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Norwegian DoH says Tamiflu and Relenza works against swineflu

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:18 PM
I think i read somewhere that the Tamiflu drug, didnt work against this new strain of flu that showed up in Mexico...
But Norwegian dep. of health says it does... - Tamiflu works against swineflu

Its in norwegian, but it tells that both Tamiflu and Relenza works against this flu type, and if this flu ever should reach Norway, there is no need to worry, since the Norwegian government got plenty for all...

I dont know if i truly believe this, or if its just an attempt to calm people down...
I`m interested in what other countries says about Tamiflu and swineflu, any take on this?

[edit on 25-4-2009 by noroman]

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Do they work for Rumsfeld? Tamiflu is BS... didn't work with SARS or avian flu. IMO it doesn't work.

Anyway, working or not, the corporation making it will make a bunch of money.

This is the second attempt at starting a pandemic in 2 months... last time it was Baxter in Europe... now this.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Well, I try to translate : ( krmtt ).

(just want to add that my wife allso say it works, and so does the mother of a girlfriend of my daughters.They work with this.)

'' it is true that these to vaccines work on Swine flu.
TamiFlu we have a great stock of and can treat the ones that gets sick''

Both TamiFlu and Relenza is supposed to work.
It keeps the virus from escaping the infected cells to an healthe cell, so the flu will get killed off by the imunne system.. Basicly..

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Hmm yes, i know i read somewhere else, that tamiflu does NOT work against this swineflu...As a norwegian citizen, worries me that one of Norways biggest newspapers, with DoH, lies about this....since its obvious that it will be proven false sooner or later by foreign countries...

Or do Norway and Scandinavian countries really have the real Tamiflu that works, made differently from Tamiflu in US or Mexico that doesnt work...?
Im not making this up, but i think i read that one too a long time ago...unable to find that story thou...

[edit on 25-4-2009 by noroman]

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:15 PM
Now...I next to never take medication for anything so forgive me for not knowing flu medicines (I've always had an outstanding track record with lack of illnesses and most I do get blowing over naturally within 24hr's regardless of hard they hit). I've never actually heard of Tamiflu before this but Relenza...wasn't that the stuff that couple months ago people were saying several countries and private corporations were ordering in large amounts and sending memo's etc to employee's to stock up?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Zieg7410

I think you are right...

But wasnt that companies in US and UK? Then why order in a fake drug that is told to people that is doesnt work??
And why would a head chief doctor in DoH, say, yes it does work?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:27 PM
This flu's DNA is also not just swine flu. It actually has the DNA of Swine/Bird/Human flu from 3 different continents, Europe, N. America, and Asia. As such, I would think it also has the ability to mutate into other sub-strains. Also, I am pretty sure I read that the people that died in Mexico got the secondary complication of pnumonia which killed them.

I had the pnumonia vaccine which protects against like 200 different strains of pnumonia. I have never had a problem with pnumonia caused from the flu or any other illness that has secondary complications of pnumonia, even when family members did. Our healthcare in the US is much better than in Mexico and that is most likely the reason no one has died in the US so far. 75 kids in New York City have come down with the flu now.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by noroman
reply to post by Zieg7410

And why would a head chief doctor in DoH, say, yes it does work?

Maybe he owns stock in Tamiflu or a supplier of it.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by spirit_horse

Originally posted by noroman
reply to post by Zieg7410

And why would a head chief doctor in DoH, say, yes it does work?

Maybe he owns stock in Tamiflu or a supplier of it.

Or more simpler, it does work...atleast the stock they have in Norway, and other countries?

It is a possibility, with all these NWO talk about depopulate the world: Make a virus or two, make a drug that is effective against that virus, and make a fake drug, completely useless....then its all up to them, to choose who will live and who will die...


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