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Bird Flu Distributed by Dept of Homeland Security

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:59 AM
i posted this but i guess you did first. anyways, my friend showed me this video then it got deleted from youtube about an hour later.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:42 AM
I have first hand info to confirm some of the testimony that truck drivers were transporting flu virus from the DHS building in Albany NY and 11 wards lane in mannads NY.

the 11 wards Lane is just were the trucker waits to get his truck loaded the truck is taken to 150 Broadway manands NY. (if you goggle that address you can see the road behind 11 wards lane goes to the loading docks at 150 Broadway. Well 150 Broadway happens to have nys health dept CDC level 4 bio defense lab in that very building. called “Wadsworth center”
Wadsworth center IS the nations top influenza virus research facility and the influenza genome project is located.
They also have samples of the 1918 Spanish flu and have also claimed in research papers to of successfully replicated it by reserve gene sequencing.
There is a Dr that works there by the name of DR David Wentworth PHD. Hes the CDC leading specialist on flu including in swine flu and its transmission from pigs to human hosts. Wadsworth center also has a lab in all places glens falls NY.
and JB hunt and walmarts DO have a segue warehouse facility by General electric on Edison ave. located in the former Scotia navy depot.

If needed I have a ton of collaborating evidence to prove this Wadsworth lab is located at the building the trucker was going to as well as the Leo O’Brien building in Albany at Clinton and Broadway NY. Which also DOES house the DHS offices and the Albany pharmaceutical collage. And some more NY dept of health offices.
I also have a lot of stuff to prove that wads worth is the top bio defense research lab.

BTW plum island is only a level 3 lab Wadsworth Is a level 3 and 4 lab which means they get to play with things that are so bad plum island don’t even get to touch them.

If some one knows were to start looking its all very verifiable.

I tryed going to info wars and was basicly told I was a disinfo agent. WTF?? Its like they don’t want any real intel From someone that is physicaly in the area.

even tho every thing is verifiable as to wadsworth center and the type of work they do. and any one that has a computer can go to google earth and see just were 150 broadway is in relation to 11 wards lane and can see the road that goes to the back of 150 broad way.

Now here is some thing that shows the physical address of wadsworth center.

I also went in to the front lobby being its a public building at 150 broadway and wadswroth centeris on the sign that tells you were each place is and on what floor.

also here is some listings from the state phone directory showing some of the Drs and staff that work at wadsworth center. d=0&d-3629277-p=25&phoneNumber=&d-3629277-o=2

Wadsworth Ctr . 518-485-5570 DOH Albany 150 New Scotland Ave.
Albano Rosemary 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Alexander Anne 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Anderson Kim 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Anderson Linda 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Baron Adam 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Bick Jonathan 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Brewer Paula 518-402-7339 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Chanese Gregory 518-402-7331 DOH Menands 150 Broadway
Curtin, M.D. Jonathan 518-474-8161 DOH Menands 150 Broadway

here is a video of a dr David wentsworth talking about what they do there. and about reverse sequncing the flu virus and injecting it in to mine with human genes to see how it infects them.

Here is some more stuff from that place profile page for dr david wentworth

here is some of his studies that have to do with pig flu and humans. An influenza A (H1N1) virus, closely related to swine influenza virus, responsible for a fatal case of human influenza
Transmission of swine influenza virus to humans after exposure to experimentally infected pigs. Wadsworth Center’sBioterrorismExperience Wadsworth Center’sBioterrorismExperience list showing High Containment Labs and Other Facilities of the US Biodefense Program
showing wads worth as a level 3 and applying for a level 4 lab, This was from 2006 so I would think the level 4 lab is up and going esp as wadsworth center is the very place that approves all bio labs.

Thats just a protion of what I have showing that wads worth center in 150 braodway definitly deals with deady virus strains including some that make the flu look like childs play.

If there is any truth to this story of a driver driving loads of germs around Wadworth center Is the place he would be going.

IF some sort of nasty bug were to be man made thats the place that could and would have to do it.

IF a pandemic or any sort of flu out break goes on THATS the very place that would keep track of the spread and who does all the tests.

They also are the very same lab that ALL newborn DNS screening gets sent to and put in the genebank data base. and they also do cutting edge research on brain/computer interface devises there. Massive amounts of money from DHS also.

Even googling “Wadsworth center DHS” brings up all sorts of stuff from DHS with wads worths named and most of the literature on infections and different types of flu were written by different scientists at Wadsworth.

I’m Sure there is a lot of legitimate transportation of samples from one lab to another and It would have to be transported from point a to point b some how.

The manor of which would be pretty close to how the truck diver described it. esp with level 3 and definitely with level 4 bio -hazard stuff.

You can’t handle that stuff with out the permission of DHS under the patriot act.

Even just to play devils advocate. I’m sure just for security reasons some thing like a level 4 bio hazard would be done in secrete. so stuff could not be ambushed and stolen by bad guys.

But there is one thing thats really bothering me about Wadsworth center and them being right smack dab in the middle of a populated area.
AND also inside a Very public building that has all sorts of people coming and going. In and out of that building all day long. and riding the city busses and going all over the capital district.

IF there was ever any sort of accident involving a release of deadly pathogens in side a public building the results could be very very grim.
Wadsworth’s labs original location right in the city of Albany in the middle of a residential neighborhood . In1913 the city of Albany forced them out of the neighborhood because of health concerns.
They even have a lab called the Griffin lab that is part of Wadsworth center on rt 155 in gulderland were they moved the animals they keep in Albany.

I’m a lil bit freaked out they work with the stuff they work with in the place located on 150 Broadway.

Turns out my My mom even used to go to that building for her kemo therapy. BTW shes been a nurse for 55 years and was a lil freaked out to hear that Wadsworth has a level 3 and 4 lab in the building that also has public assess like it does. She din;t think they should be in a public building well alone right in the city.

They should keep crap like Ebola and anthrax and Spanish flu in places like plum island.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by jejjr]

[mod edit: fixed long link skewing page]

[edit on 6-5-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

[edit on 6-5-2009 by jejjr]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 01:54 PM
This may be the most important thread ever to hit the pages of ATS. Everyone desperately needs to hear this story. I will embed this video again here, just for those that have missed it and easy access. I found it through the trackback link at youtube.

You've heard me say MUST SEE video before. But this time, it may well be do or die. And die is what they obviously have planned. The hundreds of thousands of Fema coffins, the Georgia Guidestones, Eugenics, NWO plans, China and Russia heavily divesting, the bailouts and rape of our economy- it all makes sense. Jesus help us.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
This may be the most important thread ever to hit the pages of ATS. Everyone desperately needs to hear this story..

This fear mongering that is going on around here is getting absolutely ridiculous. Anonymous callers to some obscure radio show. A couple of Goobers sitting at a kitchen table breathlessly telling us how someone they knew overheard some top level security briefing at the local police station through an open door, internet posters ignoring evidence proving the "FEMA Coffins," are not coffins and don't belong to FEMA, etc, etc, etc...

When does it end? When will the Chicken Little Society realize that chasing all of these wild eyed claims is a waste of time? What motivates you all to continue doing this? Are your lives so boring that you desperately want some huge, catastrophic event to happen? Are you hoping to become famous if you just happen to get one of these silly predictions right?

All you are doing is re-enforcing the general feeling that people who visit conspiracy websites are loons. Sadly, there are many here who are more discerning and do actual research and cross checking before posting a conspiratorial theory. Stuff like this video and the posters accompanying fear mongering just serves to marginalize everyone here.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

"Bird Flu Distributed by Dept of Homeland Security"

Does this mean I can put in an order? LOL

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Yeah you are right about the coffins, I forgot about that. They belong to the CDC.

The lady who called into the Power Hour sounded about as sincere as you can get. Said she's been at it over 8 months. And the way she was rattling off all this stuff, and in the way she did- well, you just don't read that from a script you know. And in case you hadn't noticed, check the post above mine there. Confirmation.

But hey, it's all BS! Ok, that's your

Yup, they don't like it when their plans get leaked. Out of the woodwork the watchmen come for damage control.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
This may be the most important thread ever to hit the pages of ATS. Everyone desperately needs to hear this story..

This fear mongering that is going on around here is getting absolutely ridiculous. Anonymous callers to some obscure radio show. A couple of Goobers sitting at a kitchen table breathlessly telling us how someone they knew overheard some top level security briefing at the local police station through an open door, internet posters ignoring evidence proving the "FEMA Coffins," are not coffins and don't belong to FEMA, etc, etc, etc...

When does it end? When will the Chicken Little Society realize that chasing all of these wild eyed claims is a waste of time? What motivates you all to continue doing this? Are your lives so boring that you desperately want some huge, catastrophic event to happen? Are you hoping to become famous if you just happen to get one of these silly predictions right?

All you are doing is re-enforcing the general feeling that people who visit conspiracy websites are loons. Sadly, there are many here who are more discerning and do actual research and cross checking before posting a conspiratorial theory. Stuff like this video and the posters accompanying fear mongering just serves to marginalize everyone here.

I agree with you. Yesterday, in a different thread, I stated simiply that I thought home schooled children should take the same tests as public school children in order to ensure a minimum of instruction was taking place. I did not say this to any particular person on the thread. Well, some loon decided this meant I was going to take his kids away, said I was threatening him, and stated he would take care of me with his gun if I came near his family. What??? Or how about the thread about shapeshifting aliens? I tried to make light of it and deny it as much as possible, but these people are naming names of real people and actually believe they are aliens! Don't they see just how dangerous this could be? All it takes is one really nutty person to decide to take things into his/her own hands. It's one thing to say you believe in UFO's or chem trails, but to start naming names and accusing people of specific things with heresay proof should not be allowed.

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