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Go To Prom = Do Not Attend Graduation

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posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:35 PM
Findlay Christian school says boy can’t go to prom

Tyler Frost, 17 of Findlay Ohio is a senior at Christian School. He was told that if he attends his girlfriends prom with her at Findlay High School, he will not be allowed to graduate with his class.

Heritage Christian is an 84-student Baptist school that forbids dancing, rock music, and hand-holding. Tyler signed a statement agreeing to the school’s rules at the beginning of the school year, principal Tim England said.

Instead of graduating with his class May 24, Tyler will be suspended and given an incomplete on his remaining assignments if he attends the prom. He would be barred from graduation, but would be given a diploma upon successful completion of his final exams, the principal said.

Toledo Blade Article

He attended the prom and was suspended from school, which caused him to miss exams therefore he isn't eligble to graduate with his class. He will be allowed to make up the work and will receive a diploma at a later date.

This is just silly. He attended a prom thats all. I don't agree with this at all. He should not have been suspended and should be allowed to graduate with his class.

Now some will say he broke the rules. Did he? He wasn't even on his own schools property when at the prom, listening to rock music and dancing.

Graduation is something that is a once in a life time event, no one should be forced to miss it.

Very sad situation.

What about you, did he break the rules, should he be allowed to graduate with his class?

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:40 PM
He is allowed by law his graduation certificate..whether he attends the ceremony or not.
Those bloody Baptists!!!


posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:41 PM
The school should have no say over what he does off their property.

I went to a very conservative baptist school up until 10th grade. I was suspended meny times for things like, my pants being too baggy, or having white socks instead of black socks. you couldnt even talk to a girl without getting in trouble. They even swatted kids for those things.

No private school should have this much control over a persons life. I've never read anything in the Bible that says you can't dance or listen to rock music.

They should get their priorities straight.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Gyrochiral

Right, he'll get a diploma, just can't attend the ceremony and walk with his class.

This is happening near where I live. Someone called into the local radio program and suggested that another local school should invite him to their graduation ceremony and let him walk with their class.

I kind of like that idea, however, let that graduation proceed as normal and once that particular schools entire class has received their diploma, intorduce Frost as a special guest and allow him to cross the stage and receive an "honorary" diploma.

It would be a nice gesture.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:55 PM
This is just ridiculous. Like pointed out above, graduating is a once in a life-time event, and for someone to say you cant participate because of the music you listen to, or dancing, is pure prejudice.

But, on the other hand, he is attending a CHRISTIAN school, which is (at least her in cali, not sure about ohio) a private organization, they are not chartered by the state, and I believe only have to meet the states educational criteria for graduation. Because it is a private christian school, they are allowed to discriminate to an extent, like in the article, especially seeing how he and his parents signed contracts. That being said, I believe the christian school is well within its rights to suspend him for breech of contract.

Im not saying its right at all, but if its that big of a deal for this kid, he should get out of the private school and enroll in the public school system where the church cant control your life.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:02 PM
While the ceremony is important in the form sense of things all that matters is that piece of paper which says he has graduated, with that in hand the best thing he can do is tell the school to sit and spin. Honestly this sounds akin to extortion in the implementation, it would seem to me that by them going back and changing grades and such based on an action which has nothing to do with education what so ever that the school itself could be crossing some lines in terms of integrity and such.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:02 PM
Yes.....if he is the sentimental type. Maybe his circle of family and friends can hold their own ceremony for him. Sounds as if he is truly aware of his own actions and was prepared to accept the consequences. I do wish this young man well.
Again...those Bloody Baptists...


posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:08 PM
Footloose-Kenny Loggins

Been working so hard
I'm punching my card
Eight hours, for what
Oh, tell me what I got
I've done this feeling
That time's just holding me down
I'll hit the ceiling
Or else I'll tear up this town
Now I gotta cut

Loose, footloose
Kick off your Sunday shoes
Please, Louise
Pull me offa my knees
Jack, get back
C'mon before we crack
Lose your blues
Everybody cut footloose
You're playing so cool
Obeying every rule
Dig way down in your heart
You're yearning, yearning for some
Somebody to tell you
That life ain't passing you by
I'm trying to tell you
It will if you don't even try
You can fly if you'd only cut

Loose, footloose
Kick off your Sunday shoes
Oowhee, Marie
Shake it, shake it for me
Whoa, Milo
C'mon, c'mon let's go
Lose your blues
Everybody cut footloose
We got to turn you around
You put your feet on the ground
Now take a hold of your ball
I'm turning it

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:13 PM
I think this young man is finding out that he does not fit in with the particular CULT that runs his school. I believe this will be a parting of the ways with him and he will learn to finally be free from dogma and oppression masquerading as religion.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Another reason to question the purpose of man-made rules of religion -
and recognize it's unnatural control over man himself.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:19 PM
I saw that, I thought it was horrible. I think that he made the right decision, and I think it's right of his father to consider suing the school.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:22 PM
If he was aware of the potential consequences of signing a contract saying that he's not allowed to go dancing / listen to rock music.

If he was informed that there were specific consequences for conducting prohibited activities that were mentioned in the contract.

There's noone to blame but himself.

This is of course only if the contract mentioned participating in beforementioned activities OUTSIDE the school. If these rules were purely for within school walls, they're just being stupid.

If you were to sign a contract that mentioned you becoming my slave, and you were fully aware of it, and I informed you properly. Don't have your family or yourself get mad at me because you failed to realize the implications of the contract. No matter how bad you might think slavery is.

So, I guess I need to see the contract before I place final judgement.

[edit on 15/5/09 by -0mega-]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:30 PM
The school made a statement. While we may not agree with them, I don't believe they've done anything wrong.

As you probably already know, Heritage has received a lot of local and regional attention today. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you can read the article in today’s courier ( Read “Don’t go to the prom…”). My guess is that many of you were bombarded at work with questions and statements. In fact, I have had e-mails this morning telling me that great opportunities to give the gospel have taken place. I believe I ought to address the situation.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:32 PM
So the school suspended him because he was participating in activities that it did not condone. Does the school have a basis for banning these activities except for that they are "unChristian"?

Hmmm... Does this border on the territory of separation of church and state?

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by NexGenRevolution
So the school suspended him because he was participating in activities that it did not condone. Does the school have a basis for banning these activities except for that they are "unChristian"?

Hmmm... Does this border on the territory of separation of church and state?

I don't see how. If they actually stopped him from receiving his diploma, then, perhaps.

The official response quotes the story of David and tempation as ther reasoning.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I suspect that threatening to sue would get the school to back down. I'd be on the phone, if I were the father.

However, my first thought was: why on Earth would you send your child to a school that forbids rock music? Rock music? Are we back in 1965? Is Christian Rock okay? Or is all Rock forbidden? And a hand-holding ban? You're kidding? Sometimes hand-holding becomes a survival strategy, for crying out loud! I won't even touch the dancing ban...

If you send your kid to a school like this, you should know what you're potentially getting yourself into.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by elevatedone

While it truly is BS. He knew the rules and chose to break them. While I think it sucks he did break the rules.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by -0mega-
If he was aware of the potential consequences of signing a contract saying that he's not allowed to go dancing / listen to rock music.

He's a school kid in his final year.

You really think that when he enrolled at that school he would have been old enough to sign a legal contract?

He was just unlucky to have idiot parents who thought sending a boy to a school which forbade things that are an intrinsic part of growing up in America was a good idea.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by elevatedone

He made that agreement.

If people are stupid enough to make agreements that they feel are incorrect or unfair, they live with the consequences.

You or I might think that their rules are ridiculous, but he didn't seem to have a problem with that when he agreed to it.
If people support these stupid ideas then they'll continue. The only way to root out religious insanity and dogma is to boycott it. He didn't.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Ok, an agreement was made, however at the time the contract was signed, I'm sure that the only thought on his mind and his parents were getting into a good school and not having to go to public school. I know that still doesn't make it right.

Not allowing him to graduate with his class is just wrong. Why can't there be a different punishment?

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