that human beings are a virus, parasitic in nature taking everything we can to survive from the host giving little if not nothing back.

What is the definition of a parasite?

Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between two different organisms where one organism, the parasite, takes favor from the host, sometimes for a prolonged time. In general, parasites are much smaller than their hosts, show a high degree of specialization for their mode of life, and reproduce more quickly and in greater numbers than their hosts.

I think that sums us up pretty well, but when you look into it we are actaully worse than parasite's at least they have a symbiotic relationship with whatever host they infect.

I ask you what have we (human beings) done to contribute to the earth? The only thing i can think of personally is carbon dioxide which we breath out which in turn helps plant life, But then if you factor how much rainforest and grasslands we have removed from the earth through deforestation of logging or building work then it paints a nasty picture for humans.

I think we as a people need to be wiped off the face of the earth, people say we have come so far compared to people's of old but i say we aint come that far at all.

We still kill,murder,rape,victimize,persecute on a daily basis you need only read your local newspapers or watch the news to get a daily dose of human nature. People are selfish egotistical beings

i watch some things on the internet that really makes me wonder how we can act like this, in fact i watched a video today that inspired me to make this thread because i think i have lost all hope for humanity.

i believe humanity doesnt exist anymore, ill give you a brief description of the video before throwing up the link because i dont actaully want people to watch it because it is so bad!

The video is of a poor defenseless woman being beaten by a group of men,(who are filming it on mobile's) They proceed to kick her unconscious but they dont stop they're one of them picks up a big brick and drops it with force onto her head, from when that happens a pool of blood forms and you can tell it has broken her skull and she is dead

The video left me feeling sick and ashamed to call myself human, What kind of animal could do that to another person? let alone film it on a mobile for others to see? I was in a relationship with a violent EX girlfreind and never ever thought about hitting her back let alone dropping a brick on her head and killing her

Here is the link for the video, i just want to throw it up to argue my point that human beings are nothing but animals and deserved to be wiped out so that the earth can recover from the ilness that is human's PLEASE BE ADVISED the video is horrible left me feeling sick inside so be carefull

**Video Removed; Please See Below**

Seriously disgusting people! if i had a button that could wipe human's from existance then i would push it! seriously thats how i feel after watching that video

So i ask you ATS members what argument can you possibly give me otherwise? why do we do the things we do?

i could go on for hours about the things we do!

Food distribution

Wealth distribution


Religious persecution


The list goes on on on and on some more

so which bright ATS member can restore my faith in humanity? what have we done since our arrival on this planet to contribute to the natural order or things?

Sorry if i sound harsh or rant like i just dont understand how people can do the things they do?

[edit on 20-5-2009 by Reading]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Reading

You are a human and nothing is going to change that! Why don't you focus on changing one small thing at a time...

We are born to survive any way we can.

+1 more 
posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:47 PM
You going to lead the pack?

The whole "humans are bad and we should all die" speech is stupid. If you think we should all be wiped out then what are you still doing here?

You don't believe we should be wiped out anymore then I do. You just think that it makes you sound awesome and enlightend.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Your absolutely correct, could not agree more....

Why don't you show us the way, and lead on. Take the initiative and destroy your self before you replicate and cause he whole world to be destroyed. Never know, after all these millennium the Earth is finally at risk....

May as well destroy all the other mammals too, they only replicate and use up resources.

From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in this world but only these two. The race of the decent man and the race of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere, they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people. In this sense no group is of pure race.
Victor Frankl

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Reading

Not 10 minutes ago I was thinking of authoring a thread on how humans are parasites. Running under the main point of using and trashing the earth and everything on it and do little if anything to benefit it. But I can go with a virus, a lot of the same elements really. Might be crazy here, but I look at some pics of space and how things appear to operate on a very basic level, and it reminds of cells, a while ago it started me to thinking what if we were some sort of parasite or virus within a large creature.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by searching4truth]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by jd140

Yeah that was the point of this thread 'to make myself sound awesome' you must have completely missed the point of this thread and just assumed i was speaking in a holier then thou way

You missed the point and knee jerk posted, but thanks for bringing nothing at all to contribute to the discussion

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth
reply to post by Reading

Not 10 minutes ago I was thinking of authoring a thread on how humans are parasites. Running under the main point of using and trashing the earth and everything on it and do little if anything to benefit it. But I can go with a virus, a lot of the same elements really. Might me crazy here, but I look at some pics of space and how things appear to operate on a very basic level, and it reminds of cells, a while ago it started me to thinking what if we were some sort of parasite or virus within a large creature.
I believe we are but a small link in a big chain given the size of the uni/multiverse i dont think that sounds so crazy!

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Reading

Not every human acts as a vicious animal towards others. Am I correct in assuming that if you were to witness such an act you would step in and try your best to stop it?

I would.

So would others I know of.

Don't toss out the baby with the bath water.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Reading

Firstly I want to say I feel the heartache and passion in your post.

Sometimes we all despair of the human race. Nearly every day we hear of paedophiles, rapists, murderers and evil people.

Although your title is strong, I don't think you mean it literally (I may be wrong). There are elements in our society that are downright evil but there are also many good and enlightened souls on this planet.

It is true, humans have lost the knowledge that our ancestors millennia ago had to exist as one with nature, to only take what we need and to respect our natural resources and life in general. True also that if man were no longer on Earth the world would tick along nicely without us. But I think rather than for us to be wiped off the planet, a better solution would be for us to get in touch with the planet again, to 'reboot' our systems so that we can live in one with it rather than destroy it.

I don't know how this could be done, but one step at a time, one human at a time is a start.

I hope tomorrow you read about or see an act of selflessness that restores your faith in Mankind, I know mine has been shaken many a time!

Peace Bro!

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Reading

No I contributed.

You just didn't like the response.

I ask again. If you think we should be wiped out. Why are you still here?

Please teach us enlightend one.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:57 PM
Somehow, my original reply was lost when this thread was edited.

I just wanted to point out that not all parasites are bad! Our own bodies rely heavily on a parasitic population within them.

I agree that every living thing on Earth is a parasite of the host "Mother Earth." Without this parasitic population, this planet would be more similar to Mars or our moon, than to what we are used to.

Of course the natural balance can run amuck if natural processes are tinkered with. As responsible humans, we have to try to do more harm than good, but this is not strictly a human or monkey problem. Hydrilla here in Florida is a plant that thrives in our waters and chokes out everything around it including all other plants, fish, and eventually the water source itself.

Anyhow, my first reply was more articulate, but don't push that button just yet, I think we can do as much good as we do harm.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by jd140

Because i am not suicidal? im just pissed off with the way we treat eachover and tried to voice my opinions but if you feel like saying im trying to make myself sound 'awesome' and that im implying that im 'enlightened' then thats up to you.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Yes i read your other post, this is a new thread the other got deleted because i broke the rules (because of the video link) But i read it none the less thanks for contributing!

Originally posted by getreadyalready
don't push that button just yet, I think we can do as much good as we do harm.

Yes thats the worst thing about it, human beings are capable of such amazing things and we would/could/should do much more good but we dont why is that?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by kiwifoot
reply to post by Reading

It is true, humans have lost the knowledge that our ancestors millennia ago had to exist as one with nature, to only take what we need and to respect our natural resources and life in general. True also that if man were no longer on Earth the world would tick along nicely without us. But I think rather than for us to be wiped off the planet, a better solution would be for us to get in touch with the planet again, to 'reboot' our systems so that we can live in one with it rather than destroy it.

I constantly wonder how it is that we "intelligent" humans of the future have "lost" all this knowledge. If we are so advanced why can we not figure out how they accomplished so many things, and why even our modern fantastic machines can't accomplish what they did. Many I know like to blame religion for squashing all of these secrets, but since modern religions developed at different times, in different places, and some places not at all, I can't believe this to be the sole reason.

I like living, I don't want to see humans disappear, but as you said perhaps a "reboot" would be beneficial.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Maybe in the past we grew in such numbers much like the present, Became complacent and became a world much like today in which we cared little about the people more about personal gain, and eventaully we wiped ourseves out?

Thats just a theory and it doesnt explain where all of this hidden knowledge is?

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:09 PM
.... Did someone watch the Matrix Marathon this weekend???

I am not picking on the OP by any means. I think alot of Sci-Fi films are based on partial truths and good hypotheses. The human = virus has made alot of sense to me ever since I heard Agent Smith utter the words back in 1999...

On a serious note. It's entirely believable. Humanity DOES in fact behave as a virus upon the Earth. It's a frightening prospect though, if true. The Earth will find a way to cleanse itself and that is bad news for us

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by jd140

I think you are missing the point because a video supplied with the thread has been removed by the mods.
had you have seen it i think you would have seen the post in a different light.
I was in agreement with reading after seeing it - sadly

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

Ha everybody is picking on me today! in the other thread somebody commented on the matrix too

And to think i was going to post the scene on here, glad i didnt do that!

I do think the earth has natural ways to cleanse itself every once in a while,Isnt that how natural virus's are produced because of over population?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by cropmuncher
reply to post by jd140

I think you are missing the point because a video supplied with the thread has been removed by the mods.
had you have seen it i think you would have seen the post in a different light.
I was in agreement with reading after seeing it - sadly

I didn't get to see the video; I would have liked to.

No matter what was on the video, it was obviously an isolated incident. I have not seen mass rape/murder/suicide or looting anywhere I have lived in 35 years. The occasional thing makes the news, but I don't think that warrants the destruction of an entire race. Besides, as people have posted before, all species of plant and animal will rape, murder, and plunder resources to ensure their own survival, so killing all the humans is not sufficient.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth

Originally posted by kiwifoot
reply to post by Reading

It is true, humans have lost the knowledge that our ancestors millennia ago had to exist as one with nature, to only take what we need and to respect our natural resources and life in general. True also that if man were no longer on Earth the world would tick along nicely without us. But I think rather than for us to be wiped off the planet, a better solution would be for us to get in touch with the planet again, to 'reboot' our systems so that we can live in one with it rather than destroy it.

I constantly wonder how it is that we "intelligent" humans of the future have "lost" all this knowledge. If we are so advanced why can we not figure out how they accomplished so many things, and why even our modern fantastic machines can't accomplish what they did. Many I know like to blame religion for squashing all of these secrets, but since modern religions developed at different times, in different places, and some places not at all, I can't believe this to be the sole reason.

I like living, I don't want to see humans disappear, but as you said perhaps a "reboot" would be beneficial.

I don't want to simplify it in anyway, but I feel that the moment we started to figure out how to make our lives easier, by storing/growing food, domesticating animals, and trading, greed and a downward spiral of knowledge loss was sure to follow. Does that make sense?

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