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Are Fairies Real?

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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:30 AM
As a child around 5 yrs old I had an imaginary friend named Pooka. I think I picked that name because it sounded funny to me but today I decided to Google the word just for the heck of it and it said Pooka is an Irish Fairy or Goblin.

Is it possible I really did know a Pooka?

Read About Pooka

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Bachrk
As a child around 5 yrs old I had an imaginary friend named Pooka. I think I picked that name because it sounded funny to me but today I decided to Google the word just for the heck of it and it said Pooka is an Irish Fairy or Goblin.

Is it possible I really did know a Pooka?

Read About Pooka

Is it possible you heard someone say the name and you liked it? Teletubbies, maybe? At "around 5 yrs old" we are all rather impressionable.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:48 AM
I don't think fairies exist and as gawdzilla said maybe you heard the name from someone, you'd be surprised what young children pick up.

My own child can hear a word or phrase once and remember it and say it over and over again. There have ben times when I've thought she's made up some weird new saying such as 'you belly bark' only to find out weeks later a child at school had said it.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Bachrk

anythings possible.
the sound of "pu-ka" would be attractive to a child though, if you always thought you picked it because it sounded funny that's probably why you picked it.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Bachrk

We are all impressionable at that age, but we also much more aware of other realms before we've been taught that we should ignore them by the world we live in. Our sensibilities change radically as we get older, and it doesn't take long to lose those abilities. It can be hard work to ge them back, if that's what you want to do. I think it's perfectly possible that you did encounter one of the little people. From the age of 2 or 3, I know I was having contact and seeing elementals on a regular basis, and as an adult, I'm still very much aware of them and their communication, although the sight of them is on an inner level, and not physical as it was when I was a child.

Have you had any experiences as an adult that you might attribute to other sources?

(And yes, I've has all the tests...I'm not ill, or medicated, or schizophrenic)

[edit on 8-5-2009 by caitlinfae]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:02 AM
My opinion is that I don't think fairies exist. I think we would have sen them by now or had some evidence. My mindset always is open to the possibility of such things existing, thats just the type of person I am. I believe in "lock ness" monster type things, iffy on bigfoot and 100% sure in my mind that aliens exist.

Bell Island, a town on an island just offshore here that you take a ferry to(hahaha irony) has a long history of fairies. I work with several ppl from there and they all believe deeply in them and are afraid of the woods on Bell Island.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Bachrk
As a child around 5 yrs old I had an imaginary friend named Pooka. I think I picked that name because it sounded funny to me but today I decided to Google the word just for the heck of it and it said Pooka is an Irish Fairy or Goblin.

Is it possible I really did know a Pooka?

Read About Pooka

I have never had an imaginary friend even though I have always had an extremely active imagination. It is fascinating to me that one can develop an imaginary friend at will. Or is it at will?

I have never believed in fairies or leprechauns (sorry for spelling) at the end of the rainbow. But for me to discount anything that I have not experienced personally would be ignorant, which I hope I'm not.

Pooka being the name of your imaginary friend and you googling the name years later means that your Pooka was real enough to you at one time to stay firmly rooted in your memory and important enough for you to look into it once you matured. I think its interesting that Pooka is an Irish Fairy or Goblin.

Celtic spirituality is quite full of magical beings and lore passed down through the ages. I remember reading something about fairies who especially love to live in the garden and how to appropriately show respects to them. Insulting a fairy is not hard to do according to my limited understanding. The one thing I recall explicitly is that you should never say thank you to a fairy. It is insulting. Offering gifts and appreciation is all they require. Its a lesson that wee folk these days could use.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:08 AM
As a side note, I hope this thread gets a lot of attention. I find topics such as these, which are very interesting often get lost in the shuffle here with the 107 page swine flu thread and random abuction testimonial #2453. Dont get me wrong, they are all great too, but these threads for me are where its at.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

I think it's really fascinating that people are wiling to believe in aliens wholeheartedly, and dismiss the fae without even a thought. Why is one almost acceptable and the other not? I'm just really curious, and not trying to start a fight..!

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae

I never dismissed it at all, my post said I do not believe in them as I have seen no evidence. I myself have seen a UFO. I also said I am very open to the possibillity of them existing and I would love it if they did. And, maybe to clarify more, I do believe in them in the sense of spirits or energy beings as they are in some reports. But not in the "tinkerbell" woods fairy sense.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

Ah...I see. That makes much more sense now, and I don't hold much with the tinkerbell myth either, although there are occasionally some who do look a bit like that, but usually grubbier. It suits them.

I haven't seen a ufo myself yet, but I've found myself staring and staring at the skies late at might when I'm out with the dog, and wondering how long I would have to watch for to see one. Myother half has seen a couple where we are and we have really dark skies...maybe I would be lucky.

For the record, one of the clearest sightings I had of an elemental was a team of horses of all things, and they were airborne. I was about 5 years old at the time, and I *know* absolutely that I wasn't dreaming. It was daytime and my babysitter was in the room with me. I asked her if she could see them and she couldn't. Now communication is in the form of sounds, feelings, very often smells, or just intense awareness or ideas.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae

I actually just looked at your profile and seen some of you podcasts you have posted and look forward to listening as meditation is something I am tryign to get into.

The city I live in (St. John's, Newfoundland) is the oldest city in North America, so we have a rich history of fairies, ghosts, not so much ufo's but its picking up, and things of the sort. I find it all so interesting and lap this stuff up.

I actually considered being a ghost hunter here in town, but not sure if its feasible, but i'm sure it would include a trip to Bell Island to investigate fairies

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Hey if there can be an all powerful god that resides in the clouds OF COURSE there can also be faeries.

Personally I am a believer, though I am not convinced they are material beings.

A faerie could be any sort of ethereal being that interacts with certain people,places, times etc.


I would also say that children are much more open to this sort of energy than most adults. This is of course because as we age our perceptions of reality conform more and more to the group perception of reality, thus diminishing our chances of seeing something other worldly.

Personally I clapped my @$$ off to save Tinkerbell.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by Animal]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Animal

Well, without turning this thread into an Atheiest vs. Christian thread, I find it much more likely of fairies than a God. At least there have been sights of fairies in the last 2000 years, lol. Now who wants to sponsor me for my start up cost to be a parnormal investigator.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by caitlinfae
For the record, one of the clearest sightings I had of an elemental was a team of horses of all things, and they were airborne.

strange you should say that in that way, horses are really common in stories about fairies

Fairy horses are known throughout the British Isles and Ireland by many names such as the Irish phooka, Manx glastyn, and Scottish kelpie. These beings are fairy shape-shifters imbued with the ability to take on both a human and equine countenance. Even when within the guise of an animal they possess full command of the human language and can therefore speak.
dunno about the source but i've heard lots of stories involving fairy horses.

see, it's things like that that give me pause for thought, someone recounting something they think is weird that turns out to be the norm.

[edit on 8/5/09 by pieman]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by pieman

Thank you so much for's a really interesting article, and seems to be properly referenced at the end too. I hadn't thought about a direct connection with the fae, but it seems there might be. I has always just assumed that the horses were just a different elemental form.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 01:25 PM
Dont some old text describe fairies as looking like small sort of nice gray aliens.

They were never described as being like Tinkerbell.

Lets say grays are real and some actually like human and dont mind doing nice things for them.

Or even another thing is could they be Djinn's they meet the description both like to f**k with humans and can give you thing and you end up regretting what you did. They can appear as whatever and can see us but we can see them.

I really think that most of these different creatures are infact the same creature and just got different names depending on where they appear to humans at.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Faeries are 100% real

I went to a performing arts HS and I assure you there were Faeries everywhere...

They are very nice actually, usually dress well and like to sing and dance, in fact I think if you like show tunes, you probably have had some nearby or might yourself even be a faerie.

They don't actually have wings, but to see some move they are so light on their feet it's easy to understand the misconception

Probably one of the biggest problems people have finding Faeries is that they tend to look in out of the way places when in actuality they are highest in concentration in Urban Areas having moved there from the woods to avoid red necks and other more Orc like humans

Faeries are very colorful and sometimes will only show them selves to women they often simply pass as ordinary humans around other males to avoid notice.

If you want to find faeries, your best bet would be to dress well and show an appreciation for the arts as they will then be more likely to reveal themselves to you

Drinking too much Beer and poor hygiene is a sure bet to avoid them


They Avoid Republicans...

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:43 PM
for every myth and legend...there is always some truth and fact... virtually every nation has the legends of the fae as well as elementals and such... but I believe there is an energy that exists that we all have the ability to tap into... legend says that sometimes the faries and others allow us to see them...

Native americans (certain tribes) still talk about the viel between the two world... something akin to the mists of avalon in the UK and surrounding areas...

I have known people that were very credible and they swear up and down that they do exist and say they have seen them

My sister is a full blown witch and practices magik and I personally have seen things that I cannot explain.... and I believe there may be something out here that none of us is allowed to see .....for whatever reason.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by lilwolf

I found this little passage about an hour ago, and it sort of describes what you mean, I think. I know it might not be much on it's own, but it's a start...I think it's a good explanation of why they are not visible to us. Most of me wants to see them physically, but I also know...and probably so do they...that I would be a bit freaked out by it.

The Faeries went from the world, dear, because men’s hearts grow cold, and only the eyes of the children see what is hidden from the old and only the magic of love can ever turn the key that unlocks the gates of Fae and set the Sidhe free~ unknown

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