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Fooled You Once

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:36 AM

This 1976 booklet on Swine Flu hazards and fakery is part of a larger book on vaccination, titled, VACCINATION CONDEMNED BY COMPETENT DOCTORS. It is about time a large and comprehensive book of the long concealed facts about vaccination is brought forth. This is the largest and most informative book on the subject ever written in America. It contains data collected from medical records, army reports, and startling findings from researchers all over the world.

The book is intended to help combat the disastrous effects of vaccine promoters and their deceptive propaganda.

I have seen cancers caused by vaccinations, on the arms of people, exactly where the vaccine was injected. I have also seen paralysis and other tragedies caused by vaccinations. All these are unnecessary and avoidable by the application of information contained in the chapters of this book.

It will be noted that there are many repetitions of certain facts all through the book. There are two reasons for this. One is that some chapters are used as separate booklets like the chapter on SWINE FLU. The other reason is that the wrong information about vaccination has been drilled into the people from early childhood, so it is necessary to repeat the truth many times in order to re-program the thinking from false claims to the truth.

Truth wears no mask, she seeks neither place nor applause, bows to no human shrine; she only asks a hearing."----Anon


"Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now using them"—George Starr White M D

At the present writing, October 1976 a group of medical opportunists have taken upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping epidemic of SWINE FLU which they said was similar to or related to the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza which wiped out 20,000,000 people world-wide This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination centers to be shot full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the promoters, raked in the profits During the big polio vaccine drive, a spokesman for ParkeDavis one of the five drug houses making the vaccine stated "Our company will clear over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955 " Before they were through they had fleeced the people of over $4 billion dollars on the Salk racket (See the chapter on POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINATION)

Continued at

Mod Edit: please follow the quoting guidelines. Thanks

[edit on 4/29/09 by FredT]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by EvilTwin666]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:13 AM

thanks for that link

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Hey, now this is an interesting read, thank you..
Stuff like this is the reason i muddle through the endless garbage that can sometimes flood this site.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Definate Star and Flag. With sooo many threads on swine flu that present no new/real information, this needs to rise to the top.

Great Find!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Remember that the drug companies are big sponsors of the media, especially CNN. CNN is so overloaded with drug sponsors that I never take medical advice from them.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:58 PM
I am just waiting for the respondant that will say that it is the people like you and I who despise these so-called vaccines are the reason that diseases spread. It's because we didn't get vaccinated that people are dying.

That is complete nonsense. There have been MANY doctors that agree with what the book/article states. MANY. I also agree that it is solely about profits for the manufacturers. Period. They have ZERO concern for the health and lifestyles of the people that get infected with their poisons. Their only concern is for the mighty (well, not so mighty anymore) dollar.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Who is to say that I did not receive the vaccine?

Really, I did, REALLY...but it didn't work...

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:05 PM
not that i think flu vaccine is particularly useful or necessary but to be fair, regardless of how many people made x dollars, small pox and polio are pretty much a non-issue these days.

just jamming vaccines in there willy nilly might be a a bit irresponsible but the idea that "vaccines are bad, m'kay" seems a bit short sighted to me.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by pieman

finally somebody making sense

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:36 PM
I was watching the news, and they had a reporter out in Mexico at a pig farm, and they were claiming that the swine flu came from that place called "Smithfields", or something.

Obviously the company denied it saying "we vaccinate all our pigs for swine flu".

So I was thinking, what if something went wrong at the vaccine manufacture? What if the vaccine they are giving these pigs actually caused the mutation of the swine flu?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:41 PM
My take on the new swine flu is this.
Back in 1977 I was going to a military accademy, with 800 other cadets. They made an announcement that everyone would HAVE to get a flu shot. This would make it so down the road we'd all be safe IF the real flu reared its vile head. Well needless to say we all got our shot. Within 24 hrs ever single cadets, plus all the teachers were sick. vomiting, runing to the head, fevers , cramps. It lasted seven days. Then it was gone. Ever since that one event with the so called flu shots I never went and got another. And I NEVER WILL.
Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on thee.
except TPTB have no shame. So be very careful when someone tells you that you HAVE to get the shot. As for me I'll just give them the FINGER!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:54 PM
vaccines are a "milder" form of the disease they are trying to prevent, it works by "teaching" your immune system to fight the bad disease by giving a trial run with a less fatal disease that mimics the fatal strain pretty closely.

flu is pretty mild in most people anyway, your immune system is fairly able to cope with it. some people might benefit from a flu vaccine but a normal healthy person shouldn't need it.

if it's straight flu it's just the same drill as always and if the strain mimics the spanish flu you would want a suppressed immune system anyways, so i really don't see how a flu vaccine would be helpful to healthy people.

yeah, flu shots are probably worth missing if you don't need them, i thought that was standard medical advice but if not, make sure you are convinced before you take one.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:01 PM
I understand and saw Ron Paul's thing as well - however, one must ask the question on how many people would have died had they not been vaccinated? It is easy to say that the vaccine cause the death of 25 people and only 1 person died from the disease. But how do we know that, were it not for the vaccine it would have been 100 or 1000 or more?

It is an (obviously) hypothetical game, but, at least to me, it is one worth playing.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Nice find, i wonder if the people who develop these vaccines really think they are doing the world some good, and the benifits outweight the risks? or are they all evil and wish to kill almost everyone in the world?, if it was just about profits i think they would just inject people with water.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:12 PM
To be honest, I had always gotten the shot. And I always got sick. I believed the hype. When I met/married my wife I stopped. She swore that it was the flu shot that killed her mother. Since then neither her, myself, or our two children have received the flu shots. And guess what? We haven't been sick in YEARS.
Maybe fluke, maybe lucky, but you know what?
I, nor any member of our family will ever take another one of those "shots".


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Well, if you read how the vaccine works, its obvious that you will get sick from it. You are getting a version of the virus in the vaccine, and it is supposed to "teach" your immune system. I think getting "sick" is a normal reaction by your immune system. You immune system is attacking the vaccine.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by 0nce 0nce
Well, if you read how the vaccine works, its obvious that you will get sick from it. You are getting a version of the virus in the vaccine, and it is supposed to "teach" your immune system. I think getting "sick" is a normal reaction by your immune system. You immune system is attacking the vaccine.

I would agree but from what I've learned, the flu vaccine is an "inactive" virus that would not create an immune reponse (ie getting sick) only active virus serums would present a sickness in the person.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:44 PM


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
I would agree but from what I've learned, the flu vaccine is an "inactive" virus that would not create an immune reponse (ie getting sick) only active virus serums would present a sickness in the person.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I agree with you, you are right. That's how the vaccine should work, in a perfect world.

But, I'm thinking that not everyone has the same strength immune system, or the same reactions to an "inactive" virus. Or the virus is not fully "inactive" and there could be some "active" parts.

I don't know how it works 100%, and I wouldn't trust anyone who thinks they do.

Maybe some immune systems can't be "tricked" into thinking the virus is "inactive".

..for the record, I don't fully trust vaccines.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:55 PM
WoW. It's gonna take a bit to digest all of it.....but very interesting.
Thanks for posting.

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