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Why is Alex Jones still alive

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:09 AM
Why isn't he dead ? NWO guys always assassinate people who expose the truth and Alex exposed a LOT , just look at "Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove", he got in and out without getting killed , he knows stuff that only people within the NWO group would know

The NWO guys could of killed him and made it look like a accident ... like a car crash

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dino1989]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:10 AM
maybe because he is "too mainstream" and people would notice his death (and assume the NWO did it)..

or he is one of them...

or the NWO doesnt really exist...

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Dont worry the weoponised fruit flies are on the case

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:16 AM
he's on the fringe, most don't listen to him so he's irrelevant. if they killed him they'd be giving him more attention than he already gets. It's unnecessary.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:25 AM
whether he knows it or not, he is an asset to these ptb.

Thats the simple explanation. You should only take what you need from him, as its questionable how much real info and extreme of it, can be all true.

Like anyone take what you need, but i would advise you not to listen to him every day, unless you want to end up on a rollercoster ride you never wanted to be on.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by dino1989
Why isn't he dead ? NWO guys always assassinate people who expose the truth

Well there's your answer. He apparently isn't exposing the truth or he would've been knocked off by now.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 09:59 AM
He is still alive because he serves the NWO agenda in some capacity. Think about it. He spreads fear. He breeds dissent. He hints at violence. He tries to get people either angry or fearfull. Oh, and he's got a religious side too. If you listen to him talk sometimes, the long rants, it's easy to picture him wearing priests cloth. The NWO is not just sociopathic genocidal maniacs, it's also manipulative crowd controllers. And Alex Jones fits that role, although he may not be formally part of it, he might not fully realise that he plays into this. Or he might. I honestly do not know.

So that's my opinion, he's still alive because he fits the agenda, somehow. And here's the somehow, again imo:

Those that get killed are those that spread the message of love. Because love is a creational energy that has the potential to change the world. Especially unconditional love, the act of giving. We can't have that, it would ruin our stock options. Some angry texan getting people in revolt over money is fine. Just as long as people don't come together and share positive energies. Fear is fine. Anger is fine. Now, if a man (or woman) has a dream, kill the f... well, you get my point. /sarcasm.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by Mindmelding]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Mindmelding

I agree w/ you. Take what you can from AJ but research everything on your own. Don't take just his word on subjects. He's right on a few things but I don't TRUST most of his detail analyis.

Anyone who had intelligent info was popped off - BAM- SPLAT. Game over.

But for some reason AJ can write books, make documentaries, radio show, video of bohemian grove, bilderberg conferences, etc. Come on!! There's no way that would be allowed... He does spread fear, hate, gives off rioting mentality. That is not a leader that you would follow.

And I get an extremely sketchy feeling when it comes to that Jim Tucker and that "Ex-Illuminati" guy, who is always at the Bilderberg Conferences and some-how has info, well in advance and in pretty good detail.

Please keep posting news articles or YT videos on any coverage of this conference in greece. I'll contribute if nobody beats me to it. lol.

Love counters Hate.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by pazcat
i HAVE TO SAY i laughed my ars off when i heard him fighting with the fruit flies in his office.

Oh my God! Too funny

I think he's still alive because he is very voiciferous (sp) loud and lives the NWO and how to defeat them 24/7. I give him a lot of credit- he is one hell of a fighter. I also liked the bit about ordering swords to replace guns.

He's correct, since the beginning of time, man has had some kind of weapon- those with no weapons werent even looked upon as human, they were mere slaves....Anyway, the fruit flies killed me.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 10:46 AM
I think it's because idiots are fun to watch. Why destroy something that provides so much entertainment? He just has to make up some wild theory and talk about it real loud, and broadcast it to the masses. It doesn't have to be true, just loud. Don't get me wrong, I aggree with some of his theories, but not because they are his.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I think it's probably because he comes across as a nutter. People make threads on here about him being crazy, this is good for the NWO, it looks like he's giving us a bad name.

He's alright though.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Sorry could not resist, although i have not seen the video but if he was fighting the fruit flies then perhaps they were nsa covert nano flies with swine flue or some fly flue.

Seriously though, if there is a vid of that i would love to watch it.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 01:44 PM
Since when does the NWO kill CIA operatives that are doing their dirty work?

Rallying behind Alex Jones and his blowhorn during a revolution is like buying a car from a company that owns a scrap yard; you gotta question their "end game"

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:06 PM
Maybe they just don't want to martyr him. If he gets murdered in an obvious way, you might have thousands of people burning down the Fed, or the Bilderberg conference or something like that.

Who knows, he might "suddenly develop highly lethal cancer and die of natural causes" or something like that though

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by dino1989

He's doing more harm than good, that's why. He speaks to a very small minority of people who pander to some of the most unlikely scenarios possible. He's a kook, and anybody that believes him is easily deemed as a "kook." Of course he hits on some truth from time to time, but if you listen to him, his nature is one of paranoia, when most of us would at least consider "doubt" first.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

I personally think he's right most of the time. It's not what he says but how he says it. He is also extremely jealous and demeaning of anyone not him in the truth movement, he wants to control it all. In a sense he is the same psychological profile as the controllers, but on the other side.

It is people like Alex Jones that showcase why violent revolutions don't work. We tend to end up with the same personality type that we were fighting in the first place.

I can accept he has good intentions. I can accept that he wants to do what is right. But he loses it and becomes violent. He is also part of the problem. We don't need another violent and agressive leader, not in the power structure, not in the counter establishment movements.

We need people to be free to take care of their own lives with common sense and dignity. Somewhere along the lines Alex Jones loses that picture, although, again, I can accept he has good intentions. I don't know if he has, but I can accept the hypothesis.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Mindmelding

As a leader, I would never invoke fear of an "enemy" among my own. He thrives and subsequently paid depending how much fear and hysteria he can spread. The more sensational his claims and his "supporting" evidence is, the more hits he gets, the more money he brings in. Being calm, informative, honest, and consistent is the real basis for leadership, and the groundwork for truth.

If you're yelling, screaming, and creating hysteria, it's usually to influence your emotions, not your logic.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
Why isn't he dead ? NWO guys always assassinate people who expose the truth and Alex exposed a LOT , just look at "Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove", he got in and out without getting killed , he knows stuff that only people within the NWO group would know

The NWO guys could of killed him and made it look like a accident ... like a car crash

[edit on 14-5-2009 by dino1989]

The semi-valid rationalization is: Then people will know it's true.

But not many know who Alex Jones is, and supposed whistle blowers are threatened, injured and killed uncommonly. It has never proved anything, however.

I think it's because he is a self defeating whistleblower, no one listens to him because he sounds crazy. The NWO isn't challenged by him, so why bother to do anything about him?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
maybe because he is "too mainstream" and people would notice his death (and assume the NWO did it)..

or he is one of them...

or the NWO doesnt really exist...

Yea you pretty much have to go all the way to get into the public eye so a death would look suspisious. But by going all the way, you make yourself look crazy to the everyday citizen who knows nothing of the topics you speak.

Thats how they control it on a small level. As long as they are in control of the situation, they will Allow certain things to happen or occur.

Those that are more reserved and less known aren't as big of a threat because not as many people know about them and the Mainstream certainly doesn't.

At least this is how i have viewed it.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Miraj

I think it's because he is a self defeating whistleblower, no one listens to him because he sounds crazy. The NWO isn't challenged by him, so why bother to do anything about him?

Umm.... when he stands outside the Bilderberg conference with a bullhorn and video cameras running and a little army of followers behind him, going "WE ARE NOT YOUR SLAVES, NWO. I STAND BEFORE ALMIGHTY GOD AND I TELL YOU, WE WILL DEFEAT YOU!!" [or whatever his exact words were] - that's a challenge

When he stands outside the Fed doing the same thing, "TREASON! TREASON! TREASON! END THE FED! END THE FED! END THE FED!......" that's also a challenge.

Clearly he is a threat, if too many people start believing in his cause

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