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Disclosure: You Will All Be Deceived Again.

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:05 PM
I posted a response to the Kazakhstan Alien Base thread, but after I looking at my response more I felt that it needed its own thread.

Something big is coming in the very near future, but whatever it is, it will not be the real deal. People who are so eager to believe in the greater good of something will be taken advantage of and the cycle of slavery we are all in will be infinitely perpetuated.

Look at the timing of all of this. Look at the state of the world right now. People are desperate for change. The world has reached its boiling point. Everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to fix things.

The technology exists right now to make people believe whatever the "director" wants them too. These aliens/invasion/extraterrestrials/reptiles, whatever you choose to will all be deceived. This is most definitely not the real thing.

You will know it when you get that gut feeling, that 6th sense, that feeling which you cannot explain. I certainly don't feel that right now, and not towards the future either. Seeing is not believing. Belief comes from within.

If anything, I "see" this....All of our satellites that are strategically placed around the globe will be used in cohesion. It will be similar to that of a green/blue screen that is used for digital imagery in movies. All of this will come together to form a false atmosphere/sky, leaving whatever image to be projected to instill panic among the world population. Global chaos will ensue. It will be very much like the end of days we have seen in movies. Mass killings, people starving, dying, and diseased. Total nuclear war will take place... The end result....World population will be reduced to somewhere around half a billion.

If I were you people, I would quit worrying about this supposed alien invasion or disclosure or whatever you want to call it. It isn't the real thing. You need to start looking and networking for people who can create a virus to feed into this system. The "Projector" must be destroyed. It is the key to it all.

Stop looking above and start looking around. Even far advanced races/aliens know that only we can ourselves. No one, no thing, no being is coming to save us.

I firmly believe that aliens crashed here back in 1947, but I also believe they haven't been back since. The things that cannot be explained that have happened since then are the workings of our own government and other foreign governments. The technology was taken, used, and reversed engineered. The crafts you have seen are the experimentation of this technology. I believe the experimentation is over. The perfection of it is close at hand...getting the masses to accept and believe it, even the skeptics. This disclosure that is coming is false. Just another deception and delusion for you to base your life on. The masses will believe because the fear has been instilled in movies and media. Anything regarding E.T.'s has largely been portrayed in a negative light. People have been made to be afraid.

This technology that we all love and use; ipods, computers, cell phones, etc. (all of which I believe are rooted in alien origin) will be our undoing. Think about that the next time you click your mouse or your ipod shuffles to the next song.

BTW, this shouldn't be too hard to believe. Look at the video below. I went to this concert twice last year. I was overwhelmed mentally, physically, and emotionally. If this is what a rock star can do with technology, imagine what governments can make us see and believe.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by edgecrusher2199]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

Was that Trent Reznor of 9 inch nails?

That was really cool to look at. Not my fave music but I appreciate what he does with electronic music also.

You if he has that, the gov has 500 times more.....atleast.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Why would it cause things like nuclear war? Surely if they wanted to portray the projected aliens as attacking the earth, there would be some teamwork between the various countries? Doesn't make sense that someone would think "Oh crap, aliens attacking earth...I'd better nuke [x country] quickly!".

False images are fine, but if they are to make people think aliens are attacking, how will this actually be achieved? Those satellites shoot missiles at us too?

Maybe some kind of spiritual event would actually work. I don't know, God in the sky or something. But even then, you'd think it would be enlightening, and not cause mass killing, looting, nuclear war.

So these directors make us believe aliens are attacking me, why would I pick up a gun and start shooting away at the fellow human next to me? I'd be shooting up. Doesn't make sense.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by edgecrusher2199
I posted a response to the Kazakhstan Alien Base thread, but after I looking at my response more I felt that it needed its own thread.

Something big is coming in the very near future, but whatever it is, it will not be the real deal. People who are so eager to believe in the greater good of something will be taken advantage of and the cycle of slavery we are all in will be infinitely perpetuated.

Look at the timing of all of this. Look at the state of the world right now. People are desperate for change. The world has reached its boiling point. Everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to fix things.

could you explain this ppart of your post better. i refuse to believe that you believe this. Are you kidding me?

The world powers are getting exactly what they want right now. the entire population looking to them needing them wanting them. it gives them more power and the sad fact is the majority of the world sees this as a good thing. it will never change until we swing more numbers. it just wont. as long as 5 out of 6 billion believe the governments of the world are the good guys and they will fix things we are screwed and i would be giving us a billion people is being very genrious i would be supprised if its half that.

sorry and you bring up a good point i just think you are wrong.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:38 PM
Interesting because I believe totally that you are correct in your conclusions.

Why? because..........

The world is in turmoil and we as a spiecies are changing, wakening up to the PTBs evil, inhumane plans.

For years now they have been denying the extra terrestial connection, but now everyone and their aunty within world governments are using it as a carrot to get us ready for their false flag alien invasion.

I started a thread concerning the moon/mars anomalies with a view to stating that they dont exist, but are just another way of making us think that Nasa are covering up. Evidenced by their deliberate diabolical air brush techniques.

From a personal point of reference I am a photographer and posted way last summer on the fact that the sky as I was seeing it had changed. Was this them cleaning up the projector screen and are the chemtrails part of this preparation?.

So many theories, so many parts that may fit. Ultimatly I know that deep inside everyone of us, we know that something big is taking place. We havnt been told, we just know.

This is whats called "Waking up". Maybe 2012 has more of a reference than some are giving it.

Respects S&F

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:25 PM
I am of the belief that " disclosure " will be the biggest lie ever told to mankind . Disclosure will be nothing more then a tool used to control the people of the world . The disclosure card will likely be played after a major world conflict or as a means to distract us from a worsening world economical collapse . Once " disclosure " does take place our little world will be changed forever . Religion will be one of the first things that will change then we can expect the UN to rise as a governing body with more " power " in the form of a world government . We will also see drastic changes to the way our economical systems are run and controlled . We can also expect greater regulations placed on people limiting our rights and freedoms . We can also expect to see a large part of the worlds population , mostly in the 3rd world , die off do to some strange disease .

If you are expecting zero point energy or space trips to some distant planet you will be in for a big surprise , sure the government might toss a bone our way to help the unbelievers get in step but that will be part of the deception . And as for the countries that chose not to buy into the "story" of disclosure , well we know what will happen to them , Iran cough cough .

This is just my opinion , nothing more .

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Max_TO]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Max_TO
I am of the belief that " disclosure " will be the biggest lie ever told, And as for the countries that chose not to buy into the "story" of disclosure , well we know what will happen to them , Iran cough cough .

This is just my opinion , nothing more .

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Max_TO]

Hi maxto,
What do you mean about iran? you got me interested now?

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:05 PM
The point that I was trying to make is that there will be some countries that wont except the disclosure story as it will be told and those countries will have to be delt with , one way or another .

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

forgive me if i come across a bit blonde,am i missing something about iran or where you using it as an example

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:25 PM
The only reason Hell would break loose, is if the people that have the hardest to accept the Extraterrestrial visitors and their existence, would start to get physically agressive, as Humans usually do, when faced with something new and unknown. In short, if a war breaks out just because these people can't accept the Visitors(Considering they are friendly), then it is these same peoples fault completely if they get "dealt" with.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by ronin-dex

No problem at all and thanks for giving me the chance to clear up my point of view . I was using Iran as an example , as they would be one country that would not except the story of disclosure nor would they jump in line with the changes that such a story ( disclosure ) would bring forth .

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

Ah i see, i thought you had heard that iran wouldnt comply and they were going to be dealt with.......swiftly

Thanks for sharing you thoughts

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by ronin-dex

Yes exactly I don't think that Iran will comply and as a result they will be dealt with swiftly , just like any other country that choses not to step in line .

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

I agree with your points about Iran, and other countries such as N Korea, who will most likely not fall into step with the NWO agenda. These 'rogue' nations will be made example of once the NWO and world army comes into place. There will be some hyped up bs spewed out of the mainstream media about how these nations are 'terrorists' and a threat to the security of our new global community. David Icke is one person who talks about this point exactly. The World Army will be out to get those groups, and nations (people like us) who reject the will of the NWO.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:58 PM
I think the OP has obviuosly read PROJECT BLUE BEAM or MAJESTY TWELVE. Or his instincts are actually an acknowledgment of the above maybe.

I do seems a change I just we should we had more fixed info and not hearsay and rumours. None the less the more doom the better, it distracts me from reality.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by aeroslag

do you really think this nwo stuff will come into play?
are people not talking about a the nwo for years ?
dya not think they would have completley taken over by now?

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by edgecrusher2199

Well spoken dear OP.

I also believe in the "projection" theory. I think it's been going on for a lot longer than people realise and one of the first, early examples was "the battle of L.A"

Evident UFO that was bombarded by anti-aircraft fire and was unaffected! What's up with that?

Some also believe in the 9/11 "no planes" theory and there have also been a few stories going around about static aeroplanes in the sky (tests?).

Add to that the triangle UFO sightings like the Phoenix event and there's been quite a few possible occasions for the use and testing of these "things".

What better way to set off a few nukes and have nobody to really blame eh? The targets were non-existant and casualties are the purpose, but people will be fooled into seeing what isn't really there and will praise the leaders for their attempts and accept the sacrafice of those who died.

Sattelites.....mmmm.....that's how it might be done. Line of sight won't be a problem for them and who knows what goes on up there?

So, the scenario...

UFO mass sightings around the globe with false flag attacks created as a threat from extraterestrials, that's a few million dead for a start. Then retaliation by standard weapons (missiles etc) from earth forces at visible but non-existant craft...more human casualties inevitable for the benefit of mankind. No effect from missiles etc (surprise, surprise) so it's on to Nuclear weapons. UFOs defeated, world leaders are praised, military gets HUGE new budget for future prevention, population suffers from radiation poisoning and fall out. Governments have humanity on their knees in thanks.


Someone NEEDS to hack into this and swop the UFO projections for....oh, how about a big ATS logo or a picture of Homer Simpson.

They could go the other way though and make the image one of a Big Old Guy in white robes sitting on a cloud!
I bet they could do the booming voice too (multilanguage of course).

You just can't trust anyone!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by edgecrusher2199
I posted a response to the Kazakhstan Alien Base thread, but after I looking at my response more I felt that it needed its own thread.

Something big is coming in the very near future, but whatever it is, it will not be the real deal. People who are so eager to believe in the greater good of something will be taken advantage of and the cycle of slavery we are all in will be infinitely perpetuated.


The technology exists right now to make people believe whatever the "director" wants them too. These aliens/invasion/extraterrestrials/reptiles, whatever you choose to will all be deceived. This is most definitely not the real thing.

You will know it when you get that gut feeling, that 6th sense, that feeling which you cannot explain. I certainly don't feel that right now, and not towards the future either. Seeing is not believing. Belief comes from within.

If anything, I "see" this....All of our satellites that are strategically placed around the globe will be used in cohesion. It will be similar to that of a green/blue screen that is used for digital imagery in movies. All of this will come together to form a false atmosphere/sky, leaving whatever image to be projected to instill panic among the world population. Global chaos will ensue. It will be very much like the end of days we have seen in movies. Mass killings, people starving, dying, and diseased. Total nuclear war will take place... The end result....World population will be reduced to somewhere around half a billion.

If I were you people, I would quit worrying about this supposed alien invasion or disclosure or whatever you want to call it. It isn't the real thing. You need to start looking and networking for people who can create a virus to feed into this system. The "Projector" must be destroyed. It is the key to it all.

Stop looking above and start looking around. Even far advanced races/aliens know that only we can ourselves. No one, no thing, no being is coming to save us.

I firmly believe that aliens crashed here back in 1947, but I also believe they haven't been back since. The things that cannot be explained that have happened since then are the workings of our own government and other foreign governments. The technology was taken, used, and reversed engineered. The crafts you have seen are the experimentation of this technology. I believe the experimentation is over. The perfection of it is close at hand...getting the masses to accept and believe it, even the skeptics. This disclosure that is coming is false. Just another deception and delusion for you to base your life on. The masses will believe because the fear has been instilled in movies and media. Anything regarding E.T.'s has largely been portrayed in a negative light. People have been made to be afraid.

This technology that we all love and use; ipods, computers, cell phones, etc. (all of which I believe are rooted in alien origin) will be our undoing. Think about that the next time you click your mouse or your ipod shuffles to the next song.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by edgecrusher2199]

So let me get this straight...

You believe something big is going to happen, but it isn't what we all assume it's going to be, but another large even is going to happen with that same significance..

You estimate that the world's remaining pop is going to be .5bil

And this is based off of your 6th sense and personal belief?

Cool story, Hansel

My favorite part is when you say "The "Projector" must be destroyed. It is the key to it all."

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this isn't the Truman Show, and a live concert isn't evidence of government conspiracy, neither is personal belief.

Do some better research, post some better links, and maybe you'll be taken more seriously.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:40 PM
love NIN but i bet these lights does not work on daytime
Indeed they can do whatever they want. but i will not believe to it till i will not see and touch it. And i guess most of the poeple would want that.

we'll see what happen then but i share some of your views. Probably they just want to make a businness out of it. I noticed UK posted for free some documents about UFos and some days ago they put at 4 pounds each. Which is quite sad and weird if you think about it.

Terror will be a way to push people accept the system. The system created by the big lobbies, corporations. Government does not exist anymore if you think about groups like Bilderberg. Just a part of our world is governed by "democracy" (if we really want to believe to this tale) but the representants of people are just a small inferior part compared to all the people that have bigger interests and "ownership" of this world starting from Coca Cola straight down to Time Warner or any political figure or high finance leaders. There is not much we can do except to use technology and find our way out of it.

If they'll really disclose i don't know...maybe they are just astronauts that would like the space research to be pushed to gold time back again...maybe they have something to say or to show for real...we'll see.

But still we have to be aware i think that they'll use also this UFO thing again against us, against the poor people just to collect more gold and power.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by digitalwarrior]

[edit on 23-4-2009 by digitalwarrior]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by ronin-dex
reply to post by aeroslag

do you really think this nwo stuff will come into play?
are people not talking about a the nwo for years ?
dya not think they would have completley taken over by now?

I'm not trying to defend the OP, but your post is just as ignorant..

Were empires built on the same day their kings came to power? No, these things take time.

Secondly, what makes you so sure the NWO isn't already in control? I doubt they'd come forward and reveal themselves simply because they took control of the masses, as it could definately increase the chances of, and speed up a revolution.

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