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Have you tried bliss meditation? (Super positive feelings)

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posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:48 AM
I can bliss myself out fairly easily if I need to. As long as I'm eating a healthy diet and taking mineral supplements, I can build up warm, loving, blissed-out feelings in my brain and body. Of course there's still a bit of residual negativity, but not too much.

I've been meditating for years, I normally do goal-oriented visualisation or emotional clearing, similar to Castaneda's recapitulation, but without the head movements.

So I'm kind of new to the bliss out stuff, and I had a few fears/questions, for anyone who's more experienced than me:

1) Has it brought real world changes in your life? Increased luck/health etc?

2) Do you worry that you might lose connection to the sadness/pain in the world, and end up walking around in a bubble?

3) Do you think bliss can transmute negativity, or is there a danger of repressing negative feelings?

4) Do you worry that you might accidentally link on to some sort of lower astral entity that can... uhhh... "feed you fake bliss." (bit of a weird question I know)

5) When did you start and how has it affected your life positively?

6) Anything else you want to add?

These are all kind of "noob" questions, I know, and I have a feeling I know what some of the answers will be- but I'm really interested in hearing people's thoughts. I suppose I could just google it but there are some good meditators here who's word I respect...

Peace and Bliss to you all...

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:19 AM
I definately have been experimenting in bliss meditation for about a year now, and yes, it definately creates better situations in your life mostly because it changes the way that you interact with the world.

For me, blissing out is as easy as visualizing the best possible scenarios, the absolute best things that can happen to myself and the world. I'd say it's also attributed to the idea of the "Law of Attraction" wich says that what you think about, visualize, or pay attention too, becomes magentized to you and your experience. (the true facts about the LOA are surely disputed, and the results are strictly observational.)

Also if your a fan of peace of mind and blissing out, you might wan't to read some of the recent works of eckhart toll, such as stillness speaks or the power of now.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:36 AM
To be honest that sounds prerty good. I have trouble sometimes pushing negative thoughts out and only realise after dwelling on them for a while that im having them so if this could help overcome that it would be cool.
Do you know mof any good sites where i can read up a bit more on this to save me scouring through loads?

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by HiAliens

Have you experienced Kundalini? If not, take it slow and don't force anything, "hitting it" too fast can really cause some unexpected maybe even dangerous results. I recently started doing a simple meditation based on love and appreciation/gratitude, it felt very euphoric and electric and I have felt great since.

1) Has it brought real world changes in your life? Increased luck/health etc?
Yes, positive outlook and positive meditation are well, positive. I believe one gets back what is put out.

2) Do you worry that you might lose connection to the sadness/pain in the world, and end up walking around in a bubble?
I wish....just kidding. I believe embracing this type of meditation helps everyone through collective consciousness, in Star Wars terminology “the Force.”

3) Do you think bliss can transmute negativity, or is there a danger of repressing negative feelings?
I'm confident it transmutes/deals with it, I had a tremendous amount of negativity in my life at one time, went to the "dark side" so to speak.

4) Do you worry that you might accidentally link on to some sort of lower astral entity that can... uhhh... "feed you fake bliss." (bit of a weird question I know)
Don't feel weird about it and don't ever let the "cult of disbelief" bring you down. If you are feeling or focusing anything close to love and appreciation, lower vibrational entities HATE that making you fairly safe. Projecting a pure white sphere of energy around you can help with protection and manifesting a purple flame can help clear anything that is attached currently.

5) When did you start and how has it affected your life positively?
The feeling love and appreciation meditation is reletively new but not all that different to what I was doing before. I have been meditating seriously for about 3 years now. Life is better, I am a better person, I relate better to my children and a better dad in general, I rarely get sick, I recycle now, good things seem to "fall into my lap" now too..pretty darn cool in general

6) Anything else you want to add?
What really brought on the power of this meditation for me was actually feeling the emotion of love and feeling grateful. I incorporated this into thanking the Grandmother and Grandfather (I'm tribalist, among other things)

Good for you!

Take care...Michael

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 03:33 AM
Good answers from everyone...

I totally agree with the LOA. "Excuse me your life is waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn, is probably one of my favourite self-improvement books. I think the universe listens to your feelings over what you visualise.
I've read the Power of Now, really liked it, especially the story of his awakening.

If you have trouble getting rid of negative thoughts I recommend looking at your diet... David Wolfe and Gabriel Cousens have some great advice.
Many ancient cultures have used high-nutrient foods as mystical sacraments. I don't know any good sites as yet, they all seem to be pushing a product.

Excellent answers, especially 2 and 4. I suppose it's like that saying "the best way to help the poor is to not be one of them." There's no point in me feeling "solidarity" with everyone by feeling depressed with them, that's not going to help. It must be about feeling compassion without identifying/resonating with them too much. I've recently started to think about respect towards one's dead relatives as well. We deride it as primitive in the west, but who knows...
btw I have had kundalini type experiences and I agree that it's a good idea to go slow and not push it.

Hopefully more people can add some ideas.

[edit on 14f20095amFri, 24 Apr 2009 03:44:20 -050020 by HiAliens]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 04:52 AM
I did bliss meditation for a year and it was a BIG mistake. Bliss meditation is done through the heart chakra whether you realize this or not. This is the centre of unconditional love which fuels bliss meditation.

At first yes it feels blissful like you are on another level, even realm at times the energy released is beautiful of this there is no doubt. In the first few months it raises your frequency to one of more love, happiness and understanding......but we have 7 chakras for a reason and balance is the key here.

I became unbalanced, too much of a good thing is bad everyone knows this. My energy was felt on the astrals and I let lower astrals in (as discussed by former poster) they begin to take and you become low on energy. Its not a good idea to do any form of just one meditation especially when its dealing with the bliss/kundalini force.

Yes I agree with the OP, Super Positive Feelings...but they have a price if not done with correct guidance and knowledge.

EDIT Your my many web searches on astral entities your avatar comes up sometimes, how strange that is.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by Mr Green]

[edit on 24-4-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:02 PM
That is a very good point, balance is key. I suppose focusing on truth and honesty is a good one for the "voice" chakra. What would be good ones for the others? Just a general mediation with balance, Yin Yang or other balance symbol maybe?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 02:29 AM
I was thinking about your points Mr Green. As I said on your other thread I had some 4th dimensional infestation problems too. Balance is right...
We can't be blissed out all the time, on the other hand I think joy and gratitude should be some of the the central feelings of the human experience. So what I will do now is try and "pump up" different positive feelings..

Maybe determination, or forgiveness, or humility, compassion, love, joy, mystery, awe, gratitude, - any positive human qualities. Of course a combination of them would be the best. Mike, Yin Yang is one of the most powerful and underrated symbols IMO, so it can't be a bad place to start.

You could list the qualities of each chakra, but another way to do it would be to hook on to any distant positive feeling your higher self gives you, and try and amplify them, always staying protected, vigilant and grounded.

Interesting answers all, they've really helped me refine my technique.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 02:52 AM

As I said on your other thread I had some 4th dimensional infestation problems too

What a great way of putting it! Thats exactly what it is an infestation of astral beings...good phrase. They infest your aura and they cant do that, they just have to go Im afraid. They cause massive unbalance of mind, body and spirit, some take us to the dark side which is a bad place to be. I wish you well in gaining balance. Im nearly there myself but not totally, once we have an infestation its one of the hardest things to break, but with will and total determination it is possible to shut this connection off.

Balance is the only way to be, it can be no other way.

Thanks I really like the way you've put that, seeing them as an infestation really helps in mentally getting rid of them.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:59 AM
I haven't done bliss meditation but I have done many other forms of meditation. I have found that there are a few things that are needed together with meditation in order to keep the so called infestations out.

The first one is balance as other posters already pointed out. In that all chakras should be balanced, just developing one is ... trouble.

The second is grounding and shielding. You would want to be grounded and shielded while meditating.

The third is to close your chakras after meditation, leaving them open is like leaving the door to your house unlocked and open.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:19 AM
That in essence, is almost exactly what my signature is all about.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Excellent thread! Got some experiences myself =)

1) Has it brought real world changes in your life? Increased luck/health etc?
It's brought certainty and safety to regain inner peace. My social relationships are more easier to maintain and also it's much easier to connect with people and observe behaviours, and still I am in peace spending time alone no matter where I am.

2) Do you worry that you might lose connection to the sadness/pain in the world, and end up walking around in a bubble?
On the contrary, it's sometimes enhanced the painful feelings that are actually no longer reflected away to 'protect' the psychic side of me. As the walls crumble down which before filtered out all the crimes and lies within humanity does no longer apply, I'm now facing them honestly as I really am. It requires strong mentality and different defiance against Evil or Negativity.

3) Do you think bliss can transmute negativity, or is there a danger of repressing negative feelings?
In my opinion, if you only go towards this bliss and do not look the other way, then there is also a danger to become neglective and flegmatic. That is not the idea of meditation, but balancing between the forces of positivity and negativity --> finding the true middle road, is.

4) Do you worry that you might accidentally link on to some sort of lower astral entity that can... uhhh... "feed you fake bliss." (bit of a weird question I know)
Worry? Yes and no. Personally I have found my spirit guardian which I connect to and ask him many questions about all things concerning the world, humanity, past and present (he doesn't like talking about future, since it would be damaging to my present life) and about the things floating in the sky all the time and all over the world. It's a joyride, but it's very important to maintain the respect and balance with the 'conversation', first you must know who you are and what you want to be. It's not easy to achieve first.. I'm 27 and it's taken about 14 years of spiritual growth to reach this point.

5) When did you start and how has it affected your life positively?
The meditation itself started suddenly while I was struggling with back problems that prevented me working normally. I had to stay still and concentrate on myself and keeping the pain away. Since that it's just enhanced and been training myself much more variable ways to become more closer to this amazing force.

6) Anything else you want to add?
Don't push it, just let the unknown flow into you and clear your mind of logic and reason. The event will take place by themselves after that and it's amazing and loving experience

peace & love,

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Aurorean
Excellent thread! Got some experiences myself =)

I'm 27 and it's taken about 14 years of spiritual growth to reach this point.

peace & love,

First that is one cool avatar you have there . It has meaning on so many levels.
Plus if its taken you 14 years of spiritual growth to reach this point there is hope for me yet.
Ive only been aware for 18 months and at times Ive found its nearly beaten me, so if your still learning after 14 years then for me this is good news. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Please don't let me be the party-pooper here! Some words:

Don Juan considered seekers of 'bliss' self-indulgers. A warrior must remain in a constant state of attention to the challenges given by this Predatorial Universe. While in a state of bliss, or similar, it is very much like 'taking time off' from Truth & Knowing (sorry, just a way to put it).

It is highly discouraged. I've been meditating for 4 decades, and that doesn't mean I know everything...that's impossible. The Infinite is Infinite, regardless of energetic-ether seals about the AllVerse. Plus direct dealing with the Unknown energetics.

But, each must learn for themselves, called 'the Hard way.' Deeper experience, great Wisdom, will show that indulgence in bliss is not appreciation of All-There-Is, just immersement in the feeling.

The way it is correctly done, is to have that Ready Gratitude for what makes you grow and increase your Awareness (Power & Truth = Staff of Life), whilst at the Same Time carrying about your Work, which requires Full Attention at all times.

And never trust the astrals, regardless if they tell you they have your best interests at heart. They are there to feed on human's Lifeforce, who are just too spiritually innocent to truly understand this (apologies: Truth hurts, and is hard to admit/swallow at times).

Here we have the lower hells (ether-astral realms), and they are peopled with a myriad of beings:

Chapter II
12. Hirto (Lord) said: Love the Lord God only, and with all thy soul. Turn thy faceaway from the angels who come to thee; they are the emissaries of Anr'mainyus ([satan]).

(OAHSPE, John Ballou Newbrough, 1884)

So, playing with the Chakra's and Kundalini is the same as playing with the Universal Fire, and mankind is certainly at the stage of Spiritual Children. Mix the two together (fire & children), and you have the makings of growing trouble.

If you wish to evolve, do so by entering the Highest State First, not Last: Resonance with the Winged Globe, the Commander of All Your Forces, which action will Intelligently Unfold the Living Spirit-Universe Plant you are, and all the Flowers & Fruit Thereof.

Bliss should be no more than a smile shared, and the joy of that awareness. You still must not take your eyes off the Road (Path).

Sorry for disturbing your bliss.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

Sorry for disturbing your bliss.

No thats fine SS Naga disturb away as this bliss is not to be felt for longer than is required or many may find its not bliss at all. Too much bliss does NOT lead to enlightenment it leads to the dark side.

Good always.

So, playing with the Chakra's and Kundalini is the same as playing with the Universal Fire, and mankind is certainly at the stage of Spiritual Children. Mix the two together (fire & children), and you have the makings of growing trouble.

I often wonder why mankind has recently been let loose with the chakras and kundalini as it really is playing with fire. It used to take decades of learning and meditation to let loose what many seem to be able to do after a few weeks chakra meditation

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:25 PM
many thanks Mr. Green. I'm an artist so the viewpoint is close and personal in that avatar

Yeah, the journey is long and slow, but once you step on the road to true Self and the all-existing non-Self, then the way becomes really clear. So no hurries, only devotion and open mind will help you to get your answers in time

Life is an experience with all of its lifeforms, embrace it with all our senses!

Maybe some day as you meditate, you feel yourself being a cat, a beast, a bird or a plant - all those reflect the truth and connects you to great things. You become aware of more and more what's happening around you. The wind becomes like an entity of its own and has its own language, the weather 'speaks' to you and you wish to give respects to it daily, you start to appreciate all life in a new way and if you have a pet, you may see it as an image of the same awareness which is awakening inside you and electrifies your body. It will be amazing - once you can find the courage and honesty within you to conquer your fears.

I've had nightmares that happen in the same room I sleep in. I've witnessed a scene in a dream where I 'woke up' and went to the window only to see the sky burning and a huge rock approaching the skyline. I wanted to run to another room and warn others about this. As soon as I stepped outside the room, all went total sufficating black. I grabbed the doorknob and tried to get back to the room but I was drawn away from it and all sounds I could make were whining and whispers like there was no air to make it hearable. This lasted only a short while but it felt like eternity and literally felt myself disappearing in the dark voidness and loosing all memories about who I am and what I am thinking.
Then I just gave up the fight and stopped struggling against it - I accepted the blackness and nothingness to be something I have absolutely any control over.
Then the dream released me and I woke up sharply, and felt instant emotion of mercy and forgiveness.
After that night I now know that I can face any darkness and be released from it. Just know it

Sorry for being off the topic for a while. Just had the notion to mention that dream, since fear is a great lesson to learn in meditation and learning things about the True Selfhood.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Aurorean]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Aurorean

Not off topic at all. fear is very relevant in this discussion. Bliss meditation is no tool to fight fear and only through the over coming of fear can we move through to the next level.

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