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*urgent* Time is running out *urgent*

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+93 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:21 AM
Ok people, I don't really care what part of this site you frequent, what theories you subscribe to, what your opinion is on who killed JFK, why there's a swine flu, or what happened on 911.

The fact of the matter is that, whoever you are, be it a member, moderator, admin, or lurker, we can all agree that there is massive change happening in this world, and even an optimist has a hard time saying that the next 5 years will be a great time for humanity.

The road has been paved, and we know time is running out. You feel it when you wake up, when your at work, you feel that urgency. You know what I am saying cause you can feel it, you just know things are about to explode.

What everyone including my self (until now) has failed to see is that we have far past our pinnacle of freedom, and ability to express ourselves. EVERY single day past today, until the explosion, is only going to get worse for our freedom. There are no better days in our near future, than tomorrow, we all know and can feel that fact. But we deny it, because we seriously don't want to face it. The perverse interest in our own destruction is the way to feel as if we know what is coming, and try to play a role in its path, but as we wait for that moment the sands of time pass us by.

There are things that you enjoy in this life, but have let fall by the waist side, and instead let your life and actions be ruled by fear, whether conscious or unconsciously being aware of that fact. I was once told that people are just a sum of their experiences, and throughout my life, it has become painfully obvious that that is an absolute fact. I think I realize now, that I want more and more experiences, so when my life flashes by my eyes, I know I lived it to the fullest, and not waiting in front of a computer screen, to figure out how and why I will die.

Get outside, enjoy the life that's left, and seize the day. Make sure to love those you care about, and share moments that will last forever. Stop letting fear ruin your life, literally.


Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

Thank you for your compliance and understanding.

[edit on 4/29/2009 by kinglizard]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:28 AM
Well said.
Star Star.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:30 AM
I just left from that world and there is nothing there unless you like American Idol, Snuggie Blankies, or High School football.

Have you visited a gas station lately?

COMPLETE CHAOS: There's always someone in the front of the iine with up to 10 individual purchases and only one frustrated cashier on hand. Don't even try to go in a regular store, that will really tick you off, somebody decides to fill their shopping cart with things you didn't know the store sold or ever existed and they pay by check, coupon, credit card, and pennies all for one purchase..

I've had my fill of the other side and so I'll stick with the Deny Ignorance crowd until the doomsday clock rests in peace.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by OrangeJuice]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by king9072

very well put
F and S

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:42 AM
alls i can say is you should have been the guy on the horse in brave heart instead of mel gibson lol your speach was way better star for you

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:43 AM
I teach college at night and high school during the day. Both of them, especially the high schoolers, could stand to hear that. Can I read an abridged version to my class? May I have your permission?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by OrangeJuice
I just left from that world and there is nothing there unless you like American Idol, Snuggie Blankies, or High School football.

I've had my fill of the other side and so I'll stick with the Deny Ignorance crowd until the doomsday clock rests in peace.


Get outside, enjoy the life that's left, and seize the day.

Not one part of that for you, or anyone else, should include snuggies, or american idol, or high school football. If you haven't taken a moment to look around at our country, the people consumed by mainstream media, they are the most depressed, medicated, and generally unhappy people on this entire planet.

Why let mainstream media decide what you buy, and what makes you insecure, and let mainstream news, decide what you fear and how you live your life. It's completely unsatisfying and depressing, and the proof of that is all around us, we can't even deny it.

+24 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:05 AM
While I agree with the Op in regards to making the most of your life etc. I cannot subscribe to all this Chicken Little talk... 'the end is nigh'. It's just fear mongering. Too many mixed messages mate!

And to the member (GTORick) who wants to read this to their class -

"shame on you!" If you read that to my child, I'd sue you - or at least make sure you lost your job as an educator!

Just speaking from the perspective of someone who also teaches students.


[edit on 29/4/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Ahh IRM the voice of reason, as always

I'm a bit different to most of the doomsdayers on ATS, I've kinda known since I was a wee thing:

-That I am not immortal.

-That life can end at any time.

-And that I NEVER wait for tomorrow to bring me what I should have taken from life today.

Peace out brothers and sisters

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
While I agree with the Op in regards to making the most of your life etc. I cannot subscribe to all this Chicken Little talk... 'the end is nigh'. It's just fear mongering. Too many mixed messages mate!

And to the member (GTORick) who wants to read this to their class -

"shame on you!" If you read that to my child, I'd sue you - or at least make sure you lost your job as an educator!

Just speaking from the perspective of someone who also teaches students.


[edit on 29/4/09 by InfaRedMan]

I'm afraid you missed the message. You dont need to be a 'dooms dayer' to understand that life as we know it is changing, and you only need to press "recent posts" to understand that it is not changing for the better.

Live now, cause you're running out of time, disregard and deflect that opinion of it helps your shell thicken. But once your shell crumbles, you will regret it, I can only promise you that.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by king9072

Arthur: All my life I've had this strange feeling that there's something big and sinister going on in the world.

Slartibartfast: No, that's perfectly normal paranoia. Everyone in the universe gets that.

"The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" (1981)

That was written over 30 years ago.

More Doom Predictions

Best thing to do, is believe yourself wrong and just get on with life. When the SHTF it wont make you feel any better to know that you were right.

Edited to add the source of the quote. Sure everyone knows the quote though

[edit on 29/4/09 by Daisy-Lola]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:01 AM
I don't get the point of telling people to go out and enjoy life.

Its YOUR life, and your free to do with it as you please. If that means getting into the doom and gloom of the world, and focusing on the negative aspects of the human experience - well good for you.

Believe it or not, but a LOT of people actually find something in the doom and gloom. A morbid fantasy or fascination with the end of humanity, the PTB, big brother, monsters, UFO's and everything else that escapes the REAL reality of work, school, responsibilities, pressures of life.

Coming on ATS and having a good'ol argument on why Obama is or isn't the anti-Christ might be a whole lot more entertaining that watching American Idol.

Everyone has their 'thing'. Sitting at your PC in a darkened room, reading and discussing the end of the world for many, is a good night in

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by king9072

I agree with everything you said until the last part. Yes time is running out........But I be damn if I give in to these basterds..........Yes I am in front of my computer today, but I will stand up as well..........

Who wants to see the sun rise tomorrow? I do and I would like my grandchildren to enjoy those moments as well.

We can beat them............Yes go outside and enjoy your families but return and unite with passion. Be ready to take a stand for the human race............Time is short.........

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:23 AM
What is it with these types of posts?they pop up all the seems like some sort of over the top, cheesy american speech to rile the masses in some badly made hollywood movie.As for time running just about to watch dark angel the first season...

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:39 AM

While I understand the premise of your post, I think the title should be a little less "countdownish".

Time is always running out, no matter which way you shuffle your cards. To this end, if one ISN'T making the most of their lives by the sum of their experiences then however often you want to send the message the recipients may not be listening.

Unlike a few of the posters here already, I DO, however, completely understand your reasoning for the OP and I agree wholeheartedly. With an inherent understanding that everyone's choice of how to SUM UP those life experiences into a package that defines them remains their way of definition that IS their sum.

To InfraRedMan, I think that perhaps simply by your post, you should realize that you are part of a problem that may well define exactly these changes that make life a lot less pallatable. When you decide that (as an educator which defies my imagination) it would be a moral imperative to not only bring suit against but to ensure a loss of another person being gainfully employed, for sending a positive message to others based solely upon your desire to profess that a) you actually had something to say and b) decide that your interpretation is the only one that makes sense, is somewhat deplorable. It makes me glad I don't have children if that type of mentality is allowed to slip through the sieve of educational filtering these days.


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone

To InfraRedMan, I think that perhaps simply by your post, you should realize that you are part of a problem that may well define exactly these changes that make life a lot less pallatable.

You certainly have a flare for the dramatic!

It makes me glad I don't have children if that type of mentality is allowed to slip through the sieve of educational filtering these days.

Do you know what I teach? How I teach? Do you even know me? Nope, I thought not! Do you know anything about the education system and the laws we are binded by? It appears not! Therefore your opinion of such is moot!

Your poles are well and truly reversed. I guess it's a 2012 thing huh!


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I guess it's a 2012 thing huh!

It seems it is, just like all of the people who bought into the October thing last year, it seems to be an ongoing repeating pattern. I don't think the people who report these things have ever read the story of the boy who cried wolf, when something they say is actually true no one will believe them, or is this what they are hoping for? . .. hmmm . . . .

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

To know that you find it advisable to bring suit against someone, even in theory, for attempting to be positive doesn't have to be dramatic, unless you consider disgust dramatic, then I'll agree.

I doubt very highly, though, that my poles are reversed simply because here, in a country where freewill was once cherished; challenging authority and being able to think for ourselves was a good thing. (I'm sure I can't speak intelligently on whether or not that was so in Australia).

Frankly I don't much care about what laws you're SUPPOSED to abide by from an educational perspective, most especially when what you're suggesting is that "you should only listen to what is LEGALLY allowed to be taught otherwise I'll sue you" becomes the norm. Which, is exactly what you were suggesting.

So, if this means my poles are reversed, I'll accept that.

2012? Could you go more off-topic please? Perhaps denigrate others so that you can feel "cool" to the ATS community in your own eyes?


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I'm confused. You're preaching doom and gloom, but you're also telling us to enjoy our lives. How are we supposed to enjoy ourselves if we're constantly worrying about the end?

You end your post with: "Stop letting fear ruin your life, literally.", but in the same post you state: "even an optimist has a hard time saying that the next 5 years will be a great time for humanity. The road has been paved, and we know time is running out."

Do you see how I'm confused?

Also, you need to be more specific about what this doom and gloom actually is instead of telling us to refresh the recent posts on this site. This is ATS, afterall. Every day we have a new thread telling us about how we're all about to die, so reading that stuff here is simply the norm. In fact, as somebody stated earlier, this thread itself is a typical thread for this site.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:53 AM
I can actually do both - walk and chew bubble gum. C`est la vie - que sera, sera!

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