i was filming some chemtrails and caught this thing in the sky, well two things actually but
they behave very strangely indeed and just as its about to reach the maximum zoom and settle right on the morphing and altering object it merges into
a dark almost black rod like shape and vanishes instantanaeously and has a visible effect, i believe, on my nokia camera fones colour depth or
richness or vividness or wotever its called, then we pull back a bit and see that the second one that was half hidden by the chimney stack is also
absent. if any one can truly explain this to me id be truly thankful either way if it turns out to be classable as a legitimate ufo sighting and video
capture or if there is a more scientific explanation for what is seen here,scientific but verifiable by myself or others cos i wont settle for any old
explanation,cos i aint nobodys fool my friends so please enjoy this clip and if you know what this is please share it with those of us who have never
seen anything like this before.it was filmed on sunday morning 5th of april 2009 in blackpool lancashire by myself.