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Alien giants land in russia - fantastic ufo/et evidence

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:48 AM
Yes the bible does. So do the Sumerians, and they were called the Annanuki.
Two names mentioned were Enki/Enlil, often compared to Lucifer/Yahweh.
The Terra papers, pre-Sitchin, as related to the natives who shelter a wounded grey, also mention Enki and a name similar to Enlil.

Ufolofy also mentions the tall whites. There is mention of both a human race and reptilian race that is 9 feet tall. I find this account fascinating.

Edit to add: the Okanagan legend of the wayward sun also mentions the tall whites. There is so much consistency in ancient times, even across great distances.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Maybe the off world visitors were there paying homage to(or keeping tabs on) Nikolay Basov.

In 1989 Nikolay Basov became director of the quantum radiophysics division and was the
1989 Recipients of the State Stalin Prize in science and engineering.

Nikolay Basov was one of the founders of quantum physics. Basov shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Nikolay Basov
Russian physicist (1922–2001)

Basov, who was born in Voronezh in western Russia, served in the Soviet army in World War II, following which he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Engineering Physics (1950). He studied at the Lebedev Institute of Physics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow, gaining his doctoral degree in 1956 and going on to become deputy director (1958) and later director (1973). In 1989 he became director of the quantum radiophysics division.

Basov's major contribution was in the development of the maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), the forerunner of the laser. From 1952 he had been researching the possibility of amplifying electromagnetic radiation using excited atoms or molecules. His colleague at the Lebedev Institute, Aleksandr Prokhorov, was involved in the microwave spectroscopy of gases, with the aim of creating a precise frequency standard, for use in very accurate clocks and navigational systems. Their work led to theories and experiments designed to produce a state of ‘population inversion’ in molecular beams, through which amplification of radiofrequency radiation became possible.

Together Basov and Prokhorov in 1955 developed a generator using a beam of excited ammonia molecules. This was the maser, developed simultaneously but independently in America by Charles Townes. Basov, Prokhorov, and Townes received the 1964 Nobel Prize for physics for this work.

The first masers used a method of selecting the more excited molecules from a beam, but a more efficient method was proposed by Basov and Prokhorov in 1955, the so-called ‘three-level’ method of producing population inversion by ‘pumping’ with a powerful auxilliary source of radiation. The next year the method was applied by Nicolaas Bloembergen in America in a quantum amplifier.

Basov went on to develop the laser principle, and in 1958 introduced the idea of using semiconductors to achieve laser action. In the years 1960–65 he realized many of his ideas in practical systems. He has since done considerable theoretical work on pulsed ruby and neodymium-glass lasers, which are now in common use, and on the interaction of radiation with matter. In particular, he has studied the production of short powerful pulses of coherent light.

Columbia Encyclopedia: Nikolai Gennadiyevich Basov
Columbia Encyclopedia - PeopleBasov, Nikolai Gennadiyevich (nyĭkəlī' gĕnä'dēyĕ'vĭch bä'səf) , 1922–2001, Russian physicist and educator, b. Usman. He worked with A. M. Prokhorov to develop a technique for amplifying microwave signals in spectroscopic experiments, ultimately leading to the construction of a maser (1952). For this fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics Basov shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics with Prokhorov and C. H. Townes. Basov taught at the Lebedev Institute of Physics and at the Moscow Institute of Physical Engineers, and also served in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1982–1989). He was the head of the laboratory of quantum radiophysics at the Lebedev at the time of his death.

Wikipedia: Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov

Born December 14, 1922(1922-12-14)
Died July 1, 2001 (aged 78)

Fields Physics
Institutions Lebedev Physical Institute
Alma mater Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Known for invention of lasers and masers
Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physics (1964)
Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov (Russian: Николай Геннадиевич Басов) (December 14, 1922 – July 1, 2001) was a Soviet physicist and educator. For his fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics that lead to the development of laser and maser, Basov shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics with Aleksandr Prokhorov and Charles Hard Townes.[1]

Basov was born in the town Usman, now in Lipetsk Oblast. He finished school in 1941 in Voronezh, and was later called for the military service at Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy. In 1943 he left academy and served in the Soviet Army participating in the Second World War with the 1st Ukrainian Front.

Basov graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPI) in 1950. He then held a professorship at MEPI and also worked in the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI), where defended a dissertation for the Candidate of Sciences degree (equivalent to PhD) in 1953 and a dissertation for the Doctor of Sciences degree in 1956. Basov was the Director of the LPI in 1973-1988. He was elected as a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences since 1991) in 1962 and an Full Member of the Academy in 1966. In 1967 he was elected a Member of the Presidium of the Academy (1967—1990), since 1990 he was the councillor of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was an honorary member of the International Academy of Science. He was the head of the laboratory of quantum radiophysics at the LPI until his death in 2001.[1]

Try searching the web for,
"Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences"of which N Basov was Chancillor, and note the references to UFO studies or the Blue File (sounds alittle like Blue Book).

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:48 AM
i like how no one trusts teachers or police ANYWHERE except when they back up a ridiculous claim that someone has...

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc

So yes, it's entirely possible the the situation could happen without hard core proof, hell, even if there were photo's some on here would say they were doctored anyhow. What people are ignoring is the fact that the USSR top brass got involved in this, what a coo it would be for the Russian military to look daft on US tv so why did they get involved, simply they believed some sort of breaking of their airspace MUST of happened.

Possible? Sure. Probable? Highly unlikely. And doctored photos, especially of that era, are quite easy to expose. It's only in recent times with the aid of computers that it's possible to fool even high level experts. And of course the Kremlin looked into it. Regardless of what happened, they had to look into it, considering.

It's simply incredulous that people can look at this report and just write it off as rubbish, I'm sorry you would have to be either daft or deliberately debunking it for your or someone else's agenda.

Now see, I think the opposite. It's simply incredulous that people can look at this report and NOT write it off as rubbish or at the least so weak that it's not worth looking into. The case is tainted from the start due the liberties taken and the complete lack of any real evidence.

And drop the ad hominem attacks. You know.. the "must be daft" or that anyone who makes a challenge to your point of view must be working for some nefarious agenda. Your point of view is NOT the truth, it's your personal OPINION. Also, don't use absolutes like you know the exact truth about an event. I.E. "They simply believed" and "MUST". Strawman and weak, not to mention bad form. Not a stab, just a nit pick.

I can't say flat out that nothing happened, that's impossible as you say, but looking at the information around it a whole it puts it in the realm of not worth bothering with and time and energy would be better spent elsewhere with more promising reports.

So OTT debunkers, there's very little you can even make a try at happen so
the balls in the believers court on this one to a large degree...

True on the first part but only as a technicality. I can certainly say that the chances that this is a prank or hoax is much more probable than 9ft aliens taking a stroll around town. And the ball certainly is in the 'believers' PROVE it, nothing else. The evidence is too suspect, shaky at best, and the event too long gone.

And furthermore I'm getting quite fed up with people drawing arbitrary lines of who is a believer and who is a skeptic. Being a skeptic is NOT the same thing as a debunker. Debunkers will nay say anything regardless of the evidence. The problem is most of you who toss the work skeptic and believer so lightly can't make the distinction. It certainly does seem to be a fine line at times and the two can be hard to tell apart, but there IS a distinction. I am a believer AND a skeptic...having one without the other just makes one a close minded fool.

The simple fact of the magnitude of what we are talking about here makes it EVERYONE'S duty to question and be skeptical! It behooves us to examine every single mundane explanation...those encounters/reports that hold up to the light of serious inquiry are the ones that should make everybody's ears perk up. The day that the we get proof that is unquestionable and undeniable will be the single biggest event in human history to date. True skeptics set the bar high for a reason people and are not just trying to annoy and inflame the blind believers.

You people really want to help us uncover what is going on? Then buy a 10mp camera and take it with you everywhere. Carry a tripod in your car or have a poor mans steady cam (Everyone should make one of these), turn off the autofocus and look up...look often.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:57 AM
I'm sorry but this just screams "viral video" for "The Day the Earth Stood Still" to me. I have never heard of this case before. The drawings from the children all vary too much from one another. It's almost like they pieced parts of other stories together and made this.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:00 PM
If this was real, this would have been the smoking gun.

case closed

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by elijahspirit
heres my question....
would YOU trust a ufo skeptic in YOUR HOUSE?

I for one would rather have someone who doesn't automatically believe in UFOs based on YouTube videos and 'documentaries' than someone who does.

Your wonder at trusting a skeptic is equalled my mine at trusting a believer like yourself.

However remote the possibility, how would I know that you wouldn't be there to kill me and my family for a sacrifice to the alien overloards? You know as some sort of "tribute" to pay for your "ticket" to the stars? That's certainly not unprecedented is it?

I hardly think there is a precedent for a skeptic to do that.

I think, based soley on historical data, the "crazy" leans just a bit more in the believer side of the scale.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by gormly]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:15 PM
My guess... sorry to debunk but I think it could possibly be a military weapon of some sort.. think bluebeam or perhaps a mass drugging / mass hypnosis . I'm only theorizing this because of the explicit military involvement in the news media after the event. Just a thought.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Creedo
I'm sorry but this just screams "viral video" for "The Day the Earth Stood Still" to me. I have never heard of this case before. The drawings from the children all vary too much from one another. It's almost like they pieced parts of other stories together and made this.

No this was aired on TV shortly after the claim came out it was either unsolved mysteries or something similar to that. I also had a set of time life encyclopedia's that only dealt with paranormal and this was also in them I think it was mid to early 90's they were published.

It's rarely discussed because of lack of evidence and just pure hearsay, now the video I haven't watched yet but the story is as it came out back then.

That being said I would like to know if anyone has made any attempt to contact the kids to see if they still tell the same story as an adult, if they say it was just made up for fame and fun or if they even remember the story at all.

There are so many cases that claim to have evidence that I'm sure this was never really scrutinized or followed up on for that fact alone.

Edit I should say followed up on by UFO researchers, I'm sure they had plenty of govt. officials breathing down their back to check the validity of the report.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by Darthorious]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Thanks for the post OP,its certainly food for thought.I think I saw this in an old UK UFO magazine many years ago.

Dont get wound up with the debunkers here,your only feeding them when you respond in a certain way.If they want to call the kids decietfull and this incident a fabricated tissue of lies then let them do so.

There have been many sightings over the years,and to them there all made up by attention seekers-ironic considering their over inflated egos on this site as they hand out stars to each other!Most amusing

Anyway thanks again for this post,it has come up before here but its a strong sighting if one believes the children

*edit*lol your banned!I should have posted the above after the 1st few pages!You shouldnt have let them wind you up,keep smiling

[edit on 6-5-2009 by noangels]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:24 PM
this is old news for those acquainted with billy meier bulletins

go to this adress..

scroll down to the very last one...vol. 1 No. 4 - and open that.

then read the section on 'Ufos in Russia'

Billy speaks the truth - always

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Eye of Horus

Would that be the Ummo symbol I mentioned in an earlier post?
It's the only thing I recognized.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Saganite
True on the first part but only as a technicality. I can certainly say that the chances that this is a prank or hoax is much more probable than 9ft aliens taking a stroll around town. And the ball certainly is in the 'believers' PROVE it, nothing else. The evidence is too suspect, shaky at best, and the event too long gone.

It is irrational to make assumptions and speculation without any reason because you think something is not probable or unlikely.

This is why no evidence will ever be good enough.

Anything could be faked or a lie.

The idea that these kids could all keep up such an elaborate story and collaborate it with an adult teacher and police officer, and even make up the images ahead of time so their pictures would all look similar COULD be true, but what is the evidence to back up this theory?

It seems just as far fetched as giant aliens.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Sabreblade

The symbol which has 2 outer curved lines, the long line in the middle which is crossed. Ive seen that symbol before. And its not something kids would know about. Reminds me of Enochian symbols your thoughts?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Photos can be manipulated since they were invented, the same thing for video, but there are ways of making photos and videos more believable than others.

Multiple sources is the one of the best ways, specialy with objects of unknown size, photos or videos from more than one direction can be used to make some calculations about the object's size.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Personally I wish the mods would issue warnings about fair play and childish behaviour when these people just repeat 'where's the proof' and 'I don't care, I don't believe you'. This totally ruins the possibility of a genuine debate and to be honest is just bloody ignorant.
You can always use the "ALERT" button beneath any post that you think should have special treatment from the Mods, that is the best way of keeping ATS as we like.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Saganite
And doctored photos, especially of that era, are quite easy to expose. It's only in recent times with the aid of computers that it's possible to fool even high level experts.

Not really, good technicians can completely change a photo (a "real" chemical photo, not the digital version) and nobody would see anything in a copy of the altered original.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Eye of Horus
reply to post by Sabreblade

The symbol which has 2 outer curved lines, the long line in the middle which is crossed. Ive seen that symbol before. And its not something kids would know about. Reminds me of Enochian symbols your thoughts?

I believe thats the symbol, in fact you can see it on my Voronezh alien:


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by ratcals
If this is true and I'm not saying if it is or it isn't then where are the children? Why isn't someone interviewing them today?

Thats the same thing im wondering about the alledged ufo landing in Zimbabwe, a whole class saw a ship landing, but were are the kids now? And why arent they speaking? There is a great article on ATS about it from Muscleflash..

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Eye of Horus

It is the Cyrillic alphabet character "zhe". I'm pretty sure Russian school kids would know it.

[edit on 5/6/2009 by Phage]

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