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Pete Sessions: Obama hurting economy to consolidate power

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Pete Sessions: Obama hurting economy to consolidate power

Rep. Pete Sessions, head of the House Republican committee tasked with electing more GOP members, has a unique theory as to why unemployment continues to rise: Obama wants to wipe out capitalism.

Deep into a New York Times item Monday about rising jobless numbers comes a theory that the Times gently refers to as an "argument" that "may indeed face an uphill fight."

Sessions told the Times that Obama's plan is to "diminish employment and diminish stock prices." By doing so, Obama "intended to inflict damage and hardship on the free enterprise system, if not to kill it" as part o
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 11-5-2009 by lpowell0627]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 12:27 PM
What interests me the most about this article is that it was buried within the New York Times. I'm interested in people's thoughts regarding the obvious bias that now exists in mainstream media. Back in the day, if anyone said something like this against the President, whether it was necessarily credible or not, all of the media netwroks would run with it simply because it made for interesting headlines. Now, however, it seems that the media outlets are more concerned with upsetting the President's administration than reporting news worthy items. I mean this guy isn't some Joe-no name...he's head of the House Republican committee.

As a side note, with the Republicans now beginning to go down the "Obama is evil" road, it will be interesting to see how fast the Republicans start getting wiped off the face of the Earth. And sorry, but I mean that literally.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 12:48 PM
maybe they didn't print it in big letters because of how silly it is? Surely the fact that it was mainly Bush economic idiocy which led us into this massive chaos (remember it happening BEFORE obama had even beaten Hilldog?)

but that's beside the point really, it's not about right vs left - it's the systemic fail of the free market greed based system which has caused the problem, not politics (although if the politics hadn't been so easy to buy off maybe it wouldn't be like this......) for example -home price crisis, greedy people and business thought prices would go up for ever and so always paid more expecting to earn more, banks earn money from lending money so lent more to people who wanted it but couldn't repay it (or could of but didn't, they just borrowed more)

Basically the free market works on the principle of greed, greed is not a good thing to have controlling a system -certainly not a society, it's unstable.... oh your tower of greed just fell down? what a shock - i know must be this new guy we just elected trying to intentionally ruin a perfectly good system, because presidents always try to ruin the country on their first 100days -i suspect it's so that the populace will do what they did to clinton after two years, take away all his power and leave him with nothing to do but the staff
must be a good life for a dempresident.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:24 PM
I was going to post this but then decided against it simply because its just one more bit of shrill histrionics from a party that is coming apart at the seams.

I cannot reiterate enough that if the powers that be in this nation thought Obama was any serious threat to their vested interests he would have never made it out of the primaries much less win the nomination not to mention the election.

The way our system is gamed these days no real threat from either the left or the right will ever garner enough power to do anything ever so slightly revolutionary.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
maybe they didn't print it in big letters because of how silly it is? Surely the fact that it was mainly Bush economic idiocy which led us into this massive chaos (remember it happening BEFORE obama had even beaten Hilldog?)
. . .

I can agree with that, but Obama's policies have not been that spectacular either

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:59 PM
We really have to stop blaming Presidents for what has transpired. The truth is its the morons in our Congress and Senate that are to blame. They are the ones that come up with the language and the votes to pass what has ruined this economy. However, what we are seeing as an outcome and what it is that drives these criminals to do what they are doing seems to jive with the comment from the NYT article to most Americans. This is a new vision from what it was perceived before the election for many citizens. Its going to play out in the next election as to how well it works out!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

We don't always agree but I do agree with you on this.

The only way we can keep special interests out of law making is to have the public financing of campaigns... as long as they can buy legislators laws will be written in such a way that allows the vultures to feed freely.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by grover

And limit the amount of time to run like they do in the UK..30 days and then the elections. This crap of two and three years of politicking is getting tiresome!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:06 PM
What is most sad about this is that people actually buy into the idea that it is one man's war against captalism.

Obama wouldnt have the ability to consolidate if not for the path paved by bush/cheney &Co. Likewise, Bush would not have been able to get the country so gung-ho had it not been for Clinton's degenerate ideas. Clinton had more power thanks to Bush Sr.

This trent goes all the way pack to Eisenhower, and possibly further.

This is systematic, people, and it is not one single entity doing it.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

Try FDR. He actually started this whole ball rolling. If you want some historical background, read 'The Forgotten Man' by Amity Shlaes. And excellent historical undertaking on the 'New Progressive Movement'!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by cautiouslypessimistic

I agree 100%. Just as it is impossible for one president to fix everything. I'm not saying things aren't broken...I just don't think it should be fixed at break-neck speeds either. Just as the current problems didn't happen all at once, they can't be fixed all at once either. You have to start somewhere... but the lack of a pause to see the effects of these decisions is crazy IMO.

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