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The Citizens Right to Succeed From the State Act of 2009

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posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 07:14 PM
As Promised I have now finished and put the final touchs on a bill that I will be submitting to State of Virginia Senator Jim Webb and possibly Senator John Warner. I have never meet either one of these men but I know the legal system and I hope you enjoy what your going to read if you choose to do so.

All of these documents are in Word Perfact if you cannot download them I will ask ATS for permission to post the entire bill here.

First understand that if you are going to get involved in this get ready for a $h!T storm because any politician that reads this is going to have a hard time refuting it. There is a order in which you will need to present these documents if you choose to do so in your own state or city there in.

1. Simple Guidelines for anyone who has never tried to get a bill or agenda passed in there city or state.

Simple Guidelines

2. City Coversheet for a city council add the succeed bill to it.

City Coversheet add Succeed bill

3. State Coversheet for any State add the Succeed Bill to it.

State Coversheet add succeed Bill

4. The Citizens Right to Succeed from the State Act of 2009 total of 25 pages.

Citizens Right to Succeed Act 2009

Each one of these above links are Word Perfact Documents a total of size of a little over 100k for all 4. Most elected officials have 2 to 10 aids or personal to do there bidding I wrote all of these myself. I had no influence of any kind or any group tied to any lobby or firm.

Each of these above listed documents work and are well within the law's of the United States and all of these can be taken today to your city or state reprentatives to get this bill into law. It cant be struck down as there are clauses within the bill that makes no sunset and the bill itself cant be changed without my permission.

Thats all for now enjoy.


posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:37 PM
Not sure what the point is. To me, it seems like just running away to nowhere. The "Laws" of state government are mostly fraudulent. The book entitled "The State of Texas is a Liar". Is Texas focused, but likely the laws are pretty much the same conspiracy state by state. My point being that the tools are in our hands, fix the "Legal and Political" system by throwing out the so called false laws. Don't run away. Expose the corruptions. A thousand years ago knights would come to your house to take tribute ie tax you and you would resent it. Today, if you tell people they have no legal obligation to pay property tax or income tax they will tell you "but how will the state pay for roads" or "it's my patriotic duty". People buy into lies like drivers licenses, vehicle licenses, traffic tickets, car insurance, etc. and accept the bullying of states just the same as in the days of old. But now days they feel good about it and feel good mostly because of their vanity ie peer pressure, the fear of social disapproval, fear of going to jail or a false sense that it somehow is protecting them. They feel powerless on one hand and duty bound to support it on the other. It's called brainwashing. People need to be empowered with a sense of their spirit and it's independence from oppression and subjugation. Do you know most people living in apartments are often barred from voting in local elections? That's because only property owners can vote on local elections when there is a bond issue on the ballot related that would result in property tax. Most local elections there is always a bond issue on the ballot thus limited eligible voters. People need to research, expose and refuse to accept the vast number of fraudulent tributes being taken for the crown coffers.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by falcon

First off, I think the term your looking for is spelled SECEDE.

We'll hardly make an argument for a credible alternative to the standing government if we can't even spell out our intentions correctly, now will we?

And, despite any abhorence you might have for large corporations, if you are going to use their products it is just common courtesy to correctly spell the name of those products, ie.: Word Perfect

Not Perfact

[edit on 30-3-2009 by Bhadhidar]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
reply to post by falcon

First off, I think the term your looking for is spelled SECEDE.

We'll hardly make an argument for a credible alternative to the standing government if we can't even spell out our intentions correctly, now will we?

And, despite any abhorence you might have for large corporations, if you are going to use their products it is just common courtesy to correctly spell the name of those products, ie.: Word Perfect

Not Perfact

[edit on 30-3-2009 by Bhadhidar]

Agreed, If you tell them you want to "succeed" from the state you will get nothing more than confused looks and mabye a few muffled laughs.

You will CERTAINLY want to run spell check on your work before submitting it to anyone! You will not be taken very serious if they read that you want to "succeed". They will most likely, just wish you good look.

This is a valiant effort from the OP, but this is a situation when spelling and grammar really count for ALOT.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by gimme_some_truth]

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Everyone thats any of the older members of ats knows here I cant spell or do grammer very well thats wasnt the point of posting it here. People wanted a legal remedy for whats going on this bill minus some other touch ups I have to do it will stir the pot quite nicely.

Having and or taking no part in the system as a whole makes it impossible for any outside government to lay a claim of domain and or making someone or some group there subject. Thus that group that ops out cant be taxed this also applys to elected officials where as if a elected official or more then one wanted to ex patriot themselves from the system you would have to have new elections in the state there of.

Not to mention any federal laws that were passed without equal representation from the state with the absentee's the law or laws couldnt apply. This puts a stop to wasteful spending the more people that engage in it as well as any towns and cities that dont want to be part of the system.

And no matter how much this government spent of a whole state opted out of the system in this bill theres nothing this government could do but cut off there federal funds. Big deal any one can coin and print there own money in this case a opted out state not having any debt the moment the opted out would be debt free and be able to have a clean slate to work with.

By law all banks are required to cancel all debt after 7 years no matter what the debt has come to lots of banks wanted to cap that at 100,000 dollars this bill also brings down the borders of washington d.c. and legal loop holes that people in the system are using to money launder and guam, porto rico, exc exc.

If money cant be laundered off shore to funnel into banks overseas the stock marked as people know it and the people pulling the strings on this country and others have no where to run and can be arrested by the FBI. Thats one of the ways money laundering has been able to be gotten away with for almost 50 years threw these places.

This bill nullifys those borders not only that but even if someone ops out of the system and has money laundered if this bill pass's they can still be arrested for crimes they have committed in the past.

Yea I know the bill needs work but if you have been a long time member here you know I have a habit of bringing something to peoples attention here before something big is about to effect them.

As I said im not congress I dont have lobbiest firms or large amounts of money to work with I wrote this bill in less then 2 weeks.


posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You will CERTAINLY want to run spell check on your work before submitting it to anyone! You will not be taken very serious if they read that you want to "succeed". They will most likely, just wish you good look.

The problem is, spell check wouldn't pick up an error for 'succeed'.

OP: I suggest you post it here so we can help proofread it.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Well I hope you get your wish and are able succeed,

HERES to Secess

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You will CERTAINLY want to run spell check on your work before submitting it to anyone! You will not be taken very serious if they read that you want to "succeed". They will most likely, just wish you good look.

Should check your spelling as well.... just letting you know I think you meant "good luck." but I may be wrong.

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