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Is there any recorded video of ACTUAL aliens that hasn't been debunked?

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:06 AM
I watched the area 51 interview about a year ago and i thought it was authentic. if i remember correctly didn't they have a Hollywood costume designer on it and he said it would be pretty hard to design a costume like that?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:08 AM
I’m with the OP on trying to find a good quality non-debunked video. Whenever a truly convincing piece of evidence comes along it is only natural for the skeptic believer (me) to try and debunk it. It is also only natural for the blind faith believer to defend it.

The problem as I see it is the criteria for validating/debunking evidence. We see that right here in this thread. Skeptics state such evidence, if true, would never be permitted to become public because the PTB would swoop in and do damage control. The believers counter argues the damage control would only serve to confirm the validity of the evidence. Is this a valid argument? Maybe, maybe not. The two sides then bicker back and forth about what would constitute solid proof and the argument starts all over again. No forward movement made.

I cannot view these videos at the moment but I kind of have to agree regarding the size of a being’s neck in relation to the head. Now, this alone does not definitively debunk evidence but surely it has to be taken into account. What I see as the problem is neither side is capable of stepping outside their circle of comfort and view things from the opposite side. Skeptics and believers need to work hand in hand. Until that time comes no one is ever going to take this subject seriously.

Some evidence can clearly be written off simply because they are, well, just absurd. However, others cannot simply be written off so easily. This does not imply they are solid proof. So they need to be put in the ‘maybe’ pile. I normally live in a black and white world, ones and zeroes. When examining alien evidence I have allowed for a ‘maybe’ option. Because really, it can only be classified as maybe until I have a first hand, face to face, experience. Yes, that’s my criteria for absolute proof. I will consider maybes, but only face to face, or widespread media attention will serve as proof positive.

I would venture to say this is also how the OP treats evidence. Some of us came here searching for the truth. I’ve seen here countless times the proof is here, you just refuse to accept it. Sorry, but no, the proof is not here. There are strong maybes, but not undeniable proof.

Great thread. I was about to leave ATS because of all the nonsensical noise being posted here. Now let’s just hope we can keep the really ‘out there’ people away.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
The matter is subjective.

Ok thanks for clearing this up.

They constantly reference Streiber's ideas and both 'General A' and 'Victor' repeatedly talk about how spot-on that fellow Streiber is with his idea's....Towards the end, Streiber start sounding more and more like himself (can't stay in character) and the voice changer batteries start to die out towards the end.

I have listened to the C2C interview with Victor multiple times and Victor only mentiones Strieber one time during the whole interview and he actually disagrees with him so I don't know where you got the notion they talk about how spot on he is.

Of course, you could just go on believing the version given to you by Art Bell.

This has nothing to do with believing Art Bell or not. It's about finding evidence for or against the Alien Interview footage.

Coast to Coast AM is an entertainment show...

Or as Art Bell himself calls it: "Absolute Entertainment"

Yes but Art Bell or C2C had nothing to do with releasing the footage. The footage was released by Rocket Pictures so I don't see the connection here. Bell was granted an interview by the producer of the documentary, Jeff Broadstreet.

The problem is I never heard Striebers voice. I will check out some interviews by him when I have the time. Victors voice has been decoded so it should be easy to compare both to see if there is any merit to your theory.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Fastwalker81
. Victors voice has been decoded so it should be easy to compare both to see if there is any merit to your theory.

If you are able to perform an analysis yourself, I recommend you extract your sample from the latter parts of the interview as things are more relaxed and Streiber starts to lapse out of character. (victor interview)

I believe that the probability of a match between 'Victor' and 'General A' is high enough to also warrant such analysis.

As both of these individuals appear to be using the same voice disguising device, an analysis would confirm if it was. Unfortunately The usage of the device in this case may force us back to basics and non-technological investigative techniques - as it could contaminate our data.

Lacking such technical capability I am forced to rely on syntax, word choice, and behaviourisms.

Regardless, I'd like to see Streiber's and Victor's analysis side-by-side.

[edit on 13-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:21 AM
It's a real shame that there are crappy productions like this "Alien Interview" video which are confusing people.

There's a lot of crap out there in the UFO/Alien business, TV shows, fake productions and charlatans. Most of it is pure baloney.

Why would someone risk having their lives ruined, family threatened or risk being murdered to "reveal the truth" about Aliens visiting the Earth? Unless there was a threat that we were going to be enslaved or killed.

What I mean is, Aliens have been coming here and observing us for a long time, why would it be worth risking your life revealing something that has obviously been happening with no real direct effect or consequence to us? In other words how does their presence effect us? They've helped create a big business for earthlings, that's about it.

Most people know that there are probably other life forms in the universe,, and that we're being visited, polls show this. Isn't it like 70% believe these things? How would "revealing the truth" help us? It would only cause a lot of chaos and more confusion.

If the Aliens wanted us to know that they're here they would easily make it know to us. So why don't they? They wouldn't be playing elaborate games of hide and seek.

Aliens also don't want it to be too obvious they're here.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 09:51 AM
go knock on your nieghbors door

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:18 AM
The best one I have seen yet is "The Captive Alien" posted on Youtube. I have studied this video in every way I can think of. The quality is good and the gestures the alien makes while trying to communicate with his human captors is amazing. There is second by second interaction. Also I did a frame by frame study and found many unique expressions on the face of the alien, plus studied the muscle group action of head to body, arm and chest etc. and this was simply amazing. Then I compared what I studied to that of others who did a even better job than me. In particular, a person by the name of DocLottaLove on the Youtube has at least four or five videos just of this one video whcih all of you should listen to. The "Captive Grey Alien" video is the best I have come across to date. It's better than the alien interview vidoe and many others. How good..? It's so good that a capaign of sorts by the person who posted it on the Youtibe originally has begun to try to discredit it. He made some other very poor videos and you can see how bad he wa at doing CGI and using puppets.

The rumored story behind the video is that one day, his wife, who is employed by the Brazillian navy, came home with a video for him to see. He saw it and thought it was so cool that he posted it on the Youtube. He wasn't sopposed to do that and he got into trouble and so he started his own dis-information campaign.

But in the end, no one who is a chop shop animation artist can make a video like that. Even Hollywood would have a hard time doing it. So if you want a video that cries truth, this is it. View it, study it, and by all means do a frame by frame and you'll see for yourself.

bad attempts to say it was CGI or a puppet...

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:32 AM
i've never seen that one before, interesting. Reminds me of Rubber Johnny

This vid looks a bit too smooth, doesnt look real. But i'd have to read through the analysis first to form an opinion

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555

Originally posted by Diplomat
Yes, the "Area 51 Alien Interview."

No one can prove that it is fake. No one has come forward and claimed responsibility for a hoax. All everyone says is "it's a puppet" without being able to prove that at all.

I believe it's a genuine video of an extraterrestrial.

How would that video have ever gotten out? Why is it in color? The Crash happened in the 40's? Who video taped it, as far as I know home video cameras didn't come out until MUCH later. There is no way that the size of that Alien's neck would support the weight and size of that Alien's head. If that is supposed to be an Alien from area 51 than there is no way. I am honestly open to the idea of aliens, but everything seems to be made up by people who really want to believe. At least with ghosts there is evidence via video of their presence.

You would be surprised the technology they had back in the 40s, i would expect for them to have cameras in color, at least that if not anything else.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever ACTUALLY caught an Alien on tape? It seems odd to me that all these people have encounters with Aliens and no one has caught them on tape, or legitimately caught them on tape every video I have seen isn't real.

Some videos that have "officially" been debunked are actually real. People are paid to debunk them. Remember that.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove
The quality is good and the gestures the alien makes while trying to communicate with his human captors is amazing. There is second by second interaction.
Also I did a frame by frame study and found many unique expressions on the face of the alien, plus studied the muscle group action of head to body, arm and chest etc. and this was simply amazing. Then I compared what I studied to that of others who did a even better job than me.
But in the end, no one who is a chop shop animation artist can make a video like that. Even Hollywood would have a hard time doing it. So if you want a video that cries truth, this is it. View it, study it, and by all means do a frame by frame and you'll see for yourself.

I'm.. I'm so terribly sorry - but I'm afraid you're judging animation artists the wrong way.

Instead of trying to convince you with words, here is an animation, made by 1 (one) person in a relatively short time.

Liam Kemp's animation test:
Notice how there is even more detail in facial expression and body animation than in the 'captive alien' video. Nothing in this video was captured - the animator did all this by hand, by himself. No big company, no funding, no huge amount of time.. it's an animation test.

This has taught me one very important thing: it's impossible to say whether something is CGI or not, based on the argument "it looks too real".. In fact, when it looks extra lifelike or vibrant, I find myself suspecting it of CGI - just like every set of shiny white teeth on TV is a bit more yellow in real life ( Ok, I stretched it a bit too far there, let me return to my point:

The CGI animation I linked to above, seems far more real to me than the "captive alien" footage.

P.S. I do a tiny bit of CGI, and have to admit that while the model, lighting and scene (chair..) seem very easy to replicate, the animation would have taken some hours. Maybe a complete day.

P.S. #2 .. Can't believe I looked over this. Have you checked out the URL that's displayed in the first frames of the captive alien video? Here it is: . I can't read the language, but I do understand this line at the bottom: "ESTA É UMA OBRA FICCIONAL". It means: "This is a fictional work". I'm not sure who the author is, but he has made more captive alien CGI's (see ). The author doesn't seem to care about the fuss on YouTube, as he keeps writing in portuguese on his site.. Possibly he's enjoying it. I'm sorry.

[edit on 13-5-2009 by scraze]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by LyricusMagna

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
I'm just wondering if anyone has ever ACTUALLY caught an Alien on tape? It seems odd to me that all these people have encounters with Aliens and no one has caught them on tape, or legitimately caught them on tape every video I have seen isn't real.

Some videos that have "officially" been debunked are actually real. People are paid to debunk them. Remember that.

And your proof of this is where?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ratcals

Okay, to point on the alien interview movie. It seems to me like the details are similar to that of the Jonathan Reed video considering identities. It sounds like he is just out there to make a quick buck on this alien hype, which he probably has b/c of that documentary. The alien captive video on the internet, my biggest concern is not whether its CGI or whatever, which according to the last poster it seems to be, but my concern is the fact that he had made alien videos before. Including one where the alien was sitting in the same exact type of chair in a room that looked nearly identical, and in the dark with the same type of lighting. Plus, the author admitted it was fake. Just b/c some guy on youtube asks why there is a second chair and a brick, doesn't make it any less fake. They could have simply filmed it in the same room, then inserted the alien CGI. notice at the end how they all get scared and run away. Again notice how at the end of the puppet video that is similar they get scared and run away? Further, what are the odds that this video would have landed with him even though he already makes those types of videos?

The Jonathan Reed video was pretty good until I found out it was a fake, and the guy was not who he claimed to be, nor were any of the characters he had alleged. Apparently, the same is happening for the Area 51 video. I'm not trying to be negative here. Unlike the skeptic, sorry I forgot your moniker, I don't need an alien standing in front of me to believe. its just that all these video's you show me someone here seems to have valid reasons why its false, and the only reason to believe is blind faith. I don't know, what I really want to see is one that is not debunked. And don't say that last one wasn't the owner of the video debunked it.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:32 PM
There are loads of videos that have not been debunked. However, I don't want to bring up the M word to save myself from the huge controversy that is associated with it.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Yes, the "Area 51 Alien Interview."

No one can prove that it is fake. No one has come forward and claimed responsibility for a hoax. All everyone says is "it's a puppet" without being able to prove that at all.

I believe it's a genuine video of an extraterrestrial.

Can't someone drag out the interviewer and then we have a talk?
Is he dead? Who killed him? Can't someone drag out his superior? Is his superior dead? Who killed him?
Where was the interview held? Can't someone go there and check and drag out the person in charge on that year and then have a talk?

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by joinats

Originally posted by Diplomat
Yes, the "Area 51 Alien Interview."

No one can prove that it is fake. No one has come forward and claimed responsibility for a hoax. All everyone says is "it's a puppet" without being able to prove that at all.

I believe it's a genuine video of an extraterrestrial.

Can't someone drag out the interviewer and then we have a talk?
Is he dead? Who killed him? Can't someone drag out his superior? Is his superior dead? Who killed him?
Where was the interview held? Can't someone go there and check and drag out the person in charge on that year and then have a talk?

Even if we could, they would just deny deny deny. At this point it would be too late and admitting to the truth of the footage would go against the gov't's plan at this point. Plus, apparently the guy whose video it was has different alias'

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
There are loads of videos that have not been debunked. However, I don't want to bring up the M word to save myself from the huge controversy that is associated with it.

What is the "M word?"

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
Even if we could, they would just deny deny deny. At this point it would be too late and admitting to the truth of the footage would go against the gov't's plan at this point. Plus, apparently the guy whose video it was has different alias'

Can't someone beat him up, torture him in water tank, rape him, threaten his family, what can he deny? keep his mouth shut?

Listen, if this Alien exist, IT IS A SERIOUS MATTER TO THIS WHOLE WORLD!! We want to pay everything for that!
Give him a death sentence, break his nose and tooth. Do every which way like American armies did to other soldiers.
Can't we do that? Isn't it better to torture the interviewer than risking 7 billion lives of this earth? Everybody will agree with me.

DRAG HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody will drag him out right? because it is bull#!

[edit on 13-5-2009 by joinats]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Electro38

Why would someone risk having their lives ruined, family threatened or risk being murdered to "reveal the truth" about Aliens visiting the Earth?

Why not? I would if I knew I had the proof. I think it's the most important issue in the history of mankind that has been kept from us.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by joinats

We don't even know who "Victor" is, let alone who his "superiors" were. How exactly do you expect someone to track him down and "beat him up" to get answers out of him?

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