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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:27 PM
What I have issue with is his failure to repeal the Patriot Act, as promised. I have issue with the repealing of NAFTA, which he also promised. I have issue with Iraq and his promise to remove soldiers immediately. Along with a dozen other new policies he is implementing so fast, we don't even get to see whats coming down the pike until it is too late.

We have substantial proof that he has gone back on his promises, that is my basis in fact. Perhaps you do not understand the constitutional ramifications, of that hunk of *snip* legislation called, the Patriot Act. And how it takes away our constitutional rights as well as look for enemies of the state. You obviously don't understand government and how they work. This is in direct conflict with our constitution and our personal freedoms, we Americans enjoy. It can be used against us for any reason without due process. He said clearly in his campaign that he would repeal this Act but as of Wednesday he recanted and instead has added to it. This is only one of many instances in which we have legitimate issue. You need to do research in the bills that have already passed and the ones he is about to pass to understand clearly.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by GAOTU789]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:33 PM
Dooooooohh! Obama lying? Noooo! You're a racist fascist! You're lying! You're a republican Bush supporter!

Anyway that's what Obamabots are saying if you oppose anything their god says or point out that he's a piece of garbage liar.

Good to know that you're on the ``both parties are full of corrupt rats`` bandwagon. Now, don't be seduced at the next election by whoever is republican or a new democrats hero.

You want more info on how Obama is a lying scumbag? Watch The Obama Deception

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 05:47 PM
of course obama is a liar, he is the same puppet we have had for years and years and years...

i don't support republicans or democrats, there both the same, controlled by the NWO/CFR/TC/Illuminati

i don't understand why people can't open there eyes, Obama has hypnotized the massive sheeple, but what we really have to do is take the the puppet masters, we have to get behind the curtain and tear it down, expose whats really going on and take them all out!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 06:36 PM
I will be point blank and honest.... I did not vote for Obama but like everyone else, there were a few issues that I did agree with him on.

NAFTA, Repeal of the Patriot Act, Anti-Monopoly regulation to name a few, Not to much else really since I am pro-2nd, Carbon Credits/ cap and trade scams, Anti-transnational, ... well, about Everything else he stands for I am against except a "few" issues.

I was hoping to see these issues addressed as well but his "priorities" appear to be "cap & trade scam" & promoting"trans-nationalism" so....

Well, hopefully we can have "Change" in the midterms.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 06:42 PM
I have little to no sympathy for those who got swindled in the great "Change" scam of 2008; by now I would expect people to understand that politicians never make good on the promises they make in order to get elected to office. Its part of their job description to be charismatic, but above all else they must be experts at selling themselves and Obama pulled his work off well enough to sell himself to a huge portion of the population, only problem now is people want their money back and are finding that increasingly unlikely to happen.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by drummerroy39
What I have issue with is his failure to repeal the Patriot Act, as promised.

And you expect him to do this during this period of time when we have multi-crises to deal with? We'r not even into a year of his administration and already folks are proclaiming his promises broke. Why am I not surprised hearing this from fringers.

I have issue with the repealing of NAFTA, which he also promised.

And is yet to be fulfilled, like his term.

I have issue with Iraq and his promise to remove soldiers immediately.

We should just pack up and leave within afew weeks just like that? Do you want him to wave a magic stick and make all the soldiers teleport magically back home? Dont be so naive... or better yet dont play the fool. You know just like everybody else here a gradual withdrawal after 5 years of occupation is the least we can do. Clean up the mess while we leave.

As promised his stated during the primaries that troops will be withdrawn by 2011. No promise broken.

Along with a dozen other new policies he is implementing so fast, we don't even get to see whats coming down the pike until it is too late.

So your complaining about him implementing policies too fast, and yet your also complaining about him being to slow.

We have substantial proof that he has gone back on his promises

You dont have any proof, you just have assumptions and baseless accusations like the rest of the fringers. I suggest you wait till the end of his term before you proclaim any "substantial proof".

Perhaps you do not understand the constitutional ramifications, of that hunk of S ** t legislation called, the Patriot Act.

Oh I understand it. I also understand that Obama has his term to finish.

He said clearly in his campaign that he would repeal this Act but as of Wednesday he recanted and instead has added to it. This is only one of many instances in which we have legitimate issue. You need to do research in the bills that have already passed and the ones he is about to pass to understand clearly.

Heres my question. When he actually carries out his promises and his term ends and the economy is back to normal, will you still be complaining?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:39 PM
How long till he's impeached? I'm not joking... the majority of Americans voted for 'change'. Fact is it's just more more of the same & in some ways worse.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:42 PM
He will not keep his promises; he said what he needed to say to play to voters from both parties. The powers that be are pulling his strings while testing to see if America will submit to the NWO; if not then they will initiate the final stage of our economic collapse that will allow them to declare martial law and use the rioting as an excuse to collect our weapons; aka: Katrina. 2010 will be the decisive year, which is why we must unite in the Tea Party movement of April 15; this Republics final hope for peaceful change.

[edit on 4/10/2009 by SGTChas]

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