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Are Ouija Boards Evil?

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posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
Have you ever played A Ouija Board?


Do you believe they are Evil?

No. I believe they are plastic and cardboard.

I have never personally played mainly due to my experience with others who have played. I have witnessed objects move, when asked, cold breezes in the room, etc.

Maybe just in your mind?

It would go so fast we needed a fourth person in the room to write down the letters. The hand piece was never touched. Their fingers were about ¼ inch above.

uhuh. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure that NOBODY was touching it? Not even a little bit?

Did it continue with everyone standing 5 ft away?

I don’t know if it uses human electricity to work, mind control or what. There was one particular entity we were most interested in. I wont say his name.

Years later we thought all this was behind us. Recently this guy showed up in our family free somehow. He is not a relative. I deleted him and would only find his name back on the program.

He said he gathered his strength from children. When I did a record search at the Cemetery I found that his wife had unburied her deceased twin girls and moved them in to one lot with this guy.

They were also surprised by this and said “how odd we don’t do that here” I do wonder if Evil spirits use electrical forces and such.

When I ordered his death certificate it jammed the fax machine at the Vital Statistic office so I had it re-routed to my attorneys fax.

I may be able to locate the cemetery record and attach it later, as well as the twins and his death certificate. I recently saw a glow in the dark Ouija Board for sale. I will never again have one in my home.

Neat ghost story.

I don’t personally believe in Ghosts but do however believe in Demons.

What is on the other side of these boards?

Whatever it's currently sitting on
Nothing more.

Some may say alien communication. I say Demonic powers. Does anyone have a similar experience with Ouija Boards?

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

I believe Parker Brothers is about the only company left that makes the Ouija board. Do you honestly think that the people that brought us monopoly and Ganip Ganop, sell a portal to the spirit world?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by jfj123

O.K I see you MAY be opposed to the idea that Ouija Boards work.

I don’t fall for hokas pokas either but Yes they did not touch the hand piece.

No it wouldn’t work from 5 feet away. By this time they were pro’s at the game.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by jfj123

O.K I see you MAY be opposed to the idea that Ouija Boards work.

I don’t fall for hokas pokas either but Yes they did not touch the hand piece.

No it wouldn’t work from 5 feet away. By this time they were pro’s at the game.

So you think the Parker Brothers makes a product that can create a connection between us and the spirit world?

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I know it sounds insane. I refuse to play one because of things I Witnessed . They do work with some people.

I dont believe in ghosts therfore it's either demons or my friends have telekinetic powers.

I have seen things move when asked. I also dont do drugs if you may be thinking I'm seeing things.

I'd tell you more but you dont believe in it.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
reply to post by jfj123

I know it sounds insane. I refuse to play one because of things I Witnessed . They do work with some people.

I dont believe in ghosts therfore it's either demons or my friends have telekinetic powers.

I have seen things move when asked. I also dont do drugs if you may be thinking I'm seeing things.

I'd tell you more but you dont believe in it.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

What I believe is that the Ouiji board is irrelevant to the situation. Like I said it's nothing but plastic and cardboard with some ink on the front.

What I would really be interested in, is to see your same friends get together and do the same thing without the board and see what happens. That would be seriously interesting.

Look I'm not saying you didn't see some weird things...I've seen a few weird things myself that YOU wouldn't believe.

My main point is that whatever happened, in my opinion, had nothing to do with a piece of cardboard with letters and numbers on it.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by jfj123]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 06:34 PM
I personally think that any contact is made by the users of the board and the board is simply a way for an entity to get its responses across. That said, I strongly believe that any dabbling with the Ouiji board is risky to say the least.

Here's what you must ask yourself. If a spirit on the other side is in a place as incredibly perfect as heaven, why on Earth would it want to make any reconnection with the painful world that we live in?

By the same token, why would an entity in a place as unbearable and torturous as Hell be allowed to speak to a person who is in a much better state and, by comparison, in a much more painless place?

By that logic, you can rule out the idea that what you're talking to is human.

Now, what about angels? They are meant to protect us, right? Well, why would your protector give you cryptic or eerie responses? Why would your protector decieve you by assuming the identity of a deceased human? Right there you can rule out angels.

So, what about something that would want to hurt you? An entity that would love to see you scared. An entity that would love to decieve you by assuming false identities and giving you bogus answers. I think you know what entities I speak of. I strongly believe that those entities are the ones you speak to with the help of the board. It goes without saying that those are the last entities you want in your life.

In other words, I highly recommend avoiding use of the board.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Slightly OT, but here is a site dedicated to the collecting of Ouija boards. The link is to the entrance of the gallery illustrating boards made from the 1860's to today.
Talking Boards Museum

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Ive got a wonderful idea. How about we be friends instead of argue all day about a peice of cardboard that talks.?

Sounds good to me. Are you up to it? I do love to argue though, at times.
Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Ouija (yes yes) is a nonsense game created by a toy manufacturer to produce the very results you all have been speaking of; namely, it was meant to give you the creeps. It is the home game version of a spooky movie. The creators knew that if the participants wanted it bad enough then the plagen would move and spell things out because the eager participants would olbligingly move the pointer all by themselves while pretending that they were not. The psychological insight that went into the creation of this board game was brilliant. To my mind its inspiration is at least as fine as the I Ching. Questions are asked. Answers are given and meaning is then assigned to them. The connection between all three events is, of course, your mind and your willingness to believe that you are being connected to something otherworldly. I have known people that consult the I Ching about what to serve for dinner. It can all get that rediculous. For the record, ghosts and demons do not talk to you thru the Ouija board. You talk to yourself. You come up with the stuff to give you the willies, just like any really good ghost story inspires you to do. Ouija is just another Jedi mind-trick, but it can be a dangerous toy if it is in the hands of those want to believe they are tapping into some otherworldly dimension. The manufacturer didn't count on the fact that some people would invariably take the mumbo-jumbo seriously.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by MEAT10AF

Yes I agree and Angels wouldnt go on there and tell lies or speak of what hell is like.

This is something my friends did while in their 20's. I just watched the weird stuff happen.

I was to scared to try. I'm not superstitious but have a very bad feeling about it. I could sense evil in the room at times. It wasnt my imagination. We all felt it.

We all knew it was bad. Not at first though. It answered questions. It was so facinating to talk with dead dudes.

Soon we realized we had contacted someone very bad. He was interesting because he told us what hell was like and why he was there. I guess we felt sorry for him. He asked us to pray for him.

We learned soon enough he was also a liar. I'm a Christian and knew it wouldnt affect me. That is another reason I wont touch one.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

I don't think an inanimate object can be inherently good or evil. Ouija boards are sold as Toys, its a board game more or less, however I've never used one simply because I'd rather take a scientific approach to ghosts/the paranormal (and would rather not end up contacting a hostile entity)...

So no I don't think they're evil and really have no idea whether or not they actually work to contact the dead (can't imagine a reason why a wooden board with letters on it would be work better than any other method for trying to talk to ghosts)...

But I do believe in the paranormal, since I've had my fair share of paranormal experiences.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by godless

I'm afraid I differ with your opinion. I never played only watched.

Their fingers never touched the hand piece. They were a bit above it. My friends are not telepathic, nor were we on drugs while watching this crazy stuff happen.

There are indeed Evil spirits out there and they will come in if allowed. Your name is Godless, correct. Do you believe in good and evil or is that considered hokas pokas too?

Just curious.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Good point! It's not the board that is evil, rather what may come through the game to the other side.

We lived in this old house, a few of us girls and it was a game. There were times we had company over and it simply refused to work.

I try and try not to believe in ghosts but this dude was real. He knew things we could never imagine.

He told us where to find money hidden in the wall and sure enough we found over a grand of cripy money. We took it to the bank all got full cash value.

He told us many things that were considered odd but did indeed happen. It said my brother would get hit by a car and one week later he ran out in to the street carrying a gallon of milk and got hit and drug under the car for one block.

He lived and had cosmetic surgery and no one would know it happened., except for a small scar on his forehead.

I dont believe in a coincidence. Wish I did
It sure sounds weird I agree. So what do you believe in. Do you think there are ghosts, of dead people or other entities?

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 08:45 PM
In my opinion, the board itself wields no power. It doesn't take a board for any evil entities to be in the same room as the people wielding the board.

I believe entities like to spell out their responses on a simple board because this makes it easier to disguise themselves. You'd probably know instantly that an entity is evil if it were to speak or manifest itself.

The board puts you at the entity's mercy. It can see and hear you. All you see is what it spells out. All you know is what it spells out.

In other words, board users are practically clueless about what they're speaking to and are easily subject to deception.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by MEAT10AF

Youre right evil and good entities don’t need ANY means to be in a room with us. Especially a board game.

I like your comment “In other words, board users are practically clueless about what they're speaking to and are easily subject to deception”.

Our experience was some truth and lots of lies and deception. We thoroughly investigated this guy, through old public records.

I’m assuming he was really a Demon using this guys name and identity. Not really sure? Maybe it was Johnson??

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:28 PM
Right now, I can post and say I'm practically any living person on the planet. An entity can not only act like it's any living person, but also has the power to act like any dead person.

Just as you can't see me and prove who I really am unless I allow it, you cannot see an entity for what it really is unless it lets you.

Using the Ouija board, just like using a message board often does, makes you blind not only to the identity of the thing you're speaking to, but also to its intentions.

The real danger is this: If a person on a message board wishes harm upon you, he/she is almost completely prevented from actually hurting you.

An entity, on the other hand, is already right next to you and has a massive advantage considering that it is so very powerful.

Using the board is an invitation to your worst nightmare. Does it always come? No. But if it does, it can do almost anything it wants until you kick it out or it decides to leave. By the time you force an evil entity out of your life, you can bet it will have already been changed forever.

The board is a gamble. Either nothing happens or something evil comes. It's a shame that so many out there use the thing like a toy until it's too late.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

I played with one a few years ago with two of my closest friends. We lit some candles and started to ask questions like is there someone here with us...the pointer went to yes...we asked if it was a male or female and it spelt out female... we asked it to spell its name and it started to spell my daughters name who had passed away 3 months before... My one friend had goosebumps all over her arms, and I became so nauseuas that I ran to the bathroom and puked.... while i was throwing up the candles went out and I never touched it again.... But whos to say it wasnt one of my friends messing with me?? cant trust anyone now a days... but nothing ever "followed" me, or anything like who knows... its probably just a game ment to scare the crap out of ya! LOL

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Graphic_View

WOW, Now that freaked me out. I didnt know Ouija Boards dated back to the 1800's.

What is more freaky is the board we had was this one in that museum called
William Fuld
Design on wood 1917

Did they continue this board through the early 90's? It's impossible that we had a board from 1917 but that is the same picture on the front.

I'm sending that link to my friends.

[edit on 5-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:44 PM
No, they are not evil. It is an inanimate object used to communicate with spiritual entities. It is no more evil than a telephone.

posted on Apr, 5 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by MEAT10AF

Yes,, you say "The board is a gamble. Either nothing happens or something evil comes" Very true!

You are right this entity refused to show himself saying “We would never be the same” if we saw him. After moving out of that house a neighbor said she was asked if that house was haunted. That she saw the image of a man in the doorway.

We lived there and never saw him. He said he couldn’t physically harm us, just make us cold, move things and blow a cold wind. This entity could have been lying about physical harm.

Our entity wasn’t hard to get rid of. He said “quit playing this is a dangerous game” and refused to get back on. He NEVER came back.

Others did but they weren’t to interesting. It took an terrible incident I mentioned in a previous post for us to move out.

Maybe he's not gone, as I mentioned in my earlier post he popped up in our family tree program. Some weird things happened after that, not man made!

Man I'm glad this is a conspiracy site. I cant tell others this stuff, except a chosen few. they would think I'm nuts! It's also not Halloween time.

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