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Military Disgust of President Obama

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:14 PM
I have something to say that is driving me crazy! I work on a Navy Base and am very close to some of the retired and active duty (Chiefs E7-E9) members. I constantly hear most of them call our new president names and talk in a degrading manner about him. This is unsettling to me. I am a vetran, and always thought that was highly disrespectful. This president was voted in and he is our Commander-In-Chief, Period. Maybe I am naive, but I think that kind of open talk in our military is dangerous. What do you guys think?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by PammyK

Well if you are under the impression that the President was "elected" by the peoplen then you are mistaken. Electoral College voted the President in, and those are simply a bunch of bureaucrats and rich people.

There has been no "elected" President in a very long time. The Armed Forces have reason to be upset over Obama's current train of thought during these times.

He's going back on fundemental ideas presented in his campaign, and has continued the useless rhetoric and policies of the previous administration.

He may be a good orator, but other than that, Obama has yet to gain respect among his army. He needs to begin acting like the Commander In Chief.


posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I'm surprised. I was active duty AF during Clinton's regime. Not many people I worked with liked him at all, but we knew not to talk bad about him while in uniform and/or on base.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Although I voted for our current president, I think freedom of speech is a very important right that everyone in this country has whether they are citizens, military or politicians.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:21 PM
Have you ever asked them why they don't like Obama? The military budget is growing by leaps and bounds. War is ramping up. Seems like they should be praising him.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

Wow, that logic is so very flawed.

You think that because there is a war coming that the Army is happy about it? That they actively want to go and risk their lives for values and agendas that aren't their's?

No, the army just sees what direction this is going....Vietnam.


posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy
I used to have conversations with them about the subject but nothing I say seems to matter. I grew weary of them getting upset! They all hate CNN and love and believe everything FOX news reports. Some of them site that that is why they hate the President. I think this way of thinking is for the uneducated and is alarming. Thanks for all your input guys!

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:29 PM
I'm with tothetenthpower on this one. I find this very encouraging. If the good people of America are ever going to have success at chopping off the head of this beast, they're going to need the military on their side. I envision a civil uprising where the military are called in to quell the peasants. But if you listen to some of the US marines on this site, and to the "Oath Keepers", that isn't gonna happen. I hope and pray that the military refuses that order en masse and defend America and it's good people from this threat (which is foreign, masquerading as domestic)... mostly foreign, partly domestic.

Maybe I live in a dreamworld, but that's the only chance there is. The beast is just too damned powerful. All it's tentacles have to be chopped off, starting with the MSM. ALL the tentacles have to be chopped, and then shredded, and then burned and then buried 100 miles deep... every damned one of them.

In my view, this is a very positive development. It means the military are thinking for themselves... apparently with clarity.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Albertarocks

My point exactly. The more the military becomes disgruntled, the more leaks we will have within the chain of command. We may be on our way to exposing our militarie's darkest secrets during this war on terrorism.

The House requires the military be as happy as can be, and not asking questions, if higher military personnal are weary of his judgement, mistakes will be made and the administration will pay the price.


posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:46 PM
I understand what you are saying I was taught the Chain of Command is to be respected, However, when the Chain of Command starts to hang you high and dry is when people/Soldiers start to get pissed. I felt that way under King George, and Now I do Under Lord Barry.

I as a (VET) feel the president has been to wishy-washy in his current agaendas and that has many in the military (whom many I still talk to) Very nervous.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:56 PM
Did you feel this way when they were doing it to Bush?


Are you trying to turn this into a anti Fox News thread?

They don't like the President because of Fox News? I find that unlikely. Maybe they remember the last time a Dem was President and what it was like in the military during that time.

But lets blame it on Fox News.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by PammyK
I have something to say that is driving me crazy! I work on a Navy Base and am very close to some of the retired and active duty (Chiefs E7-E9) members. I constantly hear most of them call our new president names and talk in a degrading manner about him. This is unsettling to me. I am a vetran, and always thought that was highly disrespectful. This president was voted in and he is our Commander-In-Chief, Period. Maybe I am naive, but I think that kind of open talk in our military is dangerous. What do you guys think?

That's interesting, what are they saying?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:04 PM
It's not the presidents job to "gain" or "earn" the respect of the military.
It is, however, the military's job to obey the commander in chief.

Now if these orders cross certain moral lines, such as acting against the civilian population or firing nukes, I certainly hope & pray that conscientious individuals within the military will disobey these orders.

Until then I believe that proper etiquette should be maintained and I don't believe it's proper etiquette to be badmouthing the commander in chief when in uniform - regardless of how you may feel as an individual and regardless of what news outlets you watch.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by PammyK

Well, as a veteran, still "connected" to the military, I can say that the OFFICE itself is not being disrespected - it is the man. This president, more so than any other in history, has created a firestorm to the very people who hold integrity as one of their top and most respected virtues. Without integrity, where is his loyalty? Without knowing where his loyalty stands, then how can he expect to gain the respect of, and command the most powerful military on the earth? Unfortunately, Obama is the icing on the cake for many folks, who are past their patience level with a long line of self-serving politicians who preceded him. The system is grotesquely flawed and many people feel that he was not "elected" fairly, portrayed unbiasedly in the media, nor did he deserve the position.

A lot of people, including myself, have had a very difficult time getting past the initial issues surrounding him in regards to his loyalty and integrity. His loyalty was/is in severe question by the company he kept/keeps, and his integrity over his birth records pretty much sealed the coffin - this issue is still not adequately resolved in my book, and I have lost faith in the system simply because of this. If he had nothing to hide, why hide it? Integrity is first and foremost the MOST IMPORTANT virtue that any president should have. Obama has YET to pull the wool over the eyes of those who know better. Military folks see a double standard, where every ounce of information about them is handed over to the government for review, yet the President was not required to do the same? It is a terrible breakdown, and what you are witnessing are good people who don't serve the "man", but serve the country as a whole. When the enemy to the country starts to appear to be the politicians themselves, then there's a serious problem. The Marine Corps has a saying that ranks their priorities of commitment...."God, Country, Corps"....meaning, God comes first, then the country, then the corps. After that, comes family. The president isn't on that list. I don't doubt for one moment that our military members have anything but love and loyalty to their country. You shouldn't either. I don't think anyone would desire a military full of puppets.

I would be more inclined to respect those military personnel for not following blindly, and for having the bravery to speak up against what they see is wrong...they fight for their OWN freedom of speech, as well as everyone else's. There is decorum that they will follow, because their code of conduct requires it. But freedom of speech in their casual moments is still a right they have.

It wouldn't be the first time uniformed personnel sought to uncover conspiracies. Obama is NOT favored in the military, as a whole. And to respond to another poster that the military should be praising him for leading them off into another war is just absurd. NOBODY likes war, least of all, the people who actually fight in them, or the families who bear the long deployments and/or losses due to death. Show me a military person who rejoices at getting orders to go to war, and I'll show you someone who has nothing to love but war itself. I've never seen it. Nothing irritates me more than for people to make such ill-informed and broad generalizations like that without knowing the hardships those families actually live through.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by MrVertigo
It's not the presidents job to "gain" or "earn" the respect of the military.
It is, however, the military's job to obey the commander in chief.

Now if these orders cross certain moral lines, such as acting against the civilian population or firing nukes, I certainly hope & pray that conscientious individuals within the military will disobey these orders.

Until then I believe that proper etiquette should be maintained and I don't believe it's proper etiquette to be badmouthing the commander in chief when in uniform - regardless of how you may feel as an individual and regardless of what news outlets you watch.

I guess thats the general consensus among the Obama supporters.

I remember a video or two being posted showing "soldiers" speaking out against Bush.

I think the words true patriot and hero were among the words used to describe them.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Albertarocks

I think there are more "oath keepers" in the service than most people think. I myself am in the army and seem to remember something about defending the Constitution of the United States of America against ALL enemies, forgien AND DOMESTIC....pshh, ya know, i could be wrong though

and hey, tothetenth, i have said the same thing about the electoral college for a while and im glad to see that someone else is on the same page as me. i didnt vote in this past election and while some people think that is just as bad...i mean, what choice do we really have? NONE, we can vote for the lesser of two evils at best, but it doesnt matter because the electoral college will put in power whoever they want and no matter which face gets picked to be a facade, the same people will be pulling the strings...this is one subject that really gets me heated

is our country REALLY a democracy? me thinks not these days

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:24 PM
Careful too, I imagine neocons like Chenney trying to use bandwagon hype - spreading the idea that our military is still mostly loyal to the ‘Bush crowd’ so as to turn opinion against Obama in a desperate attempt to keep hidden their very dark, very secret past.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by PammyK
Perhaps when the officers you work around noticed that Obama had reneged on several of his 'promises' and 'pledges' within days of being sworn in, they became suspicious.

Perhaps when he committed a large presence to Afghanistan, without training and support, they became concerned.

Perhaps when he abandoned National Security interests for political gain, they became worried.

Perhaps when he ignored Navy and SEAL special forces requests for authority to take immediate action to rescue an American from pirates, they became angry.

And, perhaps when Obama continued his 'strategy' of appeasement in Iran, N. Korea, and China as they openly challenged Naval forces in the Straits of Hormuz, the South China Sea and the Pacific, they became disgusted.

("Or, maybe it was Utah.")

I don't know. Just guessing.


posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Obama holds the title of Commander in Chief.

He doesn't command. He's waffled and made more amateur mistakes than the law allows.

Were I still in the military, I'd be thinking of getting out as fast as I could.

This guy is the type that will order a charge, get halfway to the goal, choke, and run like hell.

I don't trust him, he doesn't have good instincts. Apparently, I'm not the only one that has come to that conclusion.

You take away that teleprompter, and he's a babbling fool.

Not something to inspire great confidence in.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by PammyK
Perhaps when the officers you work around noticed that Obama had reneged on several of his 'promises' and 'pledges' within days of being sworn in, they became suspicious.

Perhaps when he committed a large presence to Afghanistan, without training and support, they became concerned.

Perhaps when he abandoned National Security interests for political gain, they became worried.

Perhaps when he ignored Navy and SEAL special forces requests for authority to take immediate action to rescue an American from pirates, they became angry.

And, perhaps when Obama continued his 'strategy' of appeasement in Iran, N. Korea, and China as they openly challenged Naval forces in the Straits of Hormuz, the South China Sea and the Pacific, they became disgusted.

you know, that has A LOT to do with it. when he was campaigning and talking so much hot crap about all the troops coming home from Iraq and it got headlines and then in small print it talked about him pledging support to Afghanistan, of course all us servicemembers knew there would be no change excapt that we would be deploying to afhganistan next time instead of iraq, while all the sheeple thought "good, all the troops are coming home".

when i saw how he ignored the seal requests that got me even more heated. he cares about nothing but making himself look good.

plus, HOW do we have a president whose citizenship is still in question?

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