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Army's Prescription to Combat Soldier Suicides: Christianity

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by aorAki

Short of something they need, like ammo, batteries, fuel, food, and the like.

So the rest of us can sit back and criticize without knowing what in hell we're talking about.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by dooper

"An army marches on its stomach." So the old adage goes.
Yes, you correctly point out another old situation, that sometimes military supplies have been short, causing some creative or funny stories.

I think what has horribly served soldiers (and the US budget, our tax dollars) in Iraq is the terrible decision to use private contractors to the extent allowed.

In this war, private contractors could refuse to deliver goods for reason of non-payment or route/road conditions, or try to deliver the goods in shoddy vehicles, resulting in non-delivery or untimely delivery. Where the military would have movement down to a second, a private contractor is legally not held to the same standards. DGAF becomes operative. The supply line itself was not under the control of the US military, which does not bode well for an army in war.

The "Support the Troops" yellow ribbons and magnetic flags were needed to supply our soldiers with the homefront little things that help keep morale up, but at the same time the government acted irresponsibly, nay criminally, in NOT supporting the troops by effectively delivering needed supplies, the "bread" of the army.

Maybe now is the time a nation will truly honor its soldiers after the physical war, by providing the restorative program you would like to see.

edit for spelling

[edit on 15-5-2009 by desert]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by desert
reply to post by dooper

The "Support the Troops" yellow ribbons and magnetic flags were needed to supply our soldiers with the homefront little things that help keep morale up, but at the same time the government acted irresponsibly, nay criminally, in NOT supporting the troops by effectively delivering needed supplies, the "bread" of the army.

Maybe now is the time a nation will truly honor its soldiers after the physical war, by providing the restorative program you would like to see.

Thank you for your understanding and your gifted way of encouraging good. I appreciate your participation and so many of the other posters in this thread. Thank you for sharing all the insight you have. It is an honor and I believe others who read your words have a voice through you.

I propose a breaking bread together. To talking with one another. To listening. To the ideas that help in bringing them home.

In many ways...talking about what happened, even in broad terms, is vital. My son and I had one thing, nearly the entire four years he was calls. We talked throughout the whole 4-year journey. Yes there were large gaps and times he couldn't call and many, many things he could never say or share but, we were able to maintain that family connection throughout through the phone lines. Even with all that, he felt disconnected when he came home and validly so.

We are, as people, a summation of the experiences we have had thus far in life, and what we experience through learning from others. What he experienced those four year will always be a part of his perspective when he looks into the past; interprets his present; and envisions his future. He is changed. The reality of day-to-day life in America has also changed since he went into the service four years ago. The reality of our world has changed. They, we, everyone needs time like this, to talk about it and propose ideas that will make it, a little bit better, than it was yesterday.

Places like ATS, at least in the virtual world, provide a place for those in the service now,and those leaving and those who left long ago - and their families - to come without name, rank and serial number to share their thoughts, pose their questions, express their frustrations, and share hopes for a better tomorrow.

In the real world environment, where and how can we reach out and break real bread together? Where can we reach those who may still need help finding a sense of home? Where do we need the bread? Is it the VFW's? Is it the VAs? Where can veterans gather with our service people when they come home?

It is sad that we have to ask these questions in an environment of public opinion following our own government's undeserved and blasphemous affront...

Report citing veteran extremism is pulled

Homeland Security should be ashamed of themselves. How dare they. Honestly. (Shakes head and mutters as if she were on BTS...something about biting the hand that feeds them.)

Part of the battle is the "home front" they are coming home to. Jobs are scarce everywhere. Many people are unsettled. In some that brings out the best. In other people - well - maybe not so much.

Thank you, all of you, for continuing to take care of the person standing next to you.

[edit on 15-5-2009 by DancedWithWolves]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

Thank you, DancedWithWolves, for your kind words. You, also, have so many good thoughts you share with us here at ATS.

Yes, a greatness of our country is the fact that we can change, we can be better, by working together for our ideals. If we don't like something, we can change it. This change takes way more than 100 days. The change I want to see may take place in the lives of my children, not mine. But I must never give up.

In the military, you keep your head down and your eyes open to survive. In civilian life, citizens must keep their heads up and eyes open for the country to survive. And, for both, it is better to work together than alone.


posted on May, 15 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by desert

Maybe now is the time a nation will truly honor its soldiers after the physical war, by providing the restorative program you would like to see.

...even if the war was illegal?
I know they were 'just following orders', but that shouldn't be a reason to stop questioning them.

Imagine the access to resources we could have if the Military-Industrial Complex didn't suck them all up!

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by aorAki

Yes, even if Iraq was a war of choice. The US military is at the bidding of civilians, politicians, the office holders Americans elect by a majority, even if that is only by one vote. If Americans are fed up with war, then they had better study well those they intend to elect, remind those they do elect who they work for, and demand an end to war as a for peace.

It was a Republican president, Eisenhower, who warned of the military industrial complex, that would suck tax dollars away from what really matters, true security in the form of a better quality of life for citizens. I have sat beneath the flight path of a stealth bomber, knowing the poverty and crime that devastates the communities beneath. We need a military where tax dollars are spent wisely because decisions are made wisely. For this I offer a site that offers analysis CDI

US soldiers enlisted in the military for a variety of reasons. Many saw service as a way to have money for college, to have a job, to find something in military life that they couldn't find as a civilian. Many joined the National Guard to help their fellow Americans on American soil, but then found themselves off-shored. Many joined as a way to express their patriotism.

War is hell. I do not say that as a platitude. It is a trip to hell, and back, with memories, done in our name. For this we need to serve our veterans better.

The highest respect and honor is reserved for those that serve their country in this fashion. I have no respect for those that send my sons and daughters recklessly to war.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by aorAki

Originally posted by desert

Maybe now is the time a nation will truly honor its soldiers after the physical war, by providing the restorative program you would like to see.

...even if the war was illegal?
I know they were 'just following orders', but that shouldn't be a reason to stop questioning them.

Imagine the access to resources we could have if the Military-Industrial Complex didn't suck them all up!

I'm strongly against the wars we are involved in at the moment, but that is no reason not to take care of the soldiers fighting and those who have fought and to treat them with respect.

I know many good people who disagree with me, some oldies are even still believing we should nuke Russia, to teach those commie bastards a lesson. Yet they are ethical and brave, and would put their lives on the line to save another person, however much they disagreed with them.

Not providing good medical care and job opportunities, and citizenship for those non-citizens who have served, is a wast of lives, and will cause more costs to the community in the long run.

The idea of soldiers in the desert being on water rations is appalling. And I bet Halliburton billed the gov't for a swimming-pool full for each soldier.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by DancedWithWolves

By Jason Leopold

A recent edition of the U.S. Army’s suicide prevention manual advises military chaplains to promote “religiosity,” specifically Christianity, as a way to deter distraught soldiers from committing suicide, which in recent months, according to one veterans advocacy group, has reached epidemic proportions.

The Army Suicide Prevention Manual says “Chaplains... need to openly advocate behavioral health as a resource” to treat suicidal soldiers and instructs behavioral health providers “to openly advocate spirituality and religiosity as resiliency factors."

The inclusion of Christianity and spirituality a new addition to the Army’s 2008 suicide prevention manual. A Pentagon spokesman did not return calls for comment.
According to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), the civil rights organization that sued Gates and the Defense Department over claims of rampant proselytizing in the military, the PowerPoint presentation “is not only an unconstitutional promotion of Christianity for the soldiers who are mandated to attend it, but for the behavioral health providers and non-Christian chaplains who must present it.”

MRFF president and founder Mikey Weinstein said his lawsuit clearly demonstrates “the noxiously unconstitutional pattern and practice of fundamentalist Christian oppression in our U.S. armed forces.”

The U.S. Military is barred from enacting or supporting policies that advance, promote or endorse religion.

Army's Prescription to Combat Soldier Suicides: Christianity

How does this powerpoint presentation with cross symbolism not advance, promote and/or endorse religion - repeatedly. It's like this is the Crusaders army. The military doesn't know how to help our battle weary soldiers so they turn it over - to God - and keep sending them back to battle again and again.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by DancedWithWolves]

I'm surprised it wasn't in there before actually.

When I was in there was always a Chaplin if you felt you needed to talk with one.

When we would recover downed aircraft and have to bag and tag body parts we always had a Chaplin with us because guaranteed someone was going to break down. Normally it was the new folks and they would be offered to permanently opt out of it, if it got too difficult for them to handle and some would.

Fighting I understand it is different but was curious why people would even be surprised at this considering the military promotes religion I would think any entity that doesn't allow gays to be employed by them would obviously have a religious backing/following in part of their agenda which the military does.

If you tell a solider when you die you turn to dust and it's over they are not going to be a solider for very long. However you preach rebirth and a better place they are more likely to go into battle. Why do you think every extremist group with suicide bombers does it? Because without it there is no reason to blow yourself up.

It's not church it's the military however they provide you with religion at your disposal which a great majority are religious in the sense they believe in a creator.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 09:45 PM

Restoring the Earth helps veterans heal

Get about 49 more programs such as these in 49 more states and we're off to a good start.

Program managers say the Veterans Conservation Corps initiative helps hundreds of vets study and train to enter the growing "green" jobs field.

The VCC, though, is much more than job training for Grisham and many of the other vets. It's a form of therapy.

Finding a way to make that difference is crucial to veterans who have recently left the military, says VCC program manager Mark Fischer.
The program gets "younger veterans involved so that they have a new mission when they come back from overseas. A lot of them get lost in a variety of problems, and we wanted to capture as many of them as possible -- get them involved in something meaningful," Fischer adds. "Outdoor work is healing."

Surprisingly found this on CNN>

full article:

[edit on 19-5-2009 by Ben Niceknowinya]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Ben Niceknowinya

Wow, Ben, thanks for sharing this! I'm going to ask my local veterans groups if they know about this Washington program.

Definitely we could use 49 more!!

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