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Don't give up your faith - we are on the brink of first contact

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Amen to that.

I do sometimes wonder though if this whole push for control is being done because they know that at some point they will have to tell the truth and so want power structures in place that will minimise any disorder that arises from the revelation.

They could be doing this for philanthropic reasons, kind of like getting someone to sit down before you give them bad news, so they don't injure themselves if they faint. On the other hand, their motives could simply be that they want to perpetuate the status quo and their own power structures. Or perhaps a mixture of the two, I imagine there has always been differing opinions in government on how to handle such a disclosure.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:54 AM
The true disclosure and meeting of the galactic visitors along with transforming this planet into the venus project, but grass roots proportional democracy style instead, with 50% of all those in managerial positions, or public servants FEMALE, because anything else is ludicrous, will be anything other than bad news. There are many people here who cannot bear to be on this planet, and know how intrinsically barbaric and unjust it is. We remember some place so much better. Species isn't the issue either. Greys, nordics, lion/men, reptilians, preying mantis ets, and probably numerous others, all have primarily positive citizens in their races. Alas, theres always the small ugly little group of dictators, probably a few of them in the universe too. The Dulce Papers say our leaders are alligned with them, a group called the unholy 6, and that they shoot at positive ets. Disclosure will take the big brass coming in.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 04:43 PM
Give up your faith people and come join my new religion extratheism! Like atheism but extra . . . =) Show me the proof that they exist! We don't need fake pictures of aliens in our schools and communities! Serperation of wisdom and faith!

"A thought just crushed my mind"

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:44 PM
What happened to the Op, I was hopeing we might get some more info;, after reading everyone's posts it sure dosen't leave many clues or answers, unless of cause you believe and have "faith" in your own beliefs.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:57 PM
oh boy another on the brink type of threads,
at this rate i think we have been on the brink for around 50-60 years since the phenomenon first started.

its threads like this that make the study of ufology so dubious and why people know that it is full of kooks. All this kind of talking does is substantiate their claims to that end. You have no proof as to this event physical or otherwise.

THis is the same kind of talk that gets people killed in cults where the leaders profess their doomsday scenarios. Its a slippery slope and talk like this is dangerous and should not be tolerated.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by mystiqWe remember some place so much better. Species isn't the issue either.

Haha, that place is here NOW. As long as you still identify with an ego, body and mind, it won't matter where you go in the universe -- you will still be in suffering.

If you want out, LET GO. This means let go of EVERYTHING, even your self-identity. Your desire for everything, even the desire to get out.

This is the only way to reach freedom and happiness.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by RedSnapper
This is merely a message of hope, and wise words at that. It's not as though he's coming out and saying "On this date at this place, such and such will happen." The OPs post is greatly refreshing amongst the rampant pseudo intellectualism and closed minded skepticism on this board.

Thank you. Yes, it is important to stay positive, especially now.

The answers are coming

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 10:12 AM
When are they coming? And can anyone actually be sure that these answers are the truth or a deliberate misconstruing of some of the data.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
The answers are coming

This is as true as me getting in threesome with Scarlett Johansson & Megan Fox. I really really want to believe (both aliens & that threesome) but unfortunetaly i am also a realist so not gonna happen...

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 03:30 PM

Don't give up your faith - we are on the brink of first contact

That's a good word to use around here, especially with all the vehement atheists constantly degrading those with faith, especially Christians, for their faith. Question. Is it logical for an atheist to have faith in ET (unless of course he/she has indisputable physical evidence he/she is holding secret)?

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by fleabit

Maybe, but right now we only understand our physical world, and are just beginning to find there is something else to it, not to mention the idea of spirituality that has proven to exist not only throughout mankind, but all life on Earth. There's something else going on than just "Aliens exist." When we make global contact with aliens, *if* we make global contact with aliens, I think you'll be astounded by how it shatters what we currently think of as reality.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder

Thanks for this thread too..... I have known for a while now something is about to happen.... i've had a feeling of living in another dimension.... may sound strange to some but i'm sure you know what i'm saying.....

i'll be keeping a check on your profile looking out for new posts!!!

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:03 PM
True or not, ya gotta love the general energy and concept of these "its coming, hold on" posts.

Sure, I can roll my eyes at it...but why bother...I will put a little bit of secret hope that its true and smile a bit...think about the day that (beneviolent) aliens come down with joy, love, tech, and cosmic pizza and make us all harm in thinking about it.
Problem only comes when you stop life and productivity to wait for something to happen that someone said through someone else, etc...

So, ya...I will simply enjoy the mental mind candy, and believe firmly that I gotta goto work tomorrow and thats about all thats certain (unless I get sick or want to goof off).

I dont have to be skeptical about what Spooky writes, because he isnt trying to prove anything, its simply a message meant to feed a different part of the mind...the hope...and hope in any situation cannot be measured or considered real/fake...simply a feeling (like..dont worry, someday you will meet someone whom loves you..why demand its untrue, simply accept it as a possibility and smile from it)

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:26 PM
Assuming this is all fake, whats the point of keeping people's hope alive? Why is it being done? Who wins by us hoping for alien contact?

Assuming there will be a fake alien visit soon, perhaps its so that people on this board can spread the message to their friends and family that they have read about first contact coming. Or perhaps its just fun for the author to see people hope for aliens. I bet some of the responses in this thread would be hilarious to a author who likes to trick people.

Real aliens will not deliver messages to conspiracy folks on Do you realize how silly it seems when written out? We have no power to do or change anything so what would be the point.

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
The answers are coming

Why not today?

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:47 PM
there is no difference between waiting for disclosure, waiting for the second coming, the messiah, waiting for the rapture, waiting for armageddon, waiting for Godot, etc.

there are two interpretations of this mentality:

one is that it is characteristic of people who are dissatisfied with their lives, and rather than take responsibility for their own lives, imagine that some sort of salvation is right around the corner. They blame their unhappiness on either the government or aliens or whatever, and expect to be delivered by some divine fiat.

the other is that we humans are indeed in some sort of artificial environment that is unnatural for us, and our dissatisfaction is due to our deep unconscious knowledge that things are supposed to be different. this is the matrix hypothesis, which goes back to the Gnostics at least, many of whom believed that this universe was created by an evil deity, and our spirits are trapped under layers of materiality. The matrix idea, or variants such as we are farmed by reptillians for our emotions, etc, are modern versions of this view.

i have no idea which one, if either, is more true.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:49 PM
you say "it will occur very soon" I hope that's not another prediction because most of them never come true.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Longchenpa

I agree with you, but why is it being done? Whats the point of making people believe there is a change coming? What do they have to gain?

Perhaps its just for the fun to be able to trick people. I can imagine quite a few teenagers who would love to do this to people...

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by Longchenpa

Perhaps its just for the fun to be able to trick people. I can imagine quite a few teenagers who would love to do this to people...

I think that is the point... someone gets board and thinks, hmmm - lets mess with these people.

Unless there is some real proof of extra-terrestrial contact, the only reasons to post something the OP put up is either because he/she has "issues," or they are playing a game.

Now, if someone posted something that stated "I have a dead alien in my freezer," with pictures and an address/phone number... I would actually hold my breath for a few minutes... this topic? I won't get exited... i'll keep breathing normaly... seen way to many of these type of posts.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by Longchenpa

I agree with you, but why is it being done? Whats the point of making people believe there is a change coming? What do they have to gain?

Perhaps its just for the fun to be able to trick people. I can imagine quite a few teenagers who would love to do this to people...

who is "they"? look around this forum- theres plenty of people here who "want to believe" and want others to do so as well. Is it out of insecurity, or out of intuition that something is coming? the only reason to doubt the second interpretation is that people have been saying "something is just about to happen, and its gonna be big....!!" for all of recorded history, and the predicted stuff never happens, and the # that does hit the fan is never predicted!

Its different with people like Greer and Sala: they have tickets, books and dvds to sell so their motivation is transparent.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by raivo

Originally posted by Spooky Fox Mulder
The answers are coming

This is as true as me getting in threesome with Scarlett Johansson & Megan Fox. I really really want to believe (both aliens & that threesome) but unfortunetaly i am also a realist so not gonna happen...

I prefer the threesome than aliens


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