posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:18 PM
Just got done watching Obama give his speech to the media at the g-20, and he told that one of the deals made was to give the Rothschild owned and
controlled IMF 1 trillion dollars to stimulate the "global" economy! So, once again, the House of Rothschild has gotten what it wanted, "OUR"
money! Here's the big picture now, the IMF loans the money to the USA to pay the social security checks to our retired and disabled people. If ya
don't believe me, look at a neighbors' or relatives check that doesn't get direct deposit, and right in the middle of the check is stamped "IMF"!
So, now, we're not only bailing out aig and others, we're loaning the sharks of Rothschilds money, to loan back to us, through their own banks they
own, at a pretty good interest rate. Are yuns getting the picture here now?