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Why Is America Standing Without Another Attack? No More 9/11s?

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posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Here we April 2009, 7 1/2 years after 9/11, and America has stood without another terrorist attack. I remember 9/11 vividly in my mind. Shortly before that horrible fateful day, I had visited New York, Liberty Island and even have pictures with the Twin Towers in the Background.

Since we have no absolute proof backing any one theory we are left to choose the most convincing sets of proofs, pointing to a conclusion. Which Theory do you most believe?

1. The Terrorists-Are-Dumb Theory

2. The Near-Enemy Theory

3. The Melting-Pot Theory

4. The Burden-Of-Success Theory

5. The Flypaper Theory

6. The He-Kept-Us-Safe Theory

7. The Electoral-Cycles Theory

8. The Time-Space Theory

9. The Other Than al Qaida Theory

Amid the many uncertainties loosed by the al-Qaida attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, one forecast seemed beyond doubt: Islamist terrorists would strike the United States again—and soon. "Ninety days at the most," said counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv. On Oct. 5, 2001, an unnamed senior intelligence official told Congress, in a private briefing, that there was a "100 percent" chance of another terrorist attack should the U.S. invade Afghanistan, as it did two days later. "An attack is predictable now whether we retaliate against Afghanistan or not," reasoned House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., agreed: "You can just about bet on it."

In a Feb. 4 interview with Politico, former Vice President Dick Cheney said there was "a high probability of such an attempt." He didn't say when.

long periods of quiet actually indicate elevated risk for sensitive areas." Berrebi and Lakdawalla are restating the familiar war-movie cliché in which two soldiers stand guard over a peaceful nighttime landscape. "It's quiet," says one. "Yeah," says the other. "Too quiet." Then the enemy emits a battle cry and the fighting begins.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:19 PM
Your quotes are just propaganda the government uses to keep the sheeple scared. Kinda like what terrorists do, keep people scared.

They know we're on to them and that we're watching them.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Which Theory do you most believe? Below a summation of 8 different

1. The Terrorists-Are-Dumb Theory

Al-Qaida's successful elimination of the Twin Towers, part of the Pentagon, four jetliners, and nearly 3,000 innocent lives makes the terror group seem, in hindsight, diabolically brilliant. But when you review how close the terrorists came to being exposed by U.S. intelligence, 9/11 doesn't look like an ingenious plan that succeeded because of shrewd planning. It looks like a stupid plan that succeeded through sheer dumb luck.

2. The Near-Enemy Theory

Max Abrahms argue that terrorists think about strategy either very poorly or not at all. If that's the case, then al-Qaida attacks the United States mostly because it's there. But if terrorists are strategic thinkers, then al-Qaida's immediate goal would logically be to start building that caliphate by fostering the creation of jihadist regimes in the lands once conquered by the Prophet Mohammed and his successors. Following this logic, the need to attack the United States would vary according to how tightly the United States kept a lid on jihadis in the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa.

3. The Melting-Pot Theory

Nearly 80 percent of its Afghanistan-based membership was killed in the U.S. invasion, according to journalist Lawrence Wright. Two-thirds of al-Qaida's leadership was captured or killed. The terror group's membership may now be down to as few as 200 or 300. Let's assume, as many believe, that this alone has made it very difficult for al-Qaida to stage a follow-up attack on the United States. Couldn't the job still be done by angry jihadis already living in the United States? Where are al-Qaida's sleeper cells?

4. The Burden-Of-Success Theory

According to this theory, the 9/11 attacks were so stunning a success that they left al-Qaida's leadership struggling to conceive and carry out an even more fearsome and destructive plan against the United States.

5. The Flypaper Theory

After the U.S. invasion, Iraq was suddenly teeming with terrorists loyal to al-Qaida. Granted, this was terrible news for the nascent government in Iraq and for the American military, both of which came under violent attack as they tried to impose order. But it allowed President Bush to say, in effect: See? I told you the war in Iraq was part of the war on terror! Thus was born the Flypaper Theory.

6. The He-Kept-Us-Safe Theory

In his Jan. 15 farewell address, President George W. Bush said that after 9/11, "most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9/11.

7. The Electoral-Cycles Theory

Writing in Slate two weeks before the presidential election, Benjamin argued that elections are "seam moments, the points of inflection in history, and the terrorists want to demonstrate that they are central players in determining outcomes.

8. The Time-Space Theory

On the small-bore tactical level, Berrebi says, terrorists are very rational. It's entirely possible, Lakdawalla explains, to pursue an irrational goal in a rational manner. Berrebi cites terrorists' tendency to use suicide bombers only when no other alternatives are available. In general, terrorists prefer poorly protected targets to well-protected ones. "When stuff becomes harder to hit," Lakdawalla says, "terrorist groups, like anyone else, tend to look for easier opportunities."


9. The Other than al Qaida Theory

A variety of conspiracy theories question the mainstream account of the September 11 attacks in the United States. These theories assert that the official report on the events is not sufficiently forthright, thorough or truthful. Many critics allege that individuals in the government of the United States knew of the impending attacks and intentionally failed to act on that knowledge.[1] Some critics state that the attacks could have been a false flag operation carried out by a private network of high-level officials in the U.S. Government. The common suspected motives were the use of the attacks as a pretext to justify overseas wars, to facilitate increased military spending, and to restrict domestic civil liberties.

[edit on 6-4-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Ok...good idea...I will add the Ninth theory...that 9/11 was perpetrated by some other power or organization; not al Qaida.

9. The Other than al Qaida Theory

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:37 PM
i was actually at the world trade center the day before it happened...and was right next to it when the first "plane" hit..

it was all a NWO set up, it was not a terrorist attack.. and mark my words another one will happen soon, there pushing there agenda stronger then ever now.. it's only a matter of time..

One more step to taking the sheeples power

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:39 PM
I personally say none of the above.

Do you have a Sit back and Watch theory?

Why would the terrorist risk attacking the US now when the US is already falling?

Despite all the money that has been spent on intelligence, military, and safeguards, we are still highly vulnerable to attacks. Yet, we continue to spend money like crazy to protect us from the next attack.

Going with the government version, all it took was 20 or so people to create mayhem. There is just no way we can protect ourselves from 20 people no matter how much we spend, but our government has yet to realize that.

I promise you that those caves are echoing with laughter as they watch our government spend foolishly, strip its citizens of more rights, and get scared each time the boogieman makes a video.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Ever hear the phrase, timing is everything? Thats the key! And probably will be an inside job. Gives them enough time and orchestrated positioning and time t make it look authentic. Just like a play or band preforming..this kind of performance jsut dosnt include rehersal, thats all.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Do you have a Sit back and Watch theory?

We could add that...if you would like...

That is an interesting angle...though how long are we to expect to wait...sometime no matter who it was there would be another...unless it is that 777 was the last designed scare to make the world blame al Qaida...and then they call it quits, and devise another form of "terror"?

[edit on 6-4-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by burntheships

I personally expect the next 9/11 to be from within.

What better way to do in the rest of the rights we have left.

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:11 PM
An extremist terror group could have easily instigated as much fear if not more with smaller operations- (were they really behind it).

Following the months of 9/11, imagine had they simply dispatched members of sleeper cells executing 10 simultaneous suicide bombings in urban shopping malls nationwide ? Definition of "terrorism" = success.

Way too many more to list, and uneccessary. I do however can contemplate the "Sit Back and Watch" theory, what's the rush ?? The U.S. is coming apart at the seams, why pour salt in an open wound, No "honor" in that.

Maybe with Hollywood's recent surge of Doomsday movies coming out, they're regrouping and taking notes. Maybe they are done. The biggest tube of "Prefer On" could'nt remove the scar left on this nation...signed truly (insert culprits here).

posted on Apr, 6 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by _DISAVOWED_

Wow that last sentence of true the scar that 9/11 left on the nation. And think of all of the "necessary legislation" that was put in place...such as the Patriot Act, and now the current administration wants to enact legislation with a National Cybersecurity give the govenment the powers to yadayadayada...we know...take away our freedom in the name of American Patiotic Herorism...gag

Really since 9/11 America has never been the same, and never will be.
It truely was a world changing event...

Maybe one 9/11 was enough to do what "they" needed? I can say for sure that I do not find evidence for theory six..."He kept us safe"...look at all of the freedoms that were taken away in the name of "protecting the country from terrorists"!

[edit on 6-4-2009 by burntheships]

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