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WTC emergency drill evokes memories of Sept. 11

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posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:22 PM

WTC emergency drill evokes memories of Sept. 11

It was an emergency drill, yet the scene of hundreds of firefighters, police officers and other first responders hustling around the World Trade Center site Sunday evoked the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Firefighters carried oxygen tanks, hoses and heavy axes into an underground train station, while police and other emergency personnel helped those playing injured — all part of a large disaster response exercise at ground zero.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Even the headline makes it obvious.

Between this enormous drill operation and the without-warning flyover recently it is obvious that the PTB are worried that the fear of a new 9/11 is beginning to wane.

Keeping the public in a constant state of fear has been an obvious side-project for the government since 9/11 occurred and the Obama administration is keeping that fire alight.

Huge drills like this bring back that sense of fear from that day 8 years ago, and also create a new element of 'what if' fear that will keep them pacified for years to come.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:36 PM
This is cruelty upon the masses by a government gone mad. It serves no other purpose but to do exactly what you stated... to keep them on edge, horrified and obedient.

These bastards should all be taken out and shot. The sooner the better... before they drive people to suicide. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if that's a little side bonus they're hoping for.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Albertarocks]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:43 PM
About a month ago my city was laying black wires across the road to count the amount of traffic different roads were getting at certain times. The first time I came across one it reminded me of a trip wire (aka Christmas tree lights but I figured more people would understand trip wire) from when I was in Iraq. For a moment I was really angry, I just about stopped my car and moved that wire to the side of the road. Then after a few seconds I got over it.

Things are going to happen and it will remind people of certain events. However we have to try to not let these things effect our daily lives.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Styki

I agree people shouldn't be too sensitive, but I see one difference with your story. (I mean no disrespect).

The people laying that line would have no idea it could represent a trip wire to a war veteran. That would be probably the furthest thing from their mind.

However, how is it possible to put September 11 out of your mind if you are planning a terrorism drill AT GROUND ZERO. To me, like the flyover, it reeks of heartlessness and possibly something more sinister.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

I can understand that. The photo op was a bit ridiculous.

Training is one of those gray areas. I am not sure about the exact details concerning the drill but creating a mock training situation on the scale of a city would be pretty expensive. On the other hand I wonder how much the planners even factored in the public's reaction. If this is something that they are just forgetting about then someone needs to step in and do something to remind them.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:37 AM
New York City runs emergency drills everyday at the major transportation hubs around the tunnels and bridges. They rotate and stagger the schedule, but everyday some where there is an emergency drill.

They have been running these drills since 2002. Police cars line up about 100 per designated area and parade with their lights & sirens blaring.

There was a smaller EMS/PATH Bio Hazard drill run on October 5th, 2008

That was the weekend right before the equity markets crashed

There are those that play the trends and there are those that play the odds

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:41 AM
I agree that it is all very sinister.
And that low flying airplane the other day was anotherone of their Black Ops.
They really must think we are stupid.
Well, alarmingly enough, there are lots of dumb people who believe it all.

What a shame.

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