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House unknowingly votes for override

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:15 AM

House unknowingly votes for override

The Louisiana House unanimously agreed to override Gov. Bobby Jindal's rejection of $98 million in federal stimulus dollars to expand unemployment benefits. But it's unlikely most representatives even knew what they were voting for.

The House adopted the amendment without questions and then quickly approved the bill, sending it to the Senate for debate with a 99-0 vote. During the final vote, House Speaker Jim Tucker, R-Terrytown, was heard asking an aide, "What does the amendment do?" The aide responded that she didn't know.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Okay, so these people keep voting for things they do not even read. And it is often turned into a huge joke. But, do not people understand how dangerous this is? Congress could easily vote for a bill legalizing genocide or torture on United States citizens. There would be no limit to what these people would pass, and all without their even knowing about it. This is very dangerous.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Yep. I am sick as hell of all this BS legislation getting passed everywhere without due process, and a chance for lawmakers to really vet the bills. The bailouts, the Patriot Act, etc.

And what's worse is the ability to include totally non-related subject legislation as addendum to any bill. That really sucks.

We desperately need a bill that outlaws both of these things, and puts minimum debate time limits or else it must be rescheduled. And each new bill should define the relevant suitable topics that can be added, if any. Both states and Fed need to pass these laws.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:24 AM
I pray this is the exception and not the rule, though I'm sure it happens far more often than we'd all like to think.

Frankly, after something like this happens, we need to have some sort of contingency as voters. Auto-impeachment and a brief election cycle for replacements, because what is this if not proof they aren't doing their jobs? I know if I showed up at work, collected my paychecks but never did anything right I'd get fired.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:46 AM
Its time for a new government. This one obviously is NOT working for the people.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:48 AM
I am so tired, so sick and tired of this thing that passes as a government for the people, by the people and of the people. These morons are not even present for many votes, their peers push the voting buttons on the desks of the absent, and now this! Here is the only thing I can figure we consider at this point.

I just wish I knew how to embed the video!


posted on May, 20 2009 @ 11:56 AM
From what I understand, this happens a lot with more and more frequency.

I sometimes wonder if some of the officials can read at all.

But then I wonder if they know what they're doing and just playing 'dumb' to keep the confusion going.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:15 PM
when a company is going bankrupt, isn't it customary to replace management? it would seem wise to do it now. I realize that many people thought they were doing that by electing obama and the democrats. the anger at bush resulted in a total "change" but it turned out to be smoke and mirrors. veteran players were brought in with an inexperienced executive who seemed to care about "the people". some people still think he is being deceived by his people and by congress, that he is an innocent being led down the garden past. that doesn't explain this trend of chambers of congress not reading bills they pass. since everything has been turned into a crisis needing emergency legislation, they use it as an excuse. i wonder how long this went on unnoticed. of take the health care bill. ats thread this one has nothing in it. everything is apparently attached to the various spending bills. no chance of examination or oversight there.

is it complete incompetence or deliberate deception?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:18 PM
I think we should all learn to take a POSITIVE out of everything. Hopefuly this hits the news. The media should use this one event, even though like everyone has said it happens quite regularly, and blow this out of proportion. Why not??? They do with issues that aren't important.

It's going to take that kind of persistance to cause a change. Even on this forum people just kind of shrug their shoulders and say "oh well".

This is a new thread so to those who read it ask yourselves "what do I do to make a difference"? Are you on a city council? PTA? Any sort of community group?

I think if we were true with ourselves that we would find that the answer to those questions is no. None of us do. We complain and we murmur about starting a change, about hoping for a change, but what were really doing is waiting for someone else to start the change and than we will all hop aboard.

Thats fine. That's called human nature. I'm not attending any council meetings even though I know I should be. Time just passes and I just keep watching as things slowly continue along the same path they were on. I understand it's hard to change, and that change takes time, but can the serious people who come to this site take this to heart? Sure it's just one issue of many that will be posted today, and after a few posts people will just move onto the next topic.

While I love that this site is gaining more people day by day I often wonder if thats good? Do we need more ATS users or do we need the ATS users who have been here for a long time now to finally take a stand. Human Beings will inact change, not the internet. The internet gets the info to you. What you do with it is then upon you. I beg that ONE person will do what I myself and so many others don't do, TAKE ACTION.


I would venture a guess that this site would still be here if nobody visited for a week, and that when the ATS users came back it would be a much more positive forum.

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