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MOON is the alien AR-flagship mentioned in TERRA PAPERS

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 11:32 AM
I've been studying the Terra Papers from Robert Morning Sky recently.
I find the book very interesting, since it pretty much explains everything about the origins of earth and man.

Since i found the recent MOON is artificial thread very fashinating, i decided to share some of my ideas here.

I can't help thinking that the moon actually is artificial, and was brought here at the time of the last ice age.

Here are some quotes from the terra papers, sorry if there are typos, i could not cut and paste because they are on PDF format.

The ASA-RRR science of war was a technology of death called 'AT'. And from this new science, the ultimate warship was spawned. A planet-sized globe with armaments of all other starships...and more, the spaceship was dubbed the 'RR' or 'AR'. A miniature world capable of a destruction never before seen... ...The rays of the sun glistening of the death-ship made the AR shine like a bright star in the skies.

There were actually two AR ships, the other one was pretty much destroyed in the war between the two. I don't know why, but i have a feeling that the other one(or what is left of it) is IAPETUS, one of the strangest moons of Saturn.

The AR flagship, the ASA-RRR ship of state was expected to arrive in ERIDU (Earth) soon. Knowing that the massive deathship caused an enormous gravitational pull, the prince (ENLIL) decided to steer the course of the AR into a path he could utilize. By changing the path over the icy poles, the gravitational pull would be strong enough to cause glaciers to fall into ocean. This in turn would cause needed environmental changes. If a resultant flooding destroyed the beasts(humans), then so be it! The prince of the word could justify the sacrifice of the beast(human) in exchange for the warming of the planet, the increasing of the amount of usable ocean waters, and the end of the ice age gripping the upper and lower hemispheres.

It pretty much explains the stories of a flood mentioned in the bible and other ancient texts.

When the mighty AR returned, the floods began as EN-LIL had expected them to. He felt relieved, the beast would not be around to disturb him any more. EN-LIL had tried to destroy the beast(human) with a flood, EA(or EN-KI) had broken a promise not to warn his creation, the BEAST

could it be that the moon we see is infact an alien outpost, left in the earth orbit for some reason, perhaps to watch over us because we are their creation and slaves?

I know there are many people here at ATS who have read the terra papers, i would really appreciate if someone has any thoughts of the subject, thank you.

Here is the link if you haven't read them yet...
Terra papers

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:14 PM
If you take a few hours or days to study the Terra Papers and investigate their origins, then you can better understand the idea posted above. The Nixon moon landing hoax, the cynical shock with which former astronauts refer to their lunar experience, the fact that we no longer officially go there, the issue of its hidden side, its implausible orbit and most likely numerous other reasons left for you to mention below - these are all plausible arguments which can be made in support of this thread.

True or not, it is for you to met out. I'll never know without going there myself or seeing some authoritative and authenticated footage of another's trip there. Artifacts seen in moon photos, NASA airbrushing, unusual mythologies, there are countless factors ranging from fact to fiction which make one wonder if the moon is natural or artificial, mineral or metallic, a "death star" or made of green cheese...

In any case, the Man in the Moon is a lasting metaphor which may well descend to us from antiquity where it was possibly known that there were men in the moon. For some to know, and for others to find out.

Happy hunting!


posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:16 PM
well thought out post! I think if you are the type of person to deem the Terra Papers plausable then its very easy to determine the moon is actually a base. I am on the fence when it comes to the moon, I find alot of the info compelling but need more to decide completely either way. This added more food for thought.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:17 PM
Our Moon's Forbidden History recounted by Alex Collier
Defending Sacred Ground 1

The age of the Moon soil is 6.2 billion years old, and has compound and chemicals not found on Earth. In fact, there are many chemical compounds that were discovered, but withheld from the public. There are
many more we've yet to discover because our science is not advanced enough yet. The lunar soil did not come from the rock that makes up its mountains and craters. This is known to some lunar scientists.
However, its not spoken about, but in whispers. So, where did the soil come from? The Andromedans say the soil and many of the rocks come from Ursa Minor. The location is a solar system named in the Orion tongue "CHOWTA". This is a binary sun system. We have many similarities in our system as well. "CHOWTA" is a very large system, holding 21 planets and 47 moons. Our moon is said to have been made around the 17th planet in this system.

Portions of the moons crust is radioactive. Apollo 15 discovered this. Especially near the Apennine mountains. Why were the readings so hot? The Andromedans have said it's because some nuclear waste
was brought up there to be reused as a fuel supply for the spacecraft that the world government has built.
However, many of the ships that use nuclear fuel are obsolete now. So, how was the moon brought here? It
was, I'm told by the Andromedans, put into the tail of an asteroid which brought it into our solar system.
This same asteroid circles our part of the galaxy every 25,156 Earth years. Andromedans have said that our moon has been inhabited periodically in it's history for 1.8 million Earth years.
The Moon is hollow. It contains huge underground facilities built by E.T.'s and later humans from Earth.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Reevster]

[mod edit: clipped quoted content, added Required EX tags]
Mod Note: Quoting External Sources – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:23 PM
If our moon is this big war machine then why have they not attacked us? I mean what good is it to just sit there for thousands of years and do nothing? I guess all the other moons in our solar system is war crafts too? Nah, I don't think so.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by bputman

I agree this is a bit far fetched even for ATS. I could accept they may have bases on the moon. I would even accept that they are stationed there currently. (if the evidence presented itself of eaither) BUT THE MOON BEING A GIANT FLAG SHIP?????? I mean cmon....... No wonder people laugh at us. What happened to para-science. I say again para-SCIENCE- This is not scientific at all. Next you will tell me it's made of cheese so it can feed the masses of alien combatants (which have waited thousands and thousands of years to attack) so that they have a snack to go with the show.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by DaMod

I think the moon is a giant metallic structure aswell. Wouldnt that make everyday life all the more interesting?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:42 PM
What exactly are the supposed origins of the Terra Papers? Do they claim to have a legitimate source, or is this another "channeled" corpus of text?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by DaMod
reply to post by bputman

I agree this is a bit far fetched even for ATS. I could accept they may have bases on the moon. I would even accept that they are stationed there currently. (if the evidence presented itself of eaither) BUT THE MOON BEING A GIANT FLAG SHIP?????? I mean cmon....... No wonder people laugh at us. What happened to para-science. I say again para-SCIENCE- This is not scientific at all. Next you will tell me it's made of cheese so it can feed the masses of alien combatants (which have waited thousands and thousands of years to attack) so that they have a snack to go with the show.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

Thats funny lol, I almost wet myself...
But just because it seems impossible doesnt make it so, I remember the star trek boys using comunicators (NO CORDS ???) away back when and here we are today using cell phones. I mean that was just silly right?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:51 PM
I'm about halfway through reading the Terra Papers, and yeah, pretty compelling stuff!
About Iapetus being artificial, I take it you must have read these pages by EnterpriseMission...

Artificial Moon Iapetus

If not, and for the benefit of other reading this thread, here it is. Its about 6 pages, still waiting on a 7th, and i was truly fascinated by it!


posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by nikmti

No, it is not "channeled" information, here is some info about Robert Morning Sky and the Terra papers.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by purehughness
I'm about halfway through reading the Terra Papers, and yeah, pretty compelling stuff!
About Iapetus being artificial, I take it you must have read these pages by EnterpriseMission...

Artificial Moon Iapetus

If not, and for the benefit of other reading this thread, here it is. Its about 6 pages, still waiting on a 7th, and i was truly fascinated by it!


Thank you for the reply. i have indeed read the enterprisemission pages, very interesting stuff.

Have you seen this one?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:09 PM
too science fiction

too far fetched

too many extraordinary claims

and no solid concrete undeniable proof to back it up.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:23 PM
Cheers buddy, i hadn't seen that video. I liked the ridicule of NASA's claims, even my 10 year old sister said 'no way that's ice!'

What intrigues me most is those orb things excavated in south africa, and yeah how strikingly like Iapetus they look. Just like in Moon With a View, where Hoagland puts forward that they were used to 'seed' planets with life.

Could it be that our own moon served a similar purpose, or could it have been along the lines of what Robert Morning Sky said, one of the AT-ships?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 01:55 PM
dont quote me on this guys but im sure if u do some diggin u will find in early aztec/mayan or the like of the period legends of the 2 moons, representing the male and female respectively, until one fell from the sky and caused a catastrophe, it just came to me reading this, if anyone looks do say will b good to see what it sed exactly. and i do believe lapetus is a prison, the legends say it was where the titans were held captives of the gods according to the ancient greek/ etruscans. interesting! ty, s+f

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by 180attoseconds
too science fiction

too far fetched

too many extraordinary claims

and no solid concrete undeniable proof to back it up.

to quote arthur C. clarke there are more things between heaven and earth than men can dream of. love ppl who hide behind the security net of prove it. maybe some things in this world arent meant to be known by many for a reason it seems

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:31 PM
I think earth's moon is natural, but Iapetus... well that one I am not so sure.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by DaMod]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by THEsmokefrog

im just saying, extraordinary claims NEED extraordinary proof to back it up.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:28 PM
How did George Lucas (creator of Star Wars) so accurately recreate the "look" of Iapetus? Were there powerful enough telescopes to see the surface of this distant rock in the last part of the 70's? I find that hard to believe.

I tried to find the earliest pictures of Iapetus, but they date to 1981, as far as I can tell, that's it; a distant blob of blurry light. The "Empire Strikes Back" was released in 1980. Presumable filmed from 1978-1979. Yet, the imagery is STRIKINGLY similar.

Can anyone elaborate with findings?

thanks, still working on this, myself,

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Reevster

Reev....that 'content from external' you don't really believe that baloneny, do you? Makes for a very poor Science Fiction story, actually.

I direct your attention to the line about the Moon being brought to Earth in the "tail of an asteroid"!!! This is not only ludicrous, it demonstrates an abject lack of knowledge about celestial bodies.

Meh!! Pfft!

Don't know why I even bother.......

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