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Chemtrail Pilots ?

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posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 08:54 AM
I was very skeptical of "chemtrails" at first (I try not to just pick up and run with every conspiracy there is),but after some reasearch and personal loging times in days they appeared,what time, weather conditions etc.I think they really are toxic chemicals being sprayed on us.Its not like its something they wouldnt do.It was just how in your face it is i had a hard time with.Most of the time if you sit there and watch them long enough what would normally appear to be a cloud is where the chemtrail has had gradually broken down and spread into large cloud like appearence.It takes a while to do this thats why most people dont notice it.Also I read on a.t.s. a long time ago before I was a member ,the question was ask"if they were real why wouldnt they spray at night .Well they do alot of nights at my my house, you can see it clearly with a bright moon.What I was wanting to get at with this thread is Where do they get all the pilots?This also use to make me skeptical.Are the pilots maybe unaware of them coming out the back.Are they just brainwashed like Hitlers soliders.I think they may possibly be some kind of drone (remote control plane) Maybe something much more simpler. Any ideas?

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:05 AM
Isn't more likely that what you are seeing are normal contrails produced by normal commercial airliners?

If they are not commercial airliners then where have all the airliners gone? Or at the least, why do they no longer produce contrails?

These pictures were taken either by a) commerical airliners or b) drones the size and shape of commerical airliners following the routes commercial airliners should have been taking




Sometimes the simplest explanation is also the most likely one

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by trey85
Maybe something much more simpler. Any ideas?

you did ask the question. Maybe the answer is so simple, like they really are just con trails left by planes in different weather conditions at different altitudes. Looking at the reasons why anyone would spend the money it would take to send a plane up to spray an evil substance and not be quite sure where it would go due to changing wind conditions just seems a bit wrong. What if Dr. Evil sent the planes up to spray over Jersey and the winds changed and the bad juice went over his grandma's house in New England? That would make him a sad panda. If they wanted to really get to you, they would put it in the flu vaccine, or drinking water, or air sanitizers. At least that way someone whould know where it was ending up. Spraying a small stream at 35,000 feet just doesn't seem very efficient. And you know how the bad man likes efficency.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Chemtrails are there, and Good for you that you have seen it...
And I have seen it at early morning also, it was in late February, and I tried to take picture with my awesome 5mp cellphone but it was to dark, one Humongous trail, just ONE in the entire sky, right across the almost full moon !
Picture didnt pan out so
But grats, now search on what you can do about it.
I know 'some one here get lesser bonuses now' but who cares

The pilots I can imagine have been singled out as 'reliable' people that 'they' can trust keeping theyr mouths shut, and told that 'it most be done, it is in humanity's best intrest' , and they get some Xtra bonus and the pilot 'cant' say NO ! Just how I see how it would be done..

And if there are,and there are in imo planes under military/nato command for the sole purpose of spraying.. Just what would make sense..

Yester day, clear blue sky in the morning and one big Trail across the sky infront of the sun.Last night, fully overcast and RAIN, it still rains... Some powerfull contrails if they accumulate all day and rains down 10 hours later ...

I took pictures, I dont know if I even want to be bothered uploading them since they are just contrails...

And for the 'reason', there could be many, depends on what is true.
If it is true that there are unknown harmful bacteria in the upper stratosphere, this could be one way trying to kill this 'space virus', it could be for 'blocking out' the UV from the sun as it is not 'well' lately, it could be for 'obscuring the view' of space,could there be something out there we shouldnt see ??
As I sayd, it all depends on what is true, I do believe that all things are connect one way or the other.

Happy Easter you guys !!!...

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Yeah.... the governments of this world can't keep a simple burglary out of the media (Nixon and Watergate), or cover up an act of fallatio (Clinton and Lewinski), or plant reasonable evidence of Weapons of Mass Destruction following a highly publicised invasion.

But they have no problems covering up a massive, world wide conspiracy involving pretty much every country (since 'chemtrails' are seen and reported everywhere), thousands of aircraft (since 'chemtrails' are seen all the time), and what must be tens of thousands of supporting staff to service and maintain these aircraft.

Not to mention all the air traffic control and airline staff who simply must be in on it, since 'chemtrails' have been widely reported to come from civil airliners.

Ok then.

And no, I don't think aliens crashed at Roswell, or that the moon landings were faked either.

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by RichardPrice

And no, I don't think aliens crashed at Roswell, or that the moon landings were faked either.

well, your just no fun at all.

not even one little green guy at Roswell?

posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by RichardPrice

And no, I don't think aliens crashed at Roswell, or that the moon landings were faked either.

well, your just no fun at all.

not even one little green guy at Roswell?

There may be one little green guy, but only if they flew in an airsick midget during a thunderstorm.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Just curious, but how do you differentiate between chemtrails and normal contrails? Or are all contrails chemtrails?

I'm not buying it personally. I have too much experience in avaiation that points to contrails. Plus I've got a heavy dose of common sense, Occams Razor and all.....


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Wakeupcall
Just curious, but how do you differentiate between chemtrails and normal contrails? Or are all contrails chemtrails?

I'm not buying it personally. I have too much experience in avaiation that points to contrails. Plus I've got a heavy dose of common sense, Occams Razor and all.....


Well being your the one with avaiation experience you tell us. whats the difference? theres definely a visual one.You could be right but saying you have common sense proves NOTHING.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Wakeupcall

Well that's just it. What people claim to be chemtrails look, behave and form in exactly the same was as normal contrails. There is absoutely no difference whatsoever. They also only ever appear when atmospheric conditions are conducive to contrail formation.

It seems most likely that if chemtrail spraying does take place, we only see it on those days when normal contrails are also forming (probably for the same reasons) and that the aircraft involved fly similar paths to non-chemtrail aircraft. Making it virtually impossible to tell one from the other.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by network dude
What if Dr. Evil sent the planes up to spray over Jersey and the winds changed and the bad juice went over his grandma's house in New England? That would make him a sad panda.

This has to be one of the funniest, craziest, yet most simple explanations yet of why chemtrails just do not make sense. On any level.

I worked on a farm and had many opportunities to watch crop spraying lunatics cropdust fields of wheat and maize. These guys had to get really really low over the fields they were working, else the poison was dispersed and rendered useless.
Chemtrails at 35000 feet = so much dispersal that the effects would be rendered useless.

Unless they are brainwashing/dissolving you one molecule at a time. In which case the bad guys have more patience than we give them credit for.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by trey85

Originally posted by Wakeupcall
Just curious, but how do you differentiate between chemtrails and normal contrails? Or are all contrails chemtrails?

I'm not buying it personally. I have too much experience in avaiation that points to contrails. Plus I've got a heavy dose of common sense, Occams Razor and all.....


Well being your the one with avaiation experience you tell us. whats the difference? theres definely a visual one.You could be right but saying you have common sense proves NOTHING.

From my perspective, thats just it, I see no difference! I was asking people like you what the difference is. You say there is clearly a visual one. So you tell me what I am missing. What do I look for in a Chemtrail vs. normal everyday contrails?

I wouldn't say common sense proves nothing, so far it tells me that Chemtrails are nothing more than conjecture. Please convince me otherwise.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 12:25 PM
Can any one please enlighten me here? How do you spot a chemtrail? Who is doing them and for what purpose?

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 12:41 PM
The pilots are the main reason I can't take chemtrails seriously. There would have to be way too many of them staying way too quiet.

If the pilots are unaware of what's in their fuel, then there would have to be way too many people involved in the fuel's production staying quiet.

If the pilots are being brainwashed, then there would have to be way too many people involved in the brainwashing staying quiet.

It's human nature to want to spill a secret, and the bigger the secret is, the harder it is to keep.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Wakeupcall

Originally posted by trey85

Originally posted by Wakeupcall
Just curious, but how do you differentiate between chemtrails and normal contrails? Or are all contrails chemtrails?

I'm not buying it personally. I have too much experience in avaiation that points to contrails. Plus I've got a heavy dose of common sense, Occams Razor and all.....


Well being your the one with avaiation experience you tell us. whats the difference? theres definely a visual one.You could be right but saying you have common sense proves NOTHING.

From my perspective, thats just it, I see no difference! I was asking people like you what the difference is. You say there is clearly a visual one. So you tell me what I am missing. What do I look for in a Chemtrail vs. normal everyday contrails?

I wouldn't say common sense proves nothing, so far it tells me that Chemtrails are nothing more than conjecture. Please convince me otherwise.

I could careless about convincing you.What i meant by an appearent difference is that there is either a big trail or there isnt ,whatever it is.Iknow theres plenty against this thats not what im asking.What i want to know is those that believe this to be true to give there aspects about the pilots.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember

Originally posted by network dude
What if Dr. Evil sent the planes up to spray over Jersey and the winds changed and the bad juice went over his grandma's house in New England? That would make him a sad panda.

This has to be one of the funniest, craziest, yet most simple explanations yet of why chemtrails just do not make sense. On any level.

I worked on a farm and had many opportunities to watch crop spraying lunatics cropdust fields of wheat and maize. These guys had to get really really low over the fields they were working, else the poison was dispersed and rendered useless.
Chemtrails at 35000 feet = so much dispersal that the effects would be rendered useless.

Unless they are brainwashing/dissolving you one molecule at a time. In which case the bad guys have more patience than we give them credit for.

And if for some reason it is true this is the dumbest skeptic point of view there is.Like they would really care where it went as long as they affected many as possible .Or wait maybe there grandmaw lives down the street and it would affect her,yep your right my bad.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:17 PM
I'm 47 years old and have been a life long skywatcher. When a plane would fly overhead, it would leave a short trail of condensation that would disappear quickly. I still see them, they are up there and so are the other jets that leave the trails that are in all the above photos. Condensation dissapates quickly, chemicals don't.

This video is cheesy in the beginning, but hang in there. It is the best chemtrail video I've seen.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by hardamber]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by hardamber

That video is a load of hogwash.

the airplanes they show in still pics are either (equipped with atmospheric sensors...not sprayers, COLLECTORS) or (regular jetliners dumping fuel. Large passenger jets need to dump if they must return immediately after take-off in order to get down to landing weight).

The interior shots of the barrels??? Airplanes that are undergoing flight testing. The barrels DO hold a's known as di-hydrogen monoxide.....H2O. yes, water has been shown to be fatal, at times

The barrels pump water around to alter the Center of Gravity inflight for, as I've said....flight testing.

*edit*....I forgot, there was one compelling pic of the jet witht he big round ring at the tail? It sprays WATER so that they can test the effects of inflight icing on airplanes. Another airplane follows, gets sprayed, ices up, etc, etc, etc.

I remember one instance of chemspraying on people....when I lived in LA. It was to spray Malathion because of a mosquito outbreak. It was on the news for days. They told everyone....they did it on a calm was on the news....and most complaints by people was that it got their cars dirty!!!

[edit on 4/20/0909 by weedwhacker]

[edit on 4/20/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 08:08 PM
Wow, you actually convinced me. I changed my mind. What I'm seeing in the sky that lasts for hours is really condensation. Come to think of it, when I breathe in the winter, my frozen breath stays in the air for hours too. What was I thinking?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by hardamber

I've seen contrails that last minutes, and I've seen contrails that disappear at one end as the other end is forming. I live near one of the busiest airports, and under one of the busiest air routes in the US, as well has having all KINDS of military planes flying around me, and I have NEVER seen a single "chemtrail" or anything that looked any different than a normal contrail.

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