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Fox News caught repeatedly cropping, manipulating video

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Fox News caught repeatedly cropping, manipulating video

Hey, kids! Do you ever get tired of Fox News' crops? I don't mean the food they might be literally growing, in Glenn Beck's Doom Room, in preparation for Imminent Socialist Panic. I'm talking about the way they manipulate video to make it look like people are just straight up saying the opposite thing they actually said. Well, it's been bothering the media critics at Media Matters For America for some time, and they have, for a long time, been cataloging "examples of Fox News...
(visit the link for the full news article)

Fox News caught repeated cropping, manipulating video

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:21 AM
this video really opens your eyes.
makes it obvious why so many people are so negative when it comes to Obama.

not surprising. i mean really....
it's good to see someone is onto it in the media.
too bad it won't make it fox news

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:32 AM

Well first off two things...

Are you referring to the Edit jobs that news shows all over the world do every single day as cropping?


Wheres the News link for this breaking news or was that cropped?

P.S. I'm not a fox fan.

Edit to add thanks for the link

[edit on 6-5-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

we all know all media outlets crop and edit video. the issue is when the edit changes the agenda of the video....

......and FOX is rank at it.

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:38 AM
~double post~

[edit on 6/5/09 by spearhead]

+13 more 
posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by spearhead

The people that are negative toward Obama arent negative because of what Fox News does. They are negative because his policies and spending are both socialist and going to bankrupt the country. How do you figure he is going to pay off all this debt that is being accumulated to pay for his agenda? Whatever happened to cutting the size and scope of government?
We dont really need Fox News to see what is happening right before our eyes.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

How do you figure he is going to pay off all this debt that is being accumulated to pay for his agenda?

this isn't about Obama. but since you asked i'll tell.....


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:01 AM
Wait, are you trying to give credit to Al Gore?... Are you really trying to claim this man is not profitting from Climate change, when even though he asks those who participate in his meetings to go walking, or by taxy, or by train, which almost none of them do, Al Gore goes to all these meetings and everywhere he goes with two lincoln limousines, and a 4x4 SUV... I guess he is really thinking about the environment when he does that...

Do tell us, how is the carbon trade helping the environment at all when all it does is redistribute wealth from a company that has spent all it's carbon credit, and simply BUYS more carbon credit from a company that has lots to spare, which at least some are owned by Al gore...

Al gore bought from his own company carbon credits, which pretty much all he did was put money into one of his company that has carbon credits, and then he was hailed as a hero..

Now, you want to claim that Democratic programs such as bill H.R. 1388 wich gives the power to something they call in that bill the Corporation, and which gives this corporation all powe over all learn-based programs, and allows this Corporation to indoctrinate children, and adults by whatever the Corporation wants Americans to learn.

In this same bill all children starting from junior high through hih school MUST make MANDATORY COmmunity Service for 50 hours every year.

All College students are REQUIRED to do 100 hours a year of mandatory COmmunity service under this bill, and this does not end there. This bill and others being introduced by the current administration are SOCIALIST, yet you want to claim it is not?....

[edit on 6-5-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:02 AM
I guess they really are Faux News, eh? I am unsurprised by this video as I'd bet it happens all the time, they just got caught is all.

I see Fair and Balanced is still the motto at the Ministry of Truth. I'm glad I gave up watching MSM news long ago, my brain would be even more warped than it is. As things stand I have to listen to the bottom wipers on their radio when I'm out in the front of the house and that sickens me to no end.

Junk the whole lot of MSM fools, if I had my druthers. There's no news being reported there. Just propaganda.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by TheLoony

Ah, so you just want YOUR sort of news being reported, in the bias that YOU want and that's it?...

Talk about freedom of speech....

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
reply to post by SLAYER69

we all know all media outlets crop and edit video. the issue is when the edit changes to agenda of the video....

......and FOX is rank at it.

And CNN is not?...

Did you know CNN international was an idea given to Ted Turner by none other than Fidel castro?...

Did you know Ted Turner is a COMMUNIST? I wonder why a Communist dictator would want, and give the idea to Ted Turner to make CNN International?...

CNN is biased towards Socialism/Communism, and Fox News is biased towards Consevatism, and Republicans..

So you just want to go after Fox News because it is biased towards Conservatism/Republicanism and not towards Socialism/Communism?...

[edit on 6-5-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by spearhead

Contrary to what many people believe on ATS war does not make money for a country like ours. It is an expense. How much money have we made off of the Iraq war or WW2 or any war?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:12 AM
First of all, here we go again with the irrational bs towards Fox news.

Second, this is a very very weak example and i notice this was the only thing that came up? Seems like people who have so much dirt on Fox manipulating video and sound bites for their own agenda, could come up with something better......

3rd Youre sitting here telling me how bad Fox is from one lil snipit of video that really amounts to nothing. What about all the things about Obama, both before and after his elected presidency , that SOMEHOW the other organizations missed?

I would consider refusing to report things about the current president that are detrimental to the country, damming to him, and worth researching should be of more concern.

The other media outlets either IGNORE or REFUSE to report things about this current administration because it doesnt fit their agenda.........and Fox does.........

Ill be clear, i dont think we should get all of our news from ONE source, I personally get mine from many many different avenues and analyze it to come to a conclusion......So far its been my conclusion that altho they do seem to have a bias, they for sure report news that the other ones simply will not.......

Once again, that clip is a weak example......Id be more concerned with networks that just simply do not report important storys

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Um, er, no. I don't like it when they change the meaning of someones words to fit their agenda. I'm not even sure what "My news" is, I just know when I'm being played with or propagandized at. I don't like either.

What I would like is a news organization that gives us some modicum of truth, but that will only happen in a utopian society so I'm essentially blowing smoke.

Also, when did I say anything about restricting anyone's freedom of speech? I don't like, at all, the junk I hear. I'm not allowed to say anything about it? I can call it junk and you have the right to tell me it's not junk and we can dosie-do all day long but I still have the right to call it junk. I never said anything about their freedom to say what they want, or in any way, shape or form. Just because I don't like what they say does not automatically qualify my statements as trying to rob anyone, even a evil, IMO, corporation.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by spearhead

Contrary to what many people believe on ATS war does not make money for a country like ours. It is an expense. How much money have we made off of the Iraq war or WW2 or any war?

The money is made by the arms manufacturers, private goons (Blackwater), and military contractors.

Obviously, it's an expense to us, the general public, but it would be extremely naive to think that huge money isn't made by 'the military industrial complex.'

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Well Bored dudde,

Americans are supposed to be wise people.

If USA didn't get money out of wars, and it is such a huge expense.

Why american people doesn't stop making the same mistake, again and again, and again untill they ended up bankrupted ???

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by milesp

I never said that the military suppliers didnt profit. I said it was an expense to government.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Nimrod

Well I dont know. Maybe we think our safety is more important than money. Or maybe we think a few days of shutting down the country because of a terrorist attack is more expensive than eliminating the people causing it. Maybe we are smart enough to realize that if we leave them alone they are still going to come after us, so the best thing to do is make it so painful for them that we break their will over time.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:25 AM
I wonder why terrorists would more likely attack USA, and not Brasil or Mexico ????

Jealousy ?

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