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Bankers: "You Are my Slaves!"

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posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:37 PM
We are stuck in a cycle of ever increasing debt from which there is no plausible escape. In effect - we are slaves to the bankers.

This is a story of Joe and Bob - and the nemesis of civilization - the banker, who I'm calling Mr Slavemaster.

Definition: Fiat - this means a paper currency - especially one that is backed by .. nothing. Originally most fiat currencies were backed by silver or gold, and this was the case for the US dollar - but in 1971 the dollar was removed from the gold standard, and 1 dollar simply became a piece of paper.

Here's the story of our slavery -

When the first fiat bank opens, nobody in the world has money.

So Joe goes to the bank to meet Mr Slavemaster who works there.

Joe - "Hey man - nobody has money - can I have some? Can I have $1,000?"

Mr Slavemaster - "Certainly sir! Step up - we can GIVE you $1,000, you just have to take out a loan at say - 10%"

Joe is a bit surprised - but ..

Joe - "Well ok .. ?"

So Joe gets his $1,000, along with a reciprocal debt at the bank.

Now Joe spends his money - but soon realizes he needs to get it ALL back, to pay back the bank! Everyone loves Joe, 'cause he's a good guy - so when he asks everyone for the money back - they all pull together and give him all the money in the entire world - which is $1,000.

He now runs back to the bank.

Joe - "Hey -I got the money back - here you go!"

Mr Slavemaster - "But Joe - the loan was at 10% you owe us another $100."

Joe is stunned! (With reason!)

Joe - "But how can I pay you $1,100 when there's only $1000 in the whole world?"

Mr Slavemaster - "Well - its easy!" Slyly grins the smiling master.

Mr Slavemaster - "Someone ELSE has to borrow some MORE money from us, then you have to acquire it to pay us back!"

So a confused Joe goes back and convinces his friend Bob to go get a loan for $1000 from the bank. Then Bob (being a good friend) gives Joe a $100 gift. Now Joe heads back to the bank - and clears his debt.

Now some quick math - Bob lent $1,000 from the bank, gave Joe $100, leaving him with $900 and Bob now owes the bank $1,100!!!

Bob - "WHAT THE F---!? I hold ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD BUT CANT PAY MY DEBT OFF!? And if someone else borrows money - they have even LESS money to pay it back!"

Mr Slavemaster - "Just get more people to borrow money! However, people need to BORROW faster than they PAY back - or the world WONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY ITS DEBTS!"

Joe and Bob "WHAT THE F---!!?? What do you call that? The 'Never-ending-spiral-of-f###-debt-that-can-never-be-paid ?"

Mr Slavemaster - "Hey - that's how this banking sh-t works - but you have a point. If people actually called it the 'Never-ending-spiral-of-f###-debt-that-can-never-be-paid' I'd have a lot of trouble getting business - let me see - lets call it ECONOMIC GROWTH instead? Sounds good right .. I think people will like that - lets call it that."

So slavery to 'Economic Growth' was born!"

Mr Slavemaster (quietly under his breath) - ".. and god help me if anyone works out this sh-t is compounding! Thats right - its the EXPONENTIAL 'Never-ending-spiral-of-f###-debt-that-can-never-be-paid' - when the sh-t hits the fan, the borrowing has to be so fast they will have to INVENT ways of borrowing money faster - hmm - maybe Ill call that method .. derivatives!!"

Summary: Any money you have is debt, someone had to lend it - and its owed back to the bank - with interest. But, the interest on it doesn't exist unless someone else borrows more, then someone else has to borrow more to pay their interest - and so on.

The cycle has no end - unless debt is canceled, we destroy the bank, or the bank owns every asset in the world!

We are slaves to the bankers.

PS - Mr Slavemaster is more commonly called "The Central Banking network - all banks are interconnected, they have to be - its a closed loop - from which no debt nor asset can escape. These people are not your friends - BIS, IMF, World Bank, Bilderbergers, Rothschilds and Rockerfeller.

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:00 PM
I wish someone would post a response so that I know that at least one person has read it - there's no need to wonder why the economy is failing - in fact why it MUST fail.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:28 PM
There never will be real money.

What you have explained is the problem with capitalism, and how it's used to control us.

Yes we're debt slaves, and due to that we are wage slaves.

It's a completely unnecessary system, designed to make a few wealthy off of the backs of the majority.

Once you see this fact you can see how almost everything in society is geared towards creating wealth for the few using a loan and consume system.

Through the media a state of need is created with constant reference to consumer goods, a need that wouldn't be there otherwise. Also through media a state of superiority is set up, a natural desire for survival though possession is exploited, based on ownership of products. Thus you get the rampant, addictive, system of consumerism. The more society consumes, the more it has to borrow and work to maintain it's consumption.

This keeps society both passive and apathetic. At one time the working class used to be very vocal and would keep the PTB on their toes constantly. Now as long as society get's it's 'products' they're happy to ignore what the PTB are up to. Who cares if they're killing thousands to maintain control of oil fields, as long as I can consume to to make my day happy. Freedom to consume, the freedom to help finance your own slavery.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:42 PM
CityIndian -

In fact my example is nothing to do with capitalism. Capitalism is in fact an excellent system, and if you entirely eliminate the fiat money from it - it will work just fine.

What I am describing is Economic Growth - which is in fact accelerating debt inside a closed loop system. To keep alive, the system must grow - but each little bit of growth is compounding - like compound interest - which Einstien called the most powerful force in the universe.

This growth is now pushing the economy up a basically vertical cliff - the rate at which new debt needs to be created approaches infinity. It's no longer possible to retain growth - it must fall - and the fall is going to be catastrophic.

There simply wont be enough money to pay the debt - so the govt is trying to create more debt (money) by dropping rates to zero and filling banks reserves with cash. But people don't have incomes, real estate is falling, job creation and housing are falling, everything is shrinking - you can't create more debt when everything is contracting - who is going to borrow? No-one.

If you think things are bad now - wait until COMEX and other metal exchanges default on metals deliveries - wait for more real estate death - wait for the final meltdown of the markets. Its not long now - I wonder if the COMEX can even meet the end of this months deliveries.

On the upside - your about to see gold and silver prices that have never been seen before.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

Amagnon: Money, fiat, growth, slavemaster


Amagnon: ##I am fiat currency - and you are all my slaves!##


OzWeatherman: Still

Thats right I have no idea what you're saying

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:33 PM
I understand it all and it made sense, I thought it was pretty humorous too. But I don't know what a fiat bank is. I kept thinking of the car.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Yawn...yeah capitalism is great, it has nothing to do with the economy favoring the wealthy, it has nothing to do with the raping of third world countries resources, it's not a tool used to keep us slaves...

Capitalism is the process by which the bankers you talk of have financial control of the world. The FED is a privately owned institution managed by the worlds banks. The banks are privately owned. The economy is privately owned.

economic system, dominant in the Western world since the breakup of feudalism, in which most of the means of production are privately owned and production is guided and income distributed largely through the operation of markets.

It is people that do this, but they wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for the capitalist system, that they themselves set up to maintain control. It is capitalism that puts the banks, the factories, land etc., in private hands to allow the banks, and corporations to get massive and powerful to the point it is them, not government or your vote, that dictate world policy.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:26 PM
i liked your explanation, you tried to simplify a complex system, which can be difficult, so kudos

i liked how you made it clear that with interest, there is no way to have enough to pay all the debt, even if you have all the money in the world, since the debt is all that, plus 10% its impossible

i think your post is very nice, maybe needs a re-write for clarity, but for the most part i thought the point was clear as a bell.

I'm sorry so many are already flaming on you.

I personally think its good work, keep it up.

edited to add: title needs some work tho, it might be why people are looking at it negatively right off the bat, instead of a contribution. I get the point your trying to make, but it seems like your just going for shock with a title like that, and to some it can be a turn off, just my two cents.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by dkman222]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by CityIndian

Hiya - ok - I know what your saying, its common for people to feel that way - because we tried capitalism and look what happened .. right?

The problem is that capitalism really only had a fair go in the very early days -when the Fed was created in 1913 it sold out the currency to elites who wanted nothing more than to create monopolies.

In a truly free market monopolies cant survive, but you may need some regulation to protect new comers so that muscle cant be used against them to just crush them out of the market place - but you just cant get 100% of the sales of anything - theres always someone who will bring in a new idea - or people just want something a bit different. The problem occurs when regulations and corruption of regulating authorities interfere with free markets - or when companies are able to compete unfairly.

Your view is fairly common - but there's quite a lot of stuff that got in the way of capitalism - and the corruption that came with the Fed had a lot to do with it.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by dkman222

Thanks for the props - yeah - I had the thread listed with another title and it got zero reads or responses - and I thought the info was worth trying to get across - so I changed the title for a bit of shock value.

I might try and tidy it to get a bit more clarity - there's a bit of content to contend with though - but I'll have a look.

Ozweatherman - sorry man - thanks for responding actually - if people have no idea, means I need to add some clarity - maybe definitions.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 06:21 AM
If it were that simple. Banks wouldn't be failing. People default on loans and banks get stuffed.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

Consider your post read, I even read it to my wife. Good post, and true, for the dollar is based on thin air, and is nothing but a loan that must be paid back with interest, and contrary to what some think, the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, and the IRS has no law to back them when they seize property for failure to pay the tax.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by CityIndian

Privately owned is a GOOD thing!!!!!!!!!
It means YOU own what you earn, not the GOVERNMENT! YOU capitalize on your labor, not anybody else. Prior to capitalism, the government owned your labor and the fruits thereof.

Capitalism is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned and controlled rather than state owned and controlled.[1][2] Through capitalism, the land, labor, and capital are owned, operated, and traded by private individuals either singly or jointly,[3][4] and investments, distribution, income, production, pricing and supply of goods, commodities and services are determined by voluntary private decision in a market economy.[5][6] A distinguishing feature of capitalism is that each person owns his or her own labor and therefore is allowed to sell the use of it to employers.[3][7] In a "capitalist state", private rights and property relations are protected by the rule of law of a limited regulatory framework.[8][9] In the modern capitalist state, legislative action is confined to defining and enforcing the basic rules of the market,[8][9] though the state may provide some public goods and infrastructure.[10]

Let me sum that up for you in one word...

Capitalism is not the problem, it is the IDEAL!

The problem is we as an under-educated people (did your school require study of the Constitution? did they teach you to protect your freedoms?) have allowed a corrupt few in corporate and government power to collude and devise a means to undo all our freedoms. Over taxation and debt are the bane of a free society.

Do not vilify capitalism.
Be vigilant against those who would see its demise.
You must pluck weeds for a garden to flourish.


[edit on 22-4-2009 by GuyverUnit I]

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 09:43 AM
you want changes in the Banking SYSTEM it is so simple it is unreal...
just withdraw your funds from the bank.... at every opportunity.... the scales will correct over night....

you see they have brain washed everyone to believe, that its not money unless it is stored in a bank so you can get Credit.... who the hell wants Credit... screw Credit... if you dont got the money ... you dont need it... you may want it... but in reality all you need is food, water and shelter.

In on Friday out on Monday..... or Tuesday.... and then I would expect the bank to increase the holding period where the funds are not available for like a week or two.... if they do this.... then simply go down to joe the rip off check casher....

this will ignite inflation like no tomarrow.... all this hard cash in peoples hands and not the bankers.... the savings rate will drop like a rock and everyone of these so called AMERICAN Bankers will be out of a job so fast it would make your head spin..... without your participation this form of Slavery will crash and burn so fast .... but they keep us all scared of each other and they are the only hope..... take back your god given rights people....

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by science lol
If it were that simple. Banks wouldn't be failing. People default on loans and banks get stuffed.

There is some truth in your statement - but its not the the whole truth, and not the literal truth when you observe what is currently happening.

While a bank is linked to the printing press without oversight, then it simply can't fail - because it can print up money to cover its losses. If you break the connection between the bank and the printing press - then yes, they are vulnerable.

At the moment, although these big banks don't have printing presses in their basements, they influence the Federal Reserve bank - due to little oversight and no auditing, they are able to turn on the press and print money - who voted them this right?

Banking practices and their effects detailed;

A bank secures a loan against an asset - some deposit should be made, say 10%. So if the loan is not paid at all, and the asset is sold at the same price - then the bank is returned 10% of the value of the loan - this will lead to a profit by the bank in case of a default, certainly at the minimum it will recoup losses.

There are a few reasons that might cause the bank to lose money on a default;

1. The asset falls in value by more than the deposit
2. There was no deposit at the outset
3. The asset is sold, and replaced by an asset that has less value

In our current financial situation, all of the above are the causes for the problem.

Real estate values fell by as much as 50%, many real estate loans were issued with no deposit, assets were transmuted into other financial instruments that were ostensibly of greater value - however this turned out to be a false premise.

Despite this - are the banks failing? Nope - why? Because they have a direct link to the printing press in the Federal Reserve (via political influence), printing to cover losses - we call this a bank bailout, more accurately we could call it theft.

While their would be financial pain from letting them die, and clearing the debt - it would open the way for a reform of the monetary system - making a strong case for return to real money - that is silver and gold.

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I
Privately owned is a GOOD thing!!!!!!!!!
It means YOU own what you earn, not the GOVERNMENT! YOU capitalize on your labor, not anybody else. Prior to capitalism, the government owned your labor and the fruits thereof.

Wrong. Private ownership means when you work all the profit made by your work goes into private hands, and then you are paid the least hourly wage that private owner can get away with. Where do you think your taxes go, to the government no?

If you the worker owned a part in the company you work for you will directly receive a wage based on the companies success. You the worker would be directly responsible for the profits made and the wage you receive.

You can't have capitalism without government oversight. Unless you think open uncontrolled capitalism would work?

And why do you assume an alternative to capitalism would require any government?

Capitalism is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned and controlled rather than state owned and controlled.

That is not really correct. A non-capitalists system does not have to be state owned. In fact you need no 'state' at all.
The state is the system that allows one class of people to rule over another, and they use capitalism (private ownership of the means of production) to do this. So capitalism is both privately owned and state controlled.

This is NOT freedom. It's only freedom for the privileged. In capitalism you are a slave to the economy. How can you make a post like this and not realize this?

You really don't understand what capitalists mean by 'freedom', it's not the same as you and I understand it. By freedom they don't mean the spread of democracy or the liberation of the oppressed. No, they mean the freedom to access markets using military force and economic coercion. I see freedom in HUMAN terms.

Capitalism is not the problem, it is the IDEAL!

The problem is we as an under-educated people (did your school require study of the Constitution? did they teach you to protect your freedoms?) have allowed a corrupt few in corporate and government power to collude and devise a means to undo all our freedoms. Over taxation and debt are the bane of a free society.

Lol I am not uneducated, no I didn't study your constitution which has nothing to do with capitalism. Protect what freedoms? Sorry but your study was nothing but conditioning from a system that requires your blind dedication as a wage and loan slave.

But you yourself pointed out one of it's major flaws yet you support it?
How is it ideal when it allows bankers and other highly powerful private entities to put you in economic and wage slavery? Capitalism gave birth to the banks and how they do business, it gave birth to the corporations that use government and military power to expand markets.

Freedom for the privileged, economic wage slavery for the rest.

Do not vilify capitalism.
Be vigilant against those who would see its demise.
You must pluck weeds for a garden to flourish.

Your original post was a joke? Or is this a joke? How do plan to pick the weeds? You seem to miss the fact that these 'weeds' are the ones that are exploiting you and me through capitalism. You can't make capitalism work any other way.

How can an economic system that makes some billionaires, and other live in absolute poverty, be ideal?

I think one thing capitalist supporters don't realise is their IDEAL of capitalism will never work. Capitalism requires and creates a poverty class. The best it can do is temperately make those in the poverty class a little more wealthy, until the system crashes again through inevitable mishandling of the system.

Capitalism may look good in theory, but after years of practice isn't it obvious that it ultimately fails all but those at the top.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by GuyverUnit I

Capitalism is an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are privately owned and controlled rather than state owned and controlled.[1][2] Through capitalism, the land, labor, and capital are owned, operated, and traded by private individuals either singly or jointly,[3][4] and investments, distribution, income, production, pricing and supply of goods, commodities and services are determined by voluntary private decision in a market economy.[5][6] A distinguishing feature of capitalism is that each person owns his or her own labor and therefore is allowed to sell the use of it to employers.[3][7] In a "capitalist state", private rights and property relations are protected by the rule of law of a limited regulatory framework.[8][9] In the modern capitalist state, legislative action is confined to defining and enforcing the basic rules of the market,[8][9] though the state may provide some public goods and infrastructure.[10]

Absolutely correct - I would draw your attention to one extraordinary hazard presented by the current philosophy of globalism.

Briefly; Capitalism = good, globalism = moral hazard (probably NOT good, unless slowly and expertly managed for the benefit of people, not corporations).

The issue is the labor market. Labor, both skilled and unskilled is a resource. Lets compare the labor market to other resources such as real estate, or a mineralized ore body.

In the case of real estate and minerals, you cannot move it, specifically with ore - you legally cannot transport it. Governments in almost all cases require that ore bodies undergo benefication (processing) inside the same state from which they were taken. The inability to remove or transport these kinds of resources has the effect of retaining the wealth generated within the state of origin.

Labor should be wholly the same - however, if you flood your labor market through immigration, then you force down the price of labor, if you can outsource, then you can also bring down the price of labor.

These are two methods by which corporations, and complicit government can collude to bring about price reductions in labor costs, and with the case of outsourcing, actually transfer wealth OUT of the state of origin.

The manipulation of the labor market in this way deprives the people in that state of their rightful wealth - and should be considered a just reason to give the government and corporations a really big kick in the pants.

While I do not agree with export subsidies (I believe that if you want to export - then you do it competitively), however I do believe that import tarrifs are a good idea to protect domestic production and wages inside a state.

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Amagnon]

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by CityIndian

Indian - you say;

Capitalism gave birth to the banks and how they do business, it gave birth to the corporations that use government and military power to expand markets.

You don't need banks for capitalism. You can raise money yourself, through small groups of investors, venture capital companies, or floating shares for a public company. Corporations could raise money internally from employees by offering shares. I don't like banks - I would be happy to see them destroyed completely.

How is it ideal when it allows bankers and other highly powerful private entities to put you in economic and wage slavery?

This was corruption in government, breaking rules designed to create competition.

I want to try and understand this utopia of yours;

While your working quietly at your job, and your boss running that business is also quietly working at his job, and is not going to try and rip you off if there is no regulation from a state? Your fairly gullible Id say.

You also declare that you don't need a state. Ok - tell me who is going to build residential roads, airports, supply drinking water, law enforcement? Are those all going to be collectives of people - you think that an everyman for himself police force is actually going to protect anyone?

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 07:22 AM
great post.
if people type in "money as debt" and "money, banking and the federal reserve" and "the money masters" and " the capitalist conspiracy" and "edward griffin" in they will understand ,finally, that the money as we know today is totally and utterly COUNTERFEIT. yes, thats right, totally counterfeit, pretending to be something it isint.

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